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Pictures and Videos: Adam Lambert at The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1/17/12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 17, 2012

PICTURES: (Thanks to devenlane)









Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Hope BTIKM sounds awesome

Anonymous said...

Hope BTIKM sounds awesome

Anonymous said...

Superb! Diamond boy you're gonna be on the stage forever! You are going to be the legend!!

Anonymous said...

he looks so handsome, can't wait to see him in a few hours. It's almost ten pm here and Jay comes on at 11:30.

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's totally toned down his look = very classy. Think he's wanting to appeal to a larger audience. This should do it. :-) Can't wait for the performance!!!

Anonymous said...



glamitup said...

I had a feeling he would tone down the makeup. Good choice! He is beautiful!

glitzylady said...

From what I've heard from those who were there, Adam did an incredible job with BTIKM...I have no doubt. And I LOVE this look. Adam is such a handsome man. Just WOW!!! Can hardly wait to see Adam on my big screen HD TV, in about...6 hours, since I'm on the US West Coast..Guessing I'll see it on the internet long before that tho! YAY!!! Heard Leila, Neil, Neil's GF, and of course Sauli, were all the audience tonight. Now waiting to get some first-person reports from some friends who were there, including @Adamluv (lucky lady!!)...

Carole said...

Does anyone else feel like they are just waiting for the explosion! Unbelievable feeling - we knew it all along and now the rest of the world will finally see what we saw so long ago.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looking at all of this objectively w/o sounding too trollish, i know that the excessive make-up post idol was a HUGE turnoff for what is his audience. There is no way @ it. Maybe some say too bad, or not fair, or double standard, but that's his reality. I know he gets that. Very fine lines he has to walk. But his vocal talent should not be squelched b/c of his fashion choices. He has to lead with his vocals and reserve some of his wilder looks for the right venue. I think this is a chalkenge for all former idols.

Anonymous said...

Looks very handsome. the healthy lifestyle serves him well. eat your spinach Glambert!

Anonymous said...

OMG, you guys, catch a load of THIS photo!!!
HOLY SH*T. *dead*

Anonymous said...

Natural is the beauty indeed:))

He is a very smart cookie and realistic especially in the business. He knows what is going on with the economy and there he is the real Adam himself with a beautiful heart and soul:)))

I'm so thrilled that the fans went home extatic and happy after the performance...

Love u a lot Canadian son:))))))


Anonymous said...

He looks stunningly like my sweet grandson, could be one reason I'm so crazy about him.

Tonight he looks perfect and I know he'll be a smash!

I signed myself out of the hospital to be comfy and cosy for Leno tonight. ^o^

They are really mad at me!

JAK :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:18
No kidding!!!!! O.....M.......G...!!

That pic was Adam's WhoSay, which Adam just tweeted along with this comment:

"I'm so excited for this new chapter to begin! Thank you to all of you out there for your love and support. Enjoy Trespassing!"

Anonymous said...

JAK, Hospital?? What happened? I thought you were on the mend. Go easy watching our boy. Start taking lots of deep breaths to prepare.

Anonymous said...

And this suit fits him perfectly! What a doll!

Anonymous said...

IF Adam chooses the pic of his new AVI as the cover for TRESPASSING, he is going to sell millions of albums! It is absolutely perfect for a CD cover. This pic + his incredible voice and songs should do it!

Anonymous said...

Whoa JAK! An Adam-feel grandson. No wonder you are in hospital! Anyway, keep going, you are doing just fine! :)

Anonymous said...


Oh! No! You need to relax and not to be so hard on yourself when u watch Adam tonight ok???:)))

Take care from all of us dear......


Anonymous said...

loved Adam's shout out to Rickey those two have a good rapport.

Anonymous said...

Yea 7:45, I remember he never failed to turn around and wave to Ricky each time he performed on AI; amidst the thunderous applause they gave him. Wow a full-circle moment for Adam and Ricky!

Anonymous said...

I am so overwhelmed by tonight that I have no words. Just I LOVE YOU. ADAM, AND ON TO CHAPTER 2.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so drop dead HANDSOME in this CLASSY outfit. YUM!!! It's killing me waiting for the Leno BTIKM video!!!

Anonymous said...

To My Glamily

I'm playing a sort of tag in and out of the hospital for a couple weeks with my B.P. If only the high score was the winner! :(
I insisted on coming home for a couple days to defrost (I'm wearing a fleece sweat suit as p.j.s, why are hospitals so cold?)

We've waited so long to hear this song, I wanted to enjoy it with you guys....more fun that way!

I promised to show up Friday a.m. and once again offer myself to be incarcerated and refrigerated.

But right now,"Here's Jay" !

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

THUD >-->O......just kidding, I'm fine ! He was Pure Perfection! Now I'll watch again 6 times and try to zen out!


