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Adam and Sauli and many attended Katy Perry's Birthday Party Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 12, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 12, 2011

No pictures yet but here are some of the conversations from Twitter between Adam, MARKUS MOLINARI, and JUST JARED.

And here is a photo of Sauli from last night...


Anonymous said...

wow Sauli looking pretty sexay there. I wish I understood twitter, who gave the lap dance? Happy Birthday Katy. I wonder if her hubby was there, I really enjoy his acting.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Super Sexy. Since Sauli is the Indian maybe Adam was the Cowboy?!Or the Head Chief.....
How great they were invited to Katy's party. I think Russel Brand is a hoot, I would love to meet him.
What was I doing last night? Boohoo not partying with Katie, Russell, Sauli and Adam and some other outrageously wonderful people!!!

Lizard Eyes

LP said...

I don't understand, why do you think he looks disgusting? I think he looks georgous. A beautiful young man.

Anonymous said...

@LP I agree with you. I want a pic of Adam too!

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks great. It was a costume party. Everyone was dressed up as cowboys, indians, etc. It was Katies party. Other pictures were out on Adamtopia of some of the other people there. No pic of Adam yet.

Anonymous said...

ok, someone please cough up the picture of Adam!!!

Adamluv said...

Katy Perry is performing at a free concert for her fans at the Staples Center in LA on Nov. 23rd. Very kind of her. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks really great, I reckon Adam was an Indian to, judging by what he tweeted Katy Perry the other day.

Arta Arias said...

guys, don't u think Adam's performance with Queen didn't get enough buzz?! esp in the US?
I mean "enough buzz comparing to the outstanding performance he had"?
Does this mean his surprise factor has gone away? I'm asking this, because as super fans and Glamberts we are all content with him and his image. But don't you think for a wider range of fans "to recognize his unbelievable talent" he needs a recreation in a sense? Not moving away from his true self but something further than a new look and something newer than a new record? I don't know, maybe I'm just too obsessed with seeing him "up there" as a living legend...

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear to much about the EMA's in the US about anyone. There was a pretty good buzz in Europe. I wasn't expecting a ticker tape parade though. Adam has to be himself. He is always evolving.

Anonymous said...

a living legend is in the eyes of the beholder.

daydreamin said...

I was not happy when my local paper mentioned the Ema's and the Queen performance with not a mention of Adam but only "the old guys"!! WTF??
Do they have eyes? Like how about the guy fronting the band thank you!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:14 Molinari gave the lap dance.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted beforehand to Katy Perry that he is going to dress up as a native but we have NO pictures.

Anonymous said...

Don't shoot me but I think Sauli (his face) looks not unlike Katri in this photo, and that is definitely NOT a criticism. Katri is an attractive, vivacious lass. :)

Bing said...

That's a very interesting costume Sauli, hope you had a blast in her party. I am eagerly waiting to see Adam's outfit.

After almost a week i'm still reeling from Adam's brilliant performance at the EMAs, completely overwhelmed with this massive and extremely important exposure that one could only dream of. For me to be recognized by the World's Greatest Rock Band this way is far more meaningful than any award that is given left and right now to many less talented artists. Again, my deepest gratitude to Queen for giving Adam that rare opportunity.

This homage to Queen is historical and will forever be remembered as one of the finest moments in the world of entertainment.

Adam you were certainly in your best element that night and as a dedicated fan, i will forever be grateful for your magnificent interpretations of
Queen's songs. Moreover, thank you for showing us the best way to pay tribute, making sure that the focus will be entirely on Queen and never on you. What a class act.

I thought that it was no longer possible to love you more, but things like this makes it easy for me to do so. You have a wonderful way of making me feel better than good. You are indeed a gifted human being who will continue to set examples on professionalism, humility, benevolence and integrity. Thank you Adam for being who you really are. Please never ever change. And i'm deeply honored to be your fan.

I need to stop here because you will never hear the end of this. With Adam Mitchel Lambert, words will never be enough to describe how he made a difference in my life.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that Adam has enhanced Sauli's life in so many ways. Love is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli's costume is great...wish I could go to costume parties...looks like fun...and Adam likes Halloween 365 days a year...

Anonymous said...

