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Listen to Full Song of Adam Lambert 's "Better Than I Know Myself" Legally!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 16, 2011

Posted at : Friday, December 16, 2011

It's officially on VEVO!

What do you think of the song?
I love it!
It's alright
Don't like it free polls 


Anonymous said...

I Love it!!!! I can sing with it can't wait for it to be heard live.

Anonymous said...

Wow It's up on Vevo already! Let's get the views into the millions like Gaga and Bruno and Katy!!!I am addicted,love this song!

Anonymous said...

Well i mean it's ok. Safe. Not spectacular. Plus this song has already been on youtube performed by other artists for a few years. Im surprised this is the lead single.

Anonymous said...

I like the song, I like the voice, I knew dubstep meant "thumps" but I wasn't expecting so many! I wish they had left them off during the chorus, they sound in competition
to his voice...those wonderful high notes. Will I buy it? YES!
Will I learn to love it? YES! Am I glad it's here? YES! Do I think it will sell? YES!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it will sell JAK and others, at this stage that is most important it is catchy and modern etc. I do like it but I am still hanging out for the album, because I love the WWFM and Soaked Adam so much.

Anonymous said...

its a hit.I have a feeling that 2012 is gonna be a very big year for mr lambert.

Anonymous said...

I already listened to it sooooo sooooo many times and I love it. I even loved the demo. But I love Adam's one trillion times better. I set it on replay and hooked it to my home surround sound system as if I'm at his concert. I can't wait to buy multiple copies of it from various digital music sites from AO, iTunes, Amazon, and others on Tuesday. Just to show my appreciation for this gorgeous music that I can't get enough of listening to it. LOVE YOU FOREVER ADAM!

Anonymous said...

The numbers on vevo seem stuck. as I listened to it the comments are rushing in. Does anyone know how often vevo updates the views? This will be a huge hit for Adam. Loving it more and more each time I listen!

Anonymous said...

@6:00pm I think vevo will get updated every 24 hours. But I'm not sure. I have vevo, AO, and soundcloud on seperate tabs and I play them to give the song more hits.

Anonymous said...

I can't find it on vevo! It is not with whataya want from me

Anonymous said...

Adam's vocals are superb, and the song itself is a lovely rendition... BUT ... the opening chords are irritating, whiny, and set my teeth on edge. Snip or replace the opening synth-whine and you've got a hit.

Anonymous said...

Adam's emotion and power shine through very strongly. The pitch-perfect note on, self is unmistakably Adam. The song will sail through to top the charts at #1. Just my opinion...the drum beat, a bit too loud and need not be throughout the whole song; not a big issue though. I think watching Adam sing it on stage will be a blast because his facial expression will bring out his emotion even more and the drum beat more in the background.

Anonymous said...

I don't question Adams capabilities indeed!!!!!

He is a master of twisting any songs and make it believable for everyone to hear..........

The passion of his voice is spectacular and I guarantee that the album will be a hit. Distractors are good enough to make Adam more successful in the future....

Who ever wants to bet on this I'm ready just let me know when and where:))))))))


Anonymous said...

It's sound like Bruno mars,I hate it.

Anonymous said...

@6:07 Thanks for the information. I just want Adam to get tons of hits on Vevo and other sites because this song truly deserves it!@Canadian I am in total agreement with you. I'll take the bets along with you lol!By the way I always love your positive posts!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:16 Bruno has such a different voice than Adam. Yes he can sing on key but Bruno's voice is very weak. Adam is a powerhouse. No Comparison! If you mean it sounds like a song that Bruno would sing, well good because look at the tremendous success Bruno Mars is having. Adam will have even more by next year!!!

Carlos said...

I WANT TO MARRY THIS SONG. Smart move posting it on VEVO cause it was already all over tumblr. It was hard not to find it.

Anonymous said...

important thing it will be a hit

Anonymous said...

@ 6:09 PM

I agree with you, I think the beginning and ending notes are weak. I wasn't sure it was over, waited for stronger ending. More dramatic.

@ 5:53 PM

I too was surprised at choice for lead single. I thought it would be a definite dance spectacular type song.

Anonymous said...

The song is okay and the voice is great, but as with most of the songs these days, it's over produced and over processed to the point that the voice almost gets lost in the shuffle. I think the hype was bigger than the song, personally. I also am not a fan of that fuzzy synth music in the background when he goes into the refrain. Frankly, I am a little disappointed after reading all the reviews prior to this. I'm hoping this isn't an indication of the whole album's sound, but I'm sure it won't be. Adam doesn't do just one style. If this is what the listening public really wants, then I hope Adam blows it off the charts.

Anonymous said...

Weak version of Whataya Want From Me:(
Boring, nothing special, doesn't have Adam's soul.
Still gonna buy CD from Amazon (love cover) and download from Itunes few times. ADam needs numbers now. And I love him till rest of my life

Anonymous said...

I love this song and there are probably some better and dancy type songs on the album. Realistically the first song has to be more mainstream so that it will get lots of airplay. I do not think it's overproduced.Adam's voice is front and center.Sorry some of you are disappointed. I for one am not.

Anonymous said...

@6:39PM I love over produced auto-tune songs on my radio. It's something that not a lot people can do it and I love it. If I want to listen to unproduced songs I'll go to promenade in my city to watch the starving musician that only know how to stream a guitar.

Anonymous said...

Don't over-analyze it. Just love it.

Anonymous said...

I hope I can hear live version of this song one day. Did Adam say dark and moody? THis is exactly what I feel when I listened this song few times. Don't care about lyrics too much. Just wanted to listen the music. Dark, cloudy and moody. THe CD's cover perfectly fit to this song

Anonymous said...

Looks like RCA gave up just released it before Tuesday since people were downloading it illegally anyway. Trespassing will be full of great songs, even if this one is not your fave. Don't worry, we'll know them all by heart by late spring, just in time to sing them with Adam on tour. I love BTIKM. Lt's get it the top and keep it there!

MiMi said...

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!! You go, Adam. Let's show Adam our love by requesting it on the radio and buying it wherever we can. Cannot wait for the video!!!

Anonymous said...

@DRG and MiMi agree with you both and yes no need to over analyze the song. Just enjoy it for what it is, an awesome song with amazing vocals by Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

If it's anything to go by, the votes for the song is 88% positive! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It´s also posted in and has 18,834 plays already.

Mwah!! K said...

Ok , I finally gave in & listened to BTIKM , I wasn't for sure how to take it . Adams vocals are impeccable , but I wasn't sure about that funny sound in the beginning what was that sound anyways?
I'm just going to give it to y'all straight , there is absolutely no instrument in this world that can back up Adam's voice!!!
Adam Lambert is a one man band / orchestra.
Just one freaking song done acapella (?)! Please Adam!!
I like the single it makes me wonder what else he has up his sleeve on this album! There's a song for everyone, right?
Ok, I'm done its all good, I can't wait til the album! I do hope the numbers soar!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I love the song! It's very catchy and it keeps running thru my head all the time. I keep hearing Adam's soaring vocals. I especially like all the layering Adam does with his voice. I don't know too much about how a track is recorded but you hear Adam singing different background harmonies to his own voice singing the main track. I just love the harmonizing! Great vocals. At the last note I hoped it would continue with more verses. I didn't want it to be over. It's def like current pop music and I think it's what Adam needs to climb the charts in mainstream music.

I can't wait to hear the whole album. Adam has said there will be some dance music too and I'd really like that.


Good job Adam. So glad you released it early!


Anonymous said...

To everyone who's having second thought about this song, why don't we just wait for him to sing it live then u decide right?????:)

I'm positive that you will be mesmerize with this song indeed.....


Anonymous said...

i think as a artist he isn't putting himself in any one type of box. Everyone was expecting a FYE part deux or a Hard Rock Anthem. I think he is taking risks on TRESPASSING and giving a whole different side of himself. It has an adult contermporary feel and makes for good Top 40 radio.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with some people here about the beginning of the song. It actually says without any words "THIS IS ADAM LAMBERT'S GREAT VOICE COMING UP RIGHT HERE!" Love that intro. Different from others. The more I listen to this song, the more I like it. At first listen, I was like "OK...". But now, it's stuck in my head. It's a great feeling about an Adam Lambert song.

Anonymous said...

Something I least expected from AL. It is a ballad/love song. I thought it would be harder and darker. He pulls at the heartstrings! doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

I'm already mesmerized, I'm just not sure I like the production.
Too much instrumentation, too much sound board. Adam doesn't need that, unlike most pop stars he can sing.Too much makes him sound like everyone else.

It would be a great love song without the drumbeats.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to comment on this song because I really could not stand it. I listened on Vevo and Adam O. a few times and each time liking something more and more about it. Now I have it up full blast and even think I can sing the chorus.Better than I know my seeeeellllllfffff.

Anonymous said...

Okay, we have to be closer to reality and AMI market. Adam deff will have huge success with this song onthe market. And he knows about it. Yes, this is the ballad which gonna be released five days before Christmas and for the good time for Channukah. But that they are waiting on the radio for while fo the ballad!!!!! They are tired from Michale Bubble or Susan B Christmas Carols, or JB's 'Mistltoe'!!Boy just lost his voice and virginity, hairstyle and>>>>>>):):)
We will get Adam's new single ballad about love and lonelyness and happyness after all!!!
Merry Christmas and Channukah and Russian Orthodox Christmas!!!!
Thank you, Diamond Boy!
Happy Holidays!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't think this song will bring a lot of success to ADam. Just another Katty or Rihanna or Mars ,etc song. Can't hear Adam's vocals for real! NOt even close to WWFM or Soaked. Sorry, SOaked it is classic. Never will inderstand why Adam didn't release it as single and didn't make music video!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is jerk

Anonymous said...

omg troll time begins 3-2-1...

Anonymous said...

I've been out wandering thru the many reviews for the song. All I read were favorable. That's encouraging!

