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Funny tongue-in-cheek segment on TMZ: ADAM LAMBERT & Sauli Koskinen

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 22, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 22, 2011


Anonymous said...

Very funny!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!Hilarious!!!!
Merry Christmas everybody

Anonymous said...

Helsinki sounds real worried about the incident. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love this...soooo funny, made me laugh and laugh and shifted my phlegm. LOL. The guy will the accent is terrific! Reindeer makes droppings! LOL. And, Sauli loves you Adam, what do you want from him...LOL.

Anonymous said...

It's about time we all got our sense of humor back and put this behind us. I want Adam home now! I want some music promotion!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Glad there can be some humor in all of this LOL!


Anonymous said...

I needed this laugh after today. Hope Adam and Sauli have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas! Come back to us soon Adam!

Anonymous said...

loved this. someone at TMZ very clever.

choons said...

har har that's really great.TMZ obviously loves Adam and Sauli.
One too many Scandawegian cocktails makes for good copy.

Anonymous said...

Serially they both adam&sauli are hot couple and sexy even in pic.

It's cool pic,thank god didn't put bad hair for mocking him.
It's wasn't that newsworthy that all news and news paper write about it.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam and Sauli see this, I am sure they would appreciate a good laugh about now.

Anonymous said...

HAL Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for your links over the year.

Anonymous said...

OMG that was hilarious!!! Gotta have a sense of humor. Whew, Think we all needed that.

@ DRG ... B I N G O!
This is a great way handle it. Show THIS everywhere and move on.

ON to the music and hearing BTIKM on POWER PLAY on the hottest stations on the air.


Anonymous said...

that was hilarious!

funbunn40 said...

Merry Christmas Hal! Still laughing at the TMZ clip and the guy saying that Adam and Sauli are the Brad and Angelina of Finland and loved the clip of Adam singing that stellar long note! A Finnish fan on the Real Steve Gray said that Adam passed the Finnish initiation of drinking, Sauna and fighting, Finland's pastime!So now our Adam must be an honorary Finlander! I did give Perez my 2 cents worth! He's so dramatic,calling Adam violent!Give me a break! A spat that was more embarrassing than violent! No injuries or charges, just too much alcohol, jet lag and lack of judgement from all parties. Glad they kissed and made up! They may get a lump of coal in their Christmas stockings!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was funny. TMZ is a sleaze mag/show.

Anonymous said...

I can not wait until Adam dumps Sauli. He is a leech and a loser

choons said...

Adam retweeted this funny video - Finland loves you Adam Lambert.

daydreamin said...

Well I was quite surprised and pleased that TMZ showed that amazing note that Adam hit on Idol! That alone probably probably brought the 2,000+ new fans to Adam's twitter! I think TMZ did a respectable job by not bashing Adam or he and Sauli as gay men and as a gay couple. It was tastefully done and quite humorous though I wasn't expecting that at all.

Anonymous said...

Is this dissing Finland a little bit, why....

Anonymous said...

That was the opposite of funny. But as usual gays have to take crude gay jokes and laugh along. If they don't do that, they'll be seen as crybabies.

Anonymous said...

did you all miss the point they made, "what doya want from me" then it switches pic to Sauli sucking on the "whatever it was" making sauli look like a c--k sucker. not very subtle.

daydreamin said...

Adam is #3 in the "must follow on twitter" for U.S. and for 2011!

Anonymous said...

LOL I think that was funny video and pointed out that no harm done. Boys did have a little wrestling but no punches or injuries happened.

Anonymous said...

If you want to look the bright side of this Adam has got A LOT of new followers in Twitter after this Don't Tell Mama -evening.

Personally I have to say that Better Than I Know Myself words seems to have now more meaning when I'm listen it and it feels now more Adam's own song.

Anonymous said...

Police of Finland: All and every investigation now officially closed, whole thing blown out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

just saying as a devoted fan embarrassed by Adam and Sauli spending night in jail but my husband's reaction "sounds like a publicity stunt to me" In a way I don't think he thought Adam had it in him..

Anonymous said...

It seems that boys have continue they holidays with Sauli's family.

Anonymous said...

Haha! That was hilarious - I needed a good laugh after all the #/*<!* that's been going down - and great post, funbunn40 :+)

Anonymous said...

