"Better Than I Know Myself" Lyrics
Filed Under (Better Than I Know Myself ) by Admin on Thursday, December 15, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cold as ice
And more bitter than a december
Winter night
That's how I treated you
And I know that I
I sometimes tend to lose my temper
And I cross the line
Yeah that's the truth
I know it gets hard sometimes
But I could never
Leave your side
No matter what I say
Coz if I wanted to go
I woulda gone by now but
I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I woulda left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know my self.
All along
I tried to pretend it didn't matter
If I was alone
Deep down I know
If you were gone
For even a day I wouldn't know which way to turn
Coz I'm lost without you.
I know it gets hard sometimes
But I could never
Leave your side
No matter what I say
Coz if I wanted to go
I woulda gone by now but
I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I woulda left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know my self.
Coz if I wanted to go
I woulda gone by now but
I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I woulda left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know my self.
Coz if I wanted to go
I woulda gone by now but
I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I woulda left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know my self.
Lyrics via kovideo.net)
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This is absolutely beautiful but in my opinion, it does not have the haunting uniqueness of "A Loaded Smile". I love that song more every time I hear it, which by now has been about a thousand times. Wonder which songs will resonate with passion and freshness, when we finally get that new album in our panting paws!!! We will each love something different but lap it all up like kittens with cream!!
Heartfelt sentiment but in reading, it seems repetitious, would like more/different lyric - however, if Adam sings the repetitions a bit differently each time maybe that changes it - just have to wait and see. He really knows how to deliver a song so I know I will love it.
These aren't EXACTLY what the lyrics will be...
A reviewer stated that there was a bridge added with the following lyrics:
"I get kinda dark
Let it go too far
I can be obnoxious at times
But try and see my heart."
Source: http://www.muumuse.com/2011/12/adam-lambert-better-than-i-know-myself-single-review.html/
I do love words!......JAK
Waiting patiently for the whole song on Tuesday and it takes me a little while to like any song.
just guessing, but i believe the way the lyrics are wrote out are not the way the song will go. i think the snippet is the chorus part and he does each verse inbetween, not sing the same lines over and over. :)
He says all the songs are personal.
Is this about Sauli do you think?
Yes. It's a don't leave me, I know I can be a pain, but I love you and don't want to be alone again song.
And most lyrics are repetitious,the easier for us to learn them and sing along. Outlaws of Love is repetitious. So was WWFM,Strut,IIHY,Fever, etc.
To coloforadam,
Loaded smile is my favorite song on Adam's FYE album as well. It is hauntingly beautiful and I could listen to it every day-over and over. I never understood why it wasn't received as well as so many of the other songs-and I ached to hear him sing it live when I saw him in concert-or any time for that matter.I did find 2 videos of him singing it live{one is in Canada}. You can google them and find them pretty easily.He puts his whole heart and soul into singing this song and listening to him brings me to another place-incredible!!! Do you understand what I mean?
add me to the list of those that love A loaded smile, could never understand why so many said it was their least favourite, or even worse, the one they skip. A very under rated song.
Okay, since we're talking "Loaded Smile"...here is the one from River Rock Casino in Vancouver BC, a concert I was thrilled to be at. Tickets were really hard to get...sold out in three minutes literally. Fabulous venue: everyone could see the stage.... And you could just feel that Adam was really excited to be there, and still in awe that everyone LOVED him so much..Before GlamNation tour started. This was literally the night before he met with the Idols in Las Vegas for his mentoring gig. I love this vid because Suz526 must have been sitting really close to me..its the same perspective. Also at one point you'll notice the camera goes down all of a sudden for just a few seconds..There were security guards there and at first they said no filming...well, that didn't work.. EVERYONE had a camera. I think they finally just gave up. Oh, and you'll hear a man shout something out to Adam at the beginning while he was talking..and interrupted him and as a result Adam didn't finish his thought: that guy was right behind me..yelling in my ear! Ah, memories!! ; ) It was such a great night and Adam was soo good and just having a great time too. Truly a night to remember...
"A Loaded Smile" is a REALLY hard song to sing..so probably why we haven't heard it too often. And like every song he touches, the live version is changed up and beautiful. Stunning vocals, but probably a strain on his voice..so not a song to sing every night on tour. Here it is: Enjoy!
The message is guite clear, hopefully you stay off the edge. Everybody needs a mirrow and bit of honesty in relationship.
