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Adam Lambert with Dean Piper

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 12, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 12, 2011

From Dean Piper's website:

"So dinner was had this week with American Idol 2009 ­runner-up Adam Lambert at Soho’s Zilli Fish. He’s preparing to ­release his second album next year. Adam told me: “I’ve been ­working with some amazing ­people, like Sam Sparro.” He’s also happy in love – having ­settled down with Finnish reality TV star Sauli ­Koskinen. Good on him."

Source: Mirror UK


Anonymous said...

” He’s also happy in love – having ­settled down with Finnish reality TV star Sauli ­Koskinen. Good on him."

I love Adam being so open with his feelings. It melts my heart.

Anonymous said...

I have so many restuarants to go to because of Adam. lol

Anonymous said...

"American Idol 2009 runner-up"...I'm sorry, but I am so sick of that shit. He is now SO much more than a runner-up on a tv show.

Anonymous said...

@November 12, 7.03pm

Ha! Ha! Love your sense of humor! :D

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:57 It seems that if you attend to the reality show it will always follow you.

Anonymous said...

Magical picture on Mirror :)
Award nominee...

Anonymous said...

@7:57: Yeah, that was my first reaction, and then I realized: the guy is British and this was in London. Adam doesn't have the name recognition in the UK that he does in the US and a few other places like Finland (one of the few countries where AI was broadcast) as well as Australia and New Zealand, so he does need to give his readers a bit more "ID" on Adam. That being said (as they say in the UK), he could have ADDED ON "and Grammy-nominated artist.." or something like that, except, of course, there probably weren't enough characters for the tweet -- but he could have tweeted twice! BTW, there are plenty of UK fans and huge love to them all, including the ones who are on here, but time is still needed before his name is really out there in the United Kingdom and around the world -- I mean above & beyond the fan base he has now. We all can be hopeful with this new album and the treasures we've been promised!

Anonymous said...

OT: I just discovered after a year Adam has his own radio station on my blu-ray player from pandora internet. It's not all his songs (top 40 mostly) but it's his station. it's free also!