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Adam Lambert To Present at the AMAs

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 19, 2011


Anonymous said...

Should be Fun.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam could sing his new single. That would really be exciting!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Can't wait to see you Adam back at the AMA's. Haven't watched it since your performance but now I def will. Bet you'll be performing at next year's show.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't going to watch, now I can't wait for it. Adam is NOT performing tomorrow, that's been confirmed by AMA's themselves! Anyway, he's not banned, he's back and he will be georgeous tomorrow night even if we only have 1 minute of him and have to suffer through the bieber, ect same old same old auto-tuned lypsyncing performaces, Adam's day will come next year my fellow glamberts. If if doesn't we all know w have fell in love with an artist that the world is just so scared of . Life works in mysterious ways, and adam was born to do this and will change the world- it will take alot of time- but that's what separates the greats from mediocre talent. Adam is like no other out there today and being gay is such a challenge for him (mainstream homophophic) Maybe that's why I love him so much and will stick by no matter what. Of course you'all know exactly what I'm saying- we all pretty much GET adam!I'm rambling becuz I'll just die if this new single flops (radio play,ect, I just don't trust america to help adam at all anymore)

LP said...

I am so glad he is presenting, that is one HUGE hurdle he has over come. The doors are opening.
Next year I want to see a trophy in his hand, and performing. I can wait. Give some of the lesser talents a rest. This year Adam took a rest, and I hope he never has to have so many venus again. but much much bigger ones.World watch out, here comes the super star, the likes of which, will go down in history.
( did I over do it?:)

Anonymous said...

I pretty much feel how you do Anon 1.29, thanks for putting it so well.
My personal feelings when listening to the Demo that it has a lot of potential, and we all know Adam is the master of changing things up to suit himself, I have know doubt I will love the single and the album no matter what as all hardcore fans will, it is the casual fan and all the others that we want to pick up to give Adam the success he deserves, it is a fickle business so we need positivity here especially.
So happy about the AMAs definitely a step in the right direction, next year a performance please.

The Dark Side said...

They lost me when they banned Adam. Oh, they didn't ban Adam? I guess they are allowed to back pedal all they wish. I will once again watch the AMAs, and I cannot be the only one who banned (just forgot to watch) this show past two years. I can back pedal also. btw, we are getting a whole lot of red carpet moments these days. I am happy!

Anonymous said...

You did just great! The right amoung! We all are really exited today, and I agree with you, I hope from now on Adam, the real talent gets all the awards he truly deserve!!and I hope to see Adam video on tv as much as I see all this people that "pretend" to sing...better no names...I'm sooo happy today!!


Anonymous said...

I suppose it will sound strange, but the only time I ever watched the AMAs was the year Adam was on.
I have not been a fan of pop music for a looooong time. But I am a fan of Adam. Therefore to see him I will watch tomorrow night. I'll just have the sound off most of the time. :)


tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... my sentiments exactly ... I'll be watching AMAs with MUTED interest until ADAM appears. Last year I watched E! True Hollywood Story .. ADAM LAMBERT .. which was on Opposite the AMAs ... this year I'll watch AMAs to see/HEAR only ADAM ... the rest is "MEH!!" as far as I'm concerned ... ttyl fellow Glambert ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Check out the comments from AMA exec producer in this article:

“Adam Lambert was never banned from the show,” American Music Awards executive producer Larry Klein tells THR. “That thing got so out of control and was just so out of left field ... We laugh about it to this day." So will Adam perform again in the future? “Adam Lambert is a friend of ours, he's talented and I like everything about him,” Klein said. "We’d absolutely have him back.”

So, they love everything about him? When did that happen?

Anonymous said...

It happened when they realized they could boost their audience numbers if Adam was present.


Anonymous said...

@Jadam. November 19, 2011 1:53 PM:
Very good point about the casual fans. His first single has to be radio friendly and somewhat in sync with what's getting good play right now; that is simply a business savvy and smart decision... and one of the most alluring things about Lambert to me has always been his intellect and keen business sense. He very much needs to capture the young audience (and by that I mean under 20, from what I can see by following Lambert is that he actually has a great 25 to 35ish fanbase in addition to the post 35+ fanbase), but it will only serve him positively to capture the older teen to young 20's fanbase and the huge MUSIC BUYING audience who enjoy R&B and R&B offshoot music. Say what you want about BB, but he aint dumb, and his current team seems like they're doing right by him. Follow the trends peeps, Adam does, his team does, and we should too, and realize that the single has to CHART! Support our boy, share your opinions, that is what this blog is for, go for it, but let's all support our boy in the end.

Anonymous said...