I love Sauli's eyes and lips and cheekbones etc. Lovely young man and lovely outfit. I hope we'll see Adam's outfit someday too. Nice to see that moderator is working. This is Adam's fan site (I suppose) and all insulting and mean comments about his near ones are stupid. There has been such negativity many times. And there will always be when it's something about Sauli with whom Adam just said has "settled down".

Bing said...

@Arta Arias - i do understand your concerns but from the get go, Adam is an acquired taste. Furthermore it will always be an uphill battle for him specially in the US because of a lot of biases against him. What is important for me now is the extensive exposure that he got from the EMAs which will hopefully translate into new followers. Respectable and creative people in the music industry worldwide are collaborating with him and that speaks volumes. All Adam has to do is to come up with more catchy tunes like PUU if his focus now is pop songs. Then people will get more interested in him and later on enjoy his many other types of music. The key to the success of Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry etc and even Justin Bieber is their catchy songs which appeal to the masses that is why they are so popular. PUU is a classic example of a catchy tune that should have been also released as a single.

Don't get me wrong because i love all the songs in FYE and if they were just given enough airplay on the radio the way those DJs did with the songs of the most popular singers in the US now, it would have been a different story.

As i've said before i'm comforted with the fact that Adam is building a strong foundation for his career.

There may not be a buzz but with that Queen collaboration, i'm certain that many are now discovering the enormous talent of Adam Mitchel Lambert. In fact, so many articles have been written about his spectacular take on Queen's songs.

Let us just enjoy the bumpy ride @Arta Arias :D

Anonymous said...

OT MTV repeats the EMA's at 3pm London time, today. I don't know if it's only in Europe or also in the US, MTV US web side doesn't say a word. Thouse who can tune it ENJOY!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the M&M's tonight folks.

Anonymous said...

Bing and others, you are so correct about the pop tunes and Adam not getting the attention he deserves in this country. Maybe those here who are on facebook could post the EMA and some of the write ups and comments on their facebook pages. Then Adam would certainly get more exposure.

Anonymous said...

did AL do the tommyhawk chop? he had his hand on that tommyhawk.

Anonymous said...

First, Sauli is a doll in his outfit. Hope to see Adam's soon. Second, the EMAs didn't get much US coverage at all, not even for Gaga, Bieber, etc. Third, it's still considered uncool in many circles to like Adam. He knows this. He knows he gets the eye-roll. It would help if some of the respected, WELL-KNOWN writers, producers and celebs he has worked with came out and helped promote him. It would give him more credibility. If someone you like and respect likes some other singer, you will more likely give that singer a try. In the end, though, Adam has to keep building step by step. Even some of the most successful singers and bands weren't top stars right off the bat. The EMAs were a huge boost for him. Any promo ideas we have talked about on the fan sites you can be sure Adam and his people have thought about a hundred times over. The Glamily is growing, slow but strong.

esther macha said...

this is very ,very petty of me, but did you see the pictures of lady gaga on just jared? She has on same colors adam wore ,fingerless gloves and it looks like blue suede on her shoes. Is it just me or....

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the Glam One in spurs.

Anonymous said...

it is either HOW or HOWDY

Anonymous said...

Rhinestone cowboy maybe? throw some glitter on it!

Mwah!! K said...

Gosh ! After watching Adam's EMA's performance with Queen so many times , I just can't get over how amazing this performance was!
I'm not sure what it takes to understand & appreciate Adam's voice & music but I do know that we , Adams Glamberts, we are are a very special breed of people. We are passionate, open minded , accept people for who they are, we are , as I have always said, MAGICAL! These are rare qualities . Adam & us , we are special, we can hear, see, feel magic that nobody else can . Just remember that fellow Glamberts! Light & love to you all!
Now back to Adam & Queen ya'll ! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

i even tweeted showbiz tonight and said how about mentioning EMA queen performance with adam Lambert instead of everything K.K and all the trival stuff they mention about people I've never even heard of. Lots of online articles but no mention of this anywhere on T.V.??? It is frustrating but it gave adam great exposure, so all is good.

Anonymous said...

where is the picture of Adam?

Anonymous said...


This is a riot about a whole wedding party dancing to adam's If I had you when they were walking down the isle before they got married!

Anonymous said...

