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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 10, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adam Lambert's "GLAM NATION LIVE" DVD is ranked higher than artists such as The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift etc.

Source: billboard


Anonymous said...

It's no. 1 in my library, I sure have had my moneys worth from that GNL cd and dvd.

Anonymous said...

Up there with very big names. I love my CD/DVD.Hopefully it goes to Gold very soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam! You're way up there near the top with all the top names in the business. Now that's something to really be proud of. I play my CD of GNL daily (really I's always in my car ready to go) and the DVD I've enjoyed watching over and over whenever I need my Adam fix. I'm very proud of you Adam.


Anonymous said...

How far away from gold is it, anyone know? It has to be close.

Anonymous said...

@10:29PM I just found that 44,000 GNL DVD/CD were sold by November

Anonymous said...

I mentioned this on one of the prior threads. If billboard made a list about music video sales for only 2011 Released DVDs, GNL would be in 3rd place after AC/DC and Les Miserable. Currently total reported sales for GNL is 44,000. Let's buy it as a present or memorabilia to bring its total sales for the end of year to 50,000. Let's make it Gold Certified. How about it?

Anonymous said...

Fanbloodytastic! This is awesome news!

Anonymous said...

Why there is no mentions of gaga,perry,bieber on the list?

Cheril said...

Perhaps the powers that be realize that even after Adam was blackballed he still moved forward, worked hard and did well for himself. Now, with a fresh start, new management and a new cd dropping he is set up to be recognized for the super talent he has and the super stardom he has EARNED and deserves.

Anonymous said...

^^Because they didn't make the Top 20 .... it aint rocket science!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Adams voice is really powerful indeed!!!!

Congratulations to all of us who really understand how to appreciate the"VOICE"


glitzylady said...

Oh My! New Picture from last night apparently: via @DoeLynDesignS

Large version

Adam with his softer, "fluffier" looking hair...which I think looks soooo good! And so does HE...Really nice fact I would say GORGEOUS

I hope Admins will post this as probably not everyone will be able to open as often happens with twit pics...For those who it does open: enjoy : )

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you're the best!!

Thank you so much for that pic!!
OMG!! Adam look sooo gorgeous!!
Thouse eyes....thouse eyes....
He's face is like tender, soft, sexy..grrrrr
He's hair.... it!!!
Hope to see more pictures so we could see Adam's outfit,which I'm sure were perfect.
About that girl, I think she's gonna be "dreaming" for a week!! she looks like she was in heaven..which she centantly was!!:)))


Anonymous said...

Adam did this tour on pretty low budget, and he did an incredible job without all the bells and whistles of the higgest acts. He really got himself out there world-wide. He deserves all the recognition he gets. Thanks for the link to the pic. I LOVE his hair!!! Hope this is indeed an recent pic and that he'l have that hair style for a while. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I will be buying a second GNT CD/DVD because I keep in car and need one for house . .I know I can rip/burn but I'm supporting Adam for all he does . . he lights up my life "it's a good thing"

Anonymous said...

Love waking up to pics of BB.

glitzylady said...

Another, cropped version (just Adam..) of the picture I posted above. Some speculation that these are from last week..but I think they're from last night...similar hair and outfit to when Adam met XTina..BUT different neckline on shirt...I did a close scientific comparison : )


AND a picture of Adam, Sauli, and Sutan Amrul

Large size:

Smaller: also via @DoeLynDesignS

Anonymous said...

loved that picture of all three together. congrats to Adam GNL for making top 12 mv Billboard year end charts.I have to get one more for someone for Christmas, maybe the sales will go up further around this time of the year too.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thanks glitzylady for posting those pics....when I saw that picture of Adam my jaw dropped! So much beauty it's unbelievable. Please, please keep that hair style Adam, it's so gorgeous. Oh yeah, Sauli and Sutan are looking mighty fine too!

Maybe since Billboards 2011 MV Chart LIst is published it will help add'l sales of Adam's GNL. #12 is truly a great accomplishment for Adam. I'm so glad he received the acknowledgment for it.


glitzylady said...

Re the pictures: Seems they were all out at an event last night: "Rasputin", assuming at a club in Hollywood, so are new pics as of last night..and the hair is apparently safe so far! I love it and hope he keeps it for awhile...really really attractive IMO.

Anonymous said...

Really really love Adam's hair like this. I do hope he keeps it for quite a while especially when doing TV promo! Getting another GNL to gift for Christmas. We got to get it to Gold. I love it and listen to it in awe of how good his voice is live. Of course watching the CD never gets old!

Anonymous said...

GASP! checked out photos! Sutan looks.........colorful.
Adam and Sauli are almost indescribable. I'd be at a loss for words...but we all know that would only happen if I were dead!

Let's see, Adam looks sexy (as usual) frisky, naughty and content.
Sauli looks adorable (as usual) handsome, confident and happy.

They both look fluffy and Sauli is letting shaved sides grow..I hope.
Def "touchable hair"...Long May It Wave!


Anonymous said...

Adam takes my breath away every time. Sauli is growing out those shaved sides and I'm glad,too. He's as cute as a button, and sexy, too.

Anonymous said...

Well, I still think our Adam should be number one!!! Tho I am glad to see my other favorite at number 2

Anonymous said...

dvd was hard to find

The Dark Side said...

Ahead of the Beatles, be still my heart. This is so fantastic. Adam your fans are happy for you, but then we know your worth.

glitzylady said...

Can still find GNT DVD in stores around where I live, such as Target, Best Buy....But its also available on $12.99

Anonymous said...

You can order from Amazon and you'll get it in no time:

Glam Nation Live (CD/DVD):

Glam Nation Live (Blu-Ray):

Digital download of Glam Nation Live:

Anonymous said...

Great to see! About the recent pics, LOVE Adam's hair. Looks so much more natural.

Anonymous said...

I love GNT dvd, and one of my friend gets it for Christmas present also this year. M

Anonymous said...

one spot up from the Beatles. impressive.