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Video: Adam Lambert Performs “Better Than I Know Myself” On The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1/17/12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! I think I cried and fell head over heels for this song. Adam and the band totally nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the MASTER OF MUSIC - there is no other.

Anonymous said...

Wait until you watch the High Quality video of it. It's even more gorgeous. I'm sure fans are working to upload a high quality version of it on YouTube.

Adam sounded out of this world! Fans that were at Leno saw this performance live and they are still flailing on twitter. Lucky bitches!

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking performance! Emotional and vocally unbelievable!!!Come on please I want to hear him sing this on the Grammys. Do they have singers on there who are not nominated? He would blow everyone away!Love the new band members especially the cool keyboards.

glitzylady said...

The review that goes along with this Neon Limelight vid posted on their website:

"Video: Adam Lambert Performs “Better Than I Know Myself” On ‘Jay Leno’
January 18, 2012 By TJ"

"Adam Lambert
Talk about a showstopping performance.
Adam Lambert appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno to give the debut performance of his new single, “Better Than I Know Myself,” and there’s no other word to describe the performance other than absolute and total “slayage.”
From the finely tuned band, which includes new musical director Kevin Hastings, who used to work with Rihanna, to Adam displaying every peak and valley of his stunning voice, a debut performance couldn’t get any better. If we weren’t already in love, we’d be falling head-over-heels right about now.
“Better Than I Know Myself” leads Adam’s highly-anticipated sophomore album, Trespassing, out on March 20.
Watch Adam slay on Leno below: "(the vid posted on this thread...)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That was beyong belive!! I have no words to describe that performance.The vocals were amazing!! I screamed when I saw him, with that suit.....stuning!!!I thought I can love him more, but I do!!


Anonymous said...

If anybody's gonna try to make a HD better video, & put it on youtube,remember "Sleepwalker"?Everytime it was posted there,NBC would remove it,altho,they left his other ones,like WWFM or IIHY alone,so maybe this time they won't care..hope not.Maybe it was because Leno was the only tv show that he sang Sleepwalker on...I loved that version so much,& Leno said he liked it the best..maybe that's why.

Anonymous said...

Well well well
Adam Adam Adam
What else is there to say
You just blew us away
Looking groomed and awesome
You dotted the eyes of the dragon
Now BTIKM...Go Go Champion!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes in life on a special
Numerous things all come together just right.

How wonderful and exciting, it would seem
We've been allowed to share in
Adam's dream.


Worth waiting for? I'm content!


Anonymous said...

I miss old make up Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, you just gave my poem a beautiful second verse. And there's no break between them. Wow no wonder they say, two minds are better than one and so much brain energy saved. LOL. This is the magic of Adam!

lorraine said...

Sleep well, dear JAK. I'm glad Adam has cast his spell and left you content.Sweet dreams....
And now, here in California,I await patiently,still.....

Anonymous said...

OMFG...What a suit! What a performance! Can't even imagine what the audience felt seeing this LIVE. Un-freaking-believable.
As always, Glitzy you've got all the pertinent and up-to-the-minute info. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely loved his vocal flourishes toward the end of the song. His voice ... there are simply no words.

Plus, if anyone was wondering why Ashley was kneeling with her bass thru much of the performance, I read that the strap on her bass broke. Quick thinking on her part!

What a phenomenal performance. Absolute perfection!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I clearly remember why I love ADAM so darn much!!! He is spellbinding, magical, stunning, beautiful..............with vocals that send shivers down my spine and
touches my heart with warmth....THIS IS ADAM LAMBERT, genius, mastermind and SUPERSTAR!
All hail ADAM ... the world adores you!

Anonymous said...


YOU!! YOUNG Lady!! Be a good girl and take care of you!!:DDD


Anonymous said...

If the US don't embrace this man now, they are nuts. 'Chapter 2'
is geared for them and Mr Lambert is pouring out his heart here. This HAS to break down the barriers and put this man in the top of the music industry where he deserves to be. OMG this is pure and utter brilliance.

Anonymous said...

I have loved Adam for a long time and now the dream is coming true.

Anonymous said...

I saw this live at the Tonight Show. The energy was mesmerizing. Adam was gorgeous and so professional and sounded wonderful...everything came together for him. He's MY idol.

Anonymous said...

Great voice!! Waitng for the new album. Greetings from Finland.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I am speechless!! Nobody, NOBODY can sing like Adam today! That was vocal perfection. And I luv the new "look", minimal make-up, but still cool, current, and edgy! Ooh and that hair!

