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Eber Lambert Says His Lips are Sealed

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 02, 2011

In regards to Adam Lambert's appearance on European Music Awards.

Why do YOU think Adam wants us to watch the show this Sunday? Will he be presenting an award? Or performing his first single?!


Anonymous said...

My first comment disappeared, darn it.
Just looked in my Sky TV magazine (cable) they are showing the EMAs on the 9th, when is the actual show, what date?
My bet is if they are doing a tribute to Queen Adam will be involved in that. Who Better?
This will be great advertising and exposure for Adam, you couldnt buy that with a million dollars.
Hang on guys and gals the "Adam tsunami" is about to begin, so excited.

Anonymous said...


I haven't been on computor for 17 hours, what's happening? It's something good I guess...very good?

Oh, goodbye, I have to rush to previous thread!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam just confirmed he will be attending the EMAs on Twitter!

Here are his tweets:

Silliegirl - "I really hope you are going to be at the EMA's @adamlambert. Don't make us watch a stream of Bieber,Gomez and Gaga again ..plez"

Adam Lambert - "@Silliegirl oh I'm going to be there and more. ;)"

I'm so excited!!!

Oh and anon 2:12, the EMAs are suppose to air on November 6th (this Sunday) at 9pm. I'm entirely sure if it's the premiere date for the US only or not, but I hope this clears up some confusion you may have about the air dates.

Anonymous said...

I am convinced he is going to play with Queen!!! I am praying!! Would be fantastic exposure for him prior to Adam tsunami. I have just moved back to London from oz and tempted to get on flight to Belfast.LOL. So excited.


Anonymous said...

Hoping he's going to release his new single.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon 2.24. Have done some more research and I will be able to watch it here in NZ at 4pm. Monday. we are 12hours ahead of Ireland, so thats not to bad, and it just happens to be my day off. Yaaaaay.
Still convinced he will perform with Queen.Or there is a chance he will sing one of his new songs, bit I am going with Queen, as I said before great publicity.
JAK Are you with us yet, great news aye.
OT I beleive "Mad World" Is on Susans Boyles new album. Ho Hum, all beem doone before.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

My excitement is affecting my typing sorry. LOL
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...



It's gonna be wild if he performs....

Imagine all the fans around the world will have a feast indeed!!!!!!

OLA!!! FIESTA!!!!!

Can't wait and so excited!!!


Anonymous said...

hmmm, my guess Queen will do a medley and Adam will be apart of that or they will show hihglights of their career and AI with Adam will be shown. Anything will do for me I love it when he is just shown sitting in the audience. lol

Anonymous said...

Come on Stop with the sealed lips. Let the cat out of the bag --- really. I check everyday for news about when we will see Adam or hear new music. Let the Tsunami begin already. Love how you all share your info and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Adam singing with Queen is my guess. How awesome! Keeping fingers crossed. It would be great exposure right before his single. I am totally ready for the Adam tsunami!!!!Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Oh please let Adam be singing with Queen! I don't want my imagination to run away with me...dare we hope???
Well, at least we know Adam will be there! Even just a camera shot of his gorgeous self in the audience, give an award, better yet accept an award, betterer....PERFORMING!


Anonymous said...

Singing with Queen would be great, but introducing his new single would be better. We'll take what we can get. Hope it's not just a video of Queen history that includes Adam on AI with them. My feeling from Adam's tweet is that it WILL be more that that. HOPE SO!

Anonymous said...

Late to all this news......but have quickly read over the last two pages of what I am getting from all this EMA business is that Queen is receiving the Global Icon Award...will probably be performing....Adam tweets to watch the EMAs and then his UK publicist tweets that she is "officially ridiculously excited for the EMA's now. There will be a performance which will blow everyone away including me!"

