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Adam Lambert's new music director is Kevin Hastings

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, January 16, 2012

Posted at : Monday, January 16, 2012


Anonymous said...

This is going to be wild indeed!!!

I just heard his interview!!!!

Welcome aboard Kevin and give us your freaking best shot!!!!

Can't wait tomorrow!:))))


Anne Marie said...

Good, he needed a music director. I didn't think Tommy was up for it. Monte was MD before. Eagerly waiting for Jay Leno show.

Anonymous said...

I will be watching you with a fine toothcomb Kevin. Just kidding, welcome to the glamily.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Hastings was Rhianna's keyboard player on her major world tour. He's going to be a really exciting addition to the Glamily and very talented it seems! Adam is surrounding himself with some awesome talent..Yay!


Anonymous said...

This is really great. Adam needs an excellent and experienced music director. His music is going to be more sophisticated with electronic sounds. Saw the interview nice guy and sure will fit in the Glamily. Who wouldn't want to work with Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam really is surrounding himself with some awesome talent. With writers, producers, musicians, etc. Adam is on his way to super duper stardom this year!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Adam on Leno tomorrow nite. Wonder if Cam will be their or will he be playing. I am Excited and my DVR is set to record it.

Anonymous said...

So is cam still in the band?

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited, hope he is the keyboardist from now on. Not fond of Cam as part of Adams's backup.
Zero personality.

Anonymous said...

Adam lost to David Cook, but!
"Adam Lambert BEATS Lana Del Rey w/2327 votes!"

Anonymous said...

Adam is a talent-magnet! So many great people want to work with him!! It's a real testament to his star quality! Excited beyond belief!

Anonymous said...

New Sophies challenge radio vote Adam against a band called Bush. Adam is in the lead but this is going to be a tough one. Adam has won 11 in a row and this is Adam's last week on the challenge. Please vote.

Anne Marie said...

This new album of Adam's must have cost a mint, noone works for free. He has to pay each person, and the better they are the more money they want. Prolly why he waited to buy his new birthday car. 2012 is going to be his year, as he turns 30. Kevin Hastings will be with Adam on the Jay Leno show.

Anonymous said...

Camilla has her own band, UhHuHHer, and she could be performing somewhere else tomorrow. Can't wait to see who's on keys.

Anonymous said...

Too bad a long standing friendship was broken due to greed and throwing someone under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Just got this tweet from the friend
"Do NOT buy BTIKM from CD Wow. They don't report to Nielson Sounscan. No sale towards charting. Spread the word & RT."

Anonymous said...

@ 6:24
another rumor??
or troll??

Anonymous said...

Please let us know when is the legitimate CD coming out??????

Pretty, pretty pls.??????

I would like to have a collections of Adams CD.

Thanks so much to all.

HK fan said...

@anon 5.52
I kind of get what you're saying about Cam, I never really noticed her, she was always in the background, hair over her face, don't think I've ever even heard her speak, so don't think I would notice if she wasn't there anymore.

Anonymous said...

@6:48PM Adam's CD will be out on March 20th. For more information, go to:

You can buy BTIKM single from iTunes:

Adamluv said...

If you want a good laugh go over to and read the first thread titled "a Letter to the New Guy". ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

How about in the music store????


Anonymous said...

OT, This message is from that non-sense 98.7 poll. By the way, Adam had the most mention on their web-site. Yet, somehow DC managed to win it. Go Figure! Reminds of Florida Hanging Chads back in 2000!

"Congratulations to David Cook for pulling out the win! Clearly both songs have strong support – this was the most voted on battle of the new songs feature we’ve done in 6 months! We’ve forwarded the results to our Music Director. Thanks to all who voted!"


Contact info. for the station:

WSJT-FM at (727) 577-9870 request line / text 98190 / online request form at

Anonymous said...

This is the link for new poll Adam vs Bush

Let's vote for Adam. I think it's gonna be more difficult for Adam to win this one. Adam has 69% votes so far.

Anonymous said...


I've just started voting on the Sophie's Challenge. I won't let me vote more than once. Are we ignoring the "we've already counted your vote" statement and just refreshing the page to vote again?


Anonymous said...

Just to clarify. Adam had Zak from Korn as his original music director (he is a keyboardist, too.) The keyboardist at the time was that girl from the Smashing Pumpkins. When she moved on to tour with Kesha, Zak stepped in until
Korn needed him. Monte was music director for the tour only.

Cam indicated that she would be available for the tour. Promo was up in the air because she was worried about how much her body could take at the moment. So we might see this guy on keys tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted about him singing BTIKM tomorrow on Leno and to set ur dvr's and tivos. Gotcha covered.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:04PM THANK YOU! THis letter is hysterical!Hilarious! Deff put me in better mood!!!:D
By the way. Like Kevin but my lip hearts when I look at him:)

Anonymous said...

I hope the performance is put on here to watch... Who else is ready for another tour!!!

Anonymous said...

7:54 boy it sure gets complicated doesn't it? Whoever is on keyboard I'll be glad to see them.

Anonymous said...

WHY is ADAM up against Bush again? He already BEAT them once before ... are they repeating challenges now?? WTH??

Anonymous said...

Very much looking forward to Adam on the Leno Show. I remember the last time...Adam and Leno had great chemistry; Leno poking fun at Adam and they shared those wink-wink jokes which they glossed over quickly. I enjoyed the weird Leno skits of Adam too. But it was AI that catapulted WWFM right to platinum; hope Leno can do the same for BTIKM. With Ellen following hot on the heels, it's going to be...wham-bam-stamp! BTIKM! :)

Anonymous said...

Voted and off to read letter now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Kevin is the new keyboard player. See tweet below:

“@LaurieLovesAdam: @kevmokeys As Adam's music director, will you be playing keys with the band?”I will be playing keyboards and singing.

Anonymous said...

re: the hilarious Letter To The New Guy -- below is part of it, with a not-so-subtle reference to Monte. Pretty damned funny - ha!

So unstoppable that you may want to, oh I don’t know….play gigs in living rooms. DON’T. Just don’t. Kitchen, family rooms, dens, enclosed patios, rumpus rooms. Don’t go there. I have a good feeling you won’t but I am warning you now, if I see the words “kick” and “starter” next to your name it won’t be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Ignore the thank you we already counted your vote on Sophies Challenge. Refresh and you can vote again.That letter to Kevin was so funny!He's in for the ride of his life haha in a good way!

HK fan said...

I read that home planet open letter this morning, so funny.....but so true to!!!

Here's the link for those that haven't read it yet.

Somebody sent it to Kevin on twitter and he read it!

Anonymous said...

@HK I read that open letter and I was ROFLMFAO!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet this @LaurieLovesAdam and her followers and cooking some drama in fandom as we are chatting. Poor Kevin! Hope he stays away from twitter and concentrate on his support of Adam and the new album.

daydreamin said...

Thanks Adamluv!

Here is the link to a video explaining more of what Kevin is all about:

The Dark Side said...

This is cool as it gets. Lots of enthusiasm going on here. Looking forward to a newer sound. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Very energetic post, I loved that bit. Will there be a part 2?

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