If he does not get to sing this at the Grammy's, then something is really worng with the US music biz! How long are they going to ignore him?! So frustrating, when the same old singers keep getting invites! I've been tweeting to @TheGRAMMYS everyday asking them (politely) to include Adam.

Oh well, enuf venting. Back to the greatness that is our Adam! Here I go again, falling more n more in luv with you (sigh)!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Carlos said...

Adam delivered!! That note at the end. WHO ELSE?

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! This is the Adam I love. The style like hair, makeup - not overloaded with it - and outfit plus his ability to perform a mediocre song in a way that it makes me fall in love with it, or him?

Anonymous said...

He`s out of this earth ;-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12.03am I don't think it's a mediocre song. I think it's a fantastic song, only to be sung by Adam.

Anonymous said...

Not keen on the rock screams (I'm NOT a troll!) but the rest of the performance was FAB and Adam looked DIVINE!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Just finished watching our RockGod, Adam. I think I was holding my breath thru the whole song! Could not take my eyes off him...gorgeous suit, love the hair, loved his style. Who else could sing live with vocals like that? His range is phenomenal! I wanted to look at other memb ers of the band but couln't tear myself away from Adam. I'm just in awe of this man. I can forget going to sleep tonite 'cause I'm too excited....thank goodness the DVR worked. I'll be enjoying this performance for a long time to come :))))))))


Anonymous said...

OMG, I just watched Adam in HD and he was out of this world. His voice was amazing. I have to watch it again tomorrow. Totally breath-taking. Amazing is a lesser word for it. My goodness! Love you Adam for ever!

Anonymous said...

@jak tatfgaa!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful man, wonderful voice, wonderful body, wonderful soul, all of him is wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Adam kills me. Absolutely perfect and great voice. Now wait the performance on Ellen DeGeneres show and the video

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love his new tattoo on his right hand when he puts it on his chest you can see the matching tattoo, OOFTA. Also, love his knuckle ring on his wedding finger. He looked amazing and sounded out of this world. 2012 is Time For Adam's Miracle, Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

I was so in a trance when I watched Adam tonight on Leno that when it was over I was so surprised to find tears in my eyes..omg Adam was amazing ..loved it

HK fan said...

I managed to catch this performance on livestream earlier, but I was so nervous I couldn't enjoy it properly. Have watched it a few times since, absolutely unf...believable!!!!
Everything was perfect, look (will appeal to the masses with that look), emotion and of course voice.

Heres a much better version

Anonymous said...


Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

Adam was so great last night and so worth the wait. He's doing it perfectly as usual and nobody can top that performance. A combination of brilliant voice and stunning beauty and radiance that can not be beat. Adam put everything into his new song - the passion and "it" factor he displays is beyond belief. I loved his new look - the SUIT and the HAIR! As usual he is on the cutting edge! As tired as I was last night, I could not wait to get on line this morning to see how all his fans enjoyed his performance. Adam never disappoints - he's simply the best and drop-dead gorgeous! - that face!!! Now waiting for Adam on Ellen!

aqua13 said...

Absolutely stunning as usual!!!!Fantastic debut of the new song, perfectly done as only Adam can do!! Gorgeous, gorgeous man!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The new music director sings great BVs.

I didn't see the OOFTA tattoo on Adam's right hand. Does anyone know when he got it?

Anonymous said...

I loved the rock screams at the end and so did the audience. Did you hear them scream as he sang at the end?
I only wish he'd done that on his album and put his stamp on the song.
An absolutely Adamazing performance!

Anonymous said...

I didn’t love the rock screams. I thought they detracted from the song rather than enhance it but not everyone thinks the same about every song Adam has ever sung. Just different points of view. However, I LOVE the song and Adam looked ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

@4:21, I think the rock screams are Adam's signature. I like them when he doesn't overdo it. My question is what was causing the slight echo when he was singing?

Great performance. That look is definitely his best. He's learning.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam looked amazing, stunning, wonderful. I loved his suit, his hair, and light on the makeup. Singing was perfection as always, not crazy about the rock screams either, but otherwise, loved his performance and really love this look.

donnaw said...

I loved his rock screams, but i'm sure his detractors will have negative comments on them.

Adam looked usual. Just gorgeous! I wonder if he got his suit custom made when he was in China......
I love the song and think it will be a huge hit once it starts hitting the airwaves regularly. (i have to admit that i wasn't crazy about the song when i first heard it, but its definitely grown on me!)

Anonymous said...

I love the new Music Director's voice and how it blends with Adam's. Interesting to see that the band turnover is almost complete since the first promo tour - only Tommy remains and he is on a different instrument. Shake-ups are good, cross-pollination between bands helps the creative juices.

