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Picture: Adam Lambert with Polly Gillespie (ZM Radio Network DJ)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Polly Gillespie:

"I told Adam I was getting hard time about not smiling in he did duck lips with me!!! :))"


Anonymous said...

My 2 favorite people in this world!!! (oops, after my family of course)
LOVE how ZM have always played Adam's music, for the past 3 mornings I've heard BTIKM on the way to work & it just makes my day ....
Where did this photo come from?


tess4ADAM said...

Don't forget to Vote for ADAM .. BTIKM .. on Sophies Challenge in San Diego ... new challenger ... Jason Mraz ... I think this is the 10th challenge (not sure) ... so VOTE!! Glamberts & they'll put ADAM in their Hall of Fame as a retired CHAMP!! ~~ thanx ~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

That's a cute picture. It reminds me of the picture taken of Adam, Sauli and Leila at a concert and they were all pouting.tess I voted there tonight alresdy.

Anonymous said...

Is she related to Dizzy Gillespie?

Anonymous said...

OT: That tweet that was circulating about how superbowl asked if adam would be there, once again I believe was a mix up, not with adam levine this time but with miranda lambert (she's performing) and nicki manaji (or what-ever her name is- will defiently skip her! (nicki)

funbunn40 said...

Thanks for the link @Tess4Adam. I voted. Adam is plwing thru' all of them and hope he makes it to the Hall of Fame!

funbunn40 said...

Just went back to vote again, as it's after midnight and Jason Mraz fans are voting,so please hop over and keep Adam in the running. Thanks!

fefa14 said...

thankz tess4ADAM for the link... i voted. and woah adam has a big lead.... when i voted it came out adam was 87.46% and the jason guy was 12.54%!!!!! i personally dont know who this jason is so i took the liberty to listen to the song to see what adam was against and idk if it is because i love adam so much but i will choose BTIKM a million times over that song....but is just my personal opinion lol :)

I felt sorry for.the dude but we glamberts are fierce lol!! we do whatever it takes i love being part of this and making adam shine even in.the smallest of things :D!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson is going to sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

Anonymous said...

I happen to love Jason Mraz. I was a big fan before Adam came into our lives. He doesn't have Adam's talented voice but he has some really good stuff out there. I really like his work and him as a person. Check out his CDs.

But, Adam is of course my #1 for any type of voting.

Anonymous said...

a little Elvis here in this pic.

Anonymous said...

Went to vote

Polls closed

Adam won
