Adam Lambert Tweets New Photoshoot Photographed by Tony Duran
Filed Under (photoshoot picture,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, November 5, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, November 05, 2011
Adam tweeted a new photo shoot! Gorgeous! Adam also tweeted that he is in Ireland right now.

Adam Lambert on WhoSay

Adam Lambert on WhoSay
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To use a bit of Adam's quote about Ireland ..... "Dayum" Adam, you are SOOOOOOOO gorgeous!! Those eyes ... that mouth .... yummmmmm.
Outrageously beautiful. I can't wait to see more of this look.
Mmmmm, those eyes, that mouth....gorgeous. Is Adam channeling Elvis? Sure looks like it.
Adam looks gorgeous in this photo. His eyes are so beautiful and he's hot looking! Can't wait to see him on the EMA'S!!!
admin can't you please do something about this obnoxious troll on here day and night? please try very hard. I can almost write his post for him now, same thing over and over and same for other immature troll always on here.
admin can't you please do something about this obnoxious troll on here day and night? please try very hard. I can almost write his post for him now, same thing over and over and same for other immature troll always on here.
I think the hair is avantgarde.
thanks admin, didn't mean to post same thing twice. Love this picture, it looks like he has some natural color of his hair poking through.
With a face & voice like ADAM has ... the hair is just the icing on an already GORGEOUS cake ... regardless of the style ... but I LOVE all of ADAM's hairstyles ... keep right on changing them to suit YOUR moods, Darlin' ... I don't mind at all!!
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)
Of course, Adam knows more about current looks than I do, but to me, the shaved look so much up the sides makes his ears stick out and his cheeks look chubby. Love Adam, don't like the hair.
I much prefer the look with some of the other styles.
Eyes and lips still look mighty fine.
I have just found the list of Main Program Performers.
Performing in the main part of the program. *******************
THANK YOU Blog Administrator for removing those disgusting remarks!!!!! What a relief to know we can come here, enjoy our mutual love for Adam without that crap from that/those trolls. THANK YOU!!!
I'm not artistic myself at all, but I know artists and I admire them.
whoa LP where did you find that little goodie?
I googled "Latest performers added to the MTV europe Awards program"
Had to go thru a lot of lists of names, cuz they list people from all over the world first.But I kept scrolling until I found the list for performers. I wonder if Adam's fans deluged them with requests to have him on the show.
So Excited. :)))
Ohhhhh! Thank you LP! So this confirms Adam will be performing (we still don't know what). Whatever it is I know he'll blow 'em all away with that voice!!!
Update for TR3S in Jacksonville/St Augustine/Palatka/Keystone area for Comcast: Preferred Pack now has channel 141 in the lineup just added overnight and it is in the Latino Pack channel 605. Can be added with no contract ,,just call..Thank you Comcast!! I am so excited for Sunday night..Adam looking might fine..THUD
the eyes are killer, but the hair doesn't match the face. he needs the long hair back!
Adam can be pretty, Adam can be edgy, Adam can be cutesy, Adam can be sexy. He is the man-boy, always changing, always keeping us guessing. He is such a risk-taker! If he doesn't please us all, he doesn't care. Look at him pre-Idol, so unafraid and gutsy. This new photo is kind of post-modern and retro at the same time. He pushes the envelope all the time and takes whatever punches come his way. Balls of steel. Love you to death and forever, Adam.
Wrote a big comment and entered preview and it disappeared. Damnation.
I think Adam will still perform with Queen as I think a few artist and songs will be involved, this is my hope anyway.
As for the law suit someone said The guy involved is New Zealander which makes me sad and ashamed.Generally we a thought of as open, honest easygoing andfriendly people.
But Adam is a strong young man and this will not be his first battle, but yes it does seem to be one thing after another. Most celebs seem to be exposed to a lot of this sort of things also with the media etc.
I will be able to watch the EMA's on Monday at 4pm, with the time difference and a few hours dlay, so this is not to bad, I am happy with that.
Love and excitement to all. Jadam
Dan Kanter
Yo @adamlambert! Good to see you dude, can't wait to see you kill it w/ #Queen
Dan Kanter. Musical Director & Guitarist for Justin Bieber
From Barcelona
What law suit r u talking about? Adam having a problem with some1 in New Zealand? Havent heard anything about this. Can some1 give me some details? Thanks so much!
Adam singing with Queen! It's true!
Don't play with my affections ...please . . please let it be true Adam and Queen...It sounds like it might be a medley of singers singing Queen songs and BB will knock them dead!!!..
Just slightly disappointed that Adam changed his AVI so quickly. I find that pics of Adam facing the camera are nice but nothing beats the mystical aura that he had on the last AVI. I saw SO MANY tweets about how incredibly gorgeous he looked with the last AVI. Someone even tweeted that she followed Adam because of his great AVI (last one, seen by profile with head down). I will always like Adam in any photoshoot, however, because it's his voice first and foremost that I enjoy.
@ adam lambert Adam Lambert
Ireland is SOOO green. Dayum!
Do you think he'll have time to play tourist?
he looks better with the hair not so short around the ears. Sexy eyes!
This not my favorite Adam pic,I hope he do better pic for his album.
This pic is more like that pic on cover magazine that look like James den.not good pic old fashion.
Where is Lee Cherry?
Now is NOT the time to quibble about his haircut. It's time to be happy. :))))
Lucky Ireland! They will love him.
OT...a bit...."Ireland 1980"
How can I explain a place that I've just seen?
Breathtaking isn't near enough to describe the brilliant green.
The air is cool and soft with mist
the cottages, fields and flowers
dew kissed.
Mountains are salt and peppered with sheep,
stone ruins of abbey and castle keep.
Each twist and turn of the mountain lane
Brought a new vista of beauty I can't explain.
A new love seems to have hold of my heart
And keeps me there, at least in part.
Someone wrote "there's a place where everyone's soul feels at home", for me that is Ireland. On my first trip there in 1980 I landed in Shannon and took a look around and said "Home". I do hope that Ireland shares a bit of it's magic with Adam.
Mix of Elvis and James Dean eh!!!!
You look younger and edgy my gosh!!!!
I would like to be 18 again not 17 he!he!
Irelands a nice place to celebrate a l year anniversary. Sounds wonderful for our boys.
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