Adam is an audience magnet and they know it. The ratings will go up if he's on. Lovers and haters alike will want to hear what he has to say and will see what he's wearing. The lovers will gush; the haters will diss. Welcome to AdamLand.

Anonymous said...

YYYYEHHHAAA BABY!!!! You betcha I'll be watching!!!! Only reason is because the BEST is BACK where he belongs!! Wooohooo! Bet there'll be millions more viewers than there have been, all tuning in to seee ADAM. Wish he WAS performing, but happy he's IN the building and been asked to present. That shows he is accepted, acomplished in the music industry and included by those who run that show, or he wouldn't even be IN the building. HUGE steps in the RIGHT direction. Here's to the new album being a rip roaring success, and next year baby, knock everyone's socks off with another killer performance. Can't deny the EPIC proportions of his amazing performance at the MTV EMAs. American television is fianally smartening up. Can't WAIT to see him walk out on that stage...


Anonymous said...

I would have told the AMAs NO. ABC gave him alot of *hit for last appearance. I wouldn't give ABC or AMAs the pleasure. NO CAN DOO DOO

Anonymous said...

Backtrack by the AMA's indeedy. Obviously a superstar is recognized at last and about bloody time!

Anonymous said...

remember the one finger salute on the last appearance? I wonder is there will be a part deux.

Anonymous said...

Oh the games the music industry play! Way to increase the AMA audience! Although we will have to watch many run of the mill same old performances with off vocals, now there is hope with the vibes of Adam present!

Anonymous said...

Great to know Klein changed his tune! One can move on but never forget. Just wait until Adam takes over the world.

Anonymous said...

I knew it's gonna be a lot of changes for Adam after his EMA performance. But I didn't expect that will happen so soon!!!
Lord, Save The Queen!!!

Anonymous said...

My AMAs dream: Adam n "whoever" walk out to present an award, they get to the podium, and the audience rises to a standing ovation!! Adam n "whoever" look confused n then realize it's for Adam! For his epic performance w Queen n for realizing the true talent that is Adam Lambert!

That's my happy dream! Rob :)

Urethra_Franklin said...


Urethra_Franklin said...

How much you wanna bet Adam's tongue is the topic of the redic banter during his presentation.

Anonymous said...

cannot wait to see Adam present at the AMA's,,he is the only , only reason I will watch it...,

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Adam on my TV again. AMA is on Adam's bandwagon again. Full circle for us and Adam. Yayy!

OT, about entertainment industry, as much as from outside this industry looks liberal to the left; from inside, it is the most dictatorship industry I came across knowing it since I stan Adam Lambert. I notice all different kinds of prejudices against women, children, gays, people of different race and nationality, religion, so on an so forth. I don't know if we should blame the government or the social order that dictates people's thinking. I myself blame it on broken family structure and lack of education. Hope to see it evolve for the good of the people.

Anonymous said...

This is the first I've heard this. Nice surprise. The down side is I have to watch AMA. Like going to my granddaughter's 3 hour ballet recital. She dances 3 times for 3 minutes each. The rest is no one of interest. That's life. I'll be there for Adam. Maybe he'll be on at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3.16, that would be a silly thing to do to tell the AMAs no. an expression comest mind have you heard of "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" In other words it was in Adams favour to accept this invitation and move on. To hold a grudge is to not grow and hold on to negative thoughts, I know you want what is best for him, so be happy at the direction this is going in.

Anonymous said...

The only reason I will be watching the AMAs is to see Adam Lambert. I am not a fan of these music shows with their circus-like atmosphere: lip synching, pyrotechnics, laser lights, gyrating dancers, inarticulate speeches and no talent performers. He certainly will add some class to the show. Maybe he will say something about the new album or the release of his new single to the viewing audience. I agree with a previous comment that this new single must be radio friendly, and appeal to as wide a range of people as he can get. Radio play and promotion of a single are the keys to its success. Hopefully with his new management team, Adam will get both radio play and tv platforms such as Ellen, Leno, the TALK,etc. where he has appeared before.

Anonymous said...

Happy for adam wish he sing in amas. maybe next year; p;s;-republican candiate richard james perry(rck perry) is for gays in military. hope all adam lambert fns will vote for rick perry this primary .

Anonymous said...

Rob 3.59pm What a beatifull dream...sometimes dreams come true!!


Anonymous said...

I agree that we have to watch AMA in support of Adam. As he said in one interview his 2009 performance was a water under the bridge every body has moved on. He worked his butt off after that performance just to prove that he is a legit. artist with talent and impeccable voice. AMA and ABC realized that and they moved on as well. They are excited to have Adam on their show as much as Adam is excited to be there to present. He'll talk to different media outlets about his album and single/s. I definitely will watch it and I set to record it as well.

