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Adam and Sauli at OUT100 Party

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 17, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 17, 2011


Anonymous said...

They look so happy! Sauli looks fantastic! This suit looks perfect on him.
Girls, try this link!!!!Big suprise!

Anonymous said...

Adam is definitely wearing his 'medges' again - makes Sauli look soooo short. They both look great tho and so happy. Lovin' Adam's hair growing back!

Anonymous said...

Adam showing off Sauli, so glad Sauli got to go and meet everyone.Both looking so good.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:39 PM

I watched the link...I'll say a surprise! Big!

The guys look great at the OUT far as I can tell. It's 1:00 am here and my eyes are blurring, I'll call it quits for the night and take a fresh look at them in a few hours with rested eyes.


Anonymous said...

9:39 I went to your link and enjoyed the article, not the comments so much, but what the hay I just ignored them.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sauli may be letting his beard grow out. He has more than a 5 o'clock shadow in this pic. Guess Adam always changing his look has given Sauli some ideas - good for him! Never a dull moment -

glitzylady said...

VERY cute and funny Adam picture, and VERY large..I posted it as a twitpic and when you click on "view full size" it darn near is! (Should be full size here).

Anonymous said...

Sauli's got nothing but time to tag along to parties and events. Not like he has his own life or a real job or anything.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of the 100 were able to attend? Maybe A&S got to talk to Kathy Griffin again, would love to see some pics of Raja too. I got a digital copy of OUT100 ON Zenio.

Anonymous said...

Sauli going to slot of red carpets because of Adam, that's fun.
Can he be on Adams new single music video by any chance, that's be nice.

Anonymous said...

Another picture of Adam and Sauli, again the "View Full Size" version..To see it smaller, go to upper left corner and click on "Back To Photo Page".

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sauli's hair is growing on the sides too, it actually looks like hair, and not shiney. They both look great, and so happy. I am glad that Sauli's job lets him be available for these events, or else it wouldn't make sense for them to be partners. Adam would still be alone a lot, thats not what he wanted.

glitzylady said...

Ooops! the picture above at 11:01 PM is from me! Forgot to attach my "name"! Got excited... ; )

Anonymous said...

@10:41 Sauli has his own life, real job and everything, includind Adam. You, on the oher hand, should really get a life of your own.
@10:31 Sauli has been changing his looks (hairstyles) more than Adam since 2007. He has had a blond hair, brown hair, dark hair,silver hair, curly hair, long hair, no hair at all etc. He has also said that he has had electric-blue hair and even dreadlocks. And if I remember right he has that beard look a year ago when they met. :)

Anonymous said...

You both look fabulous!
Sauli ja Adam olette upeita!

Love from Finland : )

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:41 PM
Just a reminder: Sauli didn't "tag along" to Ireland last week..And it seems to me he has his own friends and "life" here in the US. Just thought I'd mention that..He and Adam are in love and they make each other happy. Beyond that, its none of our business what Sauli does in his day to day life, or what Adam does in his private life beyond what he wants to share with us. Sauli is Adam's partner and of course he's going to attend functions with Adam. That's how things work, in my world anyway..Just happy they are there for each other. Beautiful couple...

Anonymous said...

What the heck are the cray morons thinking again. It would have been odd, if Adam had left his partner home, especially from the OUT gala. It would have made their relationship look unequal.

maaret said...

I just wish Sauli wouldn't wear make up. He looks so much better without.

glitzylady said...

One more picture of Sauli and Adam, along with Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Modern Family) (who I love!) and his partner Justin Mikita.

Anonymous said...

Both Adam & Sauli are wearing a lot of makeup. Fine on Adam but it doesn't suit Sauli. He looks best with his face au natural.

Anonymous said...

Sauli didn't wear makeup before, so it takes time to get used to seeing him with makeup. With the stubble he should have none or very little makeup on.

Anonymous said...

OT ... I heard If I Had You in an Aged Care home today! :D

Anonymous said...

It's the eye makeup on Sauli that I don't like. He has lovely eyes that don't need eye makeup.

Anonymous said...

