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Holiday Greetings from Adam Lambert December 2011

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 19, 2011

Posted at : Monday, December 19, 2011


Anonymous said...

You too Mr. Gorgeous!!!!

Adam just landed at the airport to be with Sauli and family indeed!!!!

He was pulling two suitcases!!! Poor him he must really exhausted indeed...

Just enjoy your visits in Finland and have a good rest my dear.....


Anonymous said...

Right back at you . .you hunk of burning love!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Two suitcases . . . maybe some shopping in Shanghi

Anonymous said...

I can't get my video to work, just a blue thing with a question mark in the middle. oh well I think it was a good message and the same back to you Adam.Best holiday greetings to Sauli and his family and Adam's family too.

Anonymous said...

This message is also linked on Adam Official and the Fan Club site. It's very short but cute. Can he get any better looking? I think it's impossible. Loved the fans greeting him at the airport in Finland. He's was a charming as ever, exhausted as he was.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to you Adam. He looks so gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Love the bronze-colored highlights in his hair...

Anonymous said...

Love those eyes! He is just so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Take a hike Nike