I've listened to it so many times I have it memorized already, just doing my part to get the "views" up there.

Best part...none of the reviews I read mentioned Idol runnerup or gay singer. A few mentioned his brilliant performance with Queen!

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I miss if I had you and born to be wild.Adam voice is powerful when he sing rock,that's just my opinion.

Adam have dark devilish looking style and voice even punky ,this btikm is not match match with he's look,because he's not boring looking.

I find it strange most singers have fun songs and Adam go different sound boring sound like he's lost he's brain.I don't like it.didn't they call him male gaga for a reason.

Anonymous said...

When I look at adam in china pic and lesson to this song,it dosent get along with whole thing.he's look edgy and rockfish here.

I agree they call him male gaga for over the top,crazy persona and performer.

He's good at picking cloth but not songs.For success year i don't think so.wwfm.sleepwalker boring to death.

Adam definitely don't know he's fans ,and what they want.

Anonymous said...

I love the song! When I first heard the demo, I was not too sure whether I like it or not, because it's too "modern" for me, since I listen more to the older/classic songs. But now that I hear Adam sing it, I do like it and grow to like it more and more each time I listen to it again! I think that Adam first does make me want to listen to music again, and now, he makes me learn to listen to different types of music that I usually listen to! Adam is young and he likes to listen to & sing today's young music, and thanks to him, I can feel young too by listening to his music! For ever grateful for having Adam in my life!

Anonymous said...

@JAK good post. Looks like we are getting some trolls on here, so I am tired and going to sleep. I have been listening to the song all day and love it more every time!!

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I hated WWFM when I listened to it on FYE for the first time. Only liked it when Adam performed it right after AMA and all the live performances on various T.V. shows. It was my least favorite. But it made the Top 10.

I absolutely love this song, it's like sleepwalker or Can't Let You Go or similar to Bruno's It Will Rain. It's moody and dark with Adam's voice upfront. I love the drum beat and synth. It's so current and some radio stations raved about it which is very important for success of Adam. I love songs with a lot of production. Rihanna, Perry, Gaga, and others are huge around the world. I don't know how many times I listened to it and still I can't get enough of it. Adam has an impeccable voice but I don't want him to sit on the stool and sing all the time. A lot of people can do that and are doing it on the streets with an empty bowl in front of them for people to put money in it. I love massive production on a song. I listen to Top 40 station and I want them to play Adam's music. IMO this song will be played on Top 40 stations.

Lou said...

Perez Hilton said it is pretty good but I say it is an amazing song.

Anonymous said...

Better than I know myself is a good song. I think its as good as Whataya want from me.

Anonymous said...

@JAK love your post. As always you and Glitzylady are voice of reason on this site. I too have the whole song memorized. Can't wait until Tuesday to show my support by purchasing it from, iTunes, Amazon and other digital music sites. Love you Adam! Your true fans will support you no matter what!

glitzylady said...

I've been busy today, and haven't been on here, but I HAVE been listening to the song ALL DAY, and cranked up as loud as I can, and I really truly LOVE it....For one thing, TURN IT UP and really listen: its fabulous! He has layer upon layer of his voice and has done an amazing job of perfectly melding those layers into one beautiful song that many many people of all ages and musical tastes can enjoy and relate to. Imagine it at a concert, full volume, Adam singing it live, the sound surrounding us..

I know we all love Adam's pure voice: I have practically every song he's ever sung, on my iPod, thanks to a friend who knows how to turn You-Tube vids into MP3's. Many of my absolute favorites are ballads and songs where his voice soars and vibrates within my soul and heart, without a lot of complicated accompaniment to drown it out or diminish its impact on my senses. "Is Anybody Listening", "Come To Me, Bend to Me", "The Prayer", GNT "Sleepwalker", Acoustic GNT (Hawaii) "Broken Open", GNT "Soaked", Fantasy Springs sexy bluesy improvised "WLL" , many gorgeous songs to highlight that pristine and gloriously brilliant voice.

BUT "Better Than I Know Myself" is a really good choice (IMO) because Adam is aiming to get music into the TOP 40, and to have it played on the radio..He likes current music...and that is really what it takes to get radio play. Lots of radio play. Little or no radio play and we're back to where we were last year, he was almost "there" but not quite...He just needs that one last boost to achieve true global super-mega-stardom. I realize he did well with WWFM but he needs that one super-successful, # 1 song to get him into the top tier..with Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, etc...WE know he's fabulously talented, his label knows it and so do a lot of music industry biggies..What he needs now is for the Top 40 music loving public to know him and love him as much as we do. So, he needs a current, fresh, song that will appeal to that segment. And I really think this one will do it.(Hoping, hoping...) It also tells a story, is emotional, and even though Claude Kelly wrote it, he added and changed lyrics with Adams help to me it uniquely Adam's own heartfelt song. And I can see how it might relate to his life in the last couple of years, this intense love that he sings about in the song.