@1:42 AM - YAY!!

A beard - yes, if it suits the wearer. Stubble - no, it looks scruffy.

Anonymous said...

Boys look so beautiful!! Green suit is fantastic on Sauli (is it Adam´s old suit??) and Adam is radiant as always.

@10.41 I´m also a bit worried that Sauli will eventually get bored. He is young and talented guy and it would be great if he found something to do in the States. Something he feels strongly about,perhaps something to do with fashion??

but on the other hand I+m a bit tired of this "Sauli is doing nothing and just living at Adam´s expence" -whining. There are thousands of families with only one breadwinner and I don´t think people would pay any attention to it if this was a heterosexual couple and the other half was a woman. So I think this basically a bit homophopic and based on stereotypes: a man should have a career and DO SOMETHING while it is completely ok for a woman just be a muse or housewife.

(And I of course I know Sauli is not just a muse but also has his blog and Tutkas to do. I don´t know what kind of deal he has, but many times bloggers get paid by clicks - so remember to visit his blog :))

Anonymous said...

Adam is full of happiness indeed!!!!

Just keep your heads up my dear....

Love yah!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Stubble seem to be no problem for Adam. Drake had it and Cheeks had it. Brad also had sideburns. I don't like sideburns, but stubble is ok.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for those large pix,ladies!!See on the largest pic of can plainly see where the shortest hair has been touched up w/black color,(or almost black,anyway)even where the hair was shaved on each side of his forehead,is plain to see also..ADAM PLEASE keep that hair!!Sauli is ok,but that's up to him..Yep,Adam has his Medges on..I don't mind them,really..VOTE,PLEASE for the AIOTM & FOR THE FLECKING "OF THE YR" AWARDS.URL for AIOTM is under the last thread of Adam on the black carpet w/o Sauli.THANKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

anon@9:39 . .thanks . .our bad boy . .don't want to bring this up but I watched the whole show and Adam was right in line with some of the other singers....and sorry Adam is the only act I remember from that night...ICONIC.

shayna said...

WOW!!!! Sauli looks AMAZING in a suit... They look so compatible together. I love it!!! I wish I could look that good in suit next to Adam >_<

Anonymous said...

Why are fans, who say they are Tommy's fans, upset about these pictures, because Tommy isn't and the same fans support Adam's ex boyfriends/friends such as Cheeks, Jeffree Star, Cassidy Haley, Fureyy etc. and would also like to see Adam dating Andrej Pejic. I'm beginning to think they are not Tommy's fans at all.

shayna said...

SO has anyone notice how GREAT Adam and Sauli look together EVEN when they have makeup on...? Just wondering;)

Anonymous said...

4:56 They look good. It goes without saying. Just that Sauli may be more comfortable with less clothing.

shayna said...

LOL!!!!Very true!Then again,we are constantly seeing Adam's tasty looking skin EVERYWHERE tee hee. No complaints here. I don't think any body is complaining;)

Anonymous said...

A beautiful couple and Adam looks so happy. That's what it is all about!To find true love in life especially when a person is in the spotlight I am sure is difficult. Adam deserves so mush happiness both in his career and also in his personal life!!!Oh yes Adam's hair is back!!!

HK fan said...

Adam looks absolutely perfect at this do, Sauli looks pretty gorgeous too. They are such a stunning couple, just melt when I see a picture of them together.

Unfortunately Glitzylady, neither of those photo links seemed to work for me.

shayna said...

lol! I've found love...not in the spotlight but I know how Adam feels. me and my girlfriend are completely compatible in every way...Other than the fact that we're both girls...LOL!!!! But point is...You're very much right. I'm happy so Adam must be happy. As long as Adam is happy... I think we can all be happy no matter how jealous we are of Sauli.LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

It's so ridiculous when some ppl think that Sauli is with Adam because of money and fame.

A couple of weeks ago the Finnish media published a list of the richest ppl in Finland. Sauli's father is one of them. Maybe wealthier than Adam (at the moment at least).

Sauli was already before Adam very beloved in Finland and had enough fame too. So there's no reason to speculate anything else than TRUE LOVE!