I can't even imagine where my brain will be if Adam fronts Queen....but it just seems too good to be true..... and I am usually an optimist.... But, then, why did he tweet this ..??? He knows we all will be doing massive conjecturing, especially with the shoshanna tweet..... why would she tweeting all about anything other than something to do with Adam?..... and then put Queen in the mix.......I think something big has been reached with Adam's PR peeps and the EMAs....if it is Queen, I'll probably go into cardiac arrest!!

Heard the EMAs will be on MTV3 but when

found this thread

Anonymous said...

Well, if he SINGS with Queen that will be one thing I can cross off my "bucket list". On the GNT when he threw in a surprise cover to end the show I always hoped for a Queen song.

If I see him... I'll be happy.
If he speaks... I'll be thrilled.
If he sings.... I'll be in heaven.
........Just kidding God!......JAK

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed revisiting the 80's with the Go Go' THAT was a car!

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted 8 minutes ago that we have to tune in and it will be worth it!!! No more questions indeed!!!! :)

He is reading our comments ha!ha!

OK!!! Adam we heard yah!!!!


LP said...

I live in S. Calif, and have Direct TV. I checked it out, and the EMA's are on channel 445 in the afternoon. They listed 9:00 pm, but I think that is eastern time. Just check on your computer if your network is showing the EMA,s. It asked me for my zip code and came up with several TV companies. Yes, I am overjoyed, will prolly not be able to keep still in church that morning. LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't get MTV3 so hope someone posts it! I am going to drive everybody nuts about Adam.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my.........OT

I can't remember which thread your nice n spooky poem is on...but I enjoyed it. I want you to know I had my hand kissed by Count Dracula! Well, Bela Lugosi! In early 50's his career had slowed down to the point he was touring in his original stage play of Dracula. He was booked to perform at my high school. He was in his 70's I think, but delightfully spooky! He insisted on meeting the drama club members, gave us autographed photos and kissed all the girl's hands! A charming Hungarian gentleman...didn't bite anyone! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli will celebrate their first year anniversary in Ireland. I wish them all the happiness their hearts can hold.

Anonymous said...

Shocks! I have to subscribe to the channel to watch the show on MTV3/Tr3s. I have to call my cable tomorrow to find out more. Otherwise, a link with livestream link is spreading on twitter and I might watch it live. Hope it won't crash with power of Glamberts around the globe. Adam twitted just watch it and you'll see and not to ask any questions. If it is a surprise then he might perform his new single. If such is the case then yayy!

Anonymous said...

Just heard some short background Adam music on X-Factor!!!!

HK fan said...

omg, he really knows how to send the fans crazy with these tweets of his.
Looks like all the promo is about to start, with that tweet from the guy in the UK saying Adam will be there next week and singing a couple of tracks....and the EMA's, I don't care what he's doing, just want to see him on such a huge show. The EMA's are broadcast on MTVAsia, i've been seeing it advertised but hadn't taken any notice as I didn't think I'd watch it. Better try and find out the time...LOL at the couple of comments on MJ's saying this isn't a big deal as the EMA's aren't big in the US (even though it apparently has a potential 1.2 billion viewers).....
I'm getting so excited reading all these tweets and comments from people - so much to look forward to

Anonymous said...

@ 5:53,

I heard it too!!!:)


Anonymous said... many people caught the "Lamberts" truck in the background of that music video, hahaha....Neil - is that you or is that Neil, Eber and Adam teasing us Glamberts, excited now....can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is very childish and cheap of Adam to make such the mysteries about his attendance "and more!" on EMA, You make to many misteries about your new single or CD. How do you know that this is such a perfect?
May be your real fans will make a decision to support this album and to buy one or two more CD to support you. OR DO NOT BUY ANY OF YOUR MUSIC FOREVER! Novemberish release new single or Februarish- Martish ...... or Christmaish of 2012 new CD release!
Adam, I think you lost in your own Adam's Family miraclenish!
Give us new single, new CD, more appearances!
May be some ladies such a crazy about you and gonna follow you till rest of thier lives.
However, it is doesn't mean you have to play cheap tricks with them. And these thicks deff don't work with your fans who are not fanatics of you!
Childish and cheap, darling
You know that most of your fans even don't have Direct TV and can't watch this 445 or whatever channel is this!

