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Adam Lambert Responds to QUEEN Frontman Rumors

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 8, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 08, 2011


Anonymous said...

You are correct, Sir!!! Absolutely:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam you are the man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it! His OWN front man. No doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Adam, we share your obsession. But we also loved your performance with Queen at the European Music Awards (MTV) last month. So glad that you added in your recent tweet about being your own frontman that you do not exclude further special guest appearances with Queen. They indeed are STILL one of THE best rock bands ever. It was a major thrill for your fans and everyone else who might not know you like we do to see you and Queen on stage together. Major visibility.

Anonymous said...

You are right Adam we are obsessed not only by your new single and album but you!!!So glad you got to perform with Queen and show the world not only are you a pop star but a rock star!!!How many singers can do both so very well!!!!

Anonymous said...

Liam McKewan just tweeted Just received a release date for Better than I Know Myself Adam's new single. He wants Adam to tell us though. He is the DJ from New Zealand that does the Adam Lambert Hour every Sat. night. A huge fan of Adam's! So I am assuming we hear from Adam really really soon!!!Yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow did I really beat glitzlady this time?1 haha Love that girl!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear that anybody was talking about "Adam Frontman"!
Sorry, baby, nobody can be Queen's frontman. However, it would be great opportunity for you to promote your never gonna be released "Tresspassing" album!
As less you are to busy to have fun with Sauli and try to catch any small occasion to appear on US TV shows!
Again, Adam, you are your own frontman. You don't have band and it doesn't seem you plan to have any.
Also, nobody plan to sign any deal with you, darling. BE PATIENT! "The Miracle" happens sometimes! For you it happened twice already.

Anonymous said...

First off WTF to the post before this. Anyway Adam kows what he's doing. If he plays with Queen he doesn't want that to overshadow his new album. So everyone needs to relax.

Anonymous said...

Luv u Adam but watch the snarky tweets. Could blow another huge opportunity!!!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean? AMAs??? Who gives a fuck. Loyal fans will support pretty much whatever except maybe a collab with Bieber.

Anonymous said...

it's been my next obsession for a good while

Anonymous said...

Adam was not being snarky. He just wants to put an end to all the crazy rumors being written. He has to focus on his own music and if he gets another chance to sing with Queen that will be great!

Anonymous said...

Adam, nobody wants you to be Queen's frontman. Even if you loose 70-80 pounds, start to use much less makeup and wear the great bright colors. By the way, you look much better in white that in grey, darling.
Nobody offer you any contract , yet. As I know:):)
It is a big competition and nobody knows who will win. 700 contestants, dear. Who knows, may be one of them has 5 octaves vocal:)

Anonymous said...

8:11, what competition?

7:49 (Scrabble alert)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:48 PM Yep you beat me fair and square! Haha!

Anonymous said...

8:11 PM
Do you have nothing better to do in your life than going to visit other people's fan site and trying to be witty! Please go back to your bored and mean life! Here we all share the same love: Adam!
Good Bye!

Anonymous said...

@8:24PM Didn't you read the second part of this article with Rodger's interview?
Their are about 700 contestants for "Queen Extravaganza" tour!

Anonymous said...

@8:11 obviously your not on board with this whole queen thing are you? They are not talking about adam being in the tribute band.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:11 PM
I'm gonna post this one more time: From the "Why Trespassing Will Be Epic" Thread: this is the "short explanation" version..additional info on that thread as well.

Adam would sing with QUEEN ONLY with Roger Taylor and Brian May, not the Tribute Band which is made up of musicians and singers that entered a contest to fill the ranks of the Tribute Band only which is COMPLETELY separate, as I commented at 4:04 PM as did @Anon 4:12 PM.

QUEEN with Roger Taylor, Brian May and Adam Lambert perhaps as frontman (vocalist) would do one or up to a few gigs as QUEEN, as yet unannounced. Still in talks with Adam. Rumors are floating around about the 2012 Olympics due to comments made in Sept by Roger Taylor in a Rolling Stone article, not confirmed as of yet.

The QUEEN TRIBUTE Band ["The Competition"]will go on a tour next year to play gigs (its been said for 3 months or so), featuring Queen's music WITHOUT any of the actual Queen members. The contest is over, the winners determined as of this week. Nothing to do with Adam.

glitzylady said...

Note: sorry I forgot to delete some references to the previous thread with times of previous comments..ignore those : )

Anonymous said...

8:11 are you playing with a full deck? You aren't even good at being a troll. ha, ha

Anonymous said...

This wasn't hard to guess. Even if Adam was interested performing with Queen, he's sending the wrong signal.

Anonymous said...

@8:50PM Don't want to be a troll.
After Freddie died, Queen never wanted to have the frontman and never will.
Paul Rodger was on tours with Queen. But the name of this tour and concert music video was "Paul Rodger and Queen". And nobody never got Paul as Queen frontman. I think it would be the same story if Queen sign contract with Adam.

Anonymous said...

First of all, what is Trespassing about or who? If it's about the new lead guitarist I ain't gonna buy it.

