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Adam Lambert mentoring on Majors & Minors tonight (11-13-11)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, November 13, 2011


Anonymous said...

Adam did a great job on the show. He has the perfect blend of helpful advice and positive feedback. The kids loved him and appreciated his talent and advice. Cameron was especially a huge fan but they were all very excited and happy to see this amazing performer. He gave them advice on stage presence, and frankly, there is no one more qualified to do so. I can watch Adam continuously and be mesmerized by the way he inspires and moves me. Such a cool guy and the kids thought so too. Plus, he looked great!

Anonymous said...

I love how the kids preceived that Adam has a special "presence" when he enters a room. He fills the space with his personality and his aura. We fans have know this since Day One. He exudes confidence and he tried to get the kids to feel it, too. I love how they were so excited to meet him. Life-long Glamberts in the making! Oh, and Adam looked spectacular, as usual.

Anonymous said...

it amazes me they found all those talented kids!! I know I am partial but Adam was terrific.

Anonymous said...

@7:57 pm
You said it perfectly. Make me love him more, he treated the kids with respect.


Anonymous said...

That was just so damned cute -- how the kids were so excited when Adam walked out, especially Cameron. :-) Adam gave great advice and, as always, was very positive and encouraging to these talented kids. They seemed to really 'listen' to Adam and remembered what he had to say - like when Brandy came out and many reflected on Adam's words of advice. LOVED THIS!

Anonymous said...


Adam was wonderful (of course)and he looked mighty fine, and some of the kids have great voices, such that they gave me goosebumps!

The Dark Side said...

Been watching this show since it started and can say the reception Adam got was OTT. They adore him. Cameron was beside himself and got to play for him when he sang part of WWFM. Adam was the perfect person to show these kids what stage presence is as he is larger than life and getting bigger. He also gave them good career advice, which I would imagine they will never forget.

Anonymous said...

Noticed tho that some of the preview clips we've seen of this episode were not actually on the actual show. Why not??? Drat! We needed MORE of Adam! BUT, I'm just glad he was on and given this exposure. It's all good.

Carlos said...

Adam nailed it, and so did the kids!

Anonymous said...

Adam gave such valuable advice and support that drew the best from these young singers. Their respect and love for Adam was so palpable, because Adam made them feel special with his rapt attention and encouraging words. It warms my heart to see Adam in his element as teacher/mentor, because you can feel that his desire to impart his knowledge was sincere. Love this aspect of Adam, his kindness and heart in interacting with others.

Anonymous said...

8:54 I know one clip was billed as behind the scenes so I knew they weren't going to show that one. great show.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. We couldn't see the show in Canada. Adam was awesome with the kids and totally gorgeous. I love him so much.

HK fan said...

Great videos, thanks for posting them so quickly admin. Adam is so good with the kids, has a real rapport with them.....and looked gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

This is a very talented group of kids and I am just glad that none of them will get eliminated. Adam Lambert was so respectful and sincere in his advice and I am sure the kids will always remember his words. What an impression he must have made to these young artists! There is definitely something to be said about his presence and his aura, and the way he connects. Love the guy, and I really enjoyed watching that final performance!

hottramp said...

This gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies. These kids are awesome & Adam is just such a natural communicator with an innate ability to make anyone in his presence shine.

Bing said...

Adam is such a natural with kids. 24/7 thanks so much for the videos and i would have to admit that they did a wonderful cover of WWFM, the only one that i really like so far. They all understood and followed Adam's useful pointers in enhancing their interpretation of the song and in stage presence. Adam has so much respect for this talented group of young artists that's why he was able to bring out the best in them.

It's pretty obvious by now that mentoring is second nature to Adam, doing it almost effortlessly. I agree that he was very generous in sharing his personal techniques which shows his sincerity in wanting to help these kids hone their craft. God bless your soul Adam for having such a big heart. It also shows how confident you are with yourself and as an artist.

