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Video Interview with Leila Lambert: The Advocate Magazine

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!

Source: The Advocate


Anonymous said...

very good interview. thanks glitsylady . I tried to find The Advocate at three stores today and there were none. This weekend I am going to a mall that has both a B&N and a Borders so surely one of them will have it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have met Leila's parents, they raised her right. She reminds me of my daughters and their accepting attitude which I taught them and my mother taught me. She's right, it begins in the family. A poisonous parent (unfortunately they exist) can perpetuate generations of judgemental, bigoted, self righteous children. A good, loving,fair minded parent can raise generations of children to whom kindness is still a virtue.

Good job Leila!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

A beautifully eloquent interview. What amazing parents Adam has. Leila and Adam are doing incredible work for the LGBTQ community. And, Eber has always been supportive.
I hope that people everywhere wake up and accept and support people's sexuality. I would like to see it become a non-issue one day. How you are raised is so very important.

Anonymous said...

Both Adam and his mother are such good spirits. I wish that people were as understanding as them. I was always an outcast and I guess in away I still am. However Adam has brought the light that I can be whoever I want to be as long as I am true to myself.

Anonymous said...

Every chance I get, I talk about Adam's music and when they say he is gay..........I start with my soap box about equality and rights and most of the time they tell me I am right. I always ask them "how would you feel if you had been born gay, and not have the same rights as other citizens". Makes most of them do some thinking.

Adam will be working with Nile Rogers on the 21st. Good news. He has work with some amazing people for this album. I am ready to hear him sing.


Anonymous said...

I wish he's starts now for promoting ,all singers starting now, I know it's gone a be busy month but come on.

Anonymous said...

Don't care. Just give me new sinlge and new music video, Adam
Most of us know about your great supportive parents.
This is becoming very annoing

funbunn40 said...

Thanks for posting, Glitzylady! Leila is making a difference as is Adam. She and Eber did their job well. I've lived long enough to see prejudice in it's ugliest forms. I've cared for victims of the Holocast of World WarII seeing and hearing the results of the atrocities, beatings and deaths of black men too. A gay young man was stabbed 13 times in his own backyard just because he was gay. It's a miracle that he survived. These images are forever burned in my brain. These senseless deaths because of ignorance and prejudice has to stop. The bullying and resulting suicides are horrifying when we are living in a society of so called civilized people. It's incomprehensible that anyone could hate Adam or any other human being that they don't personally know just for being born gay. Leila and Adam being visible, so smart, engaging and non-threatening have had an impact. I have always had liberal views, but now I find myself being more vocal and stepping up, voting for equality, etc. because of them. Leila also gave a very eloquent acceptance speech when she and Adam were recently honored for their support of the GLBT community. Each one of us can and should try and make a difference,The first place to start is with children.

Anonymous said...

Same story, different publisher. Give us a break, Leila. Take care about Adam. He needs to work, occasionally between judging Drag Queens or Project Runway hopefull designers
I think mothers' support doesn't mean to agree with every step or choice of her child.

daydreamin said...

Anon 8:58, I truly hope you have hope as I hear your pain. You have a family here. Adam and Leila are truly inspirational. Eber and Neil have also been so supportive of Adam's lifestyle. I loved this interview!

P.A.S., speaking of Nile Rogers, I came across this article talking about him having surgery for aggressive prostate cancer but not sure when. There is a nice Adam mention too (He was also in New York for his book signing):

Adam has opened my mind in many ways and I owe that to his great parents.

@Funnbunn40 I can only imagine the things you've witnessed. I wore purple today to show my support of the anti-bullying campaign. I was sad that I didn't hardly see anyone wearing purple.

My parents never said much about gays etc, so I grew up without much of an opinion until Adam opened my eyes. I have raised my sons to be accepting, but am more outspoken about it with them and others too now. It takes a village...

Anonymous said...

thanks for your help posting this lovely interview Glitzylady.My chidren are quite young presently but Leila is an inspiration to me. please continue to post articles like this does take village.

daydreamin said...

Here is a video of Adam as judge last night!:

daydreamin said...

So this says Adam was an emergency last minute judge. Must have been in NY doing album work and got the call:

Written by: Bridgette P. LaVictoire on October 20, 2011.

