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Adam Lambert's New Twitter Avatar!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This is Adam's new avatar on twitter.

And this is the original image:

Adam Lambert's photo I'm so excited for this new chapter to begin! Thank you to all of you out there for your love and support. Enjoy Trespassing!
Adam Lambert on WhoSay

"I'm so excited for this new chapter to begin! Thank you to all of you out there for your love and support. Enjoy Trespassing!" - Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

Stunning. That is one of the best pictures EVER of Adam Lambert. I love the direction he is going with the new look for TRESPASSING. So classy and modern. The hair is just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Oh God Adam I love you!!

Anonymous said...

I think tonight was worth breaking out for! Took an extra B.P. pill.
Calm down old girl!

Indeed, "a thing of beauty is a joy forever" !

JAK :)

daydreamin said...

Oh Adam, I truly hope you keep on workin' this style. Not that anything you do isn't perfection, but I really love this look. I like the hair!

Anonymous said...

Adam indeed has found himself and a beautiful self! And voice! And fashion! :)

Anonymous said...

This man takes my breath away. No other man can compete.

daydreamin said...

Bryan Branly
Glamberts: hit me up next time @AdamLambert is on our show and I'll try to ask him your fan questions. Backstage interview goes up tomorrow!(Video!)
12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful man inside and out. One and a half more hours to hear this angel sing on Leno!

Anonymous said...

Would love this picture on his album cover with some special background. Adam looks so handsome! How does he keep getting betterer!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looking stunning and soooo toned down. My heart will always love the glitter god ADAM too.

Anonymous said...

My seat is getting hot indeed:))))))

I need a strong coffee for Adam tonight!!!!


daydreamin said...

New skeleton key pendant out same day as Tresspassing album:

Anonymous said...

Good Lord that is sexy!

donnaw said...

OMG!! I can't wait......another 15 minutes!!! However, knowing Leno, his musical guest will go on last....sob sob.......

Anonymous said...

adam you are so the new look

Anonymous said...

Exciting News! @adamlambert #BetterThanIKnowMyself Top40 impact date moved up to 1/24!!!! HAC still 1/23


Anonymous said...

I like that they moved the top 40 impact date up. Got to start hearing this great song on the radio real soon! He will be talking to Ryan Seacrest on the 20th this week!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. Beautiful man!!

glitzylady said...

LiveStream from NBC with Jay Leno show on now:

Anonymous said...

You can watch Adam on East Coast time right now:

glitzylady said...

And yes, this picture of Adam is just so incredibly beautiful..

ksgirl01 said...

I've always seen an Elvis look in Adam, this pic really brings that out along with many other pics i have seen. what a beautiful man you are Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! God Bless You Adam and Love U!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh! This reminds me a little of the Details magazine cover...only sexier (is that possible?) Tonight on Leno is the beginning of...of...EVERYTHING!


Anonymous said...

Stunning, breath-taking, gorgeous, sexy, out of this world, kissable, handsome, etc. etc.

We are so lucky to be his fan and let's take him to stratosphere with his second album, Trespassing. Cause his is worth it!

Anonymous said...

Great look! What sex appeal. I so hope this chic cool look sticks with him. I honestly believe this is the look that will send him into the stratosphere. Of course, the voice will do that anyway. Love all his looks but this one is the bomb!

Anonymous said...

I just heard him on internet live stream and OH MY Gorgeousness HE WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD. OUT OF THIS WORLD. I'M IN TEARS!!!!!! OH MY GORGEOUSNESS!!!! ILGNAMFLSFM!!!!

Anonymous said...

People my gosh Adams voice was amazing at Lenos!!!!!!

I can go to bed now with a smile!!!!



lorraine said...

Adam,you are beautiful inside and out. I am patiently waiting to hear and see you on Leno tonight-a perfect ending to this, my birthday. I love you from my heart and soul- for all you are, and all you give to the world.

Anonymous said...

