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More Single News From @tkradio (Toby Knapp, HOT 99.5):

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 5, 2011

Posted at : Monday, December 05, 2011


"small promo tour to support cd in works now for February btw."

"clairification - 2 support the single . small promo run in feb. more to follow."

"and... rca local promo staffs playing single for radio this week. will be a priority getting close to xmas..."


Anonymous said...

Joe Riccitalli is RCA radio promo personnel passing the news of Adam's little promo tour in Feb to Toby.

Anne Marie said...

I am beginning to think the whole idea of a single or an album is a hoax. Adam and Sauli have left for destinations unknown, and will live happilly ever after. LOL

Anonymous said...

No!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))

@ 4:28 PM,

You have a big imagination indeed!!!!LOL

Please don't do this I'm gonna end up in the mental institution he!he!


Anonymous said...

Just think Adam Lambert, Claude Kelly and Dr. Luke! How can this single not be a hit. Yes I am a true optimist, so I predict it's going to chart #1. Then next year Adam will win the Grammy for best male vocals because he will sound soooo amazing. He will kick everyone else's you know what!Have faith everyone and the time will come soon, even though we all may have nervous breakdowns by then lol

Anonymous said...


I already made a reservation in a really nice one!! With cable and everything!!!Do you want to join me!??LOl!!


Anonymous said...

"rca local promo staffs playing single for radio this week". ???? How can this be if we haven't been told anything by Adam?? And Anon 4:47 - agree with you completely. We know it will be a smash single, but we need to hear it from the Man! Patience is a virtue ....


daydreamin said...

Like before, when Adam debuted the single WWFM, he told us the night before when Ryan Seacrest was going to play it and interview him over the phone. Patience! I know, I am lacking patience myself, but it is what it is lol.

Anonymous said...

@ SG,

Please don't forget the WIFI:)))))


Who else will be there ha SG???:))))


Anonymous said...


O.K. WIFI check!!
Ipod check!!
Iphone..I still don't have it, but soon!!
and ..probably JAK & the Birthday Girls will join us too, also Lam-my, for sure, and maybe DRG, glytzylady, and all the rest!!For Jadam NZ maybe is too far...
AH!! and about the mini-tour..PLEASE ADAM go to London!! so I can go to the concert!!!:))))


Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie I think that you are wright!
All of these single's promotions and new CD date release are big lie

Anonymous said...

On Toby Knapp's page (Hot 99.5) there was a rolling banner today saying that Kris A's new album will be launched very early in January??? Adam has said in the past month that his CD would drop in March. Perhaps, we his fans are speculating too much about a single dropping earlier than end of January or February?

Anonymous said...

I think this is a radio promo tour like he did for WWFM. Adam went extensively to promote it and FYE. I think we are all going to have a great holiday because our man is giving us the gift we have been waiting for. His new single. I do hope he gets the recognition he deserves. Really...he can and should be the next big thing in the industry. He is a megastar now and should be hugely publicized and acknowledged for the entertainer he is. Pure excitement!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a migraine.

Anonymous said...

Is all the fuss and hype over Adam's coming single and sophomore album typical of the lead-up to those of other up and coming artists, I wonder. There just seems everyone, from producers, artist collaborators, public relations, music interns, industry watchers and all of us fans have joined in a maelstrom of activities I never knew about. I'm witness only to the frenzy surrounding Adam, because I have real time only for him. I can't imagine that all of this hubbub and kerfuffle goes on with other artists. Anyone have any clue on how common is this album coming out ritual. If all this preparation and publicity mayhem is what precedes A-List artists album releases, it seems as if Adam has been invited to join in a very exclusive club. Just wondering and anticipating.

Anonymous said...

Is all the fuss and hype over Adam's coming single and sophomore album typical of the lead-up to those of other up and coming artists, I wonder. There just seems everyone, from producers, artist collaborators, public relations, music interns, industry watchers and all of us fans have joined in a maelstrom of activities I never knew about. I'm witness only to the frenzy surrounding Adam, because I have real time only for him. I can't imagine that all of this hubbub and kerfuffle goes on with other artists. Anyone have any clue on how common is this album coming out ritual. If all this preparation and publicity mayhem is what precedes A-List artists album releases, it seems as if Adam has been invited to join in a very exclusive club. Just wondering and anticipating.

Anonymous said...

It's a kind of funny and a kind of sad.
I made a comment about new single about two months ago. I said that we will be happy to get new single for New Year and new CD for Valentine:) Later, after November "postpone",I said that we will get single for Valentine and new album for the next Christmas. I got immideate response that I am troll and never can be real Adam's fan!
So, what did we get for today, ladies?
No single, no album, but a lot of gossips and speculations about all of this "new single, new album" deal.
However, I hate myself because I was correct about dates. Maybe:(

Anonymous said...

It seems like Roger and Bryan like Adam a lot!
Read this article

Adam Lambert Receives Kudos from Queen’s Roger Taylor Weeks After Performing Together


daydreamin said...

@HAL, I will go ahead and post that article. Great find! Thank you!