Come on guys let's not dwell on events of the past let's look into the future and support Adam for his music.

Anonymous said...

Darling, you are hilarious! Nobody has such a sence of humor on this blog, JUST YOU!!!!
Congradulation, Adam!
Love you forever

Anonymous said...

Someone on MJ blog posted the following about Kelly's song. One is a demo with Claude's voice the other final link is Kelly's song. Just hear the difference and don't judge book by it's cover. Wait until final product is out.

This first link is a demo by Claude Kelly for Kelly Clarkson. Kelly is actually singing it.

This second link is the finished song

Anonymous said...

IMHO. The AMA executive management was given a HUGE WAKEUP CALL when Adam performed at the EMA's. You know what the message was?

Adam was ASKED by QUEEN to FRONT their band on the biggest award night for them - and he KILLED IT!!

The wake up message went on to say -- AMERICA -- you better EMBRACE Adam because if you don't you will be left in the dust of the ADAM STORM that will be hitting INTERNATIONALLY!!

And WATCH the viewing audience numbers SOAR tomorrow night because of ADAM!! You know what would be funny?? If the audience numbers took a NOSE DIVE after Adam was on - that would be poetry in motion to the AMA Exec's !!

Anonymous said...

Interesting how in the space of a week, and exactly two years to the month, Adam was 'redeemed' (and I'm being polite to them with that word) by both the OUT magazine editor -and- the AMAs producer. And don't forget that an aspect of the AMAs drama came out of the OUT magazine scenario.

And -- a little birdy from the industry told me that Adam WAS banned from the AMAs 'forever' after all that went down. So, time CAN heal, and 'never' can be melted like ice on a hot summer's sidewalk.

I even think the AMAs producers are, in a sense, bowing and deferring and even as much as being gracious to Adam by doing this, because he's been a bit absent from U.S. television appearances for awhile, and his album hasn't dropped yet, and, in a way, the AMAs are, in a sense, making a statement about themselves and their foolish behavior -- almost to the point of apologizing -- by having Adam on as a presenter.

So, despite some of our initial feeling of "screw 'em!" -- really, for what this biz is, and what this biz can do to somebody, fairly or unfairly, I think it's a very good sign what's happening now and, as some alluded to above, sort of 'coming around full circle.'

Anonymous said...

Ratingsssssssssssssss!!!! They need big ratings like at the EMA!!!!! Adam will do it for them again indeed....

We are all on board because of Adam and they need to thank him after that.....:))


Anonymous said...

I will also watch the ama's tomorrow night was not going to until I read Adams tweet so I know that they gained ten veiwers just since I got off of work tonight & made some phone calls we all had different plans but for Adam we changed them. A fan since idol audition have not watched the ama's since Adam got banned.

Anonymous said...

Let's just watch the show, enjoy our guy and let bygones be bygones. Adam's tweet was a happy one and I plan to give him a happy tweet after he presents.

Anonymous said...

8:33me too! I don't care if trips, messes up his lines, wears purple suede shoes, a suit from high school and sports a Yul Brynner he will be great.hmm, I am going to rethink the Yul Brynner thing. lol

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:15PM Didn't get your comment at all.
Does it mean that we don't have to take care about any problems of the world, including our own but just seat in front of our TV and enjoy AMA?
If this correct interpretation of your comment, I am absolutely agree.
God, Save the Queen

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah yes, the AMA "heavies" are eating humble pie.

Bring on the AMAs 2011 with Adam Lambert presenting! :+D

Anonymous said...

I never thought the Ama kiss was a mistake, but I kind of understand ABC did cancel his shows, because some viewers and maybe even fans were angry that time. However I think the Adommy was a mistake, an out of the frying pan into the fire sort of mistake.

Anonymous said...

to 10:11 I must admit I agree with you. I think the Adommy was just Adam being stubborn and rubbing their face in it.
Still, I'm glad he's back and looking forward to the show, well, his part, anyway.

Anonymous said...

10:31, yep and the Adommy fans are the stubborn ones now. Karma is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

oooh like I really care.

Lorraine said...

I'm glad Adam will be there-but it does leave an empty feeling nonetheless, knowing that his beautiful voice won't be heard midst all that mediocrity----

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:45 PM
Exactly right. Obviously the "powers that be" are now on the "Adam Lambert bandwagon" and have re-written certain elements of the AMA and post- AMA history from 2009.. Which is fine with me, even if my first reaction was to laugh and say: "Oh, REALLY?!!". Time to go forward and support Adam in every way we can with positivity. Presenting this year, performing next year....