I need to listen to it again tomorrow since I recorded it. Tired and it went by so fast! At least we can hear him on Ellen. Great job Adam!

Anonymous said...

@ lmb

Yes, it's possible he's better looking, he's thinner and that makes his face less boyish. He looks like an all grown up, handsome beyond handsome man!

I love beautiful young men in a Grandma way. I own one of my own!

JAK :)

choons said...

That's a killer pic for sure. Devastatingly handsome. But I loved his slightly heavier self too. And I loved all the glitter. So I guess I just love him no matter what.
Trademark finish to his song tonight on Leno blew the roof off!! My VCR was smokin'.

Anonymous said...

Simply amaziiiiiiiiiiiing.....out of this world . Adam takes my breath away. OMG What a beautiful man .

Anonymous said...

@9:27PM I agree with your comment, this look will take Adam to the stratosphere. Regular people will take him seriously and will pay better attention to his voice. Although we as his fans love his glitter look and his voice but common Jane/Joe will only get distracted by his glitter over the top look and will not pay attention to his out of this voice. Adam is keeping it real for this second era. More chic and fashionable rather than tacky. LOVE LOVE LOVE HIS NEW LOOK! CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF LOOKING AT THIS PICTURE!

Anonymous said...

We're on the east coast,& Adam was great!!I liked the way he changed up some of BTIKM,esp @ the end of it..sounded better tonight( the you tube version ends sort of abruptly,even tho I still like it)The band was very good also..I didn't have much time to play Leno back again until tomorrow( already 1:2am here,tho) Were Tommy & the new girl guiatar player both playing bass?I noticed the keyboard player sang a little back-up for Adam during the part where he sings back-up for himself( on you tube)I liked BB's outfit,but I'm sure he'll still wear leather sometimes,like maybe on Ellen on Thurs.Good night all!!

daydreamin said...

So very proud of you Adam and the band!

Anonymous said...

I like BB'S slimmer look..He looks very healthy( about the size he was on the GNT,I think.)People said he'd gained wt when he was in Canada & sang "Outlaws of Love"...maybe he did gain some..I just didn't like his pants.I didn't care,but do like the leather or tight jeans for concerts-hee!hee!..but on Leno tonight,his suit was perfect to start out his first TV performance of BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

Whew! This pic took my breath away! I would luv to see this pic on the CD too!

I'm waiting for the day when this happens: People Magazine's Sexiest Man of the Year...Adam Lambert! Maybe someday, they'll have the guts to do it!

I mean, we all know it's true, and boy does this pic prove it!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

@jak tatgfaa!

Anonymous said...

Oz is going nuts. What a performance, it's breathtaking.
The glitter is on back burner but
'chapter 2' is remarkable.

Anonymous said...

Toned down for the US and glitter god for the world.

HK fan said...

*sigh* beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very, very handsome! Love this new look!

Anonymous said...

good job adam

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning for the new chapter in Adam's life. I can see a new maturity along with his new look ...very fashionable and stylish. The hair looks great. Adam's performance on Leno was the first live one of BTIKM. The band and his new musical director on keyboards were excellent, again something new for the second album. I think Adam Lambert will do some Trespassing in all of our lives with this album and hopefully will gain him an entire new group of fans. I wish his management group would work to get him on the Grammys as a performer. This would be the perfect platform for Adam who is so talented and actually can sing among all the other garbage we usually see and hear on this show. Well, I can wish can't I? Now it's on to Thursday and his appearance on Ellen. I hope she has some time to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

And we look forward to being with you every step of the way! You are a beautiful man!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm going cray---is @jak our JAK and WHAT is tatgfaa! ???????????

mimi said...

Adam was just perfection!!! The entire look was gorgeous, from the hair, the suit, the boots and most of all the voice! I love this talented man and yes I also see a little "Elvis look"---but please this is not a bad thing---to be compared to Elvis is GOOD!!!

coloforadam said...

OMG - the man gets more beautiful with every shot!! 30 (almost) never looked so good.