Just my opinion, but I think its fabulous. And smart. and I love it! : )

Anonymous said...

i really really really like the song, Adam's vocals are amazing as always.
he's a great singer, and he's incredibly talented. i'm really looking forward to the new album now!
and when Adam comes to Finland, i will be in the front row.


Glitzylady said...


" MAKE it uniquely Adam's own heartfelt song".

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I forgot to say, when I listened to the song "all day long", on a loop, I NEVER got tired of hearing it...which I think says something about what a great song it is, and that people with love it! (My Adam Lambert fan-boy husband likes it the way : )))

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:10 PM
Just wanted to point out that Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, (Lady Gaga...Beyonce...) etc. are pretty darn successful, wouldn't you say??? And not only that they are all good singers with good voices, maybe not as good as Adam ultimately, but they seem to know what they're doing and doing it right. They are all wildly successful and are super-stars. It may be in the same genre but that's what popular now. (I like all of them by the way..) Smart move on his part in my opinion. He'll give us more variety later on...and I'm guessing we'll get some amazing music on his new album. I hope you are wrong about this song not being successful. : )

Anonymous said...

@glizylady- you really did say it all- thank-you! You hit it right on the nail! I will say, we have all been in the adam obsession for over 2 years now, none of us give up on him (no matter what) i truly believe Adam will skyrocket on this song- I love it!


Anonymous said...

Anon 6:45, your comments don't even make sense. Over produced songs with auto tuned voices are that way usually because the artist can't sing very well. The background music and rhythms are loud to drown out the bad voice. Hence, we have Britney Spears et al. Adam is too good to need any of that. There's accompaniment and then there's overkill. In my opinion, the song had overkill. But to each his own.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady Do you love all Adam's songs and everything about Adam? Cause, it's sounds that you very smart and intelligent person. YOu can't be hopeless fanatic who put Adam on the pedestal. Adam is a human like you, and me, and anyobogy else. Even Freddie or Elvis, or MJ they made the mistakes, they wrote terrible songs or had disscussing performances! THere were people who had a lot of good and bad sides.
Do you think that Adam is perfect and nobody can judge him, nobody can question his songs, style, or behavior (which is actually perfect. we forgot about AMA, finally:)? I never read any negative comments about Adam in your comments.
In human history fanatics always killed their idol. Sooner or later.
And there is a very think boundary between real fan adn fanatics!
Who are you, glitzylady?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:36

Anonymous said...

lol the troll is picking on Glitzylady now. He has sunk to a new low!! oh please I wanted to go to bed but I am laughing too much.

glitzylady said...

Thanks... : )

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam looks HAPPY!!!!! I think he needs to have more live performances in different countries.
Love his boots! Bought same one from Sacks two months ago!!! Want to buy few more pairs but different colors!!! Wanna be festive!!!!!
AND, ADAM's GLASSES!!!!!! I didn't see this shades on him for while!!!! I bought alsmost the same glasses from RL on line store!!!! It was such a great deal!!!! I got these just on the sale just for $850!!!!
Love you, Adam!
I hope one day you will wear something pink!!! Like tie or t-shirt! I think you will look good in pink!!!!!
A lot of KISESS
P.S. About this poor kid Sauli! Feel so sorry for him. He has so many tatoos. I think he is very brave and strong. It is sp difficult to go through such a pain. But he looks much better now:)Does he gonna remove these tattoos? Cause they are look horroble!

December 16, 2011 9:56 PM

Anonymous said...

9:56 maybe you shouldn't be laughing, this troll is getting squirlier and squirlier. lol

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant "thin boundary between real fan and fanatics"
And nobody can call me the troll. Because, I follow Adam from the first day I saw him on AI. If I don't like some of his songs or his outfits or hairstyle, this is doesn't mean that I am troll and don't love him

Anonymous said...

Back to the music ... here is what one music reviewer said:
"I’ll be honest, the 30 second snippet from a few days back did this song no favors. Lambert’s voice is 100% certifiably flawless on this track. It’s perfect power pop."

From everything I've read ALL OVER, the reviews are mostly VERY positive. Adam deserves a new big hit to bring him back to the forefront of music/radio. LL

Anonymous said...

10:12 glad to here that review, the ones I have been reading have been favorable too.

Anonymous said...

glad to "hear" that review. sorry

glitzylady said...

Some one who apparently has some musical knowledge analyzed this song choice and the way it was presented both musically and vocally, as well as Adam's musical maturity that can be seen in the differences in his musical choices between FYE and this new single. I just saw this on Twitter and thought it was interesting.

Anonymous said...

@9:27P.M. Unproduced music is equal to Season 9 of American Idol. Boring! Great voice with great production is equal to Elton John, Queen, Mick Jager, etc. I had a long coversations with bunch of teenagers recently and they all said that they listen to musics with great hooks and they don't give a damn about great voice. They dominate the music scene and their the ones who listen to top 40 stations. I listen to Top 40 stations too cause I'm in my early 30s.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all the reviews I read were almost 100% positive. The poll on this site shows most fans love this song.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzlady Your post was right on the money sweetie! We will just ignore the trolls. I have listened to the song all day and when I go to do something else I start craving to hear it again! That is what makes a song great, plus Adam's voice!!!