I love the cover.
glitzylady-thank you for your sweet recollections of that memorable night in Vancouver. Yes, that's one of the videos I go to when I HAVE to see Adam singing Loaded Smile.You must have been so thrilled to be in the audience that night-I would have loved to have been there too! That song is done entirely in falsetto,so I know Adam couldn't do it every night-BUT-just once in a while?
By the way, Suz526 was sitting right behind my daughter and me when we went to Adam's concert in San Diego {Adam grew up 15 minutes from me {in Rancho Penasquitos} She was amazing with that camera of hers-captured the whole concert-and was sitting next to a group of ladies who traveled from Canada to see him there. Memories.....
The lyrics of the single have NOTHING to do with Sauli. BTIKM was written for over 2 years ago by Dr Luke and Claude Kelly. Adam wasn't even co-writer.
The ALBUM will tell about Adam's personal life during the 2 last years. So a lot of the album will include lyrics concerning Sauli.
reports out that btikm has leaked on twitter..
Adam has landed in China
@lorraine@glitzlady - Thank you so much for reminding me about A Loaded Smile. I can't believe that I had somehow forgotten about this song. It is now in my favorites and OMG when I heard it, I could not believe how beautiful he sang it! This song represents THE TRUE ADAM in my mind. It is beautiful beyond words. Thanks again for making my morning great!
Adam has added new lyrics to it. Maybe for Sauli:
"I get kinda dark
Let it go too far
I get obnoxious sometimes
But try to see my heart
Cause I need you now
so don't let me down
You're the only thing in this world
I would die without "
Great lyrics. I'm so looking forward to hearing the ENTIRE song. So it's been leaked on Twitter?! Where is it?? No, I'll wait to hear it properly. The audio on YouTube is never as good as the real thing.
I love "A Loaded Smile" too - definitely not my least favorite song that Adam's recorded and there are a couple that I'm not crazy about but this topic is about the here and now. :)
From FYE there were mostly great but didn't give a chance to be out there as singles. "Pick u Up" was one of them and I really love it everyday indeed.
I hope in the second album, they will release more singles indeed:)
I just watched the video of Adam with crazy fans in the airport and looks gorgeous and the hair my gosh to die for. Chinese fans are awesome indeed!!!!
Please check the twitter fandom!!!!
That is sad if there was a leak. I am going to wait patiently for the 20th. Breathing breathing!
OT: Josh Krajcik of X Factor sang "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen and it was just beautiful. I would give anything to hear Adam sing this song. I know it would be beyond amazing! Maybe someday he will.
I couldn't help it. Listened to the full song. It is really good. I will by it Tuesday. It is radio friendly forsure.If you can't wait you can listen here.
I love it.
It's easy to connect with that song, maybe 'cause many people have felt that way at some point of life.No matter which side,bouth are tough.
Sometimes it's hard to be with someone that you really love but the other person seems to be too busy to notice that you're always there,for anything that person needs, for everything.So it feels really good when the other one realize about it and say thouse word to you: "I really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge".It's also important to say it on time.
Loaded Smile is as mournful, sensual and tender a song as has ever been written. Have always loved it.
I'm hoping that with the expected success of TSing, there will be a resurgence of sales of FYE. Many of those little-heard songs like Loaded Smile should be heard by millions more listeners. I hope that happens.
Canadian, where is the link to the Chinese fans greeting Adam?!
I just melted indeed!!!!!
Goosebumps!!!! The song is very powerful and made me cry:(
Temptation is always around and I did!!!
Sorry guys someone leaked it and I'm a sinner indeed....
When I was listening I thought Adam was just in the room and singing with me....
I just woke up to these! Adam looks fabulous! LOVE his hair...
Lot's of pictures here:
Here is the video
I hope it work for you guys
Sauli is back to Finland for good,his next Tutka road show is goming from Finland next summer.(Katri and he told us)
He is not goming back to us.
Iam still learning LA style,sorry!
I'm with @Canadian ... no will power for me ... couldn't WAIT until Tuesday ... had to hear it NOW!!! Chills ... misty eyes ... ADAM is in his element with this song ... I LOVE it & cannot WAIT to BUY it on Tuesday ... that is ... if I can survive the weekend!! One again ... Delicious Anticipation for the ENTIRE album now even more than before ... just one thing ... drums are a bit too heavy ... could be toned down some ... otherwise ... the song is great & ADAM .. of course as always is P.E.R.F.E.C.T.