Awww, here's what the police who investigated Adam and Sauli fight said, when he was asked about Adam's music :)

Investigation officer Juvonen, had already told MTV3 news that yesterday was one of the busiest of his career. He laughed and told to the Entertainment news, that he's not yet familiar with the music of the world-famous star.

- My daughter would look at the American Idol episodes, in which Lambert was. She knew who the star was. I do not know Lambert's music myself, Juvonen says with a laugh.

Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing. Adam has a problem with alcohol. These comments are the comments of enablers. Do you enable family members who have problems? Oh, he's trending on yahoo, and it isn't for his new single. And the comments under it are horrible. The article is by Lyndsey Parker. I'm surprized she publicized this.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what's a big deal about this news.So what?

Adam have drinking problem,went to jail, what a big news!!!!!!!!

No need all this fuzz,and by the way why when it come to gays people looking down on them .idiooooots.

Anonymous said...

Also, the refrences to gay people in this segment are NOT funny.

Anonymous said...

4:47 It would make sense that the promotion of BTIKM will start when there's video of it in January. I think some US radio dj's were hinting about a big promo at end of Jan.

Anonymous said...

TMZ can be very biting and contemptous so this report was a relief, from my POV. Underneath all the jokes, they minimized the drama and treated it as no biggie.

Can see why some people feel it was disrespectful of Finland and or LGBTQ people but the reporting is is so much better than yesterday's that I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

I went to yahoo for Adam news,all this hate for gay guy,I'm not saying it's only in us in most country we have problems about gays.

The funny thing is after new year no one remember this,and most people have lots of free time that write bad,ugly comments without know who that person is.

Its happen to everyone ,he's not only one and he said himself he learned.
Move on.

Anonymous said...

Bruno mars charged with drug use and I didn't see any damage to he's career,so does other singers.

No,Adam is not as famous as other celebrities but every one go throw this.

I'm happy it wasn't worst than this.

Anonymous said...

TMZ as usual did their hate job on Sauli and Adam. References several times about gay people. This was not funny, it was crude. Don't you know when you are being made a fool of? They made sure they couldn't be sued, The good note that Adam sang, a lot of people called screaming, it was not to show his good voice. TMZ has never shown Adam in a good light, and they had a field day with this. If you laughed at it, you only have half a brain, and missed all the inuendos about gay people. It was actually cruel and hateful.

Anonymous said...

I didn't find it funny either. Somehow I think many have lost the plot with TMZ.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Some of you have your panties in a twist for no reason. Its FUNNY. Half the people in that room are gay. Get over yourselves.

Its the holidays. Dont you pearl clutchers have some shopping to do or something.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam and Sauli have a very nice Christmas with Sauli's relatives. Maybe this what happened make Sauli's relatives less nervous to meet Adam and Adam more nervous. Well Adam has at least already saw Sauli's sisters, don't know if all of them.

Anonymous said...

Someone told yesterday in twitter that she saw Sauli's dad going to police station. Maybe the first time he saw Adam was at the police station.

Anonymous said...

Adam should come home! Sauli isn't a positive reinforcement towards Adam's success. He slowed down Adam's success in 2011. Adam should stop his alcohol intake.

Anonymous said...

Urethra Franklin, you saved the day and the thread! Witty. :)

Hi 6:27 and 6:34, you are both so cute, gave me some laughs, thank goodness; I thought the thread was going to tank! :)


Anonymous said...

adam single on itunes is much you think hes sales gone a be?

this news is so yesterday,get over it forgod sake?

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:34 this brings to mind a question Ive had for a while. I only ever hear people talk about Sauli's dad. Is his mom alive?? What's her story?


Anonymous said...

Urethra_Franklin To my knowledge Sauli's parents have divorced. I have never seen an interview of Sauli's mother. Sauli's father seems to be funny, talkative and social person and also a successful businessman.

Anonymous said...

I really like Sauli's dad.

Anonymous said...

Could you please get something else to replace this horrible post? TMZ is not a fan of Adam's nor Adam's fans. And, this is not funny at all. Please, use discretion when you post. This is a great site, but somethings, we really don't need to see or hear.
Thank you for your consideration, 24/7. Appreciate what you do, but on rare ocassions, you miss the mark. Don't need to see every drag queen post either. Just instigates the haters who have no tolerance for anyone different in this world.

Urethra_Franklin said...

7:42 and its to your discretion what you read or watch here. see something you dont like? scroll down to the next

24/7 THANKS for these posts. i for one have a sense of humor and think its HIGHlarious!

