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According to Sutan, Adam will be attending OUT 100 on Nov 17, 2011

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

OT, Great Queen fan video of EMA from when Adam and Brian walk on stage until they leave the stage:

Anonymous said...

OT but we really need VOTES @ AIOTM (also need voting on Flecking records "of the year"awards.Adam is in 5 categories..votes for all of his & the females also..takes very little time)thanks!!

Anonymous said...

have a good time guys, you are both very deserving of this honor.Stay safe.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 1:13 - thank you - thank you - thank you for the link. People, you must see it! You feel as if you are right there in the crowd. Great view of the audience and here you can really see how "into it" they are! And near the beginning when Adam turns his back to the crowd and you see those broad shoulders, I screamed "he looks as good going as he does coming". Sound not as good as some of the others but no complaint from this fan. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuv you're welcome! Maybe 24/7 should post that video. Fan videos sure give you a different perspective of the performance.

Anonymous said...

Now to NYC? Adam must be collecting the frequent flier miles Paula predicted. No matter how flaky she has seemed in the past, Paula has a true eye for talent. Hope things are going good for you Paula.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sutan - both so gorgeous! They both surpass most women in beauty, even models…and especially their eyes (and eye make up) are truly beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Oz loves Sutan.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.13
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! WOW!! I didn't know I've been in Belfast recently!! Holy Lord!! That's amazing how you can feel people's reaction to Adam's performance.It really feels you're there. Love when right after TSMGO everybody sout "WE want more"!! Really , really LOVE IT!! Guys, don't miss it!!


Anonymous said...

Back to NYC for OUT100 and After Party. Wonder if Sauli will go along this time. Or will it also be a working trip? Maybe more follow-up work with Nile?

glitzylady said...

Saw that video earlier today: it made me cry tears of pride and happiness for Adam, and made me feel as if I was in the audience...which is the best place to be!

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam wears and killer outfit for OUT. I want to see him at his maximum gorgeous-ness. Hair, eyes, I want it all. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I hope that Adam will look like that time when he wore vintage sunglasses with his blue hair and incredible dark blue suit. I see people using that pic all the time and it never gets old. He is always handsome, but on that pic, he's out of this world!

Anonymous said...

1:16 My sister and I officially stopped voting on the faxo poll yesterday as it is not a poll anymore as far as I am concerned.Thanks for the other tip though we will go there.

Anonymous said...

Out of topic.
Can anybody explain me the problem of lawsuit against Adam? What does Adam suppose to do now? Return his car and award he got as runner-up?:) Does AI have to file the complain?:):):)

Anonymous said...

6:03 who knows. I think AI could really care less about this whole matter.They are probably rubbing their hands together and saying he,he, he over the free publicity. That's what I would be doing.

funbunn40 said...

@ 1:13, Thankyou for this fantastic video. I felt like I was part of that adoring crowd! I wonder what they thought when they realized who was fronting for Queen. Adam obviously blew them away! Brian May was spectacular, as was Roger Taylor on drums. That's the type of band that Adam needs! He and Queen were magic! Love all of them! Still have goosebumps!

funbunn40 said...

Anyone know if the Out 100s will be televised? Guess we'll have to be on alert for the Fashion Police! haha Loved Adam's electric blue suit, but sure he'll surprise everyone with another spectacular look! Nice that he and Sutan can catch up.

Bing said...

I wonder what his fashion statement would be this time. It would be a blast if he'd wear his outfit in the mini Out clip!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:03 PM
This is what a lawyer familiar with this sort of thing has to say about this lawsuit: (***Complete article link at bottom of post)

I Read the Lawsuit and the Supporting Documents" by Kerry Kolsh

"Leave it to the media to jump on an unsubstantiated negative assertion instead of looking at the facts when it involves Adam Lambert. I did not join in the discussion until after I read the Complaint and supporting documents. As an attorney, practicing in the area of Entertainment Law, this type of litigation is familiar to me. Clearly the lawsuit gratuitously raises the issue about Adam Lambert's eligibility to have participated on American Idol in an attempt to gain media attention."

"Colwel Platinum Entertainment brought a lawsuit against Adam Lambert after Lambert attempted to shut down the sales of his incomplete 5-year-old demos that were being released and marketed as his new music. Colwel Platinum Entertainment raised the issue of Adam Lambert's eligibility on American Idol, even though it is not an issue that is relevant to Colwel Platinum Entertainment's lawsuit, proving what bottom feeders they are. This is a blatant attempt to disparage Adam Lambert's character."

"Re:Adam Lambert's American Idol Eligibility:"

"Adam Lambert was between 16 and 28 and DID NOT have a contract in place that would have prohibited him from participating on American Idol."

"The basis of the Colwel Platinum Entertainment lawsuit is two contracts. One was a Music Service Agreement between Adam Lambert and Welsford Music Productions, LLC, who was engaged as a producer for Wilshire Publishing Limited. The scope of Adam Lambert's activity was to record demos and masters for identified music. Lambert was to be paid $25 per hour for demos and $50 per hour for masters. The term of the contract was from February 12, 2008 and terminated on October 1, 2008. This contract was self-terminating and would not have disqualified Adam Lambert from participating on American Idol."

"The second agreement is a Co-Publishing Agreement also dated February 12, 2008. This agreement is between Wilshire Publishing Limited and Adam Lambert. This agreement identifies 13 songs that were the basis of this contract. They are:"

[ 13 songs listed..see full article for details..]

"No other songs could become part of this agreement unless Adam Lambert and the publisher agreed to include them. Adam Lambert did not have a contract for talent representation, for example, a talent agent or a manager, a music recording contract; an acting and/or modeling contract; a merchandising agreement; or, any other contractual arrangement that would prohibit him from entering into a management contract, recording contract, talent contract, acting contract and/or merchandising contract. Therefore Adam Lambert was not precluded form being a contestant on American Idol."

"The justification for Adam Lambert's action to remove the BFM album from sales at Amazon on October 11, 2011 was that on June 23, 2009 and again on July 8, 2009 both contracts were rescinded in writing. The legal consequence of rescinding a contract is that both parties are put in the position that they were in before the contract. That means that Wilshire Publishing Limited no longer owns any rights to Adam Lambert's pre Idol music. Their parent company, Colwel Platinum Entertainment, violated Adam Lambert's copyrighted material when they released the BFM album for sale."

"Colwel Platinum Entertainment asserts that the contracts were not "properly" rescinded......."

Anonymous said...

Thank you, glitzylady.
You know, I got the idea why any I hate Monty after all. Because he made the advertisment of this f.... CD on my facebook!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant "why I hate this d... Monty after all?"
anon 6:25PM

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:25 PM , 6:27 PM
To clarify, pretty sure it wasn't Monte who placed the ads on Facebook. (I've seen those too.) It is the Producers of BFM who are in charge of that, along with all other promotion, AND the lawsuit against Adam. Monte isn't a producer to my knowledge..and I've followed this whole situation very closely. But he IS a co-writer of the music with Adam. Colwel Platinum Entertainment and Welsford Music Productions are the promoters/producers.