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PressParty's Interview with PressParty Coming Soon

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 04, 2012

From PressParty:

"Adam Lambert, the superstar YOU voted as Pressparty's 2012 King & Queen, has given us a very exclusive interview and we want to share it with his devoted Glamberts around the world!

The 'For Your Entertainment' vocal powerhouse recently took some time out from launching the promotional campaign for his new album, 'Trespassing', to chat with Pressparty about his desire to take a more personal approach on his new record, how he hopes to continue inspiring people with both his philanthropy and activism, and his feelings on how the LGBT community is represented in the modern entertainment industry.

The full interview will be unveiled on our site on Friday, January 6."


Thanks Fanatapan for the tip!


fanatapan said...

Friday will be a good day for me (hopefully!): exam results and now a brand spankin new interview! YEAH!! (

Anonymous said...

I'll deff be tuned in.

Anonymous said...

I heard that this interview has been done this week's Monday!

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since we've heard a real interview with Adam. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I think it's Adam's first 2012 interview ... let the show begin!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Can't wait...


Anonymous said...

We sure have waited 4 this!! Yayayay cant wait!!

Anonymous said...

He is SO CUTE in this photo on the plane. Can you imagine if you got to sit next to him, in first class mind you. Fat chance!!!

The Dark Side said...

Always happy to listen to Adam talk, music, his life, and the LGBT influence. Too many artists talk about gay issues when they really don't know what they are talking about. It seems the popular thing to do these days and makes these people look like humanitarians.

Anonymous said...

was this something his fans voted for? I better get back in the voting groove and do my share. This is really nice.

Anonymous said...

For God Sake, what is "PressParty"? Please, don't tell me that you knew about this show since you were born!!!!
I want to see Adam on Ellen, Jay L, Oprah, AI, etc.!!!!
Who heard about "PressParty" in US? And who cares?

HK fan said...

@ anon 6.46pm jan 4th
ummm, believe it not Adam actually has a 'few' fans outside the US that may care just a tad...
Believe it or not there is a huge and thriving music business outside the States...and the UK I think is the 2nd biggest market in the world, so anything that helps get his name out there is good. Try looking at the bigger picture once in a while.

tess4ADAM said...

Is this interview going to be posted here at 24/7? Just in case 'some' of us 'computer nerds' (ME) can't find the site?? I'd hate to miss any of this interview!! ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@6:56PM This is US. And US has the biggest music market in whole entire world. ADam sold over 800,000 copies of FYE in US. How much alubm he sold around the world?
I think less that 500,000 copies:(
About UK. I think most of the talented musician were born or started their carriers in UK. But this it doesn't mean that they have 2nd biggest market on the world

Anonymous said...

well, his management seems to want him known in the UK and I think they know a lille more than you.

Anonymous said...

I went into the site and surfed around. Adam is part of a rolling banner now, glad he got that interview.nice place from what I can tell.

HK fan said...

@anon 8.15
OK I lied, actually the UK is the 3rd biggest music market, along with Germany. Japan is the 2nd.
Adam seems to have done very well in the Japanese market, but barely made a dent in the UK market. So any press that helps him crack that market (which he wants to do as UK music as been a huge influence on him)is good.

But whatever, if you think only the US countsm then good for you.

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

PressParty info

Look under Adam's photo and just above Thanks will see on, it will take you to site.


Anonymous said...

@ 3:57 P.M.

I volunteer to be Adam's seatmate on a flight.


fanatapan said...

just read it, its quite a gd interview actually. according to PP, he was given the choice of which questions to answer. here's the link: