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New album is called "TRESPASSING"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 18, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 18, 2011

Tomorrow Adam will reveal the name of the first single! In addition, there is a song on "TRESPASSING" by the same name... Adam co-wrote it with Pharrell.


LP said...

I am curious as to why Adam has let quite a few friends listen to 6 of his tracks. Does that mean that the rest are not ready yet? His mother has already been dancing to his single. Wonder what the hold up is all about? Red tape and legalities I suppose.
This coming year will be interesting as to how Sauli will fit into Adam's life, while he is touring, sometime in late summer.

Anonymous said...

LOVED this tweet:

stopoppression lol Trespassing just made Beg for Money it's bitch

Did you see that Adam is supposedly attending the AMAs on Sunday?? Not sure if he will present, perform or just be in the audience, but at least he's back!!


Anonymous said...

this all has to be a relief for Adam to finally get this out.

Anonymous said...

Good name for a CD. That is great news about the AMAs. I really think it is time for ABC to give Adam a chance to perform again. It has been two years. Anyway, we will hear the name of the first single soon! Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

LP I think Adam will hire Sauli in some aspect when he goes out on the road. There is alot of work and preparation and management with a tour.Neil worked very hard when he was employed by Adam on his tour.JMO

Anonymous said...

I also just read on another site about Adam attending the AMA's. So he's been invited to attend, right? I can't wait to see what he's gonna be doing! Maybe ABC heard all the world buzzing about his showstopping performance with Queen and they're getting on the bandwagon too? This would be my dream come true. Adam is in a league of his own and we all know he can out sing any of the listed performers. Even if he's presenting and not performing, I'm still very happy for him. The more positive exposure the better.


rITA said...

This is just a thought of mine. Adam performed with Queen for the EMA's. Wouldn't it be something if Queen performed with Adam to introduce his new single? The buzz is that the single is supposed to drop in January, but it doesn't hurt to dream. ADAM STORM, indeed!

LP said...

At anon 10:47
You are so right, when I commented on that before, peeps got angry, and said that Sauli would never work for Adam, the job would be so degrading. I think it would be an honor to work for Adam in some capacity. Sauli is a very bright and educated young man, and is not afraid to work.He might even be able to tie it in with Katrina and the Tutka show, and let Finland see more of the USA.

glitzylady said...

WoooHooo!!!!!! BREAKING NEWS: This JUST came out in the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER....

"Adam Lambert to Present at 2011 American Music Awards" by Shirley Halperin

"Two years after sparking a wave of controversy with a same-sex mid-performance kiss, the "American Idol" runner-up returns to the ABC show’s stage. Says producer Larry Klein: “Adam was never banned.”
“Adam Lambert was never banned from the show,” says American Music Awards executive producer Larry Klein emphatically while eyeing a chair on the aisle of row two, audience left (see photo). That’s where the American Idol runner-up will be seated on Sunday night, just behind Heidi Klum. Lambert will also be presenting an award, marking his first return to the ABC show where he sparked a wave of controversy.

MTV EMAs: Adam Lambert Performs With Queen (Video)

Adam Lambert Enlists Nile Rodgers for New Album (Video)