Anonymous said...

Check out another fan video from China, WOW:

If Adam sells his album to only 1% of China's population, he will make it big.

tess4ADAM said...

First of all ... I like this song. I'm not 'in love' with it yet because as is with every new 'relationship' we grow to love a song or a color or a food or a person. Not everything is 'love at first sight/sound'. I don't know who anon. 9:36 is or why they feel that we are harming ADAM by accepting HIS choice for the first single from HIS album. After all... fans are supposed to support their artist & leave the criticism to non-fans ... IMO. Certainly not 'attack' another fan because they find nothing wrong with a song/style, etc. We are ALL entitled to our own opinions ... some of us will absolutely LOVE everything ADAM does and will sing his praises at every turn while others won't. But that's no reason to go off the deep end & say that @glitzylady is a detriment to ADAM because her comments are non judgemental. That's foolish ... as ADAM would say ... It Aint That Deep!! So just relax & enjoy ADAM in your own way & WE will do the same. Peace!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

You don't know who Glitzylady is? Glitzylady's God is Adam and she will have Adam's picture on her coffin when she passes away!!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of whiney people posting on here lately. Yes everyone has an opinion but it is important how it is stated, especially if you are a fan. This is a song for radio and of course will be a big hit. That is what it is about right now for Adam. When he does his tour he will change it up as he does all the time. He has to be successful on radio etc. to do his tour. I think this song is one of the best out there right now on pop radio.

Anonymous said...

The more I listen to this song the more I like it! It's lovely, catchy earworm. Not too easy to get you bored at once. Oh, I wait for the video and live performances!

@Anon Dec 16, 9:58PM
You don't need to feel sorry for Sauli. He loves his tattoos and takes more colour to them someday and some more tattoos too (He has said that). Yes, he is very brave, LOL. And in my opinion he has been looking good from the moment I saw him in 2007. But this is totally OT here. I just wanted to say that "Don't worry Sauli is a big boy and knows what he does and wants". He is a strong person. They are his tattoos and you have the right to think they are horrible. I don't personally like Adam's tattoos. Too simple looking for my eyes although I know they have some special messages/meanings.

Anonymous said...

does admin post their Email address anywhere? someone needs to be removed from this site permanently.

Anonymous said...

I am crazy about this song but i hope that the final has more verses.
Otherwise, too much chorus.
Give Adam something to chew on.
Don't cut him short!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't EVER loose Adam in the production.
Don't Ever loose the Adamness in the production.
The only reason anyone ever needs to over produce a singer is if they can't sing.
Don't loose his soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

God, what would I do without some of you, ..Berts?!!
"Don't over-analyze it. Just love it."
Yes, Ma'am (or Sir?). I'm matching my heart rate to the beat of this song. Right now!

This is a real ..Bert, people: (a piano cover within only several hours; and it has as many hits as the original!)


Ame said...

I loooove it to pieces ♥ Thank you Adam ♥

Anonymous said...

@GLB Those who don't like the production on Adam's BTIKM can check out the link you posted. As they say they like raw performance better than hours of brain storming and production in studio.

Anonymous said...

THANK U, ADAM!! One listen and I'm absolutely SMITTEN!!

Anonymous said...

HaHaHa. Is it a mocking of some kind in your comment? Because if it is, I applaud you, smart ..Bert. I like that I can't say for sure. :-)

Anonymous said...

Btw, it seems you pay attention... Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@10:50, thanks for the video from China and so perfectly timed to "Time for Miracles".

I can't understand why TFM didn't get any radio play because I think it also had the same kind of "production/sound" as a top 40.

You go Adam, make them scream!

Anonymous said...

Gee there are some NASTY people commenting here. One in particular can hardly string 2 words together that make sense so I'm imagining how scrambled his/her musical brain is.

If you don't like this song and refuse to criticise constructively, then sod off and ramble on incomprehensibly somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I hear mostly Adam's voice and couple of places his voice is layered. JUST GORGEOUS! Love the synth, piano and the drum beat is like a heart beat. JUST BEAUTIFUL! Will make the top 10 in no time. LOVE!

Anonymous said...


Probably one of Kris Allen's fans.

Anonymous said...

Go to AdamBertDaily for more pics arriving in China. Tommy looking gorgeous with shorter hair and NO makup!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:39 PM

Here we go again .... 'overproduced'. BUNKUM! I suppose you'd like Adam to sing every song a cappella. Well, it's obvious that aint going to happen.

Further, I hope Adam doesn't change this song up when he sings it live or only changes it slightly because I want to hear it as it sounds in recording i.e. drop dead divine!

Anonymous said...

I love love love this song. Adam has such an amazing range.

Some people here appear to be never happy, wanting so much more from Adam ...... or so much less "noise" in the background. Can't people be happy that Adam has released a fabulous song in LESS THAN 12 MONTHS??!

