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X17 Video: Adam Lambert & Sauli Stay Strong At Katsuya 1-10-12

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thanks to GaleWhittington!


The Dark Side said...

This was so cute!!!! ah...... Looks like Adam's got a new vehicle. That's nice also. Adam and Sauli are the hot couple!

Anonymous said...

Adam eats it up like a nice piece of cherry pie!!!:)) all the press he will get for TRESPASSING. He is seeing platinum!

Anonymous said...

I think AL and KP should go out. hotties with nice eyes. KP wants her skittle jizzled. heheheh

Anonymous said...

awww I loved that video. A&S looking grrrrrrreat!!! That was a nice group of fans there.

Anonymous said...

So many GORGEOUS pics of BB and Sauli today... Here's one of my favorites, those SMILES...

GGD Gal, gulp!

glitzylady said...

Off Topic..

Adam on Virgin Radio 96 in two minutes.. Link

Click on Listen Live...

Anonymous said...

I'm listening now indeed!!!

Adammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm c'mon!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

Adam on Virgin Radio Montreal

Anonymous said...


I'm so proud and happy for u Adam:))))

You learned the lesson and change the life style is the right thing to do indeed.........

You are so blessed with people who loves you especially the real and loyal fans you have right now...:))))

Keep doing what's best for you my dear...

We are just here to follow wherever u are....

Thanks for the good interview....


Anonymous said...

Did they interview Adam? I tuned in late. Just heard Better Than I Know Myself. Dang it, I missed the interview, if there was one!?

Anonymous said...

2:50 PM,

Yes it did and you missed it but don't worry for sure you gonna hear everything here when they post it.

It was great interview!!!!


Anonymous said...

So I missed the interview. Only heard Better Than I Know Myself. Hope there will be a recording of it by fans.

glitzylady said...

Here is the link for @VirginRadio96 's interview of Adam...SOOOOOOOO good by the way! Lots of info.. I'll "share" in a minute!

Adam's interview..articulate and candid as usual:

Anonymous said...

Found Adam's interview on twitter with Virgin Radio 96 in Montreal:

Anonymous said...

Great interview !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Adam

From Barcelona

glitzylady said...

In a nutshell: The interview tidbits:

The music video will be ready in less than 2 weeks and will "be a twist on what the song is about". VERY interesting...hmmmm

Adam will be in Europe doing promo on his birthday..he said he doesn't know where yet.."I might be singing..." Again..hmmmm

He was asked and talked about the Helsinki incident and said he was embarrassed by his immature behavior. And that "as a couple" he and Sauli (he said Saoowlli..awww!) they have made some changes in their lifestyle..guessing they are being more cautious with their drinking and partying...and are being more healthy (all those veggies..and the juice....I loved that...You must listen to it....He is so honest and open about it..

Listen to the rest...Only thing: TOO SHORT! always...

Anonymous said...

Adam's interview was fabulous. Lessons learned indeed. Plus Alcohol isn't good for vocal chords and skin. Let alone how much it damages brain cells. Stay as much away from it as you can. I'm sounding like my grandmother telling these things to my cousin.

Anonymous said...

Adam also had an interview on Chum radio from Canada today. Can someone bring the link over I have to leave.
Also Byron Cook has written about 6 songs he heard today, sounds like the album will be great. go over to adamtopia to find the link.

glitzylady said...

Link to Byron Cooke's blog with descriptions of Adam new songs in Trespassing: I finally could open it..the site sort of crashed: surprise!

"Ive just come out of an exclusive Adam Lambert listening session in Los Angeles and can reveal track titles & details on not 1, not 2…but SIX brand new Adam Lambert tracks from his forthcoming new album “Trespassing” in-stores March 20th.
A HUGE thanks to Adam & his team [JoAnn & Leah] for giving me the opportunity to listen to some ROUGH mixes of the tracks. This stuff is so hot it’s not even finished! The guys are ok with me sharing some info with you, so here goes!
1 ] TRESPASSING : The title track [written by Adam & Pharrell Williams] is BANGIN! Really feelin that “We Will Rock You” inspired opening rhythm, the bass lines got an “Another One Bites The Dust” feel to it and theres a really cool guitar hook. Best line has gotta be “Wait till ya get a load of me”. Theres a breakdown part near the end just straight Adam vox and bass. Sick.
2] COOKOO : Ollie Gee, Bonnie McGee & Adam co wrote this. Bonnies previous credits include several Katy Perry hits. Cookoo is another one for the hit list! Wont give too much away on this one! Wait till ya hear it! Definately a party jam.