Adam Lambert’s Second Album Slated for First Quarter Release
To recap: it was November 2009, five months after Lambert closed out Idol with a bang, but without the title. His debut album For Your Entertainment, was about to come out and in front of a TV audience of 14 million, the San Diego native was to perform the title track.
STORY: Lawsuit Suggests Adam Lambert Was Ineligible for 'American Idol'
As Lambert explained it immediately after the show, the excitement of the moment got the best of him, and while the performance was already racy (featuring guys on leashes and at least one female dancer faking fellatio), he took it up to 11 by kissing his male bass player, Tommy Joe Ratliff, on the lips. What came next was a flood of criticism, not so much as a result of his actions onstage, but because it was during primetime and children were tuning in. For his part, Lambert made sure to point out a double-standard when it comes to televised lip locks of the same sex (Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, anyone?).
“That thing got so out of control and was just so out of left field,” recalls Klein, who defends Lambert’s performance, but reasons that it was a spur-of-the-moment reaction rather than a premeditated jaw-dropper (the network received around 1500 complaints from parents). “We rehearsed it, and what we rehearsed was not what we saw on the air that night,” he continues. “The kiss wasn't in the script. Did Adam rehearse it on his own and not tell us? I have no idea.”
FIRST LOOK: Adam Lambert as Mentor on 'Majors & Minors'
Klein says the notion that Lambert would be banned from the network over a performance is somewhat absurd. “We laugh about it to this day,” he insists, but in recounting the event of that fateful night, he does acknowledge the camera’s quick cutaway -- facilitated by the network’s seven-second delay no doubt. “We didn't censor,” says Klein. “The kiss went on and that's all there is to it,”
As for the future, Klein very much looks forward to another Lambert performance, but not this year. “Adam Lambert is a friend of ours, he's talented and I like everything about him,” says Klein, “It’s like [AMAs creator] Dick Clark always used to say: ‘I don't care what people do on stage because a stage is for their performance. I care about how people act offstage.’ Adam was performing on a stage. Did he get carried away? Absolutely. Was he regrettful afterwards? Of course he was, but it’s over. ABC never banned him and Dick Clark Productions never would. We’d absolutely have him back.”
That opportunity will come soon enough. On Friday, Lambert tweeted that his long anticipated second album will be titled Trespassing and is slated for release in Spring 2012. He also revealed that a song of the same name appears on the album and was co-written by Pharrell Williams.
The 39th annual American Music Awards air Sunday at 8 p.m. EST on ABC. Watch Lambert's 2009 AMAs performance below: " ([n the link to article]

Cheril said...

Wow! So glad that Adam will be presenting. It's a great step forward. So happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Of course he can present...they are afraid to let him sing.... he will show all those auto tune, lip synching performers up . . .

Anonymous said...

@5:40am, you are SO correct!

Anonymous said...

I so agree with you at 5:40am. Adam is so good that he would steal the show if he performed. I am tired of all the pyrotechnics, all those dancers crowding and gyrating on the stage, and lip synching individuals who make each performance look like a circus act. I was happy just read that Adam would be in the audience. Now that I know he will be presenting, that makes the evening a bit more tolerable. Can't wait for the new single and the second album this spring. Spring brings with it a reawakening, a rebirth, a new vitality and energy and I am sure that we will see this in Adam's sophomore album. Turning 30 and a new album for Adam in's all good.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I'm back to watching the AMAs again this year! Too bad the performers are all the same-old same-olds. Can't wait for ADAM to perform on the AMAs again sometime in the future. Next year???

Anonymous said...

Okay ABC we know that nobody is perfect and we moved on indeed...

Adam will be the talk of the night at AMA. Everyone will be transfix when speaks again or whatever he's gonna do indeed!!!!

I'm so thrilled to hear this news and just let it flow!!!:))))))


Anonymous said...

This girl
LaurieLovesAdam Laurie is a friend to Tommy or Adam?
She do know`s thing`s ,that we don`t
Glose friend?,or member GNT?

tess4ADAM said...

Maybe this is just wishful thinking but ... remember MTV EMAs ... Gaga was supposed to be the singer with QUEEN? Then lo & behold ... out walked ADAM!! Could the SAME type of surprise be in store for us at the AMAs on Sunday?? I'm not really expecting it but if it DOES happen ... I'll be THRILLED to MY soul!!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

tess, It's wishful thinking to hope that Adam will sing ont he AMAs, but I'm not counting on a surprise Adam performance. His new music isn't out yet, and IMO he's not gonna sing with someone else on the show. I'm just going to eat him up on the red carpet and relish the few minutes he'll on the stage as a presenter. I hope they get some good shots of him sitting in the audience. When they interview him, it should be interesting, with references to the 2009 show. Wonder if Sauli will be sitting next to him? Next year, I'll bet anything he'll be performing. The ratings this year should be WAY higher than for last year's lame show.

