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Adam Lambert: AMA Trust Me Now

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 20, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, November 20, 2011

Shirley Halperin is a Music Editor of The Hollywood Reporter.


Anonymous said...

An intelligent person learns from their mistakes...Adam is intelligent and witty and divine.
Good Job Adam! Next year they will beg you to perform!


Anonymous said...

I got a good laugh when I read that tweet. OT, but how do you go from the white background to the darker one. I like the darker one better but can't figure out how to do it. thanks ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Mistakes, none! Moving on in a positive Adam way seeking new horizons....for sure!

Anonymous said...

Bravo Adam!! You know the right thing to do/say at the right time. :)

Carlos said...

I wonder if this was sort of a test for them to Adam. They know there's a possibility he might be performing next year so maybe they wanted to be completely sure Adam is safe for ABC.

Of course we all know Adam's more than capable of behaving himself and we know how ABC doesn't mind if the indecency comes from female artists.

Even Billboard reported about the cheering:
"And Adam Lambert's return to the AMAs stage -- the first since his controversial performance in 2009 -- was greeted with some of the night's biggest applause as he introduced OneRepublic.

"Wow, has it really been two years?" Lambert said."

Lorraine said...

Adam was a shining star on that stage tonight; he just left it far too soon......

Anonymous said...

No more hanky-panky with the bassist. :)

Anonymous said...

Tonight AMA was okay with JLo grinding her booty against Pitbull private part wearing mesh sequin see through bodysuit. She did it before 10PM. I guess we won't hear any complaint from parents to FCCA.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I don't think most of the people remember or even know what happenend two years ago. Only the fans and ABC remember what happened.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 To get back to the dark background just click onto the orange letters at the top left and it will take you back. But, you can only leave a comment on the white background.

gas fires uk said...

True fans never forget about the stars they love. They are hungry enough to grab information about them and I am sure not to forget them.

Anonymous said...

that Billboard mention is awesome, damn, really really great!

Anonymous said...

and as I read on another blog, maybe here :), can't remember anymore I've been surfing this topic so much, lol... anyway, I read: wearing that suit = evil genius... yep, of the very best kind. Love that man.

Anonymous said...

So, Adam at EMA's gets 8 mint. of amazing , unforgetable performance and people go crazy about him. Then at AMA's he gets 1 mint. on stage, no performance but also a great response of the audience, cheering and a big applause.Can't imagine what would it be if he had sung!! I loved the ironic Adam's suit/Sauli's tie touch, as always Adam's good sense of humor shows up!!


Anonymous said...

Well, these are my final thoughts on Adam Lambert. Well, it’s not about Adam, it’s about his fans in general. First, let me say that I’m truly happy for him and the appearances and attention that he’s been getting lately. He deserves much more. But still, the truth is I still wouldn’t hear anything about Adam if I didn’t actively seek out the information on the internet. I check his twitter every now and then, post occasionally at the FYE forum on Amazon, and here. I started off as a super obsessed fan two years ago. I would seek out info on him on a daily basis. I would even think about him during my day. When things didn’t go Adam’s way, it would actually affect my moods that day. I have to admit, it was unhealthy. I think that I was focusing so much on him because quite frankly, I was bored with my life at the time. My family found it amusing that I seemed truly obsessed with a 28 year old gay guy.
Thankfully, I’m no longer obsessed. And here is one of the reasons. I began to notice that as obsessed as I was, there were other fans that were more obsessed. I began to read their comments and replies to people who did not think Adam hung the moon as they obviously did. Some of the comments were very disturbing. Some of the comments sounded as if they were coming from a place of cult-like worship. Some of the comments were very threatening even. One person(who used to post on the FYE forum at Amazon before she was banned!) even used threatening ethnic slurs to someone who disagreed with here about Adam. I’ve even noticed the threatening, nasty tone of some people that post here. It got so bad, I actually began to root for the posters who were not Adam fans! I almost stopped being a fan. But I started thinking about it, and I decided that I wasn’t going to let their insane behavior stop me from enjoying a talented singer like Adam. That is why, as of right now, I’m done visiting Amazon and sites like this. The comments are ridiculous. I certainly hope that some of you are not letting an Adam obsession try to fill voids in your lives. Some of the comments sound like it. I’m excited for the new album and wish him all the success in the world with it. And I sincerely hope that when the single comes out that you guys are not going to harass radio and tv stations whom you feel are not giving him the kind of hero worship that you do. You may do much more harm than good. I want to continue to be a fan, so goodbye.

Anonymous said...

@November 21, 2011 6:35 AM: I would venture to guess that Adam would say Good for You and that yes, some fans are too invested and they need to be out living their best lives. I hope you don't get bashed here, I'm sort of feeling what your saying. Do enjoy what Mr. Lambert is bringing to the table, but absolutely, we should all be enjoying him in a healthy way and using him as a muse in our personal searches for living our own best lives. I don't know the guy, but I bet he would want that for us, I believe he has spoken to that exact issue before. However, I think your comment might make some people feel badly about themselves, that's not good either. I hope that doesn't happen. The blogosphere is a weird place, we shouldn't let what some anonymous person says affect our day at all!

Anonymous said...

Anon @6:48, thank you for your reply. No, it is not my intention to make anyone feel bad about themselves. And if I had read my own post a year ago, it probably would have made me feel bad about myself, but I also would have recognized a problem. But that was me. I'm not saying that everyone or anyone here has a problem. I would have no way of knowing. I'm only judging from SOME of the comments.
And I certainly don't want anyone to stop being a fan. As a matter of fact, I think he deserves to have many more fans. It's just that I have actually witnessed some obsessive comments actually drive or almost drive potential fans away.

The Dark Side said...

Adam seemed to get one of the best receptions of the night. I am a happy fan.

Anonymous said...

6:35, I understand completely. I am a devoted, enthusiastic fan from Day One. I follow Adam each day, vote on polls, etc., and I'm up on all the news. BUT, I have a family and many friends. I do lots of things unrelated to Adam. I read a lot and do many other things outside my home. My love for Adam is part of my life, but I DO have a life! I don't intend to give him up anytime soon. There is room in my life for him and everthing else. I don't bash anyone online, or email radio stations with bad comments. I'm staying sane with it all, as difficult as that can be sometimes. I was over the top after the EMAs, but I recovered!