And I have to say, although I didn't watch the 2010 AMA's for various reasons, I plan to enjoy many of the other performers as well this year. They aren't all terrible just because they aren't Adam, in my opinion. I'd be more than happy if the ENTIRE show was him and him alone, but others have talent as well. He isn't the only artist in my iPod (but he's my FAVORITE!)

@Anon 3:16 PM
I know our reaction as fans initially was to hope Adam never gave ABC the opportunity to treat him as they did 2 years ago ever again, BUT the reality is, he NEEDS Primetime network exposure, and love it or hate it, the AMA's are a big deal in the world of Music. He has new music coming out soon and he needs to be seen. Many in the general public have not seen him since the last AMA's in 2009. Positive public appearances and recognition are an important part of his continuing career and make great strides in getting him back out there in the public eyes and minds, soon-to-be new music in their ears, and hopefully he will find a place in their hearts, as he has done with his fans. I for one am thrilled he will be on this year's show.

Anonymous said...

Well, we all know that the most outstanding breathtaking and talented entertainer will be seated or presenting at the AMA's
this year. He really should be on that stage performing in all his glory. But all eyes will be on The Glambert himself because he always steals the show!

funbunn40 said...

Finally! Adam has paid his pennance and now The AMAs can gradually let him back in their royal company, but it's time to let bygones be bygones and just be glad that Adam has his foot back in the door, fair or not. It doesn't pay to burn bridges in the long run. Like it or not, Adam does need the music industry's support to get the exposure and access he needs. I think the AMAs as well as Adam has learned something by that unfortunate performance. It really wasn't Adam's best for many reasons and the double standard was glaringly apparent. Adam has built up some solid credibility since, fronting for Queen, honoring their iconic music and Freddie,along with his many other perfectly respectable personal appearances and interviews. Adam did acknowlege he pushed it too far for mainstream tv, but also didn't make any excuses and owned it. We still have a long way to go before gay men are treated equally in media, but Adam has opened the door. Probably tweeting and letting the AMAs know how much we are looking forward to seeing Adam and are excited to see him on the AMAs wouldn't hurt. Snarky remarks by the Glamberts at this point would only hurt Adam. We need to stay positive with media, even if we choke on it. Adam has to play the game to a certain point and I think we need to respect it and follow his lead. Sometimes you get further with honey than vinegar and respectful comments are taken more seriously than our unbridled (but usually justified} wrath! JMO...Can't wait to see him on that Red Carpet again!

funbunn40 said...

I'm glad that Adele is being recognized. She is brilliant! Hope she's doing well after her throat surgery. Next year it will be Adam's turn to show how it's done!

Anonymous said...

you people who think Adam was being stubborn with the post-2009-AMA Adommy thing... he was trying to DESENSITIZE people to it and awaken them to the simple fact that one man kissing another man is really no big deal!!!! Sheesh... glitzylady, Adamluv, Uretha Franklin help me out here. I am not a troll, I am an uber fan who, like Lambert, believes in a POST-GAY world... ya know, where it's not really an issue... ya know, where a gay couple celebrates Thanksgiving NOT GAY THANKSGIVING. Adam presented Adommy for fun, for fans, for sensuality... but also as a way to DESENSITIZE it's importance, to which Adam actually spoke. Sheesh. JMO.

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:34 I got your back! I didnt read much of the other comments cause when I read Adommy I immediatley think CRAY! But girl you are SPOT ON!! Praise you whomever you are!

Now I will unfortunatley miss everything tonight cause after I hit "Publish Your Comment" I will be unplugged for 4 days. SO enjoy it and Ill catch up when I get home.

Anonymous said...

OT - tweeted this group/song to Adam, now to you - on the Sing-off - Pentatonix - singing Love Lockdown

Anonymous said...