Now ... I must go VOTE 4 ADAM everywhere ... Love 'n Light
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw) and 'snooper'
I can't stop listen better than I know myself again and again and again, I really love it
From Barcelona
I'm really lukewarm with this song. NOT hot over it. I guess it will growwwwwwww on me.
@Anonymous 7:42
Sauli didn´t say he is Finland for good. I understand Finnish and he or Katri didn´t say that. Only that it would be nice to do Tutka show next summer in Finland or somewhere else in Europe.
He's the link again for the video..the one above didn't work for me..got this one from the AdamQuoteDaily site: Just a quick peek at Adam as he walks by..
@Anonymoys 7:42
I am a Finn and understand Finnish. Sauli is coming to Finland only to see his family and friends on Christmas. Then he will be back in LA. Katri and Sauli said that it would be nice to make more Tutka-Roadshows for instance in Europe, in Finland or as Sauli said maybe "in the moon". They don't have any real plans yet. They might discuss about it when Sauli visits Finland on the holidays. Sorry, maybe I disappointed you, but I think Sauli will be back in USA soon after Xmas.
thank-you leak people wherever you are. The fun has begun.
I had to listen to it as well, but will absolutely buy it first thing on Tuesday when it becomes available! And I liked the song too, someone said in some of the articles written on the song after the snippet was released that it's great how the song build up to the snippet part. And that is true, the snippet did not make justice to the song.
I find this very radio and mainstream friendly. I can totally see this playing right next to the latest Katy Perry songs, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Rihanna and other top selling singers on any radio station. And my opinion is that this is what Adam should be doing in order to grow his fan base and establish himself even more firmly as a singer - and financially. It's a lot easier to take risks later when you have established yourself (unless you are Lady Gaga), if that's what you want to do as a musician and an artist.
LOVED LOVED LOVED "A Loaded Smile". Listen to it at least once in car almost every day
@December 16, 2011 8:26 AM -
I agree
Another fan video link of Adam arriving at the airport in Shangai: More Adam, and longer'
To anyone anxious about listening to a LEAK of the song - well, doesn't a lot of hits to a link like that just show uber interest in the song and Adam? Just throwing that out there, correct me if I'm wrong by all means. To me, a ton of hits on a leak such as the BTIKM single is a positive sign... although, as far as ripping it off and then not having to buy it, that's an issue I realize (but who wouldn't want the best quality as in paying for it on i-Tunes?? Only a crazy person :)).
Anyway - also - to all you So You Think You Can Dance fans out there - can't you totally see a routine choreographed to BTIKM for next season?!!! I can visualize the whole thing from one listen, illegal though it was :)), to the single
Thank You 7:42 I understood the same as you. On the website of adamtopia is translated. I hope Adam and Sauli spend the New Year together
Been listening to BTIKM over and over. I love it! I think it is perfect for radio and will be well received both on top 40 and AC stations.You know when Adam sings it live it will sound even better. One of the few if any singers that can do that nowadays!
Thank you thank you anon 6:57..tried to get to the link before work this morn,,came home at lunch and got to listen to btikm..I love it love it..will buy it Tuesday for sure..Sauli has to come back to LA..
Well I couldn't wait either and listened to BTIKM. Love it and those dj's had better play it!!! Within 5 minutes it had 50 more views up to 850 now. Hope this isn't a bad thing for adam that it was leaked? I'll still buy on Tuesday for sure.
It will be a big hit for sure!!!!Yeah adam- Love it!
Here's a verse that's missing from
the lyrics ...
I get kinda dark
Let it go too far
I could be obnoxious at times
But try and see my heart
'Cause I need you now
So don't let me down
You're the only thing in this world
I would die without
Coz if I wanted to go
I woulda gone by now ... etc. repeat 2x to the end of song
I, too, am a sinner and could not wait. But, I'll buy it next week to add to all my other Adam items.
It truly is radio friendly and maybe just what Adam needs to get a larger fan base. Of course any new fans could never have such dedication as we.
And YES Lorraine, I do
understand what you mean about "A Loaded Smile". It's one of my favs.
The leak has been dis-abled! Glad I got to hear it before they took it down. love it!
MGF, I agree with you about the hits and the number just keeps growing.
And now that you brought up the visuals, yes, I can see that as a dance routine on SYTYCD or maybe even an ice dancing routine.