Adam At The 2010 SAG Awards by Tomdog
Adam Lambert was not suppose to be showing up on Wednesday Night on anything, really, but there he was on So You Think You Can Drag, and he seems to have been right at home giving feedback. The former American Idol contestant is busy at work on his upcoming album, which is in the works right now, and just having finished up, as far as he we know, the finishing touches on the first single, but that does not stop him from lending a hand where he needs to.

The Examiner did report that there was some shock among the people there, and a few more were in awe of Adam where he was a kind judge to the contestants. He even quipped about doing his duties and giving out scores as the competition as it heated up.

What happened is that the original judge, Patina Miller got booked on The Wendy Williams Show at the last minute and the show needed a last minute guest hope.

Well, Adam, I guess if that music thing doesn’t pan out, you could always get a job as the nice judge in a reality competition show.

article found here:

daydreamin said...

Tweet fr @lisaharrington4: Just met the amazing nilerodgers!! "I"ll be working with adam lambert tomorrow"
chatting about @adamlambert with the one and only @nilerodgers

funbunn40 said...

@Daydreamin, I wore purple today too, but a Barney image came to mind! I didn't see anyone else wearing purple. I got my hair cut and went to Lowes. Maybe not that many knew about it, but I'm in the bible belt, so really I'm not surprised. I also discovered that many believe that Halloween is worshipping the devil going back to 13th century. I had never heard that before. For me Halloween has always been a day for kids to just dress up, have fun and be a kid.Not that deep for me.I may crawl up in the attic and get out the ghosts and Goblins. I didn't think I had the energy this year, but the spirits are moving me! Thanks for the great links, as usual!Wonder what Adam and Sauli will be doing for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Happy Spirit Day! Our Favorite Celeb Tweets Against LGBT Bullying

Lots of us are wearing purple today, supporting Spirit Day, which started last year in response to the horrifying spate of LGBT teen suicides linked to bullying. But even if the color didn’t fit in your wardrobe, the wonders of social networking have made it possible to turn your profile pic purple, and we think that counts too. Of course, as with any cause, some of our fave celebs are lending their 140 characters to the effort. Here are some of the best so far:

“Glaad Spirit Day! I support LBGT youth against bullies! Put up your forcefields and don’t let anyone take your energy!!” — Adam Lambert

“You all better be wearing your purple skinny jeans tom for #SpiritDay – I know I will @MTVact.” — Vinny Guadagnino

“Tink! …trying to figure out how to make my avi purple….hmnn…” — Jordan Knight

“Hey #LGBT youth! U are WORTHY & WONDERFUL, just the way u are! Be badass & strong! #SpiritDay” — Kathy Griffin

“I’m celebrating GLAAD Spirit Day tomorrow to put a stop to bullying. Check out my PSA & wear purple to show ur support!” — Sara Gilbert

“Join me 2show ur support 4 the LGBT community on #SpiritDay -Oct 20! Change ur profile pic 2 one w/fierce purple!” — Tyra Banks

“Wearing purple for #spiritday. The things that make us different from each other make us beautiful. Be kind to others.” — Dita Von Teese

A bunch of others (Jonathan Knight, DJ Pauly D, Ricky Martin) tweeted the same message — “End anti-LGBT bullying – wear purple & make your profile pic purple for #SpiritDay 10/20 at” — but we still want to give a shout out to them for doing it. Keep ‘em coming!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same story, different publisher. Give us a break, Leila. Take care about Adam. He needs to work, occasionally between judging Drag Queens or Project Runway hopefull designers
I think mothers' support doesn't mean to agree with every step or choice of her child.

Again what?

Anonymous said...

Good job Leila!

Anonymous said...

Mega Fan
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šħęłŋįčķ, Glampire #32, Glamberella #10, Adam's Angel #3, Glamrocker #16, Kingrusky stalker #7, California
United States
Friday, October 21, 2011 - 05:23
Re: Sauli

Sauli and his doll made the Finnish news. Maybe a Finnish fan can translate it. It is not a very long article.

Anonymous said...

Can some1 help me pls? I'm a new AL fan and I'm wondering if it is Adam singing in this Adam&Sauli fan video:

Anonymous said...

7:39, it's Pick You Up from FYE album. I think it's better song than Fever. I don't like Fever, because it sounds old fashioned or outdated, not fresh. OT. I've been thinking lately about Tommy's audition for the band. Who were the others that auditioned. I'm thinking if Adam knew Tommy from before.

Anonymous said...

@7:59 Thanks. It is AMAZING! Much better than Fever. Wonder why it hasn't become as popular as IIHY and WWFM?

Anonymous said...

And a song named Fever have been done many times. First Madonna, then Kylie. Gaga has been inspired by these two.

Anonymous said...

I love Feber, but Pick U Up is in a class of its own. It really shows Adam's vocal abilities. It soars and moves around and just inspires me. I wish he'd perform it live sometime. His dad has said it's one of his favorites, too.

glitzylady said...

Wow! Just saw this "outtakes" post from "The Advocate"..much more in depth than the print article. Lots of insight and info from Adam.. I haven't even had time to read it all myself yet. Here it is!

"Reinventing Adam Lambert, the Outtakes"

By Matthew Breen (@matbreen)

"In the complete interview, Adam Lambert describes his fashion influences, 1970s glam inspirations, his song “Outlaws of Love,” and what it’s like to be in the media spotlight."

Hoping admin will post as its own thread. Excellent..

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 6:20 AM

Here's the translation...

A look-alike doll made of Sauli Koskinen?! See and compare

Is this Sauli Koskinen – as a doll?!

Sauli Koskinen, the boyfriend of American pop singer Adam Lambert and the winner of Finnish Big Brother 2007, has been granted the questionable honor of having a doll modeled after him.

Steve Gray, a blogger from New Zealand, got hold of the doll and was showing it off in his blog.

The tattoos on the doll's chest are similar to Sauli's, but several tattoos are missing. The Sauli look-alike doll has different colored eyes. The left one is blue and the right is green. In reality, both of Sauli's eyes are of a grayish blue color.

Here's the link:

I laughed so hard when I saw the picture of the “look-alike” doll. It looks nothing like Sauli.


Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Thanks, I found the outtakes link very interesting and revealing. I really appreciate the links you and @ daydreamin and @ Eva find for us.....:) JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Elli

The doll looks more like Justin Timberlake!....:) JAK

glitzylady said...

Adam's in the studio today in NYC with Nile Rogers..This is what we have so the no actual "livestream"..

Pic of Adam..partly obscured..

@nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
Here's a live stream of pics from my session today at @AvatarStudios w @AdamLambert
10 minutes ago

@nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
PIC: sounding sick! my friend here is killing it..
14 minutes ago

@nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
PIC: Almost ready!
47 minutes ago

@nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
PIC: Jamming away at a new track..
1 hour ago

glitzylady said...

Hmmm...This blog format isn't allowing those Twitter links to post or open properly..will try to do it another way..

Anonymous said...

Glitylady Thanks for the link. Love to read the whole interview. That's what I like about adam, he's honest, not afrais to say what he thinks. He's so right about the female singers. So true. About Sauli, I think he really had helped adam through this journey.
He also have had good words for all of us, Adam love his fans.He's really sweet. Great person,big heart, the vest voice!!!
BTW Fever is an amazing song!!! I also like Pick up.Can wait for the new album!!!!


tess4ADAM said...

OT ... Guess What!! I was able to download the song BFM from Ytube & I LOVE it ... well ... why shouldn't I? It IS 'ADAM' after all ... and if they can 'bootleg' ADAM's music from him then why shouldn't I do the same to them? After all ... they aint gettin' a cent for it from me & I'll just add it to my CV collection of songs that I already have ... besides ... Ytube has a Wonderful collection of ADAM vids with CV ... really GREAT!! Can't wait to get them all for FREE from Ytube!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Well, Merry Christmas to us. Obama is bringing troops out of Iraq before end of year! Too late for my cousin who was blown to bits 5 years ago. A war based on bullsh**!

Adamluv said...

Anon 2:21 - hadnt heard that great news about our troops. Thanks! Very sorry about your cousin. IMO the last legitimate war was World War 2.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Germany earlier opposing US troops withdrawing from Iraq, a couple of years ago or something.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:00:

This site is EVERYTHING Adam. If you don't want to read EVERYTHING about Adam, then get the freak off of this wonderful site, and wait as impatiently, as you will, for his album. And try to work on that rude, selfish attitude.

Thank you! Have a good weekend!

kathybags said...

dear leila its so nice someone like you who had the love and support to accept your kids for who they are.I admire you for being there for Adam after the AMAS and i admire him for doing it.Iwork in human services and see people thrown away all the time well PEOPLE ARE NOT THASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ihave 2 boys and when your kids hurt we hurt whatever age they are!! thank you for being you.