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Adam Lambert's Transformation

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 17, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 17, 2011

Scan by @4evrmomof4:
"Scans of Adam Lambert in Heat South Africa magazine in post called "No Star's Yearbook is Safe!" 11/26/11 Issue."


Anonymous said...

Take away the hair dye, darkened brows and lashes and there's Adam!
Same sweet face.
Cosmetic transformation is easy to see, self confidence, self acceptance is internal. I imagine the Adam of today is much happier than the closeted high school boy.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't like this comment at all!!!
And the name of this magazine or whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

"NO Star's Yearbook"???? What does this mean?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't add "scarier that his dance moves"!!! What all of this about?
anon 6:23 PM

Anonymous said...

His dance moves are sexy not scary. Not liking these comments! Adam was a really cute teenager and now a handsome self confident man!

Anonymous said...

it means no stars yearbook is safe. pretty self explanatory to me. if you are a star expect some parody. I think both pictures are dang cute though. Jay Leno showed that picture on his show once and I could hear the audience gasp. lol

Anonymous said...

Any kind of publicity is good for celebrity. Did anybody hear about "Heat South Africa" magazine? I didn't!
As less they don't send ADam on rehab or didn't make the stories about Adam and Sauli break-up and how much it will cost to Adam:):):)YET!!!!
We have to be prepare and ignore all comments and most photos. All celebrities go through this sh..... sooner or later!

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, the picture of the "new" Adam is a little on the severe side for someone who doesn't know him. The mag used the word "scary." Adam as we know him has so many looks, most of them lovely and appealing for anyone's eyes. Adam is beautiful inside and out. He was a handsome teenager and has become a confident, talented, generous, wonderful man. I don't really care for the tone in this mag, either, but I guess they think it's funny. haha

Anonymous said...

Just saw new pics of Adam from tonight at the OUT awards on Adamtopia. His hair has grown back!!!Don't want to sound shallow but he looks drop dead gorgeous with his hairline back in place. Hope he doesn't shave it again. How many men would give anything to have Adam's head of hair, know my husband would!

Anonymous said...

If you have some time go to the following link. Adam at Out (with hair) and a long long page of all kinds of photos, most you've seen but some new to me! Halfway down you will come across a picture that will stop you in your tracks!
Beauty!!....keep going to end and you can treat yourself for the one hundredeth (ith?) time to the EMA performance with Queen. No matter how many times I watch it I experience honipilation*. You too I

Okay...okay...* means "goose bumps"

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Little overboard here! Still looks like the ADAM I know and love. I have often wondered how the unaccepting school collegues must have felt now Adam is right in their face! Oh such sweet moments!
Karma indeedy!

Anonymous said...

Adam always was a wonderment and always will be.

Anonymous said...

And then there are those that make us gag. That means to wretch.

Anonymous said...

No, retch means to gag or vomit.
Wretch is an unhappy person.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

His dancing is fantastic. That man moves better than anyone. He was good looking in HS and handsome and hot now! I am sorry, but I wish this site would quit posting every piece of schlock out there. This is negative crap. The stupid mag must not know anything about Adam. Pure nonsense!!

Anonymous said...

Don't like the tone of this magazine at all. I find it offensive and wish it wasn't posted here.


Anonymous said...


I love that word. Can't wait to spring honipilation on my fiance!

Anonymous said...

Ever look at your yearbook photo?

Adam has always been matter what color his hair is.

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Would be nice to see the full page taken from that magazine. People would have a better idea of what this is all about. Thx if you decide to post it.

Anonymous said...

Actually my yearbook photo looks gorgeous. Time has done me no favors!

funbunn40 said...

Adam was a good looking boy. Same beautiful eyes and smile. Didn't get the remark about Adam's dancing. Guess they didn't see the iconic body rolls and smooth panther like moves from the GNT! Adam definitely can dance!