3] BROKEN ENGLISH : An anthemic, slower tempo track co written with Adam by Lester Mendez [Enrique, Shakira, Nelly Furtado, Dido]. A beautiful love song which might just possibly be autobiographical. “I know you will understand I gotta tell you somehow”. Like say you had a partner whos 1st language wasnt English….you might encounter this situation! Quite haunting in parts & some fat beats amazing song.
4] UNDERNEATH : Another track from Adam’s “darker side” and definately one of the stand outs. Its stripped back basically to piano and vocals & REALLY lets Adams vocal shine…at least in the rough mix I was played. You got to remember these tracks are SO new they arent even finished yet!
5] KICKIN IN : Damn it got this white boy movin! [dont worry I wont show you my moves] Written by Pharrell, its a club banger and for mine…a HIT! “She puts the shot glass down, she asks for another round, girl dont u hit the ground, is it kickin in”. Funky shit.
6] CHOKEHOLD : Adam didnt play me the song but went out of his way to tell me about it at lunch. Hes really excited for people to hear it when its ready. Says its got a 90′s Depeche Mode feel to it…I say bring it on!
Follow me on twitter [@byroncooke] for all the details on when you can hear & see todays interview with Adam Lambert. You’ll hear more on the meaning behind these songs from the man himself and [surprise surprise] we managed to have some fun as well….mainly at my expense!"

Anonymous said...

two jealous personalities won't work.

Anonymous said...

From the sound of it, Broken English will be my favorite one cause English is my second language and I might relate to it or my BF might like it even more. Can't wait to hear the album!

Anonymous said...

4:02 PM,

Did u experience it<)????

Let us know ok???? We are waiting!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love that man!!! I can't help it!!!He's so eloquent and inteligent. He can handle any question and turn negative into positive.He learned a lesson and he's very conscious about being a rolle model.Way to go ADAM!!So sweet the way he talks about Sauli.Can't wait for the next one!!!


glitzylady said...

"Long" version of the Virgin Radio interview from you tube..

daydreamin said...

Well, once again, Articulate Adam knows what to say to calm the tides regarding the Finland thing. He takes full responsibility and it is so great how he and Sauli have worked it out to great advantage. This usually brings a couple even closer and it shows. SMART man. Smart move. Lessons learned. Movin on to bigger and better things. Loved this interview!

funbunn40 said...

The thumbnail ChumFM video was great too! Adam and Sauli so patient and accommodating, looking soooo good!

Anonymous said...

I listened to Chum FM and it was great as well. Adam was flattered that the fans are really trying their best for him to sing at the Superbowl indeed!!!

Well done....


daydreamin said...

shoshannastone shoshanna stone
The @faultmagazine cover shoot with @adamlambert is going to surprise a lot of people. A-m-a-z-I-n-g all will be revealed in March
2 hours ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

Heads up to @Adamlambert fans: preview shots will be shown on our Facebook page here -
2 hours ago via HootSuite

@FAULTMagazine: That it does...heard it was a really great shoot-amazing location in Hollywood hills, stunning fashion!
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

glitzylady said...

Byron Cooke tweeted that it will be tomorrow before audio of the interview is up..and video later:

@Byroncooke Byron Cooke
@audreyc1877 Adams team in NYC have my video footage so thats gonna take some Ill start posting from tomorrow
3 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful interview, it makes all the troll stuff seem so silly and immature. ah,ha we got some names and descriptions of the Trespassing songs.

daydreamin said...

HK fan said...

I loved the virgin radio interview, Adams response to the 'Fingate' question was perfect and so heartfelt.

HK fan said...

p.s how precious hearing him say Sauli.....

Anonymous said...

Any link to listen to Chum FM radio interview?

Anonymous said...

Found Chum FM interview on twitter. Make sure to click on artists tab and then click on Adam's profile. Be patient. It takes awhile for it to load.

Anonymous said...

News we got today:

1. Pictures of Adam at that L.A. Sushi resturant
2. Virgin Radio 96 Montreal interview
3. Byron Cooke interview
4. Chum FM interview
5. Fault magazine news

Did I leave anything off the list?

Anonymous said...

On that Chum FM interview, Adam said one word for Trespassing and I didn't catch it. What is that one word he says? Greedy and then he says _____?

Anonymous said...

