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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen: One Year Anniversary

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 5, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 05, 2011

So sweet!

And here is Sauli's reply:


Anonymous said...

Awee so sweet.

they truly deserve each other, congrads on making it a year

Anonymous said...

man did that year go fast. congrats to our two guys, you deserve much happiness.

Anonymous said...

A Whole Lotta Love.........JAK

Rita said...

So sweet!! I am so happy for Adam and Sauli!!

glitzylady said...

And Sauli answers:

@saulikoskinen1 saulikoskinen
Happy Anniversary Adam!! I love u! :)

Anonymous said...

This is so frikkin' awesome, I crying from pure joy.

Lizard Eyes

LP said...

So nice to see they are so much in love, and so open about it. OT. sort of, I haven't heard anything about Adam's family being there, wouldn't be surprised to see them in the audience.

Anonymous said...

Their tweets really make my heart soar with happiness. To my knowledge, no other famous gay couple has communicated so openly with each other on public social media. They have courage, that's for sure, and they obviously feel secure and comfortable with their relationship. BTW, I'm just think ing about the frenzy we will be all be in when Adam returns from the EMAs to the US. What a perfect time to release his new single--when we're all in a flutter about that already. That single is gonna soar like a rocket.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Good job, Blog Administrator. Keep it up! We ALL appreciate your efforts of removing the nasty comments from the trolls. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

So lovely. Can't stop smiling.

Anonymous said...

True love will prevail no matter what....

I'm so happy for you Adam.....


A long and lasting love...........The classic song that never forgotten....


daydreamin said...

Here is the link to MTV EMA's facebook where they say they will post a live feed tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I love these two guys, and am so happy they are in love. Can't wait for later today to see the ema's. Miss seeing and hearing Adam. I hope EU will give Adam a chance in that market.


lorraine said...

Congratulations to the two of you. Your love makes me smile and I'm so happy you have found each other.

Anonymous said...

Are the Finns awake yet? I'm anxious to see their reaction to the tweets. I'm wide awake and feeling SOOOOOOOOOO good!


Anonymous said...

What a lovely sunday morning to wake up here in Finland and read those romantic Tweets! I quess some Finnish magazines get again some fuel to make news from the Tweets. I just smile and wait for the show from Belfast this evening.

And can this be true? That the blog administrator really finally deletes the, I can imagine nasty and insulting, posts. Good for you!!! I stopped coming here b/c all the negativity when the news concerned Sauli, so I'm really surprised if this works. I can visit here more often then. Let's see.

Mary said...

This melts my heart!

Bing said...

To the sweetest and the most fabulous couple that i've ever followed in my whole life, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Hope that you will both continue to nourish your wonderful relationship to make it healthier and stronger.

These two gentle souls deserve success and happiness in life.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for them. They deserve it !

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam and Sauli..smiles and tears for happy

Anonymous said...

Two extremely beautiful guys!
..and thankyou as well moderator for removing total gunk comments.
Clearly these people have not had the pleasure of meeting Adam because negative, ignorant, how low can you go comments would NEVER be posted! Adam is pure class!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy. Congratulations Adam and Sauli.

Marta from Barcelona

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for them and thankful that they tweeted and shared this with us. :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:08 PM
I too am glad I didn't have to see any negative, nasty comments here. There is no room for that today or any day. Adam and Sauli are such a beautiful and loving couple and they deserve nothing but respect and support from Adam's fans. I am so happy they were able to meet and that their love has grown so big that they feel they can share it with the world. And that so many are able to rejoice in it with them.

Such a truly special day today in Adam's life on so many levels. He must be pinching himself, wondering if it is all really true. He's found his True Love and he is singing with the ultimate legendary Pock Band in front of millions all over the world. No doubt his heart is very, very full indeed!

Anonymous said...

Two absolutely beautiful and sweet couple.

Anonymous said...

I repeat in my lenguage (catalan). Soc molt feliç. Moltes felicitats Adam i Sauli

Eva said...