7:30 thanks for the reponse

choons said...

Sense of humour is different for everyone. Personally, I thought this was a really funny TMZ video. They love Adam and Sauli. It is not hateful. It's hilarious. This comment post is full of too much crap discussion. Lighten up people.
Adam and Sauli were over it by next morning so we should all just move on. No more mountains from molehills.

Anonymous said...

Not about just TMZ but, it makes me mad reading the comments under all these news articles of this stupid fight. Adam is being called things like an abuser and a drunk and compared to Chris Brown. This incident has damaged his reputation. Fans can blow it off like it's no big deal because we know Adam is a nice guy but other people are looking down on Adam because of this. He and Sauli should have had more common sense than to behave like that in public and shouldn't have made dumb comments laughing about it afterwards. I don't see anything cute or funny about what they did. Something is wrong with Adam these days, because if he is so happy why would he drink himself into a blackout? That's nothing to take lightly. He really needs to stop drinking so much and embarrassing himself. Not his first bad drunken incident and people are noticing this.

Anonymous said...

I think the clip was funny. But I do think that Adam underestimates how substances can undercut his good judgment, just from past comments he has made. Perhaps he and Sauli could benefit from some counseling. It isn't easy for them to be in a relationship and always under public scrutiny and with folks pressuring them to represent the gay community in a certain way. Relationships are tough and require commitment and Adam seems to be the first to recognize that. I wish him and Sauli luck in sorting things out.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember dad Eber in an interview about his divorce, he said "he wanted to act like a 20 year old and drink too much wine. That one of his sons took after him"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

adam comments are not dumb or offensive.

he said what he felt happend beside he make clear he didnt punch ,injuries happend.

thank god its better than other comments he writes before and made media mess.

Anonymous said...

im thinking of hes album and single now,i hope he make good money out of them.

most adam fans are much worst than adam and making big story and tell him how to behave.

i saw horrible nasty comments on gaga and bieber than adam.

let go already and focus on single.

Anonymous said...

Checking on Adam Official, there are no events planned at this time. So maybe he will stay in Finland over New Years. Hope Adam and Sauli come back together, long trip by yourself. I had heard rumor of Adam going to UK in January to promote his album. He certainly has the warm clothes needed for the trip.

Anonymous said...

I find this verry funny! Some people have serious negativity issues and project it whenever the oppotunity arises. Deal with your issues in your personal lives and stop projecting it on people that have nothing to do with it. I am SURE Adam and Sauli will find this TMZ video funny too. I AM GAY and I dont find this "a gay crude joke" It ain' that deep - seriously!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

10:50 I like you. That's all. :)

Anonymous said...

Urethra_Franklin :)

I just get tired of this negativity BS!!

Anonymous said...

The most offensive thing I found in the video was the "Finnish" accent that wasn't Finnish the least bit. It was a weird mixture of bad pronunciation and some odd attempt to Russian sounding accent. And ok, some of it was a little crude. But I laughed, while cringing a little.

glitzylady said...

Personally, I was happily surprised to see that TMZ had made light of this whole thing and spent some time and energy to make this sort of crass but humorous little vid. Coming from them, it was downright amazing too. We need to remember: it happened, unfortunately, and its better to have some fun with it than to continue to treat it as if it was worse than it was. TMZ is usually awful, and for once they were pretty clever and fair about it.. They could have been far worse with their snark..because they usually are! Better to have a sense of humor and laugh than feel awful about it...I've already done that...Some of my dumbest and most embarrassing moments are also things I look back upon and laugh!..but at the time they happened weren't funny at all...(Like the time I almost burned down an entire dock with a building on it at a resort..but that's another story....and it definitely would have gotten some major publicity if it had happened..) ...

The Dark Side said...

This is a hoot. At least TMZ taking this story with a grain of salt and not all out of proportion. But I do believe they are correct. Adam and Sauli are big time celebrities in Finland. Sure all is back to normal by now. Hope so. S(*^ happens! Time to move on.

Adamluv said...

Very funny report from TMZ! Some peeps need to get a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Reading through this thread makes me think back to the days when I was just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old kid, having xmas dinner with my family. My dad and grandad were amusing the rest of the family by telling jokes. Many times the jokes would be either racist or about gays. I remember sitting there, feeling like something was pressing down on my chest so that it was hard to breathe. I kept thinking, "One day I will have to tell these people I am gay. Will they laugh at me then? Will they stop loving me? Why is it ok to make fun of someone just because they're gay?"