Anonymous said...

Is this song available for sale NOW?????? If so, please tell me where I can buy it NOW. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice sounds absolutely divine!!! But once again I feel let down by the music BEHIND his voice. My teenager puts together music on his keyboard that sounds just like this. SIGH.

Anonymous said...

The sound is very current US pop music with an R&B influence. I like R&B a lot, but mainly from the 90's. This production is good, but not brilliant. I think the US production differs from European and I find the US production a bit more overproduced in general, than the European. However, I always prefer a fully produced song over acoustic. I never bought the Acoustic Live ep and I didn't like acoustic WWFM and Aftermath at all. One can only hope that Adam will perform the album version of Aftermath and also Time For Miracles live someday. They're both timeless songs.

Anonymous said...

Guys, listen to BTIKM by setting it as Favorite or Playlist then Turn autoplay on without clicking the play button. Follow these directions:

1. Go to the following VEVO link for BTIKM:

2. At the bottom of the video click on the middle drop-down button "+ add to". Then either add the video as "Favorites" or "add to new playlist"

3. Then make sure "Turn autoplay" button is on. It looks like two arrows in a shape of a circle.

Let it run on a separate browser tab in a continues loop without pressing the play button.

This way you add to the view count without much effort and also you enjoy listening to BTIKM while doing other tasks.

Anonymous said...

from the opening synths when Adam breathes in to start the lyrics, I close my eyes and am reminded how much I love his voice. Adam is magic. His voice and persona transport me to the life I want. I love the song

Anonymous said...

I think this will be big on top 40 radio - hope it is a HUGE hit for Adam, because he totally deserves one!

I personally find it a bit too Beiber-like, too much like what's already out there, too overproduced and slick - but I think for the general public, it'll be a hit. It is very catchy, melodic and has big, fat beats! It was more down-tempo than I was expecting, though.

Looking forward to his entire album, and the variety of sounds I know our boy will deliver...I know there will be something for everyone.

Hope all my fellow friends-in-Adam are doing well!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

That K. Allen fan, her biggest defender is MJs Blog. I lost my login ID because of her at that site. She is so obnoxious at every single one of Adam's news' threads and she doesn't get any blame or warning from her mama MJ. Other Adam fans lose their IDs and can't side with Adam any longer. Numbers of Adam fans are dropping like flies on that site and you can't open up a new account unless you use a different computer to setup a new ID. I call that site a Cyber Bully site against Adam and his fans.

Cheril said...

It's Adam's turn for his song to play over and over on the radio and I personally can't wait for it. Come on December 20th and radio airplay.

Anonymous said...

This will be a hit. And that is what we want for Adam. Then we can enjoy his acoustic version of this at a concert.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hey! take it easy folks, for saying nonsense and mocking our Glitzylady.

You just wait when Adam sing this song live and tell me what's your damn opinion about it????? Ok????

Just hold your horses and listen to Adam when he interpreted this song live in front of our faces ha????:)))

Do you think by now that if Adam doesn't know what his fans wants, they will still follow him on twitter????

I'm one of those people not using twitter so you know what is my message all about my dear!!!! (Who ever you are)


Anonymous said...

Because Adam "owns" my heart, like a dog sensitive to a certain sound, I perk up my ears when I hear him, on the radio, on stage, or at home. The sound of Adam alone, and I can "see" him, myriad images burned indelibly in my brain have taken up permanent residence in every nook and cranny of my head. Courtesy of the internet I obsess now in endless quantity and variety from all his many antics and attributes: the quick wit we know Adam possesses from all his interviews inhabits a gorgeous head that tilts tantalizingly back or rolls round in counterpoint to the bawdy body roll; the full lips that curl, pout, and form the sounds to inspire ecstatic glee or soulful longing; unforgettable eyes that beckon and mesmerize; a full crown of hair that shimmers, gets tousled or goes up to there on its own; lithe, long-legged torso in a fierce stance, strut, or prance; gloved hands that make a triumphant grab at the sky, tease with a mike or brandish painted flourishes; finally. naked on stage or decked in glittered platforms, proud size 11 feet that in my dreams sweep me off mine. Adam, my fantasy boyfriend, I know him too well. I am his, did he not say, that he "owned" my heart once I'm in. So, how could anything of Adam not touch, inflame, move, and transform me? In judging the song, I can no more sever Adam from the song than I can wrest my heart from my head, that is how logical I have become. So, on the matter of the song's merits or whether I like it or not is immaterial. I love Adam, ergo, I love this song. That it is aesthetically pleasing music sung masterfully and poignantly is beside the point.

Anonymous said...

For a song to grab me right from the start is awesome. I know as alot of people on here do that Adam is very crafty and this song could sound different at concerts. Right now this song will get him hopefully more radio play. This is Adam"s year!!!!!This song can play with the tops songs.

Anonymous said...

Honestly! I don't care for this song. Why can't they find the right music for his extraodinary voice. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Adam is a Vocal God who had to bring himself down to human level so that the everyday humans could appreciate his music. When he sings at his Godly level, not too many people get it.


