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Adam Lambert VH1 7 videos combined (Youtube)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, January 28, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, January 28, 2012


Anonymous said...

I just finished watching these one by one on the VH1 site.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:58

I just went on the VH1 site and cannot find any of these clips ....I only saw one article about "duality" not a video clip. Where should I go on the VH1 site to give it hits?


Anonymous said...

Great interviews. No one tells us the truth about himself and his music the way Adam does. He is so articulate, intelligent and introspective as he answers the questions. Sometimes I think I know more about Adam than I do about some of my own friends. He is turning 30 with a new maturity it seems to me about himself, love, and his career. Can't wait for the release of the video for BTIKM and then the album in March. I think that 2012 is going to be Adam Lambert's year.

Anonymous said...

Water Charity campaign for Adam's B-day!

Anonymous said...

Just made my first donation on charity water!Go, Glamberts,Go!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Jusr donated to Charity Water. I also bought BTIKM on Amazon, I already bought it on itunes but wanted to buy again to help support the song. I requested at my local stations and Q102 Philly which lets anyone from anywhere request.

Anonymous said...

Let's all make tomorrow an exceptional day in supporting Adam's music and charity goal! LL

Anonymous said...

Charity Water. Done.

Anonymous said...

15 pictures of Adam at LAX yesterday: