ADAM LAMBERT Interview with Me Naiset Finland Mag (2/23/12)
Filed Under (interview,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Thursday, February 23, 2012
Posted at : Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pop singer Adam Lambert tries to find a balance between his dark and light side. He found true love with his Finnish partner, Sauli Koskinen.
Singer Adam Lambert arrives at our meeting in a hotel in Los Angeles dressed in all black and greets me in fluent Finnish.
- Moi! Mitä kuuluu?
Adam rose to success from American Idol, and up until a couple of years ago, described himself as someone who likes to flirt and date a lot. Meeting Sauli Koskinen, 26, over a year ago in Helsinki changed him.
- I'm totally faithful, monogamous. A relationship is a beautiful thing. I believe we both want the same thing. I was ready for true love and I'm happy to have found it, Adam sums up his relationship with Sauli.
Salty licorice and shots
Last year, Adam and Sauli spent Valentine's Day in Tahiti. This year, Adam is traveling the world promoting his new album.
- Sauli is welcome to join me whenever it's possible. I always try to arrange something nice for special occasions.
The couple spend much of their free time at their home on the Hollywood hills.
- We did yoga for a while last year, but neither of us felt like it was our thing. We'd rather go for walks or jogging, and we have a treadmill at home. We watch tv and movies and cook together. We have a lot of salmiakki (salty licorice) at home, but I don't care for it. Other than that, I like Finnish food and culture.
Adam is also familiar with Finnish drinks from his vacation in Finland over last Christmas. One drunken night in Helsinki made headlines around the world. In the small hours, Adam was taken into custody in Pasila and Sauli in Töölö.
- It was a perfect holiday, apart from one mistake, a night out where the strong mint schnapps tasted too good and resulted in a loss of control, Adam says.
He and Sauli worked through the incident right after it happened.
- We laughed about it, right after we'd gotten over the initial shock and made sure no one was hurt. Sauli's family made fun of me, too - ”oh, you went to jail for getting drunk. Welcome to Finland!”
Adam says things happen in life and you learn from your mistakes.
- We talked more about what happened after we got home. Time helped put it into perspective. I understood that I have responsibilities to myself, my loved ones, my family, my friends and my fans. That December night was childish, out-of-control and irresponsible. I have to take more responsibility for my actions in future and be more careful around alcohol.
Meeting Sauli's family
When Adam talks about the good things on his visit to Finland, his face lights up in a wide, genuine smile and his voice rises in enthusiasm. The reason for visiting Finland, meeting Sauli's family, was a success.
- It was important to both of us that I get to know Sauli's family. We had a lovely, traditional Christmas Eve at his parents' home. His mom, dad and sisters were nice. I followed things from the sidelines at times, because the main language of the evening was Finnish. But it was only fair, since Sauli has been in the same position in Los Angeles.
Adam has had to resort to body language before. When he was 19, he performed on a cruise ship with the Anita Mann group. The gig lasted ten months, and during that time, he also visited Finland for the first time.
- I sailed around the world with an international crew. The experience broadened my horizons, and I understood how small my home town San Diego really is.
A couple of years later, he performed in a production of Hair in Germany.
- I didn't speak any German, but I learned to communicate without words. I had to explain a lot of things using my hands and different facial expressions. Sometimes not sharing a language is challenging, frustrating and confusing, but there's a magic to body language. And it's often more honest than repeating learned phrases.
Light side, dark side
Adam admits that it's been a challenge to find a balance in his life. Over recent years, his attitude and style have changed. Openness, maturity and his love for Sauli show in the lyrics on his new album, Trespassing.
- I invite listeners to trespass into my life, I open up about both the light and the dark side of myself. Success has maximized my scale of emotion. The good times are amazing, the bad times are really dark.
Being judged, ignored and treated unfairly are experiences familiar to Adam.
- I'm different, I'm an outsider, and not everyone accepts me because of that. When I'm down, I'm a self-desctructive worrier who overanalyzes things. At those times, I'm critical and hard on myself.
Usually, Adam is a nice guy.
- I'm also a romantic, that's my light side. I've written songs about love – about finding the right one, which has now happened to me.
Sometimes Adam feels like he can't live without his other half.
- He keeps me grounded, even when I'm flying too high. Sometimes it seems like he knows me better than I know myself.
Scan and Translation by @moominber
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awww...this is a great interview of Adam.I am so happy for him and sauli and yes getting to jail because of drinking too much is very finnish,so it was actually just part of getting to know the culture in here:)I am not a big fan of salmiakki either though i`m finnish,but most finns do love it.Salmiakki+sisu+sauna=Suomi :-)
What a beautiful and positive interview! Loved it. Love the fact that Adam is happy <3
What an interesting and beautiful interview. Sauli and Adam's love for him have really changed/influenced Adam's life and his music. He seems more mature, happier and confident. Can't wait to listen to TRESPASSING with its light and dark sides. It is just amazing how one person can affect someone else's life in such a positive way. I, too, love the fact that Adam is happy.
Adam's appearance on AI was mentioned in the interview and I just had to comment on this season's contestants so far. For me, Adam Lambert set the bar so high as far as talent during season 8, that no one can come up to his standard of performing. The show has become boring and repetitious with performers who are not particularly special or have the "IT" factor to ensure them some degree of success. I think the judges let a few contestants go who had great voices and kept several who really don't seem to measure up to becoming a "star" in the music business in today's market. Who knows anymore what constitutes success? Just listen to some of the "garbage" that passes for music today with talentless performers who jump to the top of the charts. And yet, someone like Adam Lambert who is the best vocal talent in music today(along with Adele) has to fight and claw his way to be played on the radio and to achieve the success and fame that he so deserves. I will continue to be a fan and follow his career through all the ups and downs, the light and the dark times because the power of his voice will prove what a superb talent he truly is.
always the sweetie
@anon 12:33 You are so right. I have been requesting BTIKM daily and doing the VH1 voting, everything to support Adam! Why its so hard to get regular spins is a mystery to me. It's a solid good song, not a number 1 hit, although I think there will be one or two on his album. These same stations played WWFM and still do. Why the hesitation for BTIKM. Anyway maybe its a slow grower and will speed up over the next few weeks. Adam NEEDS to sing on tv shows like idol. Anyway that was a great interview and it warms my heart that Adam has found true love with Sauli!
Awww! As sweet as it gets!
Forget the sexy, sexy, over-the-top Adam, that was only show off. This is the real, honest Adam, who dears to be himself. And he is confident now, because he's got someone to lean on, and an INCREDIBLE VOICE, which can take him anywhere he wants to go. Proud of ya! I knew it. Proud of you too, Sauli.
I’m so happy to be able to follow this journey of Adam (even if it is non of my business).
So happy we finally got an interview from Adam in Finnish magazine!! :)
Can you imagine my face when I got MeNaiset today from the mail? Haha! Loved it!
Love the interview. Adam at his usual honest and open self. He and Sauli are wonderful together. Hope it lasts. Life can be full of ups and downs, but they seem so stable together.
As for the music, I am not going to have a heart attack over BTIKM being #1 or not. There is plenty of music yet to come. I believe Trespassing will have a few biggies on it. Adam isn't going to fade out of the music scene, by any stretch. Hurry up, Mapril! If it's more April than Mapril, so be it. I will not get mad or snotty or worried. It's a CD and not the Second Coming, for cryin' out loud. Sometimes we need perspective. I know Adam's working as we speak to finish the album and get it out.
DRG (AL cheerleader, tireless and true LOL)
Good question, why is BTIKM not spinning like WWFM did?
Is Sauli really that good for Adam in the eyes of the business?
Possibly the reason behind his wonderful autobio upcoming album is too much for conservative America.
What a shame, he has more talent in his pinky than most have in their whole untalented selves.
I think the Finns need to stop with Welcome to Finland if you dont get drunk and thrown in the slammer you dont get the proper welcome, attitude!
If that is the country's slogan, its junk.
1:00 look out you're about to take the heat !
Well yeah Q102 Philly just played BTIKM at 4:00pm Eastern time, prime time! Hopefulluy more and more stations will hop on board. Adam is no going anywhere and I don't think his relationship with Sauli is a problem Everyone knows Adam is gay and being in a loving monogamous relationship is a positive thing for anyone!
I do not get these people wondering if Sauli is good for Adam and if they should be together or not.It is none of your business and you know nothing about their life so you people have no right to comment their relationship,just focus on his music and get a life of your own.Its so rude to judge people you have never even met.Well at least that is my opinion, world is full of opinions.I am very happy that they have found love with each other and wish them nothing but the best for the future:)
oh come on anon 1:00 pm
I think the Finns need to stop with Welcome to Finland if you dont get drunk and thrown in the slammer you dont get the proper welcome, attitude!