9:22 that video is a riot, I wish someone could get it up here. I haven't the foggiest how to do it. thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is hot ! Well I hope they enjoyed Katy's b-day party !

Anonymous said...

YUCK he looks like a turkey on crack. I hope some cute boy gave Adam a lap dance.

Anonymous said...

As a straight female, I couldn't call Sauli hot, because, to me, he has very feminine and delicate features - almost as much so as Bill Kaulitz. To much like a female. Adam must love that look. Whatever makes him happy is what matters, I guess.

LP said...

I was thinking that the pic of Sauli was taken by Adam at their home, before the party. Which means they have the right to put on facebook or whatever. Other pics might have to be previewed by Katy or her team. She had another concert for her fans Saturday evening. Might be why we are only seeing Sauli, who btw looks great, and I don't see him as feminine, I have seen Adam with some feminine mannerisms. I don't care, they are two beautiful young men.Just to be funny I thought that Sauli might go as Adams Squaw. LOL

The Dark Side said...

Hope to find at least one picture of Adam, and maybe Katy and Russell in costume. Sounds like a fun party. Happy Birthday Katy!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam will have a "celebrity" type birthday party for his 30th. His first b-day party after Idol had celebs at it. Then he had a private party for his next one. He knows lots of celebs who love him, and this will be a milestone year (30), so maybe he'll do more of a bash. Adam likes to be with his private friends, too, so we'll see. If his single hits in early January (pray, pray, pray) then a birthday bash would be very appropriate so he can really celebrate!!!!!

Carlos said...

Hasn't anyone noticed Perry's birthday was almost 3 weeks ago?

Anonymous said...

I wonder why his single keeps getting delayed? It may never get a realease date.

Anonymous said...

if Adam wants a man that looks feminine, he needs to get a hold of the real thing!!! he won't be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

A Glam chief and a glam squaw. heee hawww

Anonymous said...

Carlos I think her birthdate is October 25th maybe she was on tour or something.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if admin could work on getting the other overbearing troll off here?

Anonymous said...

Gotta love these two beautiful men (although pic of Adam is STILL missing, ggrrrrh!!) --- Luckily loving them is SOOOO easy!!!

@Bing - Love and more than agree with both of your posts!!
Can’t stop watching the EMA Queen vid - feel so immensely proud listening & watching him…And I’m forever grateful that I happened to open my TV that night during AI season 8, when Adam sang Satisfaction…cause I have been literally in aww ever since… Don’t even know how to express my thoughts after reading your eloquent and loving words about the ubertalented Mr Lambert…so, please, can I just borrow your words and save them for a rainy day???

GGD Gal, my smile still stays on…

Anonymous said...

anon 2:03 is that you you're talking about?

Anonymous said...

trolls outing other trolls.

funbunn40 said...

@ Bing, Beautiful, eloquent words describing what so many of us feel towards our BB! You said it so beautifully! Sauli looks every inch Adam's warrior. Love the colors and he's a handsome guy! He and Adam love to dress up. They have so much in common and seem to share so many good times. Glad Adam has him in his life to share so many happy times.

Adamluv1000 said...

I think Sauli looks hot! Perfect for our bb - cute, slightly feminine, blonde, blue eyes, tan, athletic, shorter than him, nice build, very flexible haha, understanding, likes to dress up, perfect sense of humor, and very independent and able to handle the press and rumors about Adam. What more could he possibly ask for? Seems like a match made in Heaven!

shayna said...

get all of them together and you have an AMAZING combo!!!!! lol! all 3 of them is a very Tasty combo!!! bon apetite!

Arta Arias said...

@ , @ and all others:

Dear all,
Thank you so much for comforting a fellow Glambert with ur reasonable and interesting words. I really appreciate it...

You're completely right. When talking about Adam and his music career we have to always focus on some key and essential features.

Voice, Genuine, Talent and Creativity. Which all other characteristics of his persona are, in my opinion, extracted from these qualities which u guys beautifully described and enlightened me of in your posts.

So thank you again and many wishes of success to THE MAN himself.

@Bing > Very interesting what u stated about Adam's music. It's definitely what I expected him to do in the very first place. I think there are two types of hits.

First the ones that are simply hits because they sell good. Second, the ones that are hits because they have a lasting effect and the people can communicate with them in terms of emotions, everyday life and memories. Now composing a catchy song is possible in both of the two fields. I think this second album somehow solidifies Adam's image as an artist who wants to go in the 'high selling artist' direction with back to back album releases and constant appearances in different shows and simultaneously chart invading songs, like Gaga, Rihanna or Bieber. Or as an artist who wants to go in the 'musically respected artist' direction with deeply connecting songs reflecting his own experiences in life which aren't necessarily best selling hits but are instead engraved in people's hearts and minds forever because of their message, meaning or the high level of energy that they transfer, like Adele, Coldplay or even his own idols Freddie and David Bowie!

Of course none have any privileges over the other, it's just a matter of taste.

However in the first case u have to be flexible enough for the crowd to mold you and your music or in the second case be in such level of confidence as a result of a mass acceptance that you'd rather play for yourself than playing what you don't believe in.

I know that the majority of the Glamberts like the Adam who fits in the second category and THAT'S EXACTLY MY POINT. To see Adam right there, he has to somehow manage to turn this second album and all of its followings into a piece of statement, a piece of art. Not just a music album; because Adam is not 'JUST AN ARTIST' with 'JUST A VOICE'. He's THE artist with THE voice.

I think all the things that I've said should be considered as theories and assumptions for now, not as pressure and expectation. All these can be talked about and judged on after he releases his album and chooses his own path, which we already got a taste of it with 'Outlaws of Love' and I personally am very happy about it...

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert thinks all the hype around his love life is strange and he wants he followers to get their own love lives and quit making assumptions about his.

shayna said...

NO ASSUMPTIONS!!! Let his love life be. Like me i don't like when people stick their noses in my business!!! As delicious as he is..let's leave him be. you know what they say about assumptions...they make an ass out of you and me. tee hee

Anonymous said...

that would be assume...

make an ass
out of u
and me

shayna said...

ya i know... but saying assume just didn't...make sense to me i guess lol!!!!>_< but ya'll got the point...i think?

Bing said...

@Arta Arias - i enjoyed reading your insightful post. I absolutely agree that ADAM IS THE ARTIST AND THE VOICE!

But there are many in the music industry who are simply too arrogant to acknowledge that. Adam has set the bar too high for them and being the complete package, he has practically shaken the status quo in the music world. Just like what he did with AI, after S8 the next ones were no longer as interesting at all. One reason that i've observed is that the contestants lack Adam's passion as a performance artist. It's been a while since i have seen a stellar performance that has the wow factor to get me interested to say the least. But i guess it'll always be to each his own.

That is also one of the reasons why those envious of his undeniable talent are invariably waiting for him to err so that they could highlight his shortcomings instead of recognizing THE ARTIST WITH THE VOICE. They are more interested in looking for reasons to put him down instead of celebrating the treasure that the music world has found.

The creative community got all excited with Adam's exceptional skills that many have signified their desire for a collaboration. That is how promising our Diamond Boy is. With the combination of perfect materials to match his mesmerizing voice and an effective marketing strategy, it will just be a matter of time before Adam reaches the pedestal where he belongs. And when he does, he will be staying there for a long time. I believe in everything that Mr. Kearns said in his awesome article.

I failed to include you when i mentioned seeing a lot of new tags here Arta Arias. Just want you to know that it's always a pleasure to see that our 24/7 Glamily is growing each day. Please forgive my senior moments teehee.

Again thanks for your discerning post Arta Arias! See you around :D

Bing said...


@Anon at 5:47AM, @GGD Gal and @funbunn40 - i can't deny the fact that up to now i'm still ecstatic with his EMAs. I haven't stopped watching the videos and reading the marvelous reviews whenever i can that's why i couldn't get over it yet. Gosh i'm just so proud of our Diamond Boy and of being a committed Glambert. He is now reaping the recognition that has long eluded him. Adam must be elated with all the nod that he is getting now from people who matter in the music world! And his heart must be smiling with the snowball effect of this global exposure that he so richly deserves.

Thanks for the shout outs guys and i'm simply glad that i'm able to do this flailing galore teehee!

Love thru Adam,

Arta Arias said...

@Bing >

Completely agree with you on that; very nicely put. I'm especially with you on the "passion" part.

Thanks for all your insights and compliments. ;)