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Fan Video of Adam Lambert and Queen's Performance at EMAS 2011

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Great Queen fan video of EMA from when Adam and Brian walk on stage until they leave the stage:

Another view and angle!

Thanks Anonymous 1:13!


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Thank you so much for the complete video indeed!!!

Adam is a true and respectful artist indeed!!!!

I vow to you my dear Adam.... You are one of a kind indeed!!!!

Your parents are really proud of you...


choons said...

Loved this video! felt like I was there. Adam looked so tall and perfect.

Anonymous said...

another great view, thanks for posting

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. Not only is Adam's voice one in a billion but who he is as a person is one in a billion. Love him more and more!

Anonymous said...

This is a great video. We get to see Adam in all his artistry.

Anonymous said...

Awe...Thank you for posting! I just can't get enough of how he blew this performance away. He is just the perfect fit for Queen. Vocals and everything but He sets himself apart from most other artists today by being so humble. Hope no one gets offended by that, I just love everything about Adam.

Anonymous said...

great fan video!!Come on,glamberts,Adam is only 174 votes ahead of the #4 guy.( & #4 is catching up fast!!)PLEASE vote some for Adam now @ the AIOTM( url is under the Sutan tweet)Also google Flecking records "of the year" awards & vote on their site.Adam is in 5 categories.Let's get him to win in all of them.THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

24/7 Thanks for posting this fan video. So far it's the best one. Fans are combing youtube hoping to find other videos. Tons of audience attendees were taking videos that night. I don't know if the person who took this video is fan of Adam or not. It seems his camera was mostly focused on Brian and thank goodness Brian was right next to Adam at all time on stage. He/She also took a video of Bruno Mars with almost 1600 view counts. I bet this video of Queen and Adam will have more than Bruno's by tomorrow. View it as much as you can.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this fan video! You can hear all the fans singing along with Adam! What an exciting moment to witness. Adam absolutely perfect in all ways....vocals, looks, stage presence and humble. I'm so proud of him and the human being he is. I consider myself so lucky to witness his rise to stardom from day 1 on AI.


Anonymous said...

Thank you dear1:13, and 24/7 for posting all the different angles of Adam's magnificent performance. Keep them coming, all the different angles; we'll piece them together and get a deeper experience of Adam' stage command and audience involement. Stupendous human energy there, most forceful from the maestro. I actually started clapping along with the heightened-up audience. I wonder if Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber felt just a little intimidated after this Adam performance. :)

daydreamin said...

You know, I couldn't help but think of that one performance when he was the last to perform and now this one. Well, what do you think now ABC?

daydreamin said...

OMG I forgot to mention this and now here is Rene Snyder's article about Adam dominating the MTV sites most watched video from EMA's!!:

Adam Lambert Dominates MTV’s Top Music Videos Online
November 14, 2011 04:01 PM EST
4 people recommend this | comments: 10
A quick perusal of shows that Adam Lambert is currently dominating their top "Pop & Rock" music videos. Although sometimes fluctuating, the video of Adam's performance with Queen at the MTV 2011 European Music Awards has been number one for all categories on the site, including "most viewed," "most commented," "most shared" and "highest rated" in the last 24 hours. In addition, Adam has had the top 10 highest rated videos in the past 24 hours.

Obviously, Adam's performance with Queen gave him a great deal of exposure around the world. His name was not even mentioned as lead singer when Queen was announced on the show, yet most people now seem to know that it was him that sang with the band. This is probably due to many news articles written about it, as well as tweets from Queen and mention on their own website. For those that missed the performance, or even people who have not seen it yet, the video of Adam singing with Queen can be seen in the 2011 EMA show highlights section of MTV's website.

Once you see Adam perform one time, you have to see more! Therefore, it is most likely a result of people going to the MTV website to see the Queen performance that his other videos are now ranking so high. If you haven't seen Adam's VH1 Unplugged performances, you should definitely take a look to see his raw vocal talent. But really, all of these top rated videos are worth watching, so be sure to put a significant amount of time aside when you go to watch Adam on!

© Renee Snyder 2011

daydreamin said...

By the way, here is what I just pulled up on Youtube views for If I Had You:

24,878,556 !!! That is almost 25 MILLION views!!

And here are the current Whataya Want From Me numbers:


Woo hoo!

funbunn40 said...

@ Daydreamin, I knew you would be there feeding us great info! So rewarding to see all of the hits for Adam! Now maybe the indusrty will start paying attention! What better cred than from Queen!Hope he will sing with Queen if they perform at the 2012 Olympics in London! Think that will get the attention of the naysayers!The Show Must Go On was absolutely thrilling! Adam looked so elegant and powerful on that stage. He needs a band as strong as Queen to back his stunning vocals!Thanks for thee RS article too!

Anonymous said...

Adam's tribute to Freddie
Raises the mercury
A pulsating rhapsody
Performed in ecstasy
A sea of hands sways
Adam lavishly sashays
His voice scans and raves
Like riding the crest of a wave
A new dawn is breaking
In for a rude awakening
A virtuoso is waiting
By the wings of the staging
Eyes on the prize
Sound, relished advice
Fly Adam fly
Reach for the sky
His journey is not a breeze
Oft wrought with prejudice
He flicks it off with ease
And flashes the sign of peace
Beauty and brain
He is both...utterly insane
Speeds by like the bullet train
Keeping up with him, in vain
Adam is our joy and pride
Fans conglomerate far and wide
We'll be standing on your side
Thank you for this sumptuous ride


Bing said...

That was awesome! Thanks for posting this 24/7 :D

Urethra_Franklin said...


Bing said...

@Lam-my thanks for another wonderful poem. Your creative juices must be working overtime with Adam's incredible performance at the EMAs. You must be truly inspired Lam-my and we will surely benefit from that :D Please please keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bing. You are spot-on about us being inspired by Adam. He is keeping me really really busy. After each of his over-the-top and over-the-moon you say, my creative juices will work overtime. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the poem.I really love them. Sometimes I wrote them down so I can read them filling my heart with a warm smile. Thank you for that.


P.S Have you ever thought about sending them to Adam on his 30th birthday? I'm sure he'll love it. Just an idea.

Anonymous said...

Thank you SG! So you actually write them out for future reading...that's really special. How do I send them to Adam? I like your suggestion! :)

Anonymous said...

I WISH I know how you could send them to Adam, but I'm pretty sure there's people posting here that can help you with that.So, if anyone knows how to send them to Adam, PLEASE let LAM-MY know!!THANK YOU all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you again SG! You are so kind. I just watched the video again and I think the audience didn't get enough of Adam and Queen. They were asking for more, more. I think they should collaborate in a concert, it'll be a total sell-out. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope so !! and also they do that in London, so I can go!! Is the nearest city they can do that and sold-out and closer to me.Besides, I love London...and L.A but that's too far.Lol!


Anonymous said...

Great video!!! Thanks, you really do feel like your right there!!! For a second thought we were going to get "under pressure" wonder why not if this fan was there ? Oh well, not complaining, this was fantastic.

glitzylady said...

I see that has been taken down by Viacom for copyright infringement: Really?????? I wonder how many more fan vids met that fate. Considering how many camera phones we could see recording that performance, they must have had a very big task of hunting down all of those posted and having them pulled. Glad I could see it before it was gone. : ( It was almost like being there...

Anonymous said...

So nice, check this "OMG Adam was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G" vid done right after the EMA live performance:

Right after Adam's performance I could not utter a word. So glad she could! Good job, Kayla!