Anonymous said...

5:29, you just read my mind. Thank you! My love affair with Adam goes so far beyond the music. He's the whole package of all of the things you said. If there is a song here and there that doesn't blow me away, so be it. It doesn't diminish my love and respect for him one iota. I try to look at the big picture, not the small one. Adam's future will give us all kinds of music and personality. This song is just one step on the road, and I'm walking with him all the way.

Glitzlady, your 9:19 post says something I've wanted to say myself. In the future, we'll get more variety from Adam. He'll be able to take more risks. He'll be more established. He has to be careful right now to get our the "sophomore" hump. It looks like he will do so with flying colors. After this next album, I think he'll really spread his wings.

BTW, I agree that when we hear this song sung live, we'll hear a warmer tone to it than we do on the here. This is a studio version and I love it, but it has that techno sound that so many are doing now. I DO think it shows off Adam's voice, and I LOVE the lyrics.

Anonymous said...

@5:29am You said it all and brilliantly! For those of us hooked from the beginning, it's like he's our child and we love all of his artwork.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady and @DRG I feel you are right - loving Adam is not just about one song. The way I see it Adam HAD to serve up something more mainstream now cos if he doesn't then he could be calling it a day. Once he has attention of more people and most importantly money in the bank he will then have flexibility to do more of what he wants, variety and so forth. One thing I think we can all say for sure is that he will keep mixing things up. I love how his voice is, like his fashion etc, ever changing! I think this song is also going to be gorgeous as a ballad can't wait Mr Lambert ...bring it on!


Anonymous said...

Go to Vevo to listen and give it the hits it deserves. It is only a little over 11K right now. It should have millions!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:29 A.M.

Whew! Well I came in to take my much needed's 11 a.m. and I've been up since 3 a.m.

But after a quick peek at my computor and finding your comment...I don't think I can sleep! I am wide awake!
Completely awake! Might as well go bake cookies! Thanks!

JAK :)

MiMi said...

I need to comment again because of the negative "stuff." This is a great song, but I am sure not everyone will like it. That's life. Let's not forget there are more songs on his album and I am sure they are all fantastic. Remember "OUTLAWS OF LOVE?" That is another great song. And I am also sure Adam will be making the rounds on TV performing his new single very soon. I am so happy for him, and happy that I am a loyal fan. It's all good!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's give it more view counts on VEVO. Set it up as favorite and set it to autoplay to increase its view count:

Anonymous said...

Another airport fan video from Shanghai:

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:24 Learn to read. I said OVER PRODUCED not UNPRODUCED. Big difference. And the comment about not caring about the voice speaks volumes about some of the listening public. I listen to Top 40, but that doesn't mean I think they are all masterpieces, and in some cases, they don't even have much talent. Adam is in a class by himself and as such does not have to resort to the same tactics. I don't hate the new single; I'm just a bit disappointed. Try not to get your panties in a twist when Adam's fans give their honest opinions. Yours is only an opinion too.

Anonymous said...

Absolute Genius. Can't get the frikkin' hook out of my head, I think I even woke up this morning with it rolling around in my mind.
The public will eat it up! This will get him many new fans and us Glamberts already know how brilliant his live interpretations will be. Fans talk about wanting him to have world wide fame and this is the way to do it.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the new single. Adam needed a song that would knock people off their feet and I think he has done it. The song must be radio friendly and promotion of a single are the keys to its success. Of course, it will be even better when a video is released and when Adam actually starts appearing on the tv talk shows etc. but I suppose that won't happen until after the holidays since most of them are repeats and the hosts will all be on vacation for the next few weeks.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:36 PM
Okay, just a few comments re your remarks directed to me.

I'm apparently a "Pollyanna" zombie robot fan who sees only the good in him and never the bad or wrong.. and somehow that makes me a bad fan. Interesting. I stated my personal opinion of why this song will have an extremely good chance to give Adam the chance to finally receive some major mainstream recognition and success, by releasing this current-sounding new song. I like it. I think its very strategic on his part and I think it will do well. Really well. Just my opinion. Truth be told, I would also love to hear him sing "Time to Say Good-bye" (think Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman's duet) or something similar, perhaps "The Prayer", both of which would really show off his powerful and soaring voice, but that isn't where his interests currently lie or how he's going to get where he needs to be: at the top of the Top 40.

