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Huffington Post Video: Adam Lambert & Boyfriend Make Up Finland

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 23, 2011

Posted at : Friday, December 23, 2011

Thanks to GaleWhittington!


Anonymous said...

All is well that ends well.
Happy christmas and a happy New Year to Adam and Sauli. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope the boys are relaxing and NO BOOZE allowed. GaleWhittington I don't know who you are but thanks for the videos all year, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

24/7 do you think you could do a thread on Adam is #3 on twitter #FF for the year 2011. thanks alot.

Anonymous said...

I think that when this thing blows over, the attentin will turn to Adam's promotional gigs. We'll hear "music again!" We know that the Finland thing will come up in conversation, but Adam will handle it.

Anonymous said...

Hate PH. But in he wrote review about BTIKM. Also, he made hilarious comment about Adam comment that want to change the cloths fasion. PH wrote that Adam has jewel under his belt:D

Anonymous said...

I think my writing talent far away from my language achivements:)

Anonymous said...

love the last shot of him with the heavy make-up.

Anonymous said...

A certain blogger with initials PH just can't handle his jealousy over Adam. He can't stand Adam getting any attention at all be it good or bad. Yuk PH

Anonymous said...

Glad they made up and all that, but what no one who thinks this is no big deal seems to get is that when Adam does come back and start promoting the single, music won't be the 1st thing he's asked about. Since he figuratively shot himself in the foot again, the first question almost any journalist will ask is, "So what about that fight with the boyfriend that landed you in jail?" The music will take second place. All the apologizing and tweeting in the world won't change that, no matter how forgiving fans are. In that sense, this really IS a big deal.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez how sweet. Can't stand him.

Anonymous said...

Please don't give PH's site any hits. He's such a terrible person! On Amazon BTIKM is on sale for 99 cents on MP3 downloads and purchase it on itunes. We want to keep it as visible as possible until it gets radio play. The I think it will shoot to #!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me trolls go off and have yourselves a Merry little Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Anon 23 12:41 PM Actually it would be variation if they speak something else in an interview than that he is a gay or remembering AMA drama because they will ask something else besides his music. I think people are tired to the gay and AMA issues.

funbunn40 said...

Violent seems a little too strong a description for a drunken scuffle where no punches were thrown,no injuries sustained or damage to property. That is not excusing Adam and Sauli's drunken behavior, but I'm tired of Perez Hilton exaggerating and sensationalizing anything negative that Adam does and media repeating it as the gospel before getting the facts.They were scuffling, wrestling and an accidental kick went awry. Two alcohol related incidents in 3 years during his holiday or personal time is pretty mild, considering all of the many other entertainers that have done far worse. Adam daily has to put up with obnoxious, hateful, homophobic remarks and criticism and he does with patience and grace. He is expected to be a paragon of virtue and perfect being. It's unrealistic and unfair. He's not perfect, but Adam is a decent, caring man that on the whole is pretty admirable. Glad he and Sauli, who also is a sweet,nice guy have made up and have gone on to enjoy the holidays, hopefully, pacing the alcohol. I'm sure they're embarrassed, particularly having to face Sauli's family and media frenzy. Hope the rest of the holidays will be calm and peaceful!

Anonymous said...

I see Adam's PR team is at work on damage control. I think we will get nice happy pictures soon to reassure the fans everything is fine

Anonymous said...

@funnbunn40 I agree with all you said so well.Off to go listen to BTIKM again. Love it!

Adamluv said...

@funbunn40 - thanks for your very wise words! And the guy said "there's no love lost between these two". That used to mean that 2 peeps didnt like each other! Has the meaning now changed???? Went to a Xmas party last nite and the first thing said to me by the hostess was asking me about the incident. They'd heard about it on the 5 o'clock mainstream news that morning. (Channel 5 by Sam Rubin, the entertainment reporter - this is for the LA peeps on this site). My friends did say the report was very low key and not too serious sounding!!!!! ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

I have a couple of comments about this video... at least. First of all, I take this incident seriously, and left a comment on the "Adam Lambert: Violence is not to be taken lightly" thread explaining my thoughts in detail, so won't take up much space here. While it was an unfortunate incident, it also needs to be put into perspective. In short: Adam is a beautiful human being in so many wonderful ways, but he is just like the rest us of: not perfect,and and a work in progress.