Congratulations Adam for another successful TV appearance. Praying fervently for many more to come. ILYSM Adam Mitchel Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Rumour on twitter at the moment that Adam has been seen in Singapore...

Anonymous said...

Adam is the world's best mentor.
Plus he is always so adorable and honest with kids. Love him!

Anonymous said...

As a diehard Adam Lambert fan, I'm going to make a diehard comment i.e. NO ONE can sing Adam Lambert's songs as well or better than he can. However, there's some great talent amongst these youngsters and they were so fortunate to have Adam as their mentor.

Anonymous said...

That's one of he best I've heard by a group of that song. I would love to see Adam do more shows like this and more fashion shows too. He is so at ease and he really does command your attention in a good way,

Anonymous said...

I have to thanked u all who posted the clips indeed. I also thanked coral mermaid from facebook last night..

Adam is so respectful but truthful how to deliver a song and the kids got it indeed.

Well done Adam you are truly an inspirational human being.


Anonymous said...

What a man!

shayna said...

he can be my mentor ANY day;) lol no but he is a great teacher!!! Soooo...supportive!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam gave really great advice to the kids and they really GOT Adam. They shined in their performance of WWFM.They are very talented and Adam knew how to bring out the best in them.

glitzylady said...

Regarding the "Adam sighted in Singapore rumor"(false): This from Adam Lambert Fan Club Facebook this morning:

"UPDATE w more Tweets! BREAKING! ADAM LAMBERT is NOT in Singapore! Rumours flew, tweets shot left and right that Adam Lambert was spotted in Singapore!!! Was it a prank? Or a publicity stunt?
JJ, the music director of Radio 91.3FM, tweeted: @jjonair (JJ 91.3): Guess who I just bumped into @adamlambert ..
& then the truth:
Wah settle down little lambert fans, I'm referring to listening to some of his new Music off the upcoming album.
bumped into his new music... Some of its coming to 91.3 soon. Listen in!
no it's not bfm.
didn't mis-lead at all, just an Aussie way of saying it. Anyway u should know his whereabouts.. Your glamberts!
it's a preview .. You will all be updated soon, at the moment I can't say much the reason for the first tweet
just a preview of his new album, not all songs just a few. Cannot say much more at the moment. Glamberts take a breather..
love to tell you more but at the moment I can't and I sure don't wanna confuse you guys/girls again like I did earlier.!/jjonair"

So apparently Adam's REAL new music is being sent out for preview to select (?) radio stations (?), just as it was in the UK last week. ...One step closer to the REST of us hearing it! Now, if WE could get a preview..."life would be ecstasy.." ; )

Anonymous said...

Watched this as it aired last night EST - great (and SMART) appearance, on so many levels.

But what I really wanted to pose here is - did y'all see how the ADULTS acted/re-acted?!! IMHO it was palpable how excited they were to be working/interacting with AML. So cute. D. Byrd must have been thrilled to see her former "student" from AI in this role. Exciting.


shayna said...

i wish he could mentor me... lord knows i need it lol!! it's sad a grown man cansing higher than me lol!!! i am an alto but still... i need help singing louder...and higher.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can ad a word to all the beatiful things you had already said.Adam really brins out the very best of us.
Thouse kids had the best gift, Adam's words, kindness and wisdom.
He really changes people's live and we are lucky enough to witness it, now and in many , many years to come.
What a great human beig, what a great heart.


Anonymous said...

Thank you @8:38 and all the comments from this wonderful fanbase of Adam's. It is just so great to see a positive, uplifting and inspiring story about Adam. So thank you 24/7 for doing so. Adam is also shown positively in a picture with Katy Perry in the November 21st issue of US Weekly. Check it out; bet the sales will be enormous. I just like the uplifting articles/pics of Adam so much! Captures the feelings we all had when he first captured our hearts in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Read on another site from a regular M&M viewer that Adam got more screen time than any other mentor. He also shook all the kids' hands, which no other mentor has done. The kids were so genuinely thrilled to work with him. His is pure class.