He sure did check out the girl to his right after the pic was taken.
Gave her a back rub.
Sauli waiting in the car, he must be happy Adam is loved by all wakes.

Anonymous said...

AL & KP going out on a date? Now that would be some mind blowing publicity. Go on home Sauli, Adam has a new love. They would be gorgeous together.
Russell Brand sure is making waves with his video of him taking off his wedding ring.
KP will need some consoling.
To bad Adam is taken, a few drinks and he could, be on his way to the other side.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks FAAAAANTAAASTIC!!!! His hair, very little make-up. And miilion dollars smile!!!
Love you, gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is smart alright, he Has to make right, the wrong he did. He will be promoting for Christs sake.
What? do you think he is going to come out and say, its cool to get drunk and fight in public for the world to see, I dont think so.
Give the guy credit, he has the wool pulled over so many eyes.
Give it time, he wont give up the drinks, and why should he, he loves to party.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert vs. Jason Mraz – Sound Off
Okay, Adam beat out the Train:):):):)
Now, please, vote for Adam Lambert vs Jason Mraz. If Adam will stay for three more days on the Sound Off he will get big promotion on radiostations!

Anonymous said...

6:23 what is the link to soundoff or the name of the radio station. Darn I wasn't home to vote on the 102 game. Don't tell tess4ADAM. Love the radio interviews.

Anonymous said...

Get weak Adam go after Katy P. She's available. You can do it.
Remember Kesha, go further with Katy.

Anonymous said...

Great interview! Did I hear him say that he'll probably be singing somewhere on his birthday? Wonder if it'll be a big party of some kind (after all, it is his 30th) or something smaller?

6:19, isn't there somewhere else you need to be?


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH once again, Glitzy Lady.
The interview was FABULOUS!!!!! and the great thing about Adam is as he says, he is an open book and does not shirk responsibility, make excuses, but tries to learn from his little blunders.
I just hope that the interviewers can move on when the new album comes out and that Adam says he has moved on and they need to also.
Adam is AMAZING~~~~~

Anonymous said...

@5:56 I think Adam said gritty explaining the sound of the music versus glittery like his first album. So great to hear Adam speaking and how intelligent and wonderful can someone be!!! Now next week seeing him sing his single live on Leno the 17th and Ellen the 19th!!!!

Anonymous said...

DRG, she has been here all day talking to herself, just let her be. Maybe someone will find the poor lost soul later.

Anonymous said...

@6:55PM Thanks! Meaning of Gritty: having strong qualities of tough uncompromising realism. Hence, good description for Trespassing album.

Anonymous said...

Is there another listening of Trespassing by a lady DJ in L.A.? I believe she was suppose to see Adam at 6:00 P.M. Any news?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:19 PM
Let me say, first of all, that do I respect your right to have your say about Adam. Freedom of speech and all.

However, I find it rather sad that you have so little respect for ADAM that you come here to attempt to drag him down to your level of cynicism and make comments to the effect that he is a liar and a lost cause, and will just revert once the promo is over. You also imply that he will not learn from his mistakes and immature behavior (Adam's words) and and will make no real attempt to not repeat them. He made no excuses in this interview and took responsibility for his actions, and blamed no one but himself. I don't think he has the wool pulled over anyone's eyes.. I have never heard anyone who knows Adam or anyone who has interviewed or worked with him say one bad word about him or his honesty, integrity, and work ethic. So unless you have some sort of inside info as to why you think he will not follow through on his and his partner Sauli's decision to live a healthier lifestyle, then please stop until you know something we don't.

Yes, I'm a fan of Adam Lambert, and one of the many reasons I have stuck with him since the beginning of his Idol year, and then until now, through the ups and downs of the last three years (mostly ups), is because he lives his life openly, honestly, treats others with respect, and seems to be a good man..He has said he is not proud of his behavior, and knows it was not what he would wish to show as a role model for others. We all have our f***-ups in life, and most of us use them as a learning experience. I fully expect and believe that Adam is intelligent enough to do the same. He and Sauli appear to have a very deep and loving relationship going on and I suspect neither wants to lose that over an unfortunate incident.. So say what you want to, but I don't agree with you.. I choose to be positive and wish the best for both Adam and Sauli. And I believe that Adam will take this lesson and enter his 30th year, a little older, but also a little wiser.

Anonymous said...

