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Lady Gaga or Katy Perry was going to perform with QUEEN?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, November 13, 2011

Via James Ingham


Anonymous said...

What??? First we heard Queen was talking to Lady GaGa about performing with them on the MTV EMAs and now we're hearing they were also talking to KP??? So Adam was their last choice??? You've got to be kidding. Adam was brilliant in that performance and no one, I repeat, no one could have done justice to that tribute performance except for Mr. Adam Lambert and the world knows it now.


e3fan205 said...

Can't even imagine Gaga or Perry fronting for Queen. It wasn't just a great performance by Adam Lambert, it will likely be looked back on as the most memorable performance of the year. Lambert was giant in his vocals, performance and his humility to let it all be about Queen. Why can't the American press give him the respect and acknowledgement he deserves? Stunning. Queen should be very pleased; Adam should be very proud.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! It's meant to be guys!!!!

At least the global Icon "QUEEN" was relief after all indeed!!!

Adam stole the greatest performance among them all.....

He did a tremendous extra ordinary job indeed!!!!

That's how you end the show.....


Anonymous said...

I really don't care how it happened but it did and nail it he did too.Yay to Queen and Adam.

LP said...

What an honor for Adam finally being asked to perform with Queen. Not just asked, but to be considered with the two top artists in the music world. He sang it in a way I have never heard him sing before. Now people all over the world have heard him, not just his fans at venues for GNT. What a huge break for him , just in front of his second album. WAY TO GO, ADAM.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely cannot imagine either Gaga or KP singing with Queen on that night. I'll admit that she two womenn are bigger "stars" than Adam is, but geez, talk about not the right "fit." Adam was the ONLY choice, and I think Brian and Roger are glad Adamm did it and not either of the others. The performance was indeed iconic.

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry?!! She does not quite have a rock and roll voice!!!So happy Adam did the performance with Queen. Adam nailed it! So proud!

Anonymous said...

It makes me SHIVER just to think about it....bbbbbrrrrgggg....Thank GOD, the BEST did it!! And the whole world saw it, so nothing to worry about.


Anonymous said...

why in the world would they think kp or gaga could pull off what adam did. Mindless thinking. Good in their own right but sing with QUEEN no effing way. Our boy nailed it and don't ever forget it.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put too much into these articles.

Who knows where the first article got their source....he heard from somewhere....

I think that based on the information (or rumours) that was floating around before the EMA's, I think that Gaga was going to perform Under Pressure with Queen and Adam, but due to time constraints, they had to cut one song out. If so, I'm glad they cut out that one.

Also, in the second article, it sounds to me that they did ask Adam first. If for some reason (one I could not come up with, even if I tried) he would have turned them down, then they would consider asking KP.

I think Adam performing with Queen at the EMA's has been planned for some time now.

Just my thoughts.


Rita said...

I hope I live long enough to see Adam experience a silver lining without someone painting a dark cloud around it. So sick of this! C'mon, Lady GaGa or Katy Perry singing with Queen? I call BULLSHIT on these reports. I'm sorry for the vularity, but I am so pissed right now.

Anonymous said...

show stealing performance indeed Glad his album was mentioned,nice little article.

Anonymous said...

don't some of you people ever get tired of complaining about everything?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion it's up to the fans around the world to show how much we support Adam world wide????

We need to show this crap people that fans are always behind Adams back and we will not stop until they give Adam the recognition that he deserves indeed!!!

Please just buy his music and watch his concert anywhere he goes.....


Anonymous said...

Rita, take heart, I think what happened Gaga was probably asked, but couldnt, maybe Katy Perrys name was tossed around then, but Brian May wanted to work with Adam and this was the time. Thank Goodness.

Anonymous said...

good point Jadam.

Adamluv said...

@Rita - agree completely with what you said! The only thing I would have added would have been WTF if those reports are true. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Can anyone read a copy of the lawsuit against Adam online?
Does anyone have a link?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Brian May called Adam personally a few months ago and asked him if he would be available in Nov. for a special performance. Of course, Adam said YES immediately. This was not a last minute happening. Possibly LG or KP wanted to do their own song with Queen, which did not happen due to time constraints. But the closing set of 3 Queen/Adam songs was set in stone, and did not involve anyone else.

Anonymous said...

This was a "no brainer" GaGa and way....they a
have their own styles....this was Adam's moment......he rocked it!

Anonymous said...

BTW......Adam could do his Glam Nation Tour all over again and still sell out the venues...

Lily said...

Wow! I cannot believe they even considered Katy perry. It could have been so different. Glad she did not do it! Adam is the only one who could do justice to pay tribute to the queen especially freddie.

Anonymous said...

Well I am glad they finally got it right! Let's face it that is probaly is what the EMA's suggested because of the gaga and kp star power however in the end Queen probably said the hell with that let's get the best voice out there. And they did. And as they say.....the rest is history. It was meant to be.

funbunn40 said...

