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Close View of Adam at Shanghai Airport

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 16, 2011

Posted at : Friday, December 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

Totes adorbs

Anonymous said...

Vols dir totes adorables?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Adam...The Shanghai girls are completely swoon. Wait till they hear you sing Better Than I Know My Self!! They are already shouting...I love you...wo ai ni!
Row Row Rock your boat!! Adam! :)

fanatapan said...

Perez Hilton posted this:

and its real!!!!!!!!!!!! (not best quality but THE ENTIRE SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No m'ho puc creure els dos primers "comments" en català!! Això sí que es nou!!:))


BTW Thanks China for Adam's lovely wellcome!!

fanatapan said...

although of course i dont condone illegal copyright infringement, just thought proper glamberts would enjoy the full track before tuesday (i know some people dont want to hear it yet but i felt that people should be given the option. sorry if i offended anyone :S)

Anonymous said...

The whole song is up on MJ's blog site. Of course I had to listen but can't wait till I can buy it on itunes on the 20th. Love the song. My dream would be if he could sing it on the X Factor finale and blow everyone away. Maybe he will Adam is always full of surprises!

Anonymous said...

Jo també, però els altres no deuen entendre res, ves a saber que pensen

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

PH is lower than the lowest !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it, it grows on me more and more and to see and hear him sing will be really something to look forward to.
It has everything, great vocals and range a good hook or chorus., love it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe admin should take down the link to PH site or the MJ mention.
Because it is a shame it has leaked.

Tho I took a listen Im not passing it on or saying anything to anyone, that is typical PH though MJs is very supportive.

Anonymous said...

Who's PH??????????????????


Just ignore the RATSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!


Anonymous said...

From Barcelona

Això mateix he pensat!! Ja ja!! Però per un cop que ho fem en la nostra llengua no pasa res!A més crèia que erem només jo i dos més que coneixiem a l'Adam Lambert per bcn. M'alegro MOLT de que no sigui així.:)))

Sorry to the rest, I just got too exited that someone post the 2 fist comments in my own language.


Anonymous said...


I just LOVE your short BUT energetic comments!!!Lol!!


Anonymous said...

Jo no conec a ningú, tothom pensa que m’he tornat ximple. Espero que amb el nou LP. cada en serem mes i així vindrà a Barcelona.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Thanks SG!!!!!!!


Fans are great indeed!!!!!


Anonymous said...

From Barcelona

Ja ja ja!! A mi em pasa el mateix!!! Els meus amics també es pensen que m'he tornat ximple!!,però feia molt temps que no estava tan contenta! Anire a L.A l'any vinen, per tant confio anar als seus concerts!! WOW!!espero que d'aqui no res ompli el Sant Jordi fins d'alt!!amb una bona promoció tot es possible!!


Anonymous said...

Full song on adam official now!!!

fanatapan said...

sorry for causing trouble. wont post again since i never seem to get it quite right without offending the masses. oh well. will still follow the blog and Adam of course.

fanatapan said...

PS: even though i seem to say what people only want to hear when its from someone else. i was just trying to help and participate. (not offended, just realising the errors of my ways. no personal attacks to glamberts AT ALL. i love you guys.)

Anonymous said...

Amb una bona promoció al Camp del Barça i allà ens trobarem tots. Molta sort a L.A. quina enveja (sana)

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Sound cloud is playing the full song.

Anonymous said...


Better Than I Know Myself, full version, is on there.

Listen to the FULL version legally, download and buy it on Tuesday!



Anonymous said...

From Barcelona

L.A,...Dreams CAN come TRUE!!BUT as Adam said: If you want something to happend YOU have to make it happend!! and The Camp Nou.....WOW!!! Beatiful dream....:D

No vull que ens estirin de les orelles.... :))))

Sweet "Adamdreams"!!


Anonymous said...