Here we are!!!! It was the great interview.
However, after all, Adam had to answer on the questions about Finland! I'm sure, Leno will ask Adam about this "jail accident" also!
Hopefully, Ellen will be nice as far as she loves ADam a lot, and will not talk about Finland.

Anonymous said...

They will both talk about Fingate.They are talk show hosts and that's their job. It is better to get it out in the open, there really isn't too many horrible questions that can be asked about it anyways. I hope fans don't start with the Email list of things you should and shouldn't ask Adam. He's a big boy.

Anonymous said...

I think that even Joan Rivers would compliment Adam's look in this video and the pictures!!!! I'm talking about nice compliments:)
PH probably had heart attack or strock when he saw these photos!!! Adam looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Leno or Ellen will ask Adam about Finland. Even Virgin Radio didn't broadcast it on their radio. It was only as part of their extended website post. The news was only on internet and it didn't end up on T.V. So move on folks. We heard a lot of good news about Adam's album today. Please don't let any negativity overshadow all other good news we heard today.

Adam is going to be in Europe to promote his album for his birthday. He will be working on his birthday. WUT?

Anonymous said...

Adam is listed on Leno as a "musical guest" only. So it's unlikely that he will talk to Jay. I wish he would, though. Jay Leno likes Adam, and their past interviews have been great. Leno could pass Adam the Finland question and both of them would handle it just fine.

glitzylady said...

@ Anon 8:15 PM
I listened to the broadcast on Virgin in real time and the Finland discussion WAS on it. I thought it was handled well. They told Adam he didn't have to answer if he chose not to. I thought he answered well. I actually was glad, in a way, that it was brought up because it gave Adam the chance to publicly speak about it in an interview, to give his side of it, to explain that it wasn't as big a deal as was reported, and also was able to talk about how he and Sauli have made some important decisions as a couple for their lives and relationship. It will obviously be a topic of conversation for awhile..We here and other fans were able to hear this today, but he will probably be defusing and discussing it for awhile and by doing that could actually have a positive aspect to it: "Don't drink too much, because this could happen to you...". ...As long as the interviewer is respectful and gives Adam the opportunity to lead the discussion, its okay I think...I also hope the majority of time is spent talking about Adam's new music, as it was here.. It will eventually go away, but probably not for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been surrounded by beautiful women since he left AI. he needs to go over to the other side and see if he likes it. test the waters a little. if ya know what I mean;);)

Anonymous said...

4:18 NOYDB***** figure it out!

Anonymous said...

AL and KP would be damn sexy. the hell with Russell Brand. I'm all for Katbert:))

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady thanks for your eloquent comment, as always! As fans, I believe, we should concentrate on positive news about Adam and his album. We shouldn't let some trolls' comments to upset us. Yes, Adam's answer about the incident was brilliant. He learned from it and he and Sauli decided to recover from it. I think we should do the same and move on to better things.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need to apologise to anyone. Amongst the good there is a lot of ridiculous negative comments on this thread. Find it offensive and obviously you need to get to know Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are looking incredible.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam did a great job with the answers he gave regarding the Finland incident, at the same time I don't think it would be fair to expect him to give up drinking or partying all together, everything in moderation and it sounds as if both he and Sauli have learn't through this now. I just hope he's not badgered too much by this because what they did was really pretty tame compared to other celebrities.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady: ditto! and thanks.


Anonymous said...

.."When I'm walkin' down the street, they say "hey sexy!",
When I'm dancin' in the club, they say "hey sexy!",
When I'm drivin' in my car, or I'm standin' at the bar,
It don't matter where I are, they say "hey sexy!".. :)

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady 7:32 In all due respect to you and to Adam. I am not implying anyone to be a liar.
People in general have resolutions in life, and most likey in all human nature things will acure again. Just being real here.

I mean lets look at the partying at GaGa's party, you know he may have said he'd had enough of that scene then. As he states now. Sure its great to come to terms.
Adam loves to be social, drink, dance and be crazy at times.
I salute him for doing these things because that is what makes him, Him.
Some put him on so high a stance that they cannot see the forest for the trees. He is not perfect even though many fans will argue.
Hence making him more lovable.

People from all wakes, like he says will relate to him.

To much thought is spent on comments on fansites. If you knew Adam, you'd know he is as light hearted as they come.
Love, be happy and enjoy life.
Remember, light & dark will always prevail.

Anonymous said...

@ 17:47 AM "Adam loves to be social, drink, dance and be crazy at times."

You are right and same goes to Sauli!