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Exciting News Soon?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 21, 2011

Posted at : Monday, November 21, 2011


Anonymous said...

I can take a little more excitement, speak up!


Anonymous said...

WHY!?? WHY!?? Is everybody giving us info "by drops"!?? What do they want,giving us a heart attack!?? 'cause they're half way there!!!


Carlos said...

Adam said he'd announce the first single's release date soon.. Hope he's going to announce it in that TV channel (it's a tv channel right?). Maybe that reporter interviewed Adam yesterday?

Anonymous said...

@JAK and @SG - LOL, LOL, LOL!!!

Thank you for making me giggle.
Have to finish for 2day, so enjoy the day/evening/night and stay safe & sound...

GGD Gal, :):):)

The Dark Side said...

I have no idea what is going on? Nothing new with that! So will take this as good news, even if I am not sure what I am celebrating.

Anonymous said...

Here we go folks, it's coming indeed!!!!

No more worries the baby will be in our hands soon!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It better not take too long to tell us, or we'll all go BSC! Should be good news, though. What happened to that "on the line" fashion show thing?

Anonymous said...


I wonder too. The date I had noted on my calendar was Nov 18 on Sundance was not on that day. I was checking the channel....popping in and out. I intend to check for it this Fri. and the next!....manic behavior!.


LP said...

Does anyone know if Sauli is doing the radio Aalta,,or is that what he is doing with Katrina?

Anonymous said...

The single is on it's way people!

Anonymous said...

someone was interviewing him and it was mentioned that he would be coming to UK in January. Might be to collaborate with a UK writer/musician. That is a UK TV station that was in the tweet.

Anonymous said...

3 new pictures:

Adamluv said...

@JAK and @DRG - if you're talking about the Joe Zee fashion show it debuts this Fri. on the Sundance Channel. Dont know when Adam will be on but saw him in a couple previews of the show while watching "Girls who like boys who like Boys". Thought it quite ironic that the songwriter on this show this season had written douchbag Danny Gokeys current song and that one of the other guys was his publicist! (they're both gay). During the show there was a party at the publicist's house and Gokey was there. Luckily they only showed a couple minutes of him! Adam looks very handsome in the previews so cant wait! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I had November 18th circled on my calendar but I had no idea why. Someone's birthday - no. Doctor's appointment - no. Then, of course, it must be Adam - my other family member. I just hope this record drops before I turn completely senile. Yikes! I'm living day to day, week to week, month to month and now year to year. I guess all us Glamberts are in the same boat!
Still waiting for a crumb!

Anonymous said...

They took down all the you tube videos of Claude Kelly's Better than I Know Myself. That's good so we can forget that version and hear Adam's own and I am sure amazing version. January is coming before we know it!

Anonymous said...

I don't get the Sundance channel, so I'll just have to wait for it to be posted here by someone. So glad the Claude Kelly was taken down. It caused so much anger for no good reason. Adam's version will be killer! Can't wait for this new "news" whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

I'm only keeping this cable pkg waiting for this sundance episode. if anyone knows when it is i would love to know. Sounds like we are all waiting for news of some kind. Never boring being a glambert!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of waiting But here I am everyday checking

Anonymous said...

Seems to be pushed further and further away. I know it will be worth it but ...... Heart drops with each delay

Anonymous said...

Adam to do his first single in. X Factor. Yesss!

Anonymous said...

Oh the strain of waiting for this single. It's tough to be an ADAM fan! Not only are they probably doing everything possible to make it a smash... I also wondered if they might be waiting for a certain date to make sure it will "qualify" for certain awards down the road?? =) (or avoid other release dates?)...

Sigh, whatever the reason... it's certainly upping the anticipation.
I'm getting verry good at tapping... and sighing... =/


Anonymous said...

Canadian 4.15
I hope that sweet little Baby have his daddy's blue eyes...and sing us beautiful songs....Can't wait!! I think I'm gonna take my "wait to have a heart attack pills,until you had heard the album"!!Lol!!


glitzylady said...

The assumption is that Adam is returning to the UK in January to further promote himself and new music at radio stations, etc....They are an untapped market that is hard to break into but I'm guessing this time around Adam will be very popular there and get radio airplay, something he did not get during "Era 1". I'm thinking his EMA medley with Queen helped his visibility factor there quite a bit. Also, rumors of UK X-Factor...All good! And his new management team seems to be doing a great job getting him lined up over there. Just waiting for that to happen here in the US. Soon-ish!