I love especially that part in the new part of the lyrics where he sings:"But try and see my heart". It sounds very sincere, young, fragile, sensitive, a little pleading. He has gotten a lot of emotion int a few words. And into the entire song.
For all of those who loved A Loaded Smile, including me...at the time FYE came out, there was criticism about the lyrics being too confusing. Perhaps that's what caused people to pass it by, what a shame. The melody is lovely.
I never gave A Loaded smile a chance early on. I love it now though.My favorite is Voodoo.
Kelly’s version of the song is no longer available on YT “due to a claim by Kobalt Music America Publishing”. I’m pretty sure the ..Berts drew Kobalt’s attention to that link. I wish that demo had never been posted online.
So I listened to this Claude Kelly guy you say is somebody (and who wrote For Your Entertainment, of course). I saw he also wrote some songs (and for some singers) that I really like. He is a sort of a made-in-US Mozart. He plays piano since he was two years old.
I can’t wait to see if BTIKM will top FYE single’s sales. One thing is for sure: in the last two years the ..Berts have grown in number (at least I hope so) and they are previously known to have done some pretty amazing things to increase single and album sales. I believe I said it before, Adam’s team should do its homework, get to know very well how the energies flow within his fan base and work in sync with the ..Berts. Magnetic and magmatic energies... Optical and electric, tidal and osmotic powers... Just waiting to be put in good use.
('Also, don’t forget about the known and the still unleashed psychotic powers of the ..Berts', the me-troll says. 'They might come in handy as well') :-)
you can listen to it here
it is freaking awesome
- JoJo
Okay I get magnetic and magmatic...
optical and electric...tidal and osmotic...but you know this group,
would you really encourage unleashing psychotic powers? Just to insure Adam's success? Now there's a thought to keep me awake nights!!...Magma is frightening enough!
Love your posts...good exercise for my crumbling brain cells!
JAK :)
JAK! Did I miss the ego-brushing hour? Although, this might be a good thing since I’m a fail at... polishing (people's) ‘personal goods’ anyway. This way I get all the ‘brushing’ without me trying to do the same and shattering all the china... souls instead.
Now, really, you must know I love the storyteller in you. I’m a sucker for life stories and non-fiction narratives... and for people who share them. I believe this is also the main reason why I got stuck with the Glam World. There are ‘stories’ everywhere here. Starting with the 8th season of AI! I also loved how the Glammed One made a story out of his first touring show and how people from around the world listened to him with open mouths. Even ‘the fiction’ drew my attention (for the first time in years). I’ve found one or two very talented writers (I can’t read too much of it I’m afraid). I wish they could put their skills to better use.
Btw, as a former ‘listener’ of psychotic and quasi-psychotic narratives I’d say one never knows where ‘the truth’ lies. Psychosis is just another way to look to reality... like another pair of glasses. I’m not the one to say how many ‘realities’ are there. I (kind of) believe in as many realities as people are on earth. The ‘real reality’ is the one that prompts people’s behavior... which is their own reality.
Taking on a different ‘route’ now, some ..Bert here called me ‘self-righteous’, maybe thinking that I’d be offended or something, which was pretty amusing btw. One can hardly escape one’s own ‘righteous mind’. 'Righteousness' is socially constructed. Reality... Morality... Normality... Aren’t these such nice words?
Oh, my Gosh, did I do the hijacking thing again?!? See, I’m delirious myself... drawing from my own not-so-glammed reality. See the energy in it??! It can direct one to the moon... or into the next fence. HaHaHa. Should I go to sleep... or be put to sleep? :->
PS: As for your glam-ecstatic Self, JAK... hmm, let’s just say you don’t scare me more than any other ‘Selves’ here. Including my Self. Not saying that I'm not scared though. :-)
...And of course ‘we’ have to cure ‘them’ all, right? :-))
December 20th, 2011... the start of something terrific in the world
@ GLb
I'm not sure I'd be any good at curing anyone...my own normality is questionable. As a child living a nomad existence I created my fantasy world, cosy and cluttered with everything and everyone I loved. A moveable feast. Now I have been planted in one spot for many years and I have added even more clutter of things and people I love and I am content. What a wonderful word...content!
When I found Adam and he charmed me I added him to my collection and that's how I ended up here!
I'm feeling old and creaky tonight so will for once in months...get to bed before the witching hour.
JAK -_-
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