Anonymous said...

sorry,but i`m still here :

Anonymous said...

AIOTM Let's get BB to @ least 350-400 votes ahead of #4.Also the Flecking Records "of the year"awards needs your votes for Adam (in 5 categories..)just go to their site;you'll see where to vote-takes very little time.I WILL be watching the AMA's tomorrow night,too!!

Anonymous said...

if we watch Adam's performance w/Queen a LOT,can we get that video back to #1??( from #2,today)I don't know much about MTV except that TSMGO went down.Did you all notice that Bruno Mars' video that BB praised,is the one that jumped to #1?Also,you can watch the whole Q-Adam medley on the EMA highlights( better quality than the one video of the 8 min plus video on you tube.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam

It has been "tomorrow" here in Florida 11 long hours now. I've been really patient...considering the time difference. I'm sure you sleep till noon CA time. You will remember that Adamaholics all over the world are eager to know the name of that much awaited single.
Right? Please tweet as soon as those blue eyes open. Have a happy Saturday...Love and admiration from a slightly manic fan.


Anonymous said...

"Better The I know Myself"

Anonymous said...

His new single is DADADADA----BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF by Claude Kelly.It's one of the lyrics he told us about. All along I kept telling myself that it was O.K. to be alone, I don't know if that is the exact phrase. Anyway you can listen to it by Claude Kelly I think Adam will make it more upbeat and his own. But I love it and I think it will do great on radio!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:24 You ruined my scoop haha!Thought glitzlady would get that on here before all of us lol

Anonymous said...

Adam deleted his tweet about the new single being called Better than I Know Myself. Wonder why. I know Adam's version will sound much different than the demo, more upbeat I think and with his voice will sound great. Better Than I Know Myself is now trending worldwide. Any thoughts on why he deleted the tweet?

Anonymous said...

I was staying on the line and open my twtter account every 15 min during all night.
Slept just few hours. This is the reason I found the name of the song before glitzylady.
Oh, I forgot to sign my comment at 8:34 AM
This is me,

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled to hear Adam will be presenting at the AMA's. That means I'll def be watching the AMA's once again. Gotta find out when the Red Carpet starts on the West Coast...don't want to miss one second of seeing Adam! Yaaaay!


Anonymous said...

Adam will Adamize this song and make it sound amazing. Why the deleted tweet. Do you think he wants Claude to take down the video. Too late for that. Any thoughts?

glitzylady said...

@HAL : )

glitzylady said...

Adam tweeted and deleted 3 times: not the work of a troll. All three tweets are still on my phone text alerts.

Do we know that Adam's song is the same as Claude Kelly's???? I think he and his team have put much careful thought into his first new single and we should be supportive and have faith that it will be a song worthy of Adam and his amazing voice, no matter who wrote it. Everything Adam's voice touches is magical. We haven't even heard him "officially" announce it yet OR sing it. How about we reserve judgment until we truly have something to judge.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the "Trespassing" has different meanings. One is going on another's property, another one is sometimes a religious word for sinning - maybe a reference to the "rot in hell", but I don't think we will. It will be interesting to see what the songs are..
I really hope the first single is upbeat!

Anonymous said...

I heard the Claude Kelly video of the song on the other thread, and I like it! Adam's version will be awesome. Some Glams are posting some negatives, but I'm with-holding judgement till I hear ADAM sing it. Song has great lyrics, I think.

tess4ADAM said...

Hi! fellow Glamberts ... Well ... by now we all know that ADAM's 'deleted tweet' was a mistake & that Better Than I Know Myself will be his new single & that ADAM & Sauli really HEATED up the Red Carpet. I'm here to give you all a link to ALL of Liam McEwan's ADAM LAMBERT HOUR programs from NZ & they are download-able too. So here goes ... ENJOY ... they are all dated also ... NOW must VOTE ..

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)