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Adam Lambert On His Way to Finland

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 18, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, December 18, 2011

Apparently, Adam left his hotel at 7:15 this morning and at around 10am, he hopped on the flight to Finland.

And here's a new picture of Adam with Japanese participants at Amway Event in Shanghai. (Via @bani_)


Anonymous said...

There IS a direct flight from Shanghai to Helsinki that departs at 10:15am local time in China. It's in Helsinki at 2:50pm local time, which is 4:50am Pacific time here in the US. It would be nice of him to make the trip, even if he just stopped by. It will mean that he flies around the world, though. Tough travel in the span of a few days.

Anonymous said...

This is all just speculation. So we will just wait and see where he is.There must have been a reason to move the single up from January to December. I was hoping a spot on X Factor or New Years Eve. IDK.

Anonymous said...

he looks happy, I hope the Chinese people really like him alot.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I should do something else, but listening to BTIKM and speculating is a lot more fun :) We should know tomorrow here in the US what he did.

Anonymous said...

I don't get this trip to Finland either, well except for love! But with the new single dropping on Tues, would've thought he'd wanna be stateside for all the "hoopla" that's about to happen! I was also hoping for a surprise X-Factor performance!

Oh well, as long as he's happy! :)

daydreamin said...

He looks so good!:REALLY lovin' his hair!! :0)

daydreamin said...

Talk about being on an airplane for a long time, here are Adam's latest tweets (The jetlag one is 11 hours ago, so I wonder if he is with Sauli now??!:

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Jetlag knows me #betterthaniknowmyself
11 hours ago

adamlambert Adam Lambert
11 hours ago

OMFGMusic OMFG Music
by adamlambert
Adam Lambert's new single "Better Than I Know Myself" is pure pop gold. Way to go, @AdamLambert!
17 Dec

AdamBertDaily Adam Lambert News
by adamlambert
@adamlambert Trespassing is #54 on Amazon Bestsellers list! Preorder it now!…
17 Dec

adamlambert Adam Lambert
@_C_Johnston_ damn right they are! :) I wouldn't have it any other way!!
20 hours ago

adamlambert Adam Lambert
#betterthaniknowmyself #trespassing
17 Dec

daydreamin said...

Whoa, New Zealand fans get ready!:

Shakefield Sharyn Wakefield
Adam Lambert fans tune into @JJMikeDom at 6am tomorrow for the NZ premiere of his new song!
3 hours ago

daydreamin said...

Happy Holidays From Cheeks and Brady!
(husbands show)

funbunn40 said...

Adam sure is racking up FF miles! I bet Sauli's family is looking forward to Adam and Sauli being with them so close to Christmas and Adam will see some snow!I'm lovin' the hair too, Daydreamin!

Anonymous said...

xoxoxoxoo from Finland

Anonymous said...

He looks stunning and happy ,just loving his beautiful hair!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Helsinki, Adam!!
Please stay for Chritmas : ) M

Anonymous said...

OT, so far loved all the positive reviews about BTIKM. This is another one:

Anonymous said...

How Adam is going to premier BTIKM on Tuesday, if he is on vacation in Finland?

Anonymous said...

It looks like the leather jacket that Adam had on @ the airport was the same one he wore on stage.I THOUGHT it was,when all we could see was that blurry green pic of him (on stage.)( I never found any more pix of BB on stage..did find pic of the very nice venue,etc.tho)He looks sooooo good with the Japanese fans.I guess we'll know for sure very soon if he's in Finland or not.AND YES!!!HIS HAIR LOOKS GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

If Adam is not flying to LA I think he may fly to London for promotion. What would he do here in Finland now when people are so busy preparing for Christmas?If he goes to London from there it is a short flight to Finland to visit for Christmas holidays next weekend when people are at home with their families.

HK fan said...

@anon 2.05am
Here are a few a few photos of him on stage, non are very good quality though.,

Looks like same jacket and leopard print trousers.

Anonymous said...

So happy that Adam gets to spend Christmas week in Finland with Sauli and his family/friends. He's gonna need the break because 2012 is gonna be non-stop for him. Adam probably has a lot of "phone" interviews lined up already for his official single release this week. He can do it all out of Finland. As big as that suitcase Sauli was lugging around, I would say he's there for at least a week or two. With today's technology, Adam will stay connected. Hopefully, Adam was able to film his appearance for the X-Factor Finale. Everybody else did.

HK fan said...