And you really just had to bring up a subject that is old news, that most have moved beyond. Not going to discuss it here. Not the time or place. How you surmised that I think Adam is "perfect", is beyond me. I don't live with my head in the clouds. I'm just like most people who come here: to support Adam, defend him occasionally when warranted, and just generally flail over his latest achievements, etc.. He's a talented singer, entertainer, decent human being, and one who has had, in some ways, more to overcome than many singers out there, because of his orientation, and his decision to be open. about it. The Idol finale being a case in point. He's been criticized, ostracized, ignored, bullied, had critics and haters say "all he does is scream", "he can't sing" (B.S.) and far worse, but is also praised by those in the music business who know a good voice when they hear it, and fortunately has many many supportive and outspoken fans. He lives his life honestly and openly. He hides nothing. I support and commend him for that. I also occasionally cringe, But I don't dwell on those "cringe-worthy" moments. (Just between you and me: not a fan of the shaved over the ears hairstyle...but that's HIS choice...and looks fabulous now IMO: hair grows). I don't put him on a pedestal but I do admire him as a person and a singer. I also like to cheer him on in his victories and hang in there when things aren't going so well. That's what fans do. That's what I do. Sorry if you don't like it.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:21
Hmmm...well, no you have it all wrong!!.

Actually, I'd rather be alive and in that coffin with Adam himself (also alive..) ...since we're discussing "Adam" and "coffin" and "glitzylady" in the same sentence. A girl can dream, right?? ; )))) #kinky

Anonymous said...

It's edgy, it's catchy, it reaches into my gut, and won't leave. Adam does know me better than I know myself, because this spans pop, R&B, hard to put it in a box. It will appeal to all, I'm certain, because the vocals and lyrics are honest and true. Check out what's playing today on contemporary pop radio, and this one belongs to just a handful of the top songs. Don't like a lot of them, but just to stay current for Adam, I tune in to check out competition, and there ain't none, especially among the men. None of the songs of the male singers--Bruno, Bieber, Levine--, and truth to tell, the current songs of the female singers--Gaga, Beyonce, Perry--are failing to grab me too. When I'm on the radio and they're on, with the exception of one song of Adele's, I can't wait till the song is over hoping for a good one. Well, folks, Adam is that, and he grabs my heart and doesn't let go. I want to hear it again, he and the song are that great. It's the "Adam effect" on me that's half the reason, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...


I like the way you put some people in the right place without loosing your temper, being always proper and polite.Can you do that also in "everyday" live!? If you can, please! tell me how?!I want to learn it!!
BTW..the coffin thing, really!?..LOL!!


Cheril said...

I love the single but for those that question his choices remember as fans we only see a small percentage of the whole picture. He has a plan because he is very smart and talented and puts his whole being into being a singer and performer. We are the fans but this is his livelihood and career. So, trust the flow as it comes and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

I've tried many, many times to go to Vevo to listen to BTIKM (to give it hits) and to listen of course, but no matter what time of day or evening, it won't play the song. The little circle just keeps moving round and round and won't load. Is this my computer or is Vevo overloaded with us Glamberts???

BTW, I've listened to it many times on this site and on AO with no trouble.

Anonymous said...

I have been too nervous to listen to this until now, feeling that I might be let-down. I was pleasantly surprised. Adam's voice is absolute perfection and the song has a catchy drum background. I find the melody boring but I find that in most of ht pop songs played on radio these days. I think Adam will do well with this song. Whew!

Anonymous said...

Request Adam's songe "Better Than I Know Myself" on your local radio station.

Anonymous said...

omg -omg all my euroepan friends from europe heard this song-they all love husband love it too.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, so you go by queenrosered on other sites?

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I meant to write 'do you go by queenrosered on other sites'.

Anonymous said...

The lyricks are beautiful and Adam sings great but the melody is just average. Nothing special in it. I believe that there will be some better ones on the album...

Anonymous said...

I think that no matter what Adam sings or releases as a single, there will be people out there who will criticize the performance. Too this, too that, not enough this or that....blah, blah, blah. Have you people listened to what passes for music lately? So much of it is pure garbage from individauls who cannot sing without auto-tuning or some other musical changes,etc. Here is a man with the best voice in the music industry today(along with Adele) and he should be given every opportunity to prove his vocal talents. I like this song and hope it gets lots of radio play to make it a big hit for Adam. With guest appearances on the various tv talk shows, promo from his management and a video, Adam will achieve the success and fame he so deserves. The song may be safe, may not be spectacular, may not be a dance number, but it's Adam's choice for the first release and there will be all the other songs on the album that mostly everyone will find something they like. As a previous comment said" Don't overanalyze; just love it."

glitzylady said...

@SG 1:07 PM
Haha! Well, I try to be reasonable and respectful in "real Life" too, but here its much easier to revise and delete comments before they are sent out into the world hopefully I behave well both places..I've had my un-diplomatic moments : )

...although the coffin comment (in response someone else...may not qualify as "well behavied!!"

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:30 AM
Nope, although I'm acquainted with her, and we have met.

I am...glitzylady elsewhere as well..mostly

Anonymous said...

It's an OK song, unfortunately it's like every other song on the radio. doesn't stand out of the crowd, especially the chorus part. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

The song is like every other song on the radio. I will always be an AL fan, because I know he is a genius performer and I will always go to his concerts. But this song... not for me, I loved FYE album. I thought it was original and interesting. This is boring (for me). I see many of you like, that's good. I hope he will gain a bigger fan base thanks to this album but I unfortunately I won't buy the album if it is produced in this way. This doesn't encourage me at all (personally).
Poland Loves Adam