Imagine if Adam sang this tonight. Then we all would be in a pool of Abdul.


HK fan said...

Been out all day, just came back to these tweets, so sweet, they just made me melt. They are truly a beautiful couple.

Anonymous said...

Eva, you are right on top of things. That would be so great!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Administrator, for removing nasty comments. On this most perfect of days, we don't need to listen to the trolls.

Now - the other most important thing. I never paid attention to the time of the EMAs because I couldn't get it on my TV. Now it says at the EMA facebook that it will be streaming LIVE! But I have no idea what time of day that would be in St. Louis, MO. Can anybody help me?


Urethra_Franklin said...

ow THATs HOT!!

I seriously wanna be a fly on that bedroom wall. But im a pervert...

Glitzylady said...

John Kearns latest tweet today::

Big buzz about @adamlambert he's gonna seriously impress the planet today! #MTVEMA


glitzylady said...

OOPS!! in my post @ 2:51 AM I REALLY meant to say ROCK band...sheesh...

Anonymous said...


One year ago I was in Helsinki watching IN AWWW and LOOSING my GNT VIRGINITY, LOL --- little did I know that THAT NIGHT was THE NIGHT Adam met Sauli…

Happy Anniversary - take care and cherish your happiness!


ADAM YOU TRULY ROCK THIS WORLD IN SO MANY WAYS --- plus you’ve shaken my whole being and I’m forever grateful for that!!!

GGD Gal, all choked up and in HAPPY tears

PS. I’m so far behind in all the news and happenings, have been without Internet over a month… Just hoping all you lovely regulars and 24/7 Paradise are OK!!! Trying to catch up as quick as I can…. Phewwww!!

Anonymous said...

I'll like to share my new fan video for Adam & Sauli 1st year Anniversary 2011 togerther I'm so happy for them both :DDD Thank you *_*

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eva . . perfect song for our boys . .

Anonymous said...

DDD@5:09am video won't come up

Anonymous said...

Good morning to all beautiful people!!!!! It's 8:29 am here in Toronto.......

Adam will be in charge tonight and I'm so thrilled and happy for all of us.:))))

I'll read all your posts after the show guys!!!! Let's enjoy the tonight.


Anonymous said...

I meant enjoy tonight!! Oops sorry about my grammar indeed.


Fan4fun said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY my sweetest couple! All my good thoughts are today for your beautiful love and for your complete happiness in all your many, many, many moments together!

Bing said...


@GGD Gal - finally! Sooooo great to have you back \o/\o/\o/ I'm not really sure because i don't have time to check it anymore but i'll try to catch the EMAs at MTVAsia in another 6 1/2 hours. That would be around 5:00am in Manila on Nov. 7. With my excitement i don't even know how to put myself to sleep. Anyway i missed you so badly GGD Gal and i'm just soooo glad to hear from you again. And i hope that all the rest who are MIA will be back soon :D
Before i forget, it also gives me much joy to see a lot of new tags here. Welcome to 24/7 guys!

And to the 24/7 Administrator i couldn't thank you enough for removing the obnoxious posts which do not belong here in our wonderful site. My deepest gratitude for your action.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

oh my god, i cannot breathe<3 I'm so happy for them<3

Anonymous said...


How are you sweetheart, and the greatest cat Icon? I haven't been here as much, and am so happy that Admin is deleting the hate comments. Just maybe this site will be fun again, because I miss it so much.
Thanks Admin.

Bing said...


OMG @Fan4fun you are also back! This is HAPPINESS GALORE for me. Great to from you Fan4fun. Hope that you are recovering well. Light and love to you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed welcome back, Fan4fun. We have missed your posts. Hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

the ex of Adam Lambert is now married to a woman. I think his name is Drake? the world works in weird ways.

Anonymous said...

From GNT..."love ". . you probably won't find it in a dark seedy bar . .there's a chance...but the chances are slim . . . . not if you are AFL . .dark bar but don't know if it was seedy....

blu said...

WOW Glaminty Family coming together to watch our BB tonight...reminds me of going to school to watch my kid in a play...

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:37 - laughed at your post! Don't think the bar is 'seedy', it's supposedly one of the hot spots there. But it WAS a bar and that's where Adam found his true love. Who knew???!!! SO happy for them both!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Adam learned his lesson and behaves tonight!

Anonymous said...

Drake is married to a woman????? How do you know?

Urethra_Franklin said...

Drake is NOT married to anyone. CHILLAX people. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

Please ..let's not bring up the AMA.s.......BTW . . what other AMA's does anyone remember? this is it...not responding to any other negative posts today.

My heart is full knowing Adam will help in honoring one of his favorite singers.....and I will hear that fabulous voice..I'm so friggin HAPPY!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you've posted this tweet:

David Hasselhoff
@DavidHasselhoff David Hasselhoff
Wow just met legend Brian May from queen! Get ready for a new cool lead singer he said! Big surprise going down tonight

Urethra_Franklin said...

Im excited for this performance but i do not want him to front Queen as a permanent thing. I want him to do HIS thing.

Anonymous said...

Cute that they didn't just direct tweet but actually shared this with all of us. :)

Anonymous said...

he claims some chick is his wifey on his fb.

LP said...

Queen has a tour this summer, If Adam has a chance at being the lead singer, and he wants it, I say go for it. Who knows this might be the final tour for Queen, they have been at this for 40 years. May be why Adam's album has been bumped up to 2012. He will always be true to himself, don't worry. Here we go speculating again.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't sleep last night at all in anticipation of watching our BB on the EMAs! With all this excitement I can't concentrate on RL LOL!

Adam is such a special human being it's remarkable. He's about to have one of the most important moments of his professional life and in the midst of all the excitement, preparations,rehearsals etc. he doesn't forget to let his loved one know how he loves him. Adam is so sweet and loving and it seems Sauli is too. I'm so happy for themO both. Thank you Sauli for taking care of our BB. He is so precious to us. Have a wonderful time at the EMAs!.


Urethra_Franklin said...

Do you know how many gays refer to me as their wife?

It doesn't mean anything...

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go look on his facebook.
BTW Urethra, you get around don't ya?
Oh, and even though I'm not a member of this Adam Lambert cult thing you guys got going here, it's about time he got the attention he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I'm so exited to HEAR and SEE Adam on TV! I actually can't believe it's happening! Now the entire world will know what we all know - Adam Lambert - King of the World!
P.S.Congrats to Adam and Sauli on their Anniversary!
Counting the minutes!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I swear I just saw a HUGE MULITCOLORED RAINBOW glistening in the sky. So happy for Adam and Sauli. Congratulations to both of you : )

Anonymous said...

I love these two boys!! Soooo happy for Adam with everything going on in his life right now, he IS in love and the EMA/Queen buzz... "My heart is full"

BTW Well done admin. for not allowing negativity

Anonymous said...

@Bing - Hey there You lovely lady, THANK YOU so much for your kind words, I’ve missed you too!
It’s been TOTAL AGONY not being able to read Adam news - and comments from you and the ”rest of the gang” !!! Hope to be able to be here more in the near future! And hoping you get some sleep…and we’ll ”talk” soon!


GGD Gal, wondering why it is so HOT in here!!!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 6:11AM -
How are you??? How is Icon??? Been thinking about you both lots of times!!!
I haven’t had the time to read the news and comments yet, so I don’t know have you also been away from 24/7 Paradise??? Sending you and Icon lots of love & hoping to hear from you two soon!

GGD Gal (your bitchy auntie, Icon!)

Anonymous said...

Drake and the wifey are hot together.

daydreamin said...

Hey @Fan4fun and @GGD Gal-I hoped we would hear from you in all this excitement! I hope you two will start posting regularly again PLEASE! We miss you!

Anonymous said...