There have been several performers announced for the x factor final, and Adams name was not amongst them, so reckon its unlikely he'll be on there. So he may as well spend xmas with Sauli and then start the chatshows, radio promos etc when he gets back. Maybe he'll do some promo in Finland first.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Finland, Adam! <3 (and Sauli too, since he came here couple of days ago)

I'm so happy to hear they're able to spent some time together before (and hopefully during) Christmas.

I wish Adam will do some promo in Finland - and if, that'll probably be in Helsinki. In that case I'd be happy to travel to our capital city! I live 8 hours ride away from Helsinki, but would be happy to ask a day off from work and go to see Adam! Yay! Wishing the best!! ;)

An Excited Fan From Finland!

Anonymous said...

While rumors and speculations are flying I read somewhere that Adam is performing somewhere in L.A. on New Years Eve! How's that for completely unsubstantiated info? lol

I hope Adam is in Helsinki for a rest during the next few days, no interviews, no hype, just getting acquainted with Sauli's family. They need to get to know him and see that Sauli is in safe hands here in the USA.

I'm sure Helsinki will treat Adam kindly. :)....I know Sauli will be glad to be with his family, I'm sure they have missed him as he has missed them. It's a family time of year!


Anonymous said...

He is in Finland!!!

Anonymous said...

We have the best, better than Santa... my daughter and her friend saw at the Helsinki airport!!
M (we are Glamberts of bottom of our hearts! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so like his Mum in that photo and that's a mighty fine thing!

Anonymous said...


Apparently Trespassing is being released in Oz on March 16 .... my birthday! So what an amazing birthday present that will be!

Anonymous said...

Oz as in Wizard?????

Where is OZ?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Adam spend xmas with Sauli and his family because is time to be with the ones you love.Adam has showed Sauli many USA traditions, now Sauli can show Adam all the Finland ones.Also Adam use to spend xmas in a warm weather place and Finland is cold!!Big change compare to L.A!!but I'm sure Sauli will keep him warm.:):)
What a lovely couple!!


Anonymous said...

Adam is so happy! And that makes ME happy! Wouldn't it be frosting on the cake it if he DID perform on New Year's Eve somewhere? He didn't last year. It doens't look like he'll be on XFactor (damn), but remember that next spring will be Idol and I'm SURE he'll perform on that at some point (and Trespassing will be world-wide by then.) Just want all the Adam I can get. And, yes, he looks so gorgeous and I'm sure Sauli's family will adore him!

HK fan said...

video of Adam at Finland airport

and to anon 6.28am OZ is Australia

Anonymous said...

Adam in Finland

Anonymous said...

Adam is in Finland. WOW! Unfortunately there is no snow and it seems like it's not snowing in Southern Finland for Xmas. Only Lappland has snow right now. This is quite exceptional (that there is no snow at this time of the year) and unfortunate now when we got Adam here. But Sauli and his family and friends are here. So, I quess it will be allright. :)

Anonymous said...

This is to the worried Bradam fans: Adam WILL get privacy in Finland.

Anonymous said...

Aaaah, the things we do for love. Adam's got to be exhausted with the jetlag he mentioned. LA to Shanghai and now to Finland. BUT .... rather than go home to LA, he's going to be with his love. Makes so so happy! Crazy, I know :-) LL

Anonymous said...


Adam deserves everything what he has right now.


We love u Adam!!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Adam is so sweet ALL ALONE in the airport lugging his luggage and getting a cab by himself. Love how the Finn fans are eating him up! Hope we get more holiday pictures while he's with Sauli and his family.

Anonymous said...

DRG, I'm too busy to stalk Adam and I live too far away from Helsinki to get pics. Sorry. :)

Anonymous said...

Another video of adam at the airport in Helsinki

Anonymous said...

Oh Brother! If these comments get any sappier, you guys will need insulin shots!

Anonymous said...

Adam is very sweet and friendly and despite the tiredness, he seems very happy. I wish Adam and Sauli spend a very happy holidays together in Finland

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

AL will be in Los Angeles for Christmas. He will spend it with the ones who knew him before all of his fame. They mean so much to him. He always spends Christmas with his family and Miss Stori. I don't think he will be any different this year.

Anonymous said...

Adam is Jewish and usually celebrates Hanukkah (Dec 20) with his family and friends in LA. He does not celebrate Christmas.

Anonymous said...

@December 19, 2011 6:28 AM

Oz as in AUSTRALIA. Oz is a colloquial expression. We don't spell it Aus because that's the abbreviated spelling of Austria.