Anonymous said...

Just finished watching Leno. Adam was absolutely fabulous. He looked amaaaazing, very svelte in the suit and white shirt and loved the hair. The band was excellent; great choice of new members and Tommy. Adam did a great job on BTIKM; this is the first time we have heard it live. I wish that Jay had left a few minutes to talk to him however. Maybe the next time Adam is on his show. But we still have Ellen on Thursday; maybe she will have some time to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

I'm beyond pissed, because adam was on the last two minutes of jay- my dvr didn't get it all. I know it will be here but still I wanted to keep it and keep playing it. This always seems to happen UGH!

lorraine said...

@JAK hope you are well again with stable BP very soon. We need you here! Keeping you in my thoughts... Hope Adam put a smile in your heart tonight....

mimi said...

I just watched Adam sing his new single on the Jay Leno show. There are not enough words to describe how I felt watching him but I will try---he wasjust perfect from head to toe and his voice was incrediable. .......this is just the look and sound that will send Adam into super stardom!! I love this man and wish everything to be great for him in the future---he deserves it!!,

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was worth the wait to see Adam perform BTIKM on Leno. Adam looked so handsome, absolutely spectacular. It was an amazing performance hearing the song for the first time He had a great audience response whenever his name was mentioned and they seemed to love the new song judging by the reaction at the end. I like this new look on Adam...clean, healthy and very striking. Here's to a super year for Adam with this first single from the new album. He can TRESPASS into my life at any time.

Anonymous said...

Wow , Wow,I cant even talk he is so perfect.

tess4ADAM said...

LOVED seeing ADAM on TV again!! LOVED hearing him sing BTIKM LIVE!! BUT ... only two minutes? Couldn't they have cut Sherri S. short & given ADAM more time? She made absolutely NO sense at all ... going on & on about her wigs?? Who cares?
Nevertheless ... it was GREAT seeing/hearing ADAM on TV again!! Now ELLEN on Thursday ... hope he's on LONGER on ELLEN!! OMGosh ... ADAM is so Beautiful!! AND ... THAT VOICE!! THAT VOICE!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I have just finished watching Adam on the Jay Leno show.He was perfect from head to toe. The new single certainly should be a hit. His voice is like no other--so special, one of a kind. This is just the look and sound that will send him into super stardom. I love this talented man and feel that 2012 will be his year---he deserves it!!!!

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... Sorry to hear your BP is out of control. Don't know your age, hon ... but I'm just entering a quarter century of my life on March 7th. I am no longer able to do a lot of things I used to ... my body won't let me & when I try it lets me know it. So just slow down & pamper yourself & let others do for you as much as you DISlike being unable to be as active as you'd like to be. It's time to relax ... listen to ADAM's music A LOT & let his soothing voice calm you. I do ... it works!! NO more STRESS!! Be healthy ... we all need you here & so does your family!! GOD Bless You!! Love 'n Light ...

tesss4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine

I'll gladly accept all kind thoughts. The worst thing is my family all coming to see me and staring at me as if I will explode in front of their eyes! Hopefully not!

Along with all the smiles that already live in my heart, Adam's smile was added the night I saw him kiss Paula's and Kara's hands at audition. What a sunny boy he seemed. I'm thrilled for him as if he were mine. Don't you know his Mom is bursting with pride?

What a happy night!........JAK

Anonymous said...

@jak tatgfaa!

HK fan said...

here's hoping and wishing for a speedy recovery for you, so you can be back posting regularly again.
- x -

tess4ADAM said...

Correction to my previous post to @JAK ... meant to say ...

"just entering the LAST quarter century of my life"


tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

JAK, we miss you! Take care of yourself because there is so much ADAM ahead of us! We need to here with us to revel in every moment.

Anonymous said...

First thing I noticed when Adam appeared, when I could breathe again, was NO FINGERLESS GLOVES!
Classy. I never liked them with a suit. Leather pants, okay, but not a suit! I'm loving these new threads.

oh, another thing, what is @jak
tatgfaa! I've racked my brain and can't figure it out.

@tess4ADAM-------------JAK is 76,I remember cause the week she turned 76, I turned 67! We're Dec. babies. Get well JAK and hurry back, it's more fun with your wit on thread!

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak,Hope your b/p will get under control before you see Adam live! Mine is pretty touchy, particularly since I became exposed to Adam's electricity. We have to pace ourselves!Have they tried the 24 hr sling monitor on you at home?

Anonymous said...

pumpkin said wow what a change over from glam god to handsome adam when adam sang better than iknow my self i knew his amazing voice was there and the clothes that adam had on no glitter he was so amazing and so handsome amazing epic perfomance fromadam lambert