Anonymous said...

Hell there are some really strange uninformed comments on this link.
Just ignore them or her whatever.
Maybe english is their second language hence the strange phrasing and grammer.

Anonymous said...

@7:49 and @8:11

Since you are one and the same person who cannot compose a coherent sentence, why don't you go some place where you can speak your native language and be understood. TaTa SeeYA Bye

Anonymous said...

Tell'em Adam. This Queen obsession by some fans is getting ridiculous.

Queen is not the next big thing, it's a rehash of their old music and who wants to be known for singing covers that are decades old made famous by someone else?

Do your own thing!

Anonymous said...

Blimey, there's a whole lotta hoo haa going down on this topic! Let's get over this Adam/Queen thing and concentrate on what's important to Adam .... HIS NEW MUSIC!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love QUEEN's music. I don't care that it's 'old' .... it is EPIC and will be around and enjoyed forever!! However what's of paramount importance to me is ADAM, his voice and his music.

Anonymous said...

I'm not into tribute bands. If I can't see/hear the original, I'm not interested. Would anyone here be interested in an Adam tribute band???? Well, I for one would avoid it like the plague. If I can't see/hear Adam performing his songs, I'm not interested in anyone else performing them.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a brilliant job with Queen recently at the EMA's but he's put so much hard work and effort into his next album so understandably this should be his number one priority. I really think as his fans we should be giving him all our support with this as I'm sure his new single and album Trespassing will be Epic, launching him onto to even bigger things, giving him the recognition he so deserves. I wish him all the luck in the world, and can't wait to hear his new music.


Anonymous said...

Adam as frontman of Queen - EPIC!
Adam as his own frontman - EPIC!
I´m excited new single and cd,
waiting so much hear his voice also with new songs!
Have a nice weekend!
It´s snowing a lot in Finland right now! : )

Anonymous said...

“my next big obsession”... “and YOUR next big obsession"...

HaHaHa. Outssstanding! Watch out, Neil! The big brother is one cd spin away from becoming a politician. I bet he put on his agenda for the end of the year: „to induce mass obsession among the ..Berts regarding my Trespassing project”.
He must know the ground is set. They... we’ve already displayed some OCD symptoms... adorned with several paranoid ideas. I guess it’s about time for a twitter-induced disorder!
I’m quite affected by this myself, but the antiestablishmentarian in me (what’s left of it!) is protesting against this teasing extension of the music industry! :-))

(always trying to be witty in a yet-unmastered second language, now going back to my boring life :-))

Anonymous said...

Funny GLb


Anonymous said...

Adam is NOT "competing" for anything having to do with Queen, tribute band or otherwise. Everybody ought to understand that by now, right?

Anonymous said...

My friend 6am! I've missed you.

Cheril said...

I think at this time Adam wants the buzz to be about his new song ready to be released...he let the rumors go on for awhile.

Adam will sing with Queen again on a guest spot here or there and that will be something to look forward to but right now he wants us to "focus" on his new cd.

I'm ready and waiting...

Anonymous said...

Adam, the lyrics of FYE says "Take the pain, take the pleasure,I'm a master of both". O.K, so already probe that you're a master of pain with all this "almost news".
Now, please, would you mind to show us you're also The master of plesure!?? I know you can do it!!! But hurry! 'cause soon the only master we're gonna need is a shrink master!!:)


Anonymous said...

The media just ask Brian May Etc about what is going on with Queen. They gave Adam cudo's. Adam is a single recording artist like Katy Perry,GaGa. Why would anyone think he was going to be the front man for queen. That performance on EMA was an omage to Queen the band. Adam just stepped in to do just that.7:49 you have no business being on this fan are just a negative force. Take your crap and leave this site; you are not welcome here. Adam's work on this new CD will speak for it self. DJ's all over the globe are raving about this new single. It is a "HOT" one and they know it. I have a friend who works at a radio station(DJ) and she said that releases usually are on Tuesdays. Why would Adam be any differant right?

Anonymous said...

no doubt Adam would comment on this, he is his own frontman !!

Anonymous said...

I don't think single will be released today. Adam tweeted details any day. We might get some news about the single today. So please be patient. I honestly thought his first single will be released in Jan. of next year. Since they pushed it to be released before the holidays, we fans should consider this release as Adam's holiday gift to us.

Anonymous said...

he wasnt being snarky at all, i dont blame him for setting the record straight. he does his own thang and at that, he should, always. why in the world would he ever want to be queens frontman...silly
other than special occasions.

Anonymous said...

Let's just say his response is not for us. We don't know who was panicking that Queen would steal Adam from them completely.

Anonymous said...

the Lambert hair is becoming an obsession. what products does he use??? anyone???

Anonymous said...

His condom of choice???? anyone????

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, if you guys think the trolls are bad now just wait til the single comes out!! Green eyed troll time is here.

glitzylady said...

Durex Extra Sensitive

Anonymous said...

Isn't anyone going to ask how she knows?

glitzylady said...

; )

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be obsessed IF you'd just release the album!!!