YAYYYY!!! I'd promised myself to never watch that show again! But I'm watching if Adam's on.
Bravo Adam for ABC/AMA recognising your STAR POWER!!!
... I don't know if I'll watch the rest of the show though, Amazing Race will be on, and the Giants are playing...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:34 AM and @Urethra_Franklin et al
I also agree that although Adam shocked the heck out of a lot of people in 2009, the kiss didn't bother me at all. I actually liked it..once I picked myself up off the floor..but I also knew Adam had just kissed his way into the next level of world-wide visibility, stardom and notoriety. I knew there would be a tremendous backlash and for awhile feared for his career. He is too talented and special to just be allowed to fade away. Adam has said since then that he had the same fears, but stood his ground regarding the double standard. There were a couple of other elements that probably could have been left out of the performance, but THE KISS, while unexpected, should have been no big deal..and since then there have been a fair amount of other male stars kissing each other on prime time network TV and no one much notices. MY biggest regret about his 2009 performance was his less-than-perfect vocal performance, no doubt because of his high level of adrenalin, and further not helped by his tripping on the scaffolding and nearly falling to the stage below, saved only by his amazingly executed "ninja roll". Heck, who WOULDN'T need a kiss after that?! A lot of the negative comments I heard from people I knew were more in reaction to the less-than-steller vocals than his kiss and the other "stuff", although that definitely got some attention too. The kiss??? Big deal. He obviously continued to do it during "FEVER" on the Tour because it fit the song and because he COULD. It was entertainment. Why the heck not? It DOES help to "desensitize" about two men kissing. Not so long ago, the sight of mixed race couples kissing in public was scandalous: now we think nothing of it, thank goodness. It's beautiful. Two human beings sharing their love for each other. In retrospect, two years, a successful album, his successful Glam Nation world tour (the first for someone just off of Idol), a Grammy nomination, recognition for his charity and human rights work and voice, the increasing respect within the music community of his talent, increasing awareness that he IS a really nice guy by all who meet him, and his glorious OMG!!! star turn with Queen just two weeks ago, Adam has been true to himself, has not backed down from his 2009 performance, and here he is today: back on the AMA's, welcomed with kudos and apparently open arms. And a whole lotta back-pedaling from the powers-that-be, because they KNOW Adam is a star and its time to acknowledge that and move on. I did have to LOL at the press releases from Dick Clark Productions and the director of the AMA's...but I also loved that they were praising him for his undeniable talent and Surprise Surprise!!!!! his "amazing" 2009 AMA performance. I'm gonna take it and run with it, and never look back. Adam has never really publicly criticized ABC for what happened afterward and that was smart on his part. As someone else said, NEVER burn your bridges. Adam will ALWAYS be edgy and ground-breaking. One of the reasons we love the guy. He has learned a few things and moved on. And so has ABC, etc..So should we. And as @Funbunn40 and other wise souls within the fandom have said, we can do nothing but harm by leaving nasty, snarky comments or tweets on the AMA or DC Productions or ABC websites/twitter accts. Adam is going to knock 'em dead in the years to come. The 2009 AMA performance will always be one of the most "memorable" in the history of the program, and Adam will ultimately be loved and appreciated by millions, if not billions. And men will kiss each other on TV.

Anonymous said...

Just gonna watch his part then go to bed!!! He!he!

Love yah!! Adam


Anonymous said...

Glad a lot of you feel the same way as I do (Jadam 1.53) Its time to move on for Adams sake and he is mart enough to know that.
AMA s not on TV here in NZ so relying on the internet but thats okay.
I do remember watching th 2009 Amas with my daughter on livestream and us looking at each other and saying WTF, this is going to go big, and it did.
So moving on, cant wait to see Adam this time even tho just a presentation.

Adamluv said...

@5;34 - Also got your back here! Desensitize people to a simple kiss - what's the big deal? IMO it was sexy and hot. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It's just an hour to red carpet time for me and my recorder. I will add some snippets of my prey to my ALL ADAM tape....right after my Majors and Minors visit. I just read all the comments from y'all since this time yesterday, some wise words and a smile or two. I especially got a giggle from the grandmother who spoke of sitting thru a long ballet recital just to see a few minutes of her granddaughter dancing. That was a deja vu moment...only in my case I sat thru long little league games just to watch my uniformed grandson stomping bugs out in center field. He had about as much interest in sports as Adam did.

Tonight...4 hours to catch glimpses of Adam and see him present. Sounds worth it! Hope you all have a happy evening :) .


coloforadam said...

I not going to suffer through ANY of the inferior, boring moments of that show - I know this wonderful site will have the Bestest, Wonderful, Adamazing parts ASAP and when I get home from work tomorrow, I will wallow in Sir Gorgeous and sharpen my excitement for "Trespassing"!! Love and Light to the Adam Fan Community~~

Anonymous said...

Adam thankfully welcomed back into the fold, right where he belongs.
OMG he should be performing because he would take the whole show. But tonight he get's to relax and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Adam did't need to redeem himself from his AMA performance. After all the stuff we watch thesedays it was purely a case of double standards. We, outside of the US are still trying to work out what all the fuss was about! Glad to see the AMA's have come to their senses tonight. Could it be the Queen performance hit them right in the face?

Anonymous said...

You said it! Internationally Adam is embraced and adored beyond measure. It sure is time for the US to embrace Adam. The world will be watching tonight big time.