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Adam Lambert in Shanghai International Airport

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 16, 2011

Posted at : Friday, December 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

Wow! I have been to Shanghai so many times in the last 5 years the last was in April of this year. I would watch concerts there of Chinese singers like Jay Chou and Wu Chun but now that Adam came to visit, I am not there! tough luck!

Anonymous said...

hes hair cute.

Anonymous said...

where is the band?

Anonymous said...

I love that they love him, too. The temperature there must have dropped a few degrees with his coming.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, Adam is looking so happy! Thank you to all our Chinese Glamberts for showing Adam such a wonderful reception. I'm sure Adam feels the love! Seeing this airport scene brings back all those great memories of the GNT tours and fans screaming and shouting Adam's name at airport arrivals in the various countries. I know I'd be one of the flailing fans if I we're that close to him LOL!


Anonymous said...

Adams BUTT!!!!!!

Lucky fans indeed!!!!!


Anonymous said...

after this he look´S So stubid:

Anne Marie said...

THANK YOU SHANGHAI, for the lovely welcome for Adam. His band must not have been in first class.
Sauli prolly on his way to Finland, I know he will get also a wonderful welcome. He is very excited to see his family and friends. Not sure how long he will be visiting.
Not sure how long Adam will visit either, it will break his heart if he can't go shopping

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous! Wish I was there! (sigh)

Anonymous said...

OMG! That whole style suits him so well (hair, jacket, boots...the whole great look!). And he even greeted the fans the right way. Love that guy so much.

Anonymous said...

What is he doing in Shangai?? :) Has anyone heard where is he going to spend his Christmas? At home in LA or somewhere else?

Looking good, as always!

Anonymous said...

wow I didn't know he had that many Chinese fans!! I am so happy!!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with his haircut right now. Reminds me of a similar hairstyle he rocked back in 2010. Can't wait for videos of his performance to hit the web. What are the chances of him performing Better Than I Know Myself?

Carlos said...

BTIKM leaked :'( WHY GOD WHY???

Anonymous said...

Love spreading all over the world while Glamberts watch these wonderful videos. Love begets Love.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:10 AM
He is having a private gig in Shanghai on Sunday (Chinese time). He flies back to LA right after that before the single release on Tuesday the 20th. And there are some RUMORS about a X-Factor performance on Thursday the 22th.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wonderful pics! Adam looks very happy and is enjoying the fans.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chinese fans! Adam looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lamberlandians!

Looks like BB has been SHANGHAIED, but in a good way... LOL

And there's THAT SMILE so many have been missing...

GGD Gal, knowing Adam trivia BTIKM, :)

Adamluv said...

With the videos and the still shots, my heart is full. Adam looks great!

Anonymous said...

No! Adam made the airport temperature shoot up, not down, unless they froze in amazement at greeting a happy Adam! Thank you Shanghai fans for giving him such a warm welcome. He will put on grand, spectacular show there, and I'm so envious. Just send him back in one piece, please.

Anonymous said...

Just read that the tall guy with Adam is a new band member:
New band member! He is Jeremy Nielsen. People saw him arrived in Shanghai with the band.

Also read that Sauli is leaving for Finland. Wonder if Adam and Sauli will manage to be together for the holidays, since Adam will be busy with promotional interviews and TV here in LA ... hopefully.

Guess we'll just wait and see -

Anonymous said...

Carlos - where did you hear the BTIKM has been leaked??? I haven't found anything to indicate that. I've only seen/heard the snippet that Adam released.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:50... It did leak. Because I have it. Lol. Oh gosh.

I stumbled upon it thinking it was just another snippet, and when I gave it a listen, to my surprise, it was the whole thing! So yeah, even though I have it to listen to now before I buy the official one as soon as it comes out Tuesday, I am sad that it leaked because it means that if people find it some casual fans won't actually buy it. *tears* *grr* So for obvious reasons I haven't shared it with anyone or mentioned where I found it. I want everyone to support Adam because he deserves it, of course. So hopefully it doesn't go viral... *sigh* I don't think it will though, since by the looks of Youtube and everywhere else, it seems his label is doing a good job keeping it under wraps. *relief*

But I will just say this about the song: SO VERY WORTH THE WAIT. And it is just BEAUTIFUL. :)

Anonymous said...