Anonymous said...

What's Sauli's Dad's money got to do with it? All you need is love!

Anonymous said...

On Adamtopia there are some links to an interview with Brian May and he praises Adam highly. Can someone bring these links over here or even better post the videos. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

@5:48 thanks pal, a Finn too I guess. So fine and cherished comments here in finnish websites also.. TRUE LOVE - have a nice weekend all of you : )

Anonymous said...

Well I don´t think Sauli´s dad is one of richest people in Finland but he is very prosperous indeed. I found out that his annual income was 337 000 USD (while an average Finnish male gets around 60 000 USD/ year) His construction enterprise RA-SK ( makes about 10 million dollars annually. No wonder that Sauli finds his dad as an idol, because he is truly a self-made man. So Sauli has absolutely no need to be a sponge.

Anonymous said...

At the end of "Some like it hot" the man said: Nobody's perfect!! so sure...Adam looks amazing, gorgeous, hot!!Love the hair. How can Sauli keep his hands out of it?, well or out of Adam!!Lol.Perfect jacket.I would love to see Adam's closed,like mine....almost all in black! ha ha!


Cheril said...

So glad that Adam is getting recognition for his hard work and how he is a great representative of the gay community.

He and Sauli look so happy.

shayna said...

They are perfect for eachother!!! I love it!!! LOL! I hope they stay together for a looong time.

Anonymous said...

Just a great looking couple. Hope they will be happy forever. Glad that Adam has mended the problem with the Out Editor. That wasn't a good time for Adam, and the editor commentary created tension. But, they are okay now. Hopefully now, he can go on with concentration on his music and the focus on sexuality secondary. He is a great role model for ALL people. He is still the most masculine gay man ever.

Anonymous said...

I REALLY don't get why some posters continuously harp on Sauli. From all I have heard and read about him and from the numerous videos on YT from his time on BB in Finland, Sauli appears to be a very sweet, kind, caring individual who is dearly loved by everyone who knows him personally. He is also gorgeous. He has stated publicly that he LOVES Adam, Adam definitely LOVES him and both have said that they are VERY happy together.

Sauli apparently comes from a well to do, close family (including a twin sister) who loves him very much and totally supports him. The video of Sauli and his father when he won BB is very touching and shows how very loved Sauli is. Sauli had a great media career blossoming in Finland where he is universally loved, his own place in Helsinki and a large circle of friends ... and then he met Adam and gave it all up to move to the US for a chance at true love.

I'm sure the transition could not have been easy for Sauli but he always appears happy and smiling and very much in love. He obviously provides Adam with the unconditional love and support he needs while Adam pursues his dream. Adam in turn has said several times that his relationship with Sauli grounds him.

Two very well brought up, intelligent, kind, caring, fun loving yet emotionally mature young men enjoying a beautiful life together, which obviously makes both them and all their close family and friends happy. Who are any of us to question or criticize their compatibility, motivations, decisions or lifestyle choices?

Anonymous said...

I never for a moment thought that Sauli didn't have a paying job here and didn't have his own money. I believe he gets paid for what he writes and contributes to whoever he works for in Finland. I can't imaging that he has to ask Adam for pocket money, for Pete's sake. Sauli has a career separate from Adam, and is an independent grown-up. They do things together because they are a loving couple. AND THEY ARE GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam's suit close up, from what I can see it is beautiful but would love to see the detail.

Anonymous said...

You were talking only about the salary he is lifting from his company. He had remarkable investment incomes too.

I don't think it was a good idea to put info of Sauli's fathers company here. I wish it would be deleted. There are so crazy people out there.

Anonymous said...

8:09am, very well said. People seem to have a hard time to understand that it may not be an easy decision to leave your entire LIFE behind and just jump into unknown. That's what Sauli did. And based on some of his blog entries and other comments I have seen, it's not all roses (I'm also Finnish and can understand the undertones of his writing). He seems to miss his family and friends in Finland. I can totally relate, since I did something very, very similar myself, and after several years I still continue to miss parts of my "previous life". Even if it's great to live in the US.

