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Fan Video: Adam & Sauli's Chance encounter?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 12, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 12, 2011


Anonymous said...

The most beautiful couple in Hollywood. You gotta love them.

Anonymous said...

Still no pics from Katy's costume party? I wonder what would be the suitable amount of Sauli appearing with Adam, so that it wouldn't be too much.

Anonymous said...

I love this video, and what makes it especially great is PICK U UP, one of my favorite songs from FYE. I hope Adam sings in live someday.

Anonymous said...

I'm just in AWE of Adam's life (seems so exciting) How can anyone be blessed with that much talent and gorgeousnes??? It really is a beautiful journey to witness (I so hope adam and sauli are soul-mates)He deserves so much happiness, but I'm still in awe of this man and everything about him!

Proud to be a glambert, I'm hopelessly hooked whether i want to be or not (sometimes not such a good thing for me and my relationships, but adam puts a spell on you and you can't stay away for too long lol

Anonymous said...

Very Well Done! Thank You So Very Much! I Absolutely Adore Adam and Sauli!

Anonymous said...

Adam had to search the whole planet through to find his true love. ;)

Anonymous said...

4:35 Oh yes.. ;)

Anonymous said...

enjoying this again, love the drawing at the end of them at AI finale.

Anonymous said...

For the next costume party they should dress as Fred and Barney. :)

Anonymous said...


There is already a pic from Katy's costume party. Sauli as an Indian:

Anonymous said...

have seen these comparison pictures somewhere here before. nice to see the music was i'm gonna pic u up. really loved that song. it would have sold well had it been out out as a single.

Anonymous said...

What the heck, now fans are saying it was inappropriate to dress as indians to the costume party? Wasn't that the party theme. I guess there will be no pics of Adam then..

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam are perfection together. Love the party pic of Sauli. The costume is great. What's the objection? I think people have to lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Adam was dressed a cowboy with a GUN.

Anonymous said...

This is adorable. Good job. Pick U Up is my favorite song from Adam's album. I could never understand why it wasn't released as a single.

Anonymous said...

Pick u Up was my favorite the first time I listened to FYE and for along time, gradually it became Aftermath. In the aftermmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaatttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Don't clap just throw money. lol

Anonymous said...

Planet Fierce has draconian rules.

Anonymous said...

7:34 me's suppose to be don't clap just throw money.

Anonymous said...

Pick U Up never fails to give me goosebumps. Love love love it!!

Great clip! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't listen to Pick You Up much, probably because it wasn't included in GNT at all and Adam didn't sing it on the various shows. Yea as mentioned, a very very beautiful song, could have been a hit, has a delightful dance beat. Regarding Adam's chanced meeting with Sauli...I remember a video on GNT in Europe, that showed Adam doing his tongue-dive, interaction with the audience, with a guy with shaved sides of his head. Could that have been Sauli...just wondering. If that was Sauli, it would mean they had met each other way beforehand. Nice video.

Adamluv said...

Actually saw a couple pictures of Adam I'd never seen before and that's always good! Especially like that last one of him. ... Adamluv

daydreamin said...

DRG and all I agree...Pick U Up is my favorite off the CD. I just want Adam to call me on my next birthday and sing it to me over the phone. Is that too much to ask?!!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my No that def was not Sauli. If it had been Sauli Ninjas of fandom would have found it out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks dear1:23 for the response. :)

Anonymous said...

Daydream 12.43 not to much to ask, peace of cake!But, are you sure you can survive?
I think I'm gonna ask him to sing live on my next bithday party, I better hurry, it's in June, but I want to give him time to schedule, he will be on tour, so it's just one more show... Easy....Lol!!
We always can dream.....


Anonymous said...

I just Love that picture at .30 to .35 with Adam and Sauli looking in each others eyes, and Adams hands on Saulis face. Adorable!!!!!

Anonymous said...

they should dress as Bonnie and Clyde.

HK fan said...

Awwww, so cute, absolutely love the pic of Adam at 1.11
So Adam has finally met someone to appears to change his hairstyle as often as he does...