BTIKM was taken down( the whole song)It was on a site called"Real Late Starter" earlier today,but I guess they were caught for copyright infringement laws.I'm glad,cause then people may not pay for the song on Tues.I'm also glad that Adam was greeted so warmly in Shanghai by so many fans,& had a little time to sign autographs,etc.He looks great & very slim.

Carlos said...

@11:50 AM Yeah like the rest said it did leak and in a good quality :'( I love it.

Anonymous said...

Nice to be reminded that Glamberts exist all over the world! And the number is growing by the second! So, it looks like the illegal BTIKM has been taken down. Good! I'm ready to buy it on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I never thought Adam would go back to the emo hair - but he has and I'm so happy because I love it.

Anonymous said...

So, who is Jeremy Nielsen (the man walking next to Adam)? Rumor has it he's on keyboards, filling in for Cam. But when you Google his name - it says Photographer - not musician. So, does anyone know for sure?

Lily said...

Damn, the full song leaked, am an Aussie and my American friend send me the website but like Carlos am not going to share it.

Anonymous said...

I hate when he's wearing the something over and over ,please stop wearing black and have new style.

Anonymous said...

The whole song in on Adam Offical...he tweeted it!!

Anonymous said...

Perez H SHOULDN'T HAVE PUT THE WHOLE SONG UP on his dang site..): I'm so glad that AO now has the whole song,&,the quality is GREAT there!!( not so good on sites that had, or still have it illegally) Even the snippets have all been removed from you tube( good!)Did you all notice that BB has no black nail polish on or his fingerless gloves when he arrived in China?Love his outfit & HAIR!!He does look very happy.I wonder if he'll sing "BTIKM" @ the show.I wish he would,& somebody would make a video for us.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he went back to emo hair. That's just "I've been on the damn plane forever hair!"

koyumi said...

>What is he doing in Shangai??

Adam is scheduled to perform in Shanghai on December 18 at an Amway Japan conference :)

Ref to:

Anonymous said...

PH needs to have a new tatoo on his d........'Better than I know Mylsef'
Why somebodymentioned his name few times already on this blog?
Hate this little son of the bbbbbbb

Anonymous said...

My favorite part...Adam NOT carrying/ pushing his own luggage yeah!!


Lulu said...

Adam does not have time for Perez (snake)Hilton.


funbunn40 said...

At first I thought Adam had a new cute big bodyguard, but he's the new keyboard player. Anxious to see how he does. Adam looks every inch like a superstar! Shanhai fans gave him a great welcome and I'm glads that Adam took time to sign some autographs for them.The more I hear the new song, the more I like it. Can't wait to see him perform it live! It's so good to see him being loved by fans again. It has to make him feel so good, after all this time being away from touring. It would be nice if Adam and Sauli could spend Christmas with Sauli's family in Finland, but Adam will have a lot to do with new release.

Anonymous said...

Lulu, Adam broke up with Perez, because of Stacy Francis.

Anonymous said...

Adam is Jewish and Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas. They celebrate Hanukkah on 21 December.

Adam's new keyboard player is as tall as he is!

He looks so happy in these clips and photos, and he was so nice and generous with his Chinese fans. It's great that he has young fans (and not just old fogees like moi!). It must be a huge relief for him to have his single finally released (on Tues) and that it's available on Adam Official for people 'round the world to hear. I hope it's a MEGA success for him everywhere including Oz. We LOVE you Down Under, Adam. :-D

Anonymous said...

Most Jewish people I know celebrate both holidays . . .Adam really doesn't follow the
Jewish religion . . he said so himself .

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the tall guy with Adam is his new Lane replacement.

Anonymous said...

No nail polish, no rings, no gloves!! He's beautiful hands free!! I love his hands!!
Some lucky fans got pics of his butt!!Hope to see one not blur.:))


Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam was expecting such a big reception . . . didn't have his "game face" - makeup, nails, and hair done. I will take him anyway he looks . . just want to heard that voice.

Anonymous said...

The "smile" brightens my day!

Anonymous said...

Answer to "Who is Jeremy Nielsen". He is the new "Lane". The P/R person who keeps Adam on time and on track for his appointments. Jeremy works for Adam's new Management Company.

HK fan said...

So near, yet so far 'sigh' least we're on the same continent for once!

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan

Remember, you have to give him back...he's only on loan!

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I must say , seeing Adam like this, sooo natural, at ease , obviously enjoying himself and his fans ,every inch the SUPERSTAR that he is just makes me so happy for him. With the new single and the album to debut soon . I want to see him on tv more showing his charm and talent to the world!! GO ADAM