Anonymous said...

From Finland also:
anon November 18, 2011 5:48 AM: how low you have to go, before you understand anything? I´m terribly ashamed of your writing!!
and you: November 18, 2011 6:22 AM : I have to ask the same question: how low you have to go, before you understand anything? I´m terribly ashamed of your writing!!

For both of you: Get a Life of your own!! You both crossed the line!

Anonymous said...

Adam dated jeffrey star the drag queen? Why not just date a wooooman Adam. He likes the looks of a woman. Petite, pretty.
Dag a hole's a hole, just do it.

A woman can wear a strap on for kicks. Kindy is always fun.

Cassidy is pretty, Cheeks so pretty, all the pretty guy/girls

Who is Fureyy?

Anonymous said...

troll you are starting to cross the line again.

Anonymous said...

Why in the f do so many fans, I think they are fans, relish on Sauli and how he isnt good enough for Adam? Excuse me, its no ones' bees wax whom Adam sleeps with, eats with, baths with, travels with, and loves.
The only concern anyone of us should have is his happiness and well being. Keeping his music high on the charts, etc.
Leave Sauli alone.
If Adam were to date a girl, Lord help them, with all the crazy jealous biotches on this site, she'd be hung before the baby arrived.

Anonymous said...


Sorry if I hurt your feelings but taxes and incomes are public information in Finland. All you have to do is google Sauli+s dads name and you end up to Iltalehti pages or to his company pages where their revenue figures are also published. Sauli´s dad has also been in the press because of his other actions, not only because of his son. And his identity then, HS interviewed Sauli´s dad months ago and published his name. So what´s the problem?

And besides, I think this is good thing to know if you think how many people there are writing that Sauli is just a penniless gold digger. Well, he obviously is not. He does not need to be. I personally have never questioned their love, but it you read twitter and comments in some celebrity news pages, they are full of that shit that Sauli is only using Adam because of money and fame.

Anonymous said...

Sauli will move on and then we'll be here for Adam. This is still very new to him, over here in this land. Adam has to be very comforting to him. Thats what I'm afraid of and it will probably come to this. But they'll enjoy what they have now.

The Dark Side said...

My pick for power couple of the year is Adam and Sauli. Both beautiful and talented people.

Anonymous said...

Can't open the link to the AMA top five performances. DAMN. Any other way to get this?

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:09am,
You said exactly what I have been thinking...and put it much more elequently than I probably could have.

Anonymous said...

TJR is missing. he should take him along as a designated driver.

Anonymous said...

Poor Tommy can't appear with Adam anymore because of Tommy's fans. I've profiled Tommy's (and Monte's) fans and unfortunately they seem to be undercover homophobes. :/

Anonymous said...

I'm not blaming Tommy, I still like him. It was good that he socialized with the fans on tour when Adam was too busy. The fans perhaps misunderstood it, or used Tommy trying to get access to Adam. That's why they want the Adommy to continue.

funbunn40 said...

Well said, 8:09AM. I think the majority on this site totally agree with your every word. I think there are only one or two that just try to push buttons and get a response. They could care less about Adam or Sauli, just are after attention. I also appreciate the Finnish fans that are knowlegeable setting things straight about Sauli and his background, not that it's any of our business anyway. Bottom line is Adam and Sauli are happy and in love. They are a dedicated couple for as long as they are happy. It's their life and nasty, baseless suppositions about Sauli are insulting and most importantly incorrect. Imagine leaving your family, friends and way of life, going to a strange country, not hearing your familiar language and having to deal with cruel comments from anonymous trolls that personally know nothing about you. He and Adam just try to live their lives without offending or hurting anyone. You have to be pretty small and petty to attack really nice, decent men that found love and happiness. Maybe that's the problem. Envy of those that may have something that's lacking in their own lives and the inability to feel happiness for others. Reality check... Adam and Tommy never were romantically involved or will be. They are friends, nothing more. Getting tiresome

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli might be coming to Finland soon. Adam's greeting to his Finnish fans
He actually speaks Finnish quite well, not a lot but hyvä Adam :)