I can't imagine KP or Gaga even being considered. Think Freddie would have turned over in his grave! Sounds more like an EMA suggestion than Queen. I think Adam would have been their obvious first choice. Maybe after this amazing performance the US will finally appreciate his excellence and the Award shows will give Adam the respect and recognition he deserves. It was a brilliant performance.

Lorraine said...

The look on Brian's and Roger's faces said it all for me.They had "their man" and all was right with the world.......Yep. Freddie was smiling down, too.

Cheril said...

All that matters is that Adam was asked and he accepted and he nailed it and made Queen's special night one for the rock history books to remember. Brian and picked the right person. Some things were just meant to be and Adam and Queen are a perfect fit.

Anonymous said...

As I think about this more, I don't believe for one second that Adam was Queen's third choice. I really don't. Gaga and Katy are huge, and I guess it makes sense that their names came up first, but vocally, stylistically, Adam was the ONLY choice. Either of the women would have been a joke.

Bing said...

Whoever thought of LG or KP must have been after the element of surprise, the unthinkable, the unconventional plus the fact that both are already huge stars with LG being a very good pianist herself. But the last choice was the one who is absolutely PERFECT FOR THE JOB! Adam certainly surprised those unfamiliar with him with this remarkable performance.

Honestly, i just wanted Adam to sing his heart out and enjoy the moment but he gave me more than what i asked for. His jaw dropping rendition of TSMGO blew me away once more making me think that the song was made for his vibrato. And as always making me love a song i've never heard in my life. Adam's enormous talent knows no boundaries and i better prepare myself for more delightful treats like this.

So i'm the least bothered by this article and it doesn't change anything at all. It was still Adam who gave the most stunningly surprising number of the night worthy of closing the show.

Anonymous said...

There was talk of Lady Gaga fronting Queen on an upcoming Queen tour but it's not going to happen. I would've loved to have heard her sing Radio Gaga with Queen. She does have a good voice but to each their own.

Anonymous said...

Ahh come on! Brian May loves Adam and rightly so. Who else could have give a spectacular tribute to Freddie...other than Adam?
..And yet Adam did it in his style of pure and utter brilliance... and to utter perfection!

Anonymous said...

Don´t believe that shit at all. Brian May never asked either of the ladies to sing with them. He wanted Adam right away. Saw an interview with May and Taylor where they said quite clearly NO to GaGa´s wants to join the band. They were asmused of the GaGa nickname coming from "Radio GaGa" as well. Not to mention Katy. Shees!

Anonymous said...

Gaga = being all about Gaga. Love her, LOVE HER, buy her products, but for this, that would have been the case.

KP = oh please, vocally couldn't pull it off to save her life. Love her, LOVE HER, buy her products, but for this, that is just the truth.

not sure I believe any of it anyway.

sheila said...

No Way was Adam third choice. Queen Website retweeted one of my tweets saying they Wanted Adam all along! Maybe the others were considered. NO ONE could have bettered that performance!

Anonymous said...

Hope both Gaga and Katy watched Adam's performance, if not live, then afterward. Hope their jaws dropped, as well they should.

Anonymous said...

@Bing I'm with you on every word here, but com'on! I can't believe you hadn’t heard TSMGO!
Listen to this voice, my friend:
My heart is breaking... (Btw, Queen reissues all their albums in a deluxe format this year. Remastered).

You all should listen to more Queen songs (and not only their ‘hits’). They were... something else and quite out of the ‘rock box’ of those days... or any days for that matter. E.g. Bohemian Rhapsody was a slap on the face of whoever defined or set the norms for a rock song. Also, check these out: (You take my breath away) (Bijou) (Mustapha) (Who wants to live forever) (In the lap of the Gods) (Is this the world we created)

Damn the musical genres and sub-genres, damn the social constructs that identify musical sounds, damn the Establishment's awards! Let those who cannot make music play with words (and hand the prizes out). If you are an artist just talk to me, tell me your story, your joys, your loves, your fears... through your instrument. Play a leaf for that, if you like!
Any ‘giddyup singer’ can have, at some point, for a summer or two, thousands (in America, millions!) of fans, but would they be remembered after 40 years?
This is my wish for Mr.A: Be unforgettable... or at least memorable!

Brian May said they were not musical virtuosi. I don’t know about that. They were virtuosi of people’s hearts anyway.


PS: A little of Freddie/Queen A capella!

Anonymous said...

All this talk about Adam being heard around the world via the EMA is just not true.

1. You had to know about the EMA.
2. You had to love music to watch
3. You had to have the right channel.
4. You had to be an AL super fan to wait for YouTube
5. If the 4 reasons above did not fit you, you didn't see the EMA performance.
6. Which adds up to the fact that there was so little mention of the EMA in the US.

I am a huge fan of Adam Lambert. Went to four GNT concerts. But the sad truth is the sad truth.

HK fan said...