Everyone's known now for many years already that I am gay. Nobody tells the jokes anymore. Why do you think that is? Do you think it might have anything to do with people feeling ashamed? They don't tell the jokes anymore because it would feel wrong to do so when someone listening is gay?

Ask yourselves, would you joke like that if your son or daughter was gay and listening to you joking?

And to you who'd still joke or find the jokes funny in that situation - you win. I must be humorless.

Anonymous said...

Hi5:01, I understand your point of view and yes I don't think people should poke fun at the expense of others in a bad light. But let's say this video was about 2 straight guys but potrayed in this funny way, I'd still laugh and Adam himself did not take offense; he retweeted it and Eber added his witty pun...luckily it was not a fight to the Finnish! :)

Anonymous said...


How exactly you can compare this to a video about two straight guys, I don't get. The hosts make crude gay jokes, they do not make crude jokes about two heterosexual guys (in a relationship with each other?? I really don't get your 'comparison').

And the way I see it, Adam had no choice but to be seen laughing at this video. It serves a purpose of diverting attention from the unfortunate events. Still, I'd love to know if deep down he thinks this video to be within the limits of good taste and not at all degrading towards his boyfriend...

Ok, that's me off to bed. I know I can't change a person's mind when they've already decided they're in the right.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:01 PM

i don't know who you are, but that's the best comment I've ever read on this blog !

Jessie M

Anonymous said...

It was tasteless, insulting and degrading.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I guess I'd never be able to understand the seriousness about gay jokes or their implications. But that does not mean that I do not appreciate how a few of you feel about being offended. Maybe next time, when something of this nature crops up, I'd think about it a little more. Where I live everyone is treated equal as far as benefits, job opportunities, housing, assets etc. are concerned so not much exposure to gay slurs and inequalities. It's a good thing.

glitzylady said...

Some comments about this vid..and to explain my comments above.

First of all, I have ZERO tolerance for gay jokes if they are meant in a mean, bigoted, homophobic and/or negative way..I hate them and call people out on them..My comments above that I found this somewhat humorous were made because because it WAS pretty funny, in a low brow humor sort of way. I was expecting much worse from TMZ. I watched it with major trepidation..I think its all in how you look at it. My husband saw it and thought it was really stupid..I suppose I was just relieved that they chose to make it humorous instead of saying "Adam beat Sauli.."

I also understand that many didn't find it funny, and if it were one my children, or myself: would I find it funny? Hmmm.

I myself am not gay, but I have friends who are..One friend who is bisexual found it to be hilarious..

I do have to agree that the last part with Sauli is not really funny at all. Pretty darn crude and WAY too obvious..the rest is relatively mild and rather funny "The Brangelina of Finland"..I actually think thats kind of cool, in a weird sort of way. I would be interested to hear what gay men or women would say about this attempt at gay humor...

I remember seeing a little thing that Adam did before Idol that was a "gay" take on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory..and I personally thought it was really .....crude...But apparently people thought it was pretty funny in some circles.

So I don't know..I guess it just depends on whether it was meant to be homophobic or just an attempt at "gay" humor..I suppose there is a very fine line, and it depends on who is making the jokes.

I apologize to the gay community if I was wrong to find some humor in it..Not my intent to promote mean-spirited gay bashing disguised as humor....

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to lighten up about this video. TMZ could have just as easily made a big production out of this in a more serious way. I personally thought it was funny and entertaining. I have a gay brother who is also a massive Adam Lambert fan, and he laughed hysterically while watching the vid. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:12 AM
Thanks for your input..and glad your brother is an Adam Lambert man!

I agree: TMZ could have been much I said @12:07 PM ...and I found it funny too. So hard to know sometimes tho.

All in all, it seems that Adam and Sauli are okay, they both just sent the great Christmas picture out to us, and hopefully the worst is over...never a dull moment! Hoping for Peace, Joy, and Love for them from now on...

From Adam and Sauli: (Adam Tweeted)

December 24, 2011
"Xmas Eve with the Koskinens! Just had a huge traditional Finnish feast and now opening gifts! Merry and bright! Hyvää ja rauhallista joulua!"

Anonymous said...

adam drop the guys and go for the girls stay out of the gay bars and you wont have this problem. try it you may like it!

Anonymous said...

He tried it, didn't like it.
C'est la vie