If that is the country's slogan, its junk.
it's humor, ever heard of such a thing! from a more serious perspective tho, it's true that finns don't expect anyone(celebs, politicians etc.) to have a squeaky clean public image in general. it's an american puritan kinda thing that is more likely to rub finns the wrong way than not. Your mistakes make you real, if you seem perfect, it's grounds for suspicion since we're all just human. so yes we do tend to just shrug and lol and shake our heads at silly antics under the influence, when nobody has been injured of course. on a personal note, i can't stand to be around drunks, all i can abide is tipsy, lol.
as for how good sauli is for adam in the eyes of the business, the pros and cons of that are adams business really. i don't suppose he's willing to have his career dictate all the other aspects of his life. he gets my respect for that, that's for sure.
a finn E Maya
OT - Adam just on Fuse 100 Sexy Beats. It will repeat tonite at 5:00 PST and then again tomorrow at 4:00 PST. Still no sign of FYE and they are now down to the top 10. Adam changed outfits for this third appearance and looking very good. ... Adamluv
lovely interview, apart from the picture. I loved his AMA look, apart from the collar on the shirt, its too high and doesn't look right!.
talking of magazines, here's pics and cover from Poplick
...AND the translation from Danish "Poplick Magazine"
I won't post it here..its fairly long..but worth a read.
Its a great interview and those pictures of Adam are beyond gorgeous..Hoping to see Adam on a US magazine cover...or 20... soon....With pictures as flattering and gorgeous as these..
Lovely interview with Adam's openess and honesty shining through. I'm so impressed with Adam's beautiful character. He speaks the truth no matter at what risk. I don't know many people that would be as truthful all the time.
I'm very happy for Adam that he has found love in his life and values it very much. Wishing Adam and Sauli a continued happy life.
What the HECK is the matter with people who comes here and leave messages like this???? 1:00 PM ?????
You don't know about humor??????
Geez!!!!! Where you came from ha??
Wake up!!!! We are not living in a stone age anymore..........
all the fangirlies are boohooing now. they know there isn't a chance in hell for them. oh wait, Adam says he's been with women and it is fun. Still hope!
what happened with canoodling Kesha? I thought it was possible for those two! Damn it!
@3:28 PM, thanks. I can't open the 1st two links but thankfully, the 3rd link to the great interview.
The winter nights in Finland are very cold. Our cops don't leave drunken people on the streets, because they could die there. That's why if you are drunken you can be taken into custody very easily in Finland.
I agree. In Finland is not so big thing (getting drunkjail). The interview was so beautiful. Before Sauli I didn´t know anything about Adam as a singer and his music and now I am happy to know his music too. They are such a great couple together.
I've heard that Finnish people are the most stress free happy people in the world. Maybe it's because they "live and let live."They also have the best school system in the world and don't seem to take themselves too seriously. They obviously have a sense of humour and being in the drunk tank isn't the end of the world. Glad they look after each other and don't let those that have too much to drink freeze to death. Sauli seems to have a wonderful family and I'm glad he shared their Christmas and family festivities. Sauli has given Adam much happiness and I can see them together for a lifetime. They have much in common and Sauli has great principles. Adam can trust him and Sauli loves him. I'm so happy they have found each other. It really is a miracle and Adam seems totally devoted and proud to be in love with Sauli. Love them both!
Very nice interview. Glad to hear that Adam is so happy.
funbunn40 said...
5:21 AM
Thank you!
This is for YOU from Finland
@anom 1:06...I also heard BTIKM on Q102Philly at 4pm (prime time for radio). Actually, the song has been played for the past several weeks at "Top 5 at 5". It was at #1for 3 weeks in a row..however, yesterday, it wasn't in the top 5. Do you live in the Philadelphia area? If so, what area? It's nice to know another Adam fan that lives in Philly or Jersey!! (Not that there aren't many of us..just not my friends. I agree that going to jail for drinking too heavily, should not be accepted as part of any culture..just happy that Adam learned from his mistake. Can't wait to see more of his gorgeous face and voice on television...I adore him and have since AI8!!
RJ lvs AL said...2 9:54 AM
RJ lvs AL said...
10:29 AM
Maybe `Andry Birds``??
how could i translate the title?
"onnellinen suomi vavy"
Happy (future) Son-in-Law of Finland...
here's hoping...
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