Coming from Rihanna, Kevin will bring a different vibe to Adam's live performances. (No slag on Cam, I loved her.)

faty-1999 said...

Adam is really superb and this song is beautiful ! But, at the end it looks like he will cry !

Anonymous said...

So pissed they did not show it on our station. Showed the rest of Leno, but not Adam. I recorded it and did not find out until this morning. So all the good videos have been pulled. I want to see it so badly. If anyone knows where I can watch it please let me know.

Anonymous said...

You can change the style of dress and take away the guy liner, but you can't thankfully change Adam! AS soon as Adam sang and flicked that head I was elated! ADAM will always be ADAM, with vocals that spellbound the world. He is an international wonder!

Anonymous said...

Well, the US got the tonned down Adam. Now they need to love him and promote him like never before.
The world is ready for Adam toned down or covered in glitter.

Anonymous said...

So good to see Tommy hitting that lead guitar.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the BEST. Sorry Jay didn't speak with him. He has such an adorable personality. Hopefully Ellen will.
Congrats to Adam. He delivers a song like NO ONE.

Anonymous said...

Adam was absolutely brilliant last night. He looked so handsome and his first live performance of BTIKM was amaaaaazing. Loved the new bandmembers for the new Adam minus the glitz and glitter(which I also loved). In our local newspaper today in Bergen County, NJ, there is a story entitled"Can IDOL still create stars" Adam's name was mentioned several times as a distinguished runner-up, as that "guy who has a phenomenal musical instrument" and praising the fact that Adam made Forbes list of top earning Idols for 2010-2011. It asked where are Kris Allen and Lee Dewyze now. Popularity as the winner doesn't always make a successful career. But this will be Adam Lambert's year with the release of his new album in March. He can TRESPASS into my life any time he wants.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Adam for a magical performance!!! You have captured my heart forever. This is Adam's time to rocket through to super stardom. Epic cannot describe this performance - it goes well beyond!!

Adam has worked sooo very hard and 2012 is gonna be his AWARD year!!

I sooo agree with many folks here that he MUST BE INVITED TO PERFORM ON THE GRAMMY'S!!!

His new management team IMO seems to be one of the best decisions Adam has made in seeing his vision with the Trespassing album and promotion.

His BAND is great!! Adam is masterful - what a incredible ride we are all gonna have in CHAPTER 2!!


P.S. -- JAK -- take care of yourself - there is soo much more to come with Adam now!! Sending wishes of good health and happiness your way!!

Anonymous said...

I'm still flailing. Couldn't get to sleep last night! Loved every moment. He's so skinny! My husband especially noticed it, because he doesn't see Adam often like I do. My station didn't show the very end where Jay danced a little with Adam. I was looking forward to that. But it showed them all shaking hands. BTW, in my opinion, a scream is not a musical note. It's just a scream. Adam doesn't scream. He hits big rocknroll high notes and nails it every time. I do like real sreaming in a good r&r song, but Adam rarely does it. Last night, he just nailed every note. high or low!

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam's voice sounded a little husky. Hope he's feeling well. He looked as though he was feeling FABULOUS!! Loved the backing vocal by the new guy. His voice harmonised beautifully with Adam's voice. Forget the screaming Adam. I just want to hear your pure voice!!

Anonymous said...

One word for Adam and that performance, PERFECTION! He brings something out of me I didn't know was there. Love him.

Anonymous said...

unleashing of the savage beast. I don't think anyone can hang with him on a stage right now. 2012 will be the year of the Glambert.

Anonymous said...

unleashing of the savage beast. I don't think anyone can hang with him on a stage right now. 2012 will be the year of the Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Well I think he has a new fan in Serry Shepard,( if she wasn't one already) she could not stop smiling when she went over after the song.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

like the new guitarist

Anonymous said...

OT: What does OOFTA mean? Seeing that everywhere lately. Also, all the videos are pulled why? I did see it a millions last night however.

Anonymous said...

You can still watch it here.

Anonymous said...

Better quality video of last night's performance:

Anonymous said...

Loved the look. Naturally beautiful Adam. Voice was out of this world. Great happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam was trying to outscream Durbs performance earlier in the week but Adam, no matter how hard Durbs tries, his voice will NEVER EVER hold a candle to your outstanding “instrument”.

Anonymous said...