Anonymous said...

Hey MGF, nice to see your post and I agree with what you said about the adults. The show last night was such a heartwarming experience.


Anonymous said...

Another one of his down to earth yet shining moments!

Lizard Eyes

Eva said...

This is the article from John Kearns. Read it if your in doubt that AFL is a superstar to be.


Anonymous said...

This clip made me cry.....Adam is such a can you not love him!
And these kids knew who he was and where so happy to see him.

From 8 to 80 one Glambet at a time

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that great article about Adam. Hope losts of people read it!!


glitzylady said...

Thanks Eva!!! for posting the John Kearns article. I've been following him on twitter since the EMA's: He LOVES Adam and "gets" what we've seen in Adam all along. You beat me to posting the article. I've been busy tweeting and re-tweeting the article .. I hope EVERYONE EVERYWHERE sees it!

Anonymous said...

Hi AG, and everyone.

Thanks for John Kearns article - GAAHH, so great. Hey - do you think Kearns has seen the Fantasy Springs WLL performance?! ***Glitzlady or one of you peeps in the twitterverse, you should tweet it to him!

Thanks Dark Side and DRG for that info about AML's appearnace on M&M as opposed to other recent mentors! Interesting ('though not suprising, lol).


glitzylady said...

Here is a bigger and more READABLE scan of the @JohnKearns article thanks to another fan: It's a MUST SEE!!!

glitzylady said...

@MGF!!!! : )
Hi there! Good to hear from you! I'll make sure he's seen FS WLL : my all time FAVORITE...and perfect example of what makes Adam SO great as a true artistic vocal and performance genius. (Not to mention: I was THERE!!!!! GAAAHH! "DED"..........)

Adamluv said...

Enjoyed every second of this show and especially happy to get it on my TV screen. Thought their singing of WWFM was the best cover of this song! They nailed it! Cutie pie Grace saying "this is a difficult song to sing" was very perceptive. Austin can really move and his comment about "you're going thru puberty" was hysterical. Loved Cameron and Haley's adoration for Adam. Thought Emily's original song sounds beautiful. Was impressed by her and she had said earlier that Adam had given her the "most eye opening advice". Yep, another triumph moment for Adam! Last week the EMAS and now this. Life is good in the Adam loving world! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It seems all these writers/bloggers ,new glamberts comin on board are getting it that us glamberts pay attention and respond. That speaks volumns and we are helping adam so much by acknowledging the exposure he is getting from these new people that are discovering what we all have known. Yeah. That mark guy a few days back glitzlady posted has skyrocketed with his twitter , FB and his music because of us and his kind words about adam!!

Anonymous said...

@Anony November 14, 2011 1:47 PM:
Interesting info, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful comments have been made about Adam on M&M. We also heard all the accolades after he performed with Queen. Prior to that, he was a judge on Project Runway and Nina Garcia just loved Adam as did the designers. We, as his devoted fans, love him unconditionally. So I ask, why hasn't Adam Lambert achieved the fame and success he so deserves? Why didn't he get radio play with several more songs from his first album? Why did he not win the Grammy for best male vocalist? Why wasn't he promoted more widely? Why do "no talent" individuals become hits with unintelligible lyrics or repetitious lines? We have become a society where the crass, crude, and clueless have become the norm and acceptable. But every once and a while a true talent emerges and overtakes everything else for the world to see. I think Adam Lambert is right there on the verge of super stardom and those of us who have been devoted fans can say, "I told you so. I knew it all along."

Anonymous said...

2:30 Well said. This is why we have to keep tweeting and blogging and voting and buying and networking and shouting from the hilltops. This is why music industry people must know that we are out there for Adam by the millions, waiting for anything and everything about him. This is why his TALENT has to be recognized! And it looks like it finally is.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:30 pm

I quote you "We have become a society where the crass, crude and clueless have become the norm and acceptable" , you were referring to the Republican presidential candidates, right?