Its really too bad that they chose not to include his later tweet, the one in which he expressed his remorse for his drunken behavior. This left it sounding as if he thought it was funny and nothing more... He also cleared up the impression that it was violent. This video leaves the impression that he indulged in violent acts directed at Sauli. Very sad. They also failed to mention that Sauli was also arrested in connection with this incident, pointing the blame solely at Adam. I hope it is updated to reflect the actual facts.

Anonymous said...

This is funny!

It's a parody of Adam's life as a celebrity. Be sure to check it out -

Anonymous said...

PH has a crush on Adam. @11.44 I too loved the shots of Adam in the 'heavy makeup'! We will miss the super Glam look, because the US needs Adam to conform a little more. Adam will always be the glittery one no matter what! That will never change!

Anonymous said...

Time for love and positivity now.
I cannot believe how people have become obbessed with the last few days of ADAMs life! He is all grown up you know!

Anonymous said...

Sauli has never been in publicity because of violence behaviour and in BB-house he was the one who was friend wiht everyonge so this was really a big suprise what happened.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so called happy drunk. I cannot understand what has happened between him and Adam.

Anonymous said...

Do you prefer to cry or why the sudden need to find the culprits? Is it because Adam stayed in Finland and didn't immediately fly back home.

Anonymous said...

We saw Sauli's ups and downs in the BB-house and never saw him being mean to anybody.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your very supportive post about Adam. I agree with everything you said.


I, too, feel that the media is somehow slanting this event as Adam's fault and it really frustrates me. As you mentioned, both Adam and Sauli were arrested. Adam has said in the past he is not a violent person and I think we could all agree that's absolutely true. I'm not trying to point the finger of blame here but I think it would take some provocation to get Adam that angry to start a physical fight. In other words, it takes two to tango.


Anonymous said...

So, the cockberts blame Sauli now for the incident and want Adam to have a harem.

Anonymous said...

Anon 23 2:20 PM Well Adam has said that in relationship he is possessive and has to work with that and what people have told the quarrel started when Adam saw Sauli speak with other men.

glitzylady said...

Look...I'm not saying it was Sauli's fault..He is a kind and gentle soul. I'm just pointing out that they were both fighting..and that wasn't pointed out. Neither are typically violent people. Not attaching blame to anyone. Please get that straight and don't try to put words in my mouth, or twist them to suit your own agenda. I adore both Adam and Sauli and feel terrible that this happened. They have moved on and so should we all.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is possesive and Sauli friend of everyone that can be a problem. JS.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzlady Yes I think we should move on from this. I hope the media does too. I want to stay positive and focus on Adam's new music and all the shows he will be performing BTIKM on. Then hearing it on the radio while driving and watching it rise to the top of the charts!

Anonymous said...

Yes, they were fighting. No one has denied that, so why go on about it, unless you want to blame either of them. Besides, Adam had a security guard in the club and they arranged him a vip area for privacy. Just fyi, if someone thinks he might have been in danger there. This is getting laughable. Probably some fans soon book a flight to Finland just to make sure Adam is safe.

Anonymous said...

I think that if they go together back to LA it will solve situation because Adam will be again a center of attention. In Finland Sauli has many friends and acquaintances so Adam may feel himself outsider and has not used to that.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:35

Sauli said there was "hugging" going on which is more than just speaking. This is what made Adam jealous.

Anonymous said...

Anon 23 3:08 PM He said to the police that there was hugging going between him and Adam and that they were drunk.

Anonymous said...

Grown up women compare Adam's relationship with Sauli to the stage gay Adommy. Of course the Adommy is more ideal, because it's not a real.

Anonymous said...

Anon 23 3:22 PM Really?? Lol, I love this fandom. It's so crazy!

Anonymous said...

For those who are worried about promotional single interviews...I thought Adam handled the AMA questions very well. I don't recall any interviewer not responding well to Adam.

He will handle this as well. He's a good interview and a charmer and will "fess up" about his behavior.


Anonymous said...

Agree with you JAK and also with anon 12:56 PM who said that this will give something new to discuss besides Adam new music which is and should be the main issue.

HK fan said...