Adam I have no words to discribe you, your beyound perfection. In every way. Oh my gosh, that proformance was so grand and majestic. I was so excited all day to watch Adam and the band of Leno. I watched and fell asleep on and off, and when I heard Adam Lamberts name mentioned, I woke up. Oh yes to a very beautiful and handsome man that has vocals beyound belief. Love Love Love that man. Your on you way to dreams Adam. A star.

Anonymous said...

I loved it when Adam turned around and thanked his band. What a gentleman. Most people do not do this. Like your teacher once said to Adam, Adam your a star. Your going to be a star. She is right on. Have a best day forever Adam.
We love you here in North Dakota.

magiclady said...

Can someone tell me where I can see the performance? My player cutoff the end of the song and I have looked everywhere but only get the NBC announcement. Help!!

Anonymous said...

Can we in honor of last night's epic performance of BTIKM, BUY copies of this single from iTunes and Amazon? And, let's not forget to REQUEST our local radio stations to play it.

Anonymous said...

OMG I don't know how many times I watched this performance on my TV but love it more and more every single time I watch it. ILHSM!

Anonymous said...

Let's just say this: I was nearly late to my early bird class this morning (first day back, too lol) because I was up so late doing nothing else but flailing over this goodness. ;D

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to request radios to spin BTIKM:

Anonymous said...

omg Adam and Sauli got matching tattoos now ^-^ the word oofta :D

Anonymous said...

That's right, fans. Now's the time to request the song, if you haven't already. Now's the time to buy the song and order Trespassing. Now's the time to help ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't scream. He hits real notes.

Anonymous said...

12:31am: About the screams. People have called them also "wails". To me it wasn't the same he has done before, ever since Idol (and that has made me cringe); these over the top screams. This time the high notes were controlled signing and not screaming. IMO. Better!

Anonymous said...

Simply PERFECTION! Adam's performance reminded me of how he looked when he sang "The Prayer" just owning the stage and those vocals, oh my!


Anonymous said...

Such a shame that i can't watch it now cause NBC won't allow it for my country but i am so happy that i got to watch it on youtube this morning before college before this happened. OMG that was such a brillant performance he was unreal like he always is. Can't wait for the ellen show two of my favourite people ever and i love when they are together seem to have a good time:)
Ireland xx

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glamitup said...

All I have to say is that Adam better get all the spotlight and praise that he has been deserving of since leaving Idol. I still cannot comprehend why every person in the country is not nuts over this guy. He is definitely in a league of his own and the Grammys and all the other award shows BETTER take notice!! I am sick of hearing the same 5 songs over and over again on the radio and I have only heard Adams once. What a performance last night!! The whole look and sound was perfection!! Go ADAM!!

DJ Jason LA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Full 1080i HDTV Capture download

Anonymous said...

WOW, beautiful!!

Must admit I think Adam's performance of "Sleepwalker" on Leno was far superior though.....

Anonymous said...

omg-i cried so much when i heard this song and he sang perfectly;wow a voice. like his look-he remind me of yong elvis presley.

The Dark Side said...

Performance, voice, band all amazing. Adam never disappoints!

Anonymous said...

BTIKM could be a highlight for the Grammy awards. I can guarantee he would get a standing ovation and all the skeptics would shut up and the AMA would be a distant memory.

Anonymous said...

loved Adams performance every thing about it if people would check adams performances on idol he had that look several times and as for as his high note I was oh yea been waiting for that absolute perfection his band his whole performance. Adam is the only one I have ever followed he is the best. Thank you Adam luv you.

Anonymous said...

with each performance, BTIKM will build momentum. I think it will become a hightlight in his live show. Such powerful lyric and music behind him. I think it would be a great opening number.

Anonymous said...

the King of the Wail has done it again. Pulling them in little by little with an astounding vocal performance. Best Male Vocal nominee 2013 Grammy awards.

Anonymous said...

I know this will sound like trolling, especially since all of you seem to be mesmerized and really enjoyed it but IMO: I'm lacking something. May be it's a lot of things actually. This will sound horrible, but I got bored:( I drifted off, especially at the beginning. For me the problem is probably the song. I just really don't like it. For me it is mediocre and just plain dull. I love when he screams but here I think it was forced. It just showed how lame the song is. But I am generally a rocker, so maybe I won't be very fond of Trespassing. I was a big fan of FYE though.
ps.I missed the make up too, but I respect whatever style choices he makes. I guess he's grown out of it.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

@12.18 I reckon you must be referring to the zest that Adam throws in his performance. This is toned down Adam and the US are a loving it.

Anonymous said...


What does OOFTA stand for since Adam and Sauli now have matching tat's -- do you know?

tess4ADAM said...