Heard the whole song...very very beautiful! Just a teeny-weeny downside for me; the hard drum beat could be varied or may be left out at certain parts instead of it getting a liitle monotonous throughout, but nothing too serious to worry about. Anyway the chorus especially the high note is untouchable; reminds me of a killerwhale blowing out its air releasing a spray...Adam's spray! What a voice! I think Shanghai is in for a gigantic treat! It's a #1 alright. :)

Anonymous said...

Sony Global tweeted to listen to the full song on Adam Official, so I am not feeling guilty. The sound is soooo good and clear. My oh my I just love this song. This will be a #1 hit for Adam.Love it more each time. It got thumbs up from my teenage daughter and her friends too!!!

Anonymous said...

just heard it better than wwfm

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and Adam

Sweet Adamdreams

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Please everyone buy it legally on itunes on the 20th and have fun listening to the song on AO in the mean time. I can't stop listening!!!

Anne Marie said...

Great song, I think it will do well.
I guess Adam and Sony were prepared for a leak, and they jumped on it, and had Adam Official and Amazon play the full song immediately. Good move Adam. I doesn't take away anything, cuz we still have to wait til Tuesday to download it. In the meantime I can hear it on AO. I am a bit too old for all this pressure anyway, LOL Now I already know I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing I love the whole song, and Perez gains nothing ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

fanatapan. Dont worry sometimes you have to have a thick skin to join in here, some people cant help but be mean.
I was real happy to hear the song in full and like you I wouldnt share it around or download it.
Smile honey, its all good, dont leave us.

Anonymous said...

PS, fanatpan, sorry if it was me who hurt your feelings.

Anonymous said...

Okay, we have to be closer to reality and AMI market. Adam deff will have huge success with this song onthe market. And he knows about it. Yes, this is the ballad which gonna be released five days before Christmas and for the good time for Channukah. But that they are waiting on the radio for while fo the ballad!!!!! They are tired from Michale Bubble or Susan B Christmas Carols, or JB's 'Mistltoe'!!Boy just lost his voice and virginity, hairstyle and>>>>>>):):)
We will get Adam's new single ballad about love and lonelyness and happyness after all!!!
Merry Christmas and Channukah and Russian Orthodox Christmas!!!!
Thank you, Diamond Boy!
Happy Holidays!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam looks HAPPY!!!!! I think he needs to have more live performances in different countries.
Love his boots! Bought same one from Sacks two months ago!!! Want to buy few more pairs but different colors!!! Wanna be festive!!!!!
AND, ADAM's GLASSES!!!!!! I didn't see this shades on him for while!!!! I bought alsmost the same glasses from RL on line store!!!! It was such a great deal!!!! I got these just on the sale just for $850!!!!
Love you, Adam!
I hope one day you will wear something pink!!! Like tie or t-shirt! I think you will look good in pink!!!!!
A lot of KISESS
P.S. About this poor kid Sauli! Feel so sorry for him. He has so many tatoos. I think he is very brave and strong. It is sp difficult to go through such a pain. But he looks much better now:)Does he gonna remove these tattoos? Cause they are look horroble!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam looks fab!! Love his hairstyle, love his new song. My heart is so full of lurve at the moment. <3

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would've been better to release this song on Tuesday instead of oh the web now but apparently, it was leaked. Some people are so low! I hope it can't be downloaded illegally because that would be so unfair to Adam but I guess sh!te happens. :(

Anonymous said...

I really like the Asian fans, because they are having fun. I find some US and European fans obsessed in a bad way. Also the Tommyberts have made me a casual fan. Now I want to observe Adam and his fandom from only the distance.

HK fan said...

don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong. Its just that you mentioned PH, he's not very well liked on here because of the way he's treated Adam in the past. Many people (myself included) refuse to go to his site, they don't want to give him the hits. But as you can tell, we
ve all listened to the preview, just on vevo or AO.

Anonymous said...


True fans of Adam are nice and don't worry about it. We are just having fun here....:)
