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Claude Kelly: I didn't write Adam Lambert's 'Cuckoo'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Claude Kelly confirms that Adam's 'Cuckoo' song is a totally different song. It's not the song that's on youtube.


Anonymous said...

poor Claude, people must be hounding him over that. It sounds like him and Adam have a good rapport.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the title 'Cuckoo' yesterday, the first thing that came to my mind was exactly what Claude Kelly said about his mental state, followed by Adam's. Not to worry Claude and Adam, we are all in the same boat here! LOL!! :)

Anonymous said...

I 'm in the boat too!! lol

Anonymous said...


Count me in!! LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Row row row your boat
Tumbling down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life's a maddening dream
Cuckoo cuckoo peekaboo >>>>> :)


daydreamin said...

I'm in that boat too!

An oldie but a goodie:

Anonymous said...

Mentally deranged here. lol

Anonymous said...

Whoa the degree of cuckooness has intensified. It's okay, all cuckoos heavy duty or lesser type called cuckees are welcomed on this Cuckoo Boat. Do you know who is at the got it, Adam singing Cuckoo and Claude is banging rhythmically on a big drum for everyone to row in the same direction; otherwise the boat will swirl in a circle. LOL!! :)

Anonymous said...

love BTIKM....just really noticed the breath Adam takes at the the song..

Anonymous said...

I hope we'll all be cuckoo over Adam's "Cuckoo". \O/

Anonymous said...


Let's you really think we can row when Adam is singing!??where do you wanna crash, Alcatraz!??besides, there a too many Cuckoos for that boat, we gonna need a bigger one,like a small cruise, very glamorous, of course!!so we can concentrate on the important things like watching Adam's pic,videos, playing Adam's chess,which btw is not the same as playing on Adam's chest...ooooo....


Anonymous said...

Slightly more serious...Adam held an ooo note for 20 seconds on Brigadoon...very very beautiful. Yeah if he sings and holds the ooo note, in his Cuckoo song, that'll really make us all go googoo and cuckoo! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

SG...I think you're right, the boat is getting quite crammed. Cruise is quite a good alternative; yea and we can dance with Adam...yea yea yea!! I wanna dance cha cha cha with Adam!! I won't have time to play Adam chess. Lucky you clarified that it's not the same as chest! Hey sexy gal, don't get so carried away! LOL!

Anonymous said...


O.K so with Adam, you do the cha cha cha...I'll do the Tango.......


Anonymous said...

ot, don't forget to give some views to BTIKM audio and slip in a few for Queen ft. Adam too, as soon as you guys reach shore.

Anonymous said...

Let's all go on a Cuckoo Cruise!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, can you imagine being on a cruise with Adam for a solid week, maybe two! I think Adam would need bodyguards! I'm first to volunteer!!
nancdruuu2 (yikes!)

Anonymous said...

Thank god,because that demo was bad.

Anonymous said...

Good to know, Claude. Thank heaven for small favors.

Anonymous said...

Celebrities now are really paying attention especially at Adams fans.....

They realize how Adam fans really love and care about him indeed...

But sometimes it's scary eh, but who could blame the fans????

Including me I really want Adam to go further in his career and we fight till the end.:)))))))


Anonymous said...

OT: Cool new video of adam addressing us about his new album


Anonymous said...

See What happens when we ass_u_me? I must say I am happy 'cause I did not like that demo either(releived)

Anonymous said...

Cuckoo Cruise was fun, wasn't it! And we even had a very steadfast, reliable bodyguard. Nancdruuu2, keep a special look-out for this lol-deranged member, she seems rather okay though. So no provocative videos and high-decibel smirking at our well-guarded Adam. I must thank SG for this Cuckoo Cruise otherwise we'll all still be doing row row row your boat out in the treacherous sea! Daydreamin, I bet you're still dreaming about Adam on the cruise. Canadian, Brownie and the wonderful Anons...for bringing all the delicious tidbits especially BTIKM, that was totally scrumptious! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...


Thaks! but you was the fisrt to mention something about some boat ha ha ha !!!
I really would love to be in that cruise with all of you...maybe some day we will be able to meet somewhere...dreams can come true!!