Adam Lambert Receives Kudos from Queen’s Roger Taylor Weeks After Performing Together
December 05, 2011 04:40 PM EST
1 person recommends this | comments: 5
It has been a month since Adam Lambert performed with Queen on MTV's 2011 European Music Awards and Queen drummer Roger Taylor is still praising him for the performance. In an article published today by Ultimate Classic Rock , Roger not only commented about Adam's vocal abilities and stage presence, but he also insinuated that there might be a future collaboration between them. Below is what Roger had to say about Adam:

Well actually, we did a thing for MTV Europe - the VMA Awards, about two weeks ago. We did three or four songs at the end of the show with Adam Lambert, who has really matured and has become an incredible performer. I think Brian and I will very possibly be doing something with Adam, because he's really great. His range is unequaled, I think, and his stage presence is really quite something these days. He's a phenomenal performer and it went very well, so that was very interesting, actually. We would hope to be doing something with Adam at some point.
It seems Roger was quite taken by Adam's performance at the EMAs. He also spoke highly of Adam in an interview he did a couple of weeks ago with a California radio station. Of course, what's not to appreciate about Adam? He has the whole package, including a stellar voice, amazing stage presence, kind and fun personality, and of course a very stylish fashion sense.

While many are still flailing over Adam's recent performance with Queen, there is new music to come soon. Rumors have been circulating on Twitter that Adam's next single, "Better Than I Know Myself," will be debuted before Christmas. However, the release date has not yet been confirmed by Sony. What has been confirmed by Adam is that his album Trespassing will be dropping in the spring.

© Renee Snyder 2011

Anonymous said...

The other day I saw what I believe to be the MOST GORGEOUS pic of ADam I have ever seen . Now I cant find it . It was a close up semi profile UNBELIEVABLY sexy expression .Can anyone help me locate it?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:44 AM
I don't know if this picture (link below) is the one you mean ("close up semi profile UNBELIEVABLY sexy expression") , but this older picture of Adam does it for me ; ) big time. Its the one that came to mind ...instantly... with that description.

Even if it isn't the one you were thinking of...enjoy!!! There is no shortage of gorgeous pictures of Adam out there! Thank goodness.......

tess4ADAM said...

While we're here speculating about the upcoming single ... ADAM is sitting at #70 at the ... with J.Beiber next. Something is very WRONG here ... ANYONE who is interested in voting PLEASE do!! We need to get ADAM in the TOP 10!! See you at the polls ...
Also ...

Please vote ... thanx ..

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

This is my opinion:

Adam at one of his twitter party mentioned that he has done some new music that he doesn't think we are ready for it. Adam wants his new material as his first single but he is reluctant to release it as his first single because it might not be taken well like FYE single. I think his management and label marketing teams are testing the fan base take and the PDs/DJs take about Adam's new music. Should they go with safer single for U.S. and more uptempo single for abroad? Dubstep is something that is well received in Europe specifically in England. Adam needs England's support to take him to another level in his career.

Right now we don't know when the single will be out but they are assuring us that it'll be before Christmas. Just hang in there!

Anonymous said...

@8:40AM Big portion of Adam's fan leaders are his older fans with large numbers of followers on twitter and running fan sites. These people's music preference is for Adam to sing Christmas Carols, Rock, and Frank Sinatra type of music. They don't understand Adam's vision of new music. Numerous times on interviews Adam mentioned he likes pop and top 40 songs. He likes to create new music. Dubstep is new and becoming popular everywhere. Older fans should support Adam's vision. Not their own vision of old school.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right 8.40. We love to hear his beautiful vocals, but I realize to get the young market and to do the music HE loves, is a fine balance.
I love his voice in the musicals etc, but also like the new stuff (most of it)
Whatever I will buy and listen.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my comment was to 11.37.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:37 AM
Not sure I agree with you that most of Adam's "older" fans on twitter and fan leaders want Adam to sing only Frank Sinatra (no thanks..) Christmas Carols (probably not gonna happen, at least for the time being) and Rock. Rock isn't where its at right now: its mostly been taken over by the crossover Country genre, in my opinion (and maybe hair metal..). And Adam is highly unlikely to do Country, except some variations (boy did I love his variation of Ring of Fire)!!! So that leaves Pop and Top 40 (And Rap and Hip Hop, also probably not Adam material, but who knows..). I personally like a lot of pop music and I like a lot of the dance music (club) as well: its fun. And I'm not a teen or twenty something, so qualify as "older". I agree that Adam needs to find the right music if his goal is to be known for Pop music and be "radio friendly". The majority of the people I follow on Twitter just want some NEW MUSIC, anything!!!! And I follow a lot of fans, a variety of ages..And I have many close friends who feel the same way...

But I also agree with many other music lovers that Adam's voice might be somewhat wasted if we never hear him sing some beautiful ballads, or other songs that give him the chance to win over a wider audience, at some point. That will come at some point I would think. As an Adam Lambert fan, I want it ALL!! I was listening to Andrea Bocelli on his latest CD "Live In Central Park" (yes, I like opera too...) and I know Adam is capable of being that good as well, but isn't interested in doing that type of music, for now anyway. I also like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Pink, Bruno Mars, etc.. I'm a fan of anyone who can actually sing...Although Adam definitely has my vote for best singer out there and has the potential for such greatness. He'll do what he wants to do..And I can hardly wait. I'm over 40 and ready for whatever Adam wants to give me..and hoping its soon!

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM Darling, if they think that David Archuleta has better vocal than Freddie Mercury, why we will complain that Adam is #70 on this scale?
My personal scale is Freddie Mercury/Adam Lambert #1
Josh Groban #2
Sorry, but I don't care about anybody else:)

HK fan said...

on those polls that tess4adam posted, Adam is at 226 for best singer of all time....