@anon 1.22
maybe its not been widespread in the US, but in Europe and many other parts of the world it has been shown time and time again.
Believe it or not there is a huge music listening and buying audience out side the US...
MTVAsia has rerun the EMA's almost everyday since it was first shown....

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for a second that Brian May/Roger Taylor even asked LGG or KP. I think that's all internet gossip. Adam was the first and only choice for Queen.

Bing said...


@Glb - i grew up listening to Herb Alpert, Lani Hall, Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Astrud Gilberto and lots of Bossa nova and Latin Jazz. When i got married i fell in love with Ella Fitzgerald, Carmen Mcrae, Nina Simone, Mel Torme, Cole Porter, Frank Sinatra and got hooked into cool and mainstream Jazz. We never listened to Queen nor The Beatles at home. So the explains why.

But you know what Glb, i truly want to express my sincerest gratitude to you for going out of your way to familiarize me with Queen and their great music. This is why i love it here. I can be very honest with my ignorance and there will always be someone who would help. I checked all the links you gave and i enjoyed them Glb. You have successfully converted me teehee. I also believe that they are essentially virtuosi.

And i've been meaning to say that i'm glad to see you post again. Kind regards Glb.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

@1:22- I have to agree with you, I don't know 1 single person that watched the EMA awards except me.

Anonymous said...

Come on, 24/7! Let me respond to my friend...

@Bing You’re very welcome. You know that I’m always ready to play “the Someone”! And.. I went out of topic, not out of my way. :-) I’d love to go (way) more out there with this, but I guess you can take it from here yourself. However, as a starting point or a map for traveling on You Tube, here it is - a list of Queen songs: Enjoy yourself!

I love ‘Latin music’ and I love Jazz. I could binge on Nina Simone and Ella for an entire day!... Drizzled with a lot of Cesaria Evora and served on a plate of self-indulgent existential talk. Along with several glasses of red wine, of course!

Btw, Bing, I frequently pass by the 24/7 place and take a glance at the menu outside. Sometimes, I come inside to see who’s here and listen in. Only now and then, I engage in conversations... or self-talk out loud. It’s nice to get in touch with 'the regulars'... and my inner (ludicrous) child.


Bing said...

@GLb - i just have to say that when i started posting here, your fascinating comments would always get my attention. That is why i look forward to them. I still remember the links to the flamboyant Russian singer that you gave.

Thanks again GLb for getting me interested in Queen though Adam would still have my undivided attention. But i must admit that this Rock Band is composed of excellent songwriters and i'm beginning to like their materials i'm not familiar with one by one.

Visit us more often GLb :D

GLb said...

Oh my, are you saying that I don’t just talk to myself here? I mean, when I don’t look for (OT) tete-a-tete discussions like this one. (btw, I can’t believe you went after that Vitas boy!). I thought my soliloquies, recorded here, have no other consequences than me facing my own language shortcomings. HaHaHa. I’m painfully aware of the fact that, in today’s world, there are no such things as private conversations anymore. We might be the first generation to experience the (total, globalized) death of privacy. Like dead and buried (and sometimes haunting). Let’s be serious, everything can be audio/videotaped or somehow traced...

...Oh, look! Instead of just saying thanks for your beautiful words I’m a smarta$$ again! This might be the reason why some people think I’m rude when I only try to express my appreciation. :-))

Aanyway, if you ever need a place to (mind)crash, there you are, I give you the keys to my own (virtual)cottage. It’s quite secluded, I rarely go there, but I’m going to arrange the place (nicely, but odd, of course) knowing that I might have visitors. I’m also working on creating a room in the 21st century Glam style for my special ..Berts. I won’t put someone’s posters on the walls though! Maybe just small pictures on the fireplace... :-)
But there will be music.


PS: I have such a short attention span that no one and nothing can really have my ‘undivided attention’. There are too many fish in the sea... of music... and love! :-))

Anonymous said...

Adam was AMAZING with Queen! And ANYONE who has followed his career since Idol KNOWS that Brian May & Roger Taylor have been AWESTRUCK by his talent from DAY ONE!
It was the powers at MTV that tried to foist Gaga or Katy onto Queen & they refused, insisting that only ONE person would sing with them and that was Lambert. To suggest otherwise is an insult to BOTH Queen and Lambert fans! When MTV caved to Queen, the condition was that they be introduced as simply "Queen"...which was fine by Adam.
As an American...I must say I am ashamed at the ATTITUDE of self-importance that so many Americans display! There are 196 countries in the WORLD. The USA is only ONE of them. I've lived OUTSIDE the US for 6 full years & it still amazes me that Americans can be so full of themselves. The USA is NOT Number ONE in almost anything, anymore! MUSIC LOVING people all over the world tuned in to watch the EMAs. MANY more people than EVER watch the American Music Awards. It was fantastic exposure for an unparralled artist who WILL be ICONIC.Internationally.ROCK ON ADAM! (And GOD SAVE QUEEN!) ;D