@12:18 ... I would say ONE dissenter out of hundreds or more than likely many more is NOT so bad .. IMO .. The media is LOVING this performance & so are ADAM's fans from all over so if you didn't like it ... that's your prerogative ... as for me ... I LOVED!! LOVED!! LOVED!! IT!!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

11:05AM Thanks for the link! My gush, Adam looks fabulous in that 1080 video and I love his knuckle ring so much. Guys, grab it before it disappears. WOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So worth the wait...this man is no doubt something very very special!!!

daydreamin said...

Just found this for all you L.A. area fans who could get to see and meet Adam this Friday at radio station 99.7!!

I am sooooo jealous!

Anonymous said...

I find that surprizing that Adam would get matching tatoos with a love interest when he should know that these things don't tend to last forever. Especially in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Adam was looking really good. He seemed relaxed, confident, and comfortable in his own skin. His voice is remarkable as usual and the song was touching. I look forward to all the hoopla with the new album and hope this means another tour.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin 99.7FM is a Top 40 radio station affiliated with CBS and it is San Francisco, CA, Northern California. So if you live in San Francisco enter to win to meet Adam tomorrow.

I guess he'll be in San Francisco tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

@12:44PM Meaning behind OOFTA:

Scandinavian-American slang.
A mild expression of error, dismay, or concern (often in a comical sense).

good grief
oh no
oy vey
uh oh

I know Adam's dad's background is Norwegian. Possibly it's often been used in Lamberts household.

daydreamin said...

Anon 4:04, thanks for giving me that! I knew it was a Bay Area radio station but it threw me off when I saw the "Hollywood" in the first part of the notice!! Woo hoo! I I just have to be the right caller at the right time or be an online winner! Please, let my lucky stars be with me!

daydreamin said...

Another San Fran radio station Meet n Greet!

Anonymous said...


V Camilleri said...

OK I thought I would have to wait til late tonight but I checked here to see just maybe. I hit the mother load. Wow. They did nail it. Adam looks so incredible. I am in awe of this man's talent.

Anonymous said...

Love how he's now announced as "grammy nominated" - great performance - sooooo good he's back !!!!!

funbunn40 said...

Still haven't recovered! The high notes were just thrilling and so perfectly pitched with his amazing breath control and crisp ending. He just blows me away and puts me in a happy place! Hope Adamluv survived the electricity! The band was great. Loved the keyboard and vocals. Just right and great recovery by the bass player when her guitar strap broke. Now for Ellen!

Anonymous said...

ADAM looks great, sounds GREAT!!
Love to see Tommy and the band!
Love Jay Leno!
Love to hear almost everyday BTIKM on the radio here!

Love from Finland

Anonymous said...

W O W !! Waited to post anything, just taking time reading, absorbing and most of all enjoying this WONDERFUL, wonderful performance, and not really, FULLY apreciating just how good it is until about the 3rd time through.

My GOD he NAILED it... Adam Lambert, ICON in the making, slim and handsome in a simple suit (boy did I MISS and love this look on him) WHAT a fabulous performance! Long did we have to wait, pine, and imagine this first performance and wonder just how he would perform it live... and what wonderful fourishes he would put on it... and was it EVER worth the wait!!!

No one can match Adam live. Those BIG notes were amazing, rich full on and perfect. HOW can anyone call those 'screams'?! He has such AMAZING voice control. Those notes are FULL, RICH, and TOTALLY controlled, with the most BEAUTIFULlly flourished and FINISHED endings. LISTEN to how he comes OUT of those notes. He doesn't just strain to reach them and leave it hanging there like everyone else... he controls it and comes OUT of it, brings it back down and bends it ino a beautiful melody. THAT was what first amazed me about this incredible performer way back on AI. This performance showcases that abillity perfectly.

We are SO lucky to be witnessing the emergence of this incredible entertainer. It really is time this country hears what the rest of us already know. Adam SO deserves major sucess with this album.

New band members are teriffic, and kudos to Ashley for recovering so perfectly and looking preet-ty cool in the process!

Ellen next... Wooohooo!! Lucky us!!!

Anonymous said...

Those notes at the end were absolutely beautiful. I have never heard anyone sing anything like Adam. He's the only one I've ever seen who can hit those high notes without screeching or sounding operatic and while using a great rock tone.

Anonymous said...


coloforadam said...

Gorgeous, wonderful, powerful, fierce and damn sexxxxxxy! Adam, you just get better and better!!

Anonymous said...


Love it . . . not only a fabulous singer but he feels the song . . grabs my heart and mind!!!!