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Adam Lambert: Just Tune In To See!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 02, 2011


LP said...

"and more" could be Sauli, ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I bet he is so going to be part of a tribute to Queen, since they are receiving a Global Icon Award! Can't wait, so exciting!!! :)

Anonymous said...

As a guest, it's not Adam's place to give out details of the event. The show itself, decides what to make public and when. We know what we need to know for now.
"Just Tune In To See!"

Anonymous said...

Although singing with Queen would be great, I hope that's not all Adam will be doing. Guess I'm just a glutton for Adam!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Queen are receiving a Global Icon Award!!!! I have to check my twitter!!!
Freddie became Ultimate Rock God just three years ago! And now they are getting Award which they deserve more than anybody else!

Adamluv said...

To have Adam front for a group like Queen that's receiving an award for being ICONIC would be a hugh recognition to the world about Adams talent! I sooooooooo hope this is it! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have my dvr set!! Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:57PM Did you say "dvr set"?
What channel you'r gonna watch?
Are you from England?
Does anybody live heard about Freddie's honor concert they are gonna have in West Hollywood ar November 9th?
Wish I live in LA and can get the ticket even it would cost $1,000

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant "did anybody hear about this concert?"

Anonymous said...

Is this show the EMA going to be on MTV here in the states since it is coming from Belfast, Ireland? Not much about the details here. I don't think Adam would introduce his new single there; it should be here at home where we can see and hear it first. If Adam does sing with Queen, that would be amaaaazing as we all know from AI and his performance then. I suppose we will have to watch whatever Adam does on You Tube or some other blog site such as this one. It is November and he did say that his first single from the new album might be released around this time. The anticipation and excitement are building for all of us Adam Lambert fans and his appearance on the EMA show might just be the beginning of a very spectacular year to come.

Anonymous said...

Just Tune in To See...where, when, how? We will not be able to see the show live here in the USA, will we? Can anyone provide any information about the EMA show and when it will be seen?

Anonymous said...

He is probably unable to say more or I am sure he would. If the band doesn't go it will probably be him singing with Queen...thud. Or maybe his new single...thud.Introducing Queen...thud. presenting an award...thud. Hey I better quit before I have to go to the ER.

Anonymous said...

This website will let you put your zip code in, and tell you if and what channel you can view MTV3 TR3 which is the channel the EMAs will be on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

@anon thud... all of this is sh.... and Adam just gonna watch this presentation on TV! And he will be and "much more" on this show spiriutalish!HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! EMA will be shown here in Australia on MTV this Monday.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:41PM OMG!!!! We'r gonna go to Autralia!!! How big is your house?

Carlos said...

It seems like only the States won't get the show. Latin America will get it live and apparently according to poster 7:41 they will in Australia too and obviously the whole Europe :>

There's always the internet.. Besides it's usually the other way around hah!

Anonymous said...

@7:36 Thanks for the link. It is on channel 445 in my area of Tx. with Direct TV. Unfortunately I don't get the channel. So bummed!

Anonymous said...

he will debut his new song! and kiss Tommy on stage!:O)~~~

Anonymous said...

eat your heart out TROLL

Anonymous said...

I have Comcast cable and I DVRed on channel 141, I'm in Houston TX.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say Nov. 6th, 8PM, channel 141 with Comcast.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Adam favorite words lately is "Trust me, it's worth it."
Give us the show, wich is worth to watch it or CD wich worth to buy and listen it, Adam.
And we will make the decision if it worth it. Or Not!!!

HK fan said...

It will be shown in HK on MTVAsia too......I'll get the wine in, everyones welcome!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:09 PM

Adam's always "worth it"!....JAK

Anonymous said...

@anon 7.41PM, Thanks for passing this on, I'm in Australia also and can't wait to see Adam :)

Anonymous said...

OT ... Didn't know how to get this posted so I'll post it here ... ADAM has been NAMED ...

#1 MOST MESMERIZING MAN in the WORLD ... here ...

Chalk ANOTHER one up for ADAM!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@tess4adam- Thanks for the link, how do you find these things that aren't even in english? lol. Anyway, he even beat out johnny depp , my 2nd favorite) Nice picture of him also. We need to get BB on the most sexiest man alive on the new people magazine coming up!!


Adamluv said...

@tess4Adam - I think I love you! Mil gracias for the link. And it wasnt even close with the second place winner. Difference of almost 4900 votes! And the picture they chose to use is so stunning.... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ tess4Adam

Did you see all the nice things written about you after JAK wrote about you in her poem? I think it was the Adam wins Must Follow thread. We do appreciate you.<3

Anonymous said...

7:58 PM

Anonymous said...

tess you are our fandom cheerleader, you keep us going. So glad no major polls right now. YAY! can't wait to see Adam on EMA's, then M&M and the next single, if that ever freakin happens. lol

Anonymous said...

Thank`s for the link,i really like Adam,but,but,Johnny Depp.
Jack Sparrow!!!

tes4ADAM said...

Hi! fellow Glamberts!! Yes!!! I did see that POEM by JAK ... also left a post there for JAK & all of my Wonderful Glambert Glamily!! Please go there & read my post ... it pertains to you ALL!! ADAM is the ONLY celeb in my life right now ... much the same as with ELVIS ... there was NO other I cared about. Now ADAM has my SOLE allegiance ... yes .. there are a couple female singers I like but most of my time is spent VOTING for & supporting the Gorgeous Mr. L. Like here at this url poll ...

PLEASE VOTE ... ADAM has been nominated in 5 categories .. Love 'n Light to All Glamberts Worldwide

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)