Anonymous said...

Even if we can't get this channel, I'm sure it will be posted online somewhere to watch.
Ireland is in the same general region as Finland. (Well, closer than the US anyway..) Wonder if they'll make a side trip?

Anonymous said...

TROLL, read my lips.

Anonymous said...

OT - is anyone watching the X factor?
Too bad that wasn't around a few yrs ago or Adam could have won 5 million dollars.
(as an "older" fan, I really hope Leroy Bell, age 60, goes far. He is such a talented singer)

Anonymous said...

Hailing all Canadians! You can watch the ema live at

Anonymous said...

Whoa JAK! Your hand kissed by Count exciting even if it was virtual. I was waiting for your response because I know you love spooky, ancient myths. Thanks for searching me out. I was about to visit when I saw your message. Since we are at poetry, I googled Poe's The Raven, first brought to my attention by funbunn40. I'd like your interpretation of this beautiful, melancholy poem. I get the sense the Poet is pining for a deceased loved one and thinks the raven might be the spirit; the last two lines give a feeling of despair. Thanks for enjoying my spooky poem. I like the word, spooky. :)

As for Adam's much anticipated EMA performance, I get it at 4am, not likely I'll be awake but there is a re-telecast at 10pm, same night. Yea, Adam most likely doing Queen or presenting his brand-new Single, or both!! Ooooo-la-la !!

Anonymous said...

Is Ireland really far from Finland?
Maybe they will make a side trip..

Anonymous said...

Hope MTV repeats this entire show so I can see ADAM on TV too. If anyone who lives on the East coast knows the exact time .. date .. channel on Time Warner Cable ... PLEASE post it here on this thread .. PLEASE!! I don't want to MISS this program ... don't care about the other artists besides ADAM .. QUEEN .. Jessie J .. and Adele. The rest are irrelevant to me. ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

so happy for all you glamberts that get this station, i really am, but can someone put his performance,what-ever that may be on you tube- please. don't get that station in the states.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:38PM Google the map of Europe, dear!
Did you graduate Juniour High?

lorraine said...

I'm so excited as I'm reading all this news,... I think I am hyperventillating! Adam DID say he'll be there and it's a performance.... Hello, Sweet November

Anonymous said...

Approximate flight duration time from Dublin to Helsinki is 2 hrs, 47 mins.


Anonymous said...

@ Lam my.....OT to everyone else!

Poe was my teenage passion, he was a tragic figure who appealed to my
my gloomy inward nature. He married his 13 yr old cousin and she died ll years later...he was filled with sorrow and died just a few yrs after that. If you haven't delved into his poetry much past The Raven, may I suggest...Annabel Lee,Bells,Lenore,El Dorado,Alone and Eulalie...I've memorized all of them, including the seemingly endless The Raven. You'll love the rhythms. I used to quote them to my girls so consequently they can quote large portions of them.
My grandson also. Each year since he was 4 his Christmas gift to me is the recitation of a new poem.
I was a sneaky grandma and mom, I used to pay him and my girls a penny a page for every book they read and poem they learned when they were kids!
.....Poetry seeps into your life and enriches it...or makes it more fun! The first lines of Eulalie we quote to each other when we're really feeling rotten..."I dwell a world of moan..and my soul is a stagnant tide". Then we get the giggles.
.......I'm so glad to have found a fellow poetry lover from far away!.....Keep rhyming! <3....JAK

P.S. Eber's a poet, wouldn't you love to know him!

Anonymous said...

Will be aired in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Thanks JAK for the poems; I'll definitely look them up because The Raven really got my attention. I read it 3 times when I first found it. Thanks to funbunn40 too. Eber is a wonder Adam writes such beautiful, meaningful lyrics. For example, "Outlaws of Love" appears simple but making the two words connect is not easy at all. :)