To anon 2.35 dec 23rd
Nowhere, in any of the articles I've seen has it said Sauli was talking to other guys, and that Adam got jealous. Thats all presumption on the part of the fans. Did read that Sauli was even more drunk than Adam, but it seems they were both in a bad way.

Even a report by the Finnish police says it was blown out of proportion, a storm in a teacup.

As to PH, I've seen the headlines, but have not given him one hit on his blog. I can just imagine how he's sensationalised it all, I don't need that. and Adamluv, 'no love lost between the 2 guys still means they don't like each all.

funbunn40, well said.

Anonymous said...

Not to belabor this but I read somewhere that it was Niko's wife that tried to stop the fight. Isn't Niko the guy on Big Brother/Finland that was always hanging all over Sauli? I can understand Adams jealousy if that was the case. It won't be easy for him but bb will have to learn to keep it in control.

But, I'm a fan forever no matter and I'm sure he'll answer with grace any interview queries (and there will be many).

Anonymous said...

HK fan, the part about Adam being jealous about Sauli talking to other guys was from a tabloid article (seiska.) Their source was anonymous, so possibly not true.

The part about Sauli being more drunk than Adam was just speculation.

Anonymous 23 5:32 PM, I really don't think Adam would be jealous about a straight guy who's engaged and in love, especially considering they were in a gay bar and there were probably tons of Sauli's friends/acquaintances that actually like guys there.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam has some issues to work out.
I thought you guys said he was perfect!
Well...that's the last time I listen to you guys!!

Anonymous said...

I kinda worry about you guys who say Adam and Sauli are "sweet, nice people" who then apparently put their hands on each other in anger. Does this mean if someone shoved your daughter or son around cuz the other person was jealous, pissed, or just a little/alot drunk but normally the person is "sweet and nice" that's ok? Maybe that video WWFM is closer to the truth than we know from the Celebrity persona view. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

omg I don't like to remember my hangover burger days. Glad those days are long gone. lol

Anonymous said...

8:00 I hear you!!

tess4ADAM said...

I will once again repeat what I posted on another thread. I am concerned about ADAM's .. health .. music .. and charities! ANYTHING else of a Personal nature is NONE of my business!! ADAM is an adult who can manage his own life without ANY input from me on any level!! That's all I have to say about this NON issue!! ~~ thanx ~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to be taking all the blame for this altercation and as glitzylady said, it takes two to tango. We don't know what happened and we're not likely to be told what happened but obviously there was a problem of some kind. What we do know is that they were both drunk. I would never tell anyone how to live their life but it seems that being a celebrity and drunk in a public place is not a desirable situation.

Now let's all move on and concentrate on Adam's MUSIC!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:01 AM

I oh so agree.

And where there's smoke, there's always PH. :(

Anonymous said...

Anon@7:52, very good point.

If this happened to the son or daughter of some of these people, they would NOT be trying to explain it away - I hope not.

Anonymous said...

@2:32 PM

Being nasty not only reflects badly on you but also on Sauli.


Anonymous said...

6:09 Whatever, but I'm not going to be the nicest person to those who obviously can't stand the fact that Adam and Sauli are together. I apologize in advance.

funbunn40 said...

To the poster who said this scuffle occured because Sauli was hugging Niko or others according to the police report, I read it and the translation quoted Sauli as "They were wrestling"describing the fight. No reason was given as to the cause, which has remained between Adam and Sauli. Adam is a hugger and affectionate towards his friends, so doubt that would be an issue. Whatever created the tension, it was most likely something stupid, which usually is the case when alcohol is involved. Adam did get the brunt of it publicity wise, which wasn't fair, as Sauli was just as involved, but Adam is the bigger celebrity in the US and as a result, the bigger target.I had heard that the boys went back and apologized to the club the next day. Hope that was the case and would be the classy thing to do. Now we can focus on keeping BIKM visible and support it's success!

funbunn40 said...

Thanks anon 1:32,CT,HK and Adamluv! Glad that the dj's are keeping the fiasco in perspective and not going the Perez route, keeping it low key. You got it right, Adamluv with the meaning of "No love lost between these two" meaning dislike for one another,which really doesn't apply to Adam and Sauli. Good catch! Adamfix, Are you out there? Haven't heard from you in awhile or from Fan4fun. Merry Christmas Eve, Y'all!

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