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Adam Lambert Is Back in LA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Anonymous said...

The moon is all witchy here in Ohio too. I hope he is feeling much better and can get some rest before starting back to work. I use to get the flu alot when I was younger and it would knock me for a loop.

RJ lvs AL said...

So happy he's home where it's warm and sunny. I hope he rests and feels better. Then, some more US promotions would be great. Witchy moon.. the moon is all witchy here in Pennsylvania too...must be going around. lol

Adamluv said...

Welcome home Adam, Tommy, Isacc and Kevin!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Adam! Back in L.A. safe and sound. I heard he's going to NY in a few days but don't know what's going on there.


Anonymous said...

The moon was very witchy over in Finland last night too! Is'nt the world small after all? : )

Anonymous said...

Witchy???? Please explain.

daydreamin said...

Z100 in NYC is giving away M&G tide to meet Adam. Follow them on twitter for more info.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about witchy but it was a full moon this week - on Tuesday, I think.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see anything 'witchy' about the full moon this week .... maybe I will the next time it's full. LOL

Anonymous said...

I noticed the full moon this month, too - the sky has been clear and the moon sharply bright. May your career shine like the moon did last night, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Knock'em dead in NY, Adam! Wish I could be at the M&G. Looking forward to the next month's promos and everything ADAM! That witchy full moon needs a killer black outline of ADAM on it, with BTIKM cover hair. Boo!

Anonymous said...

Guys how is the single's sales doing? I'm a bit worried...
I hope he doesn't go too mainstream, actually I very much like to see him perform a killer octave challenging, dance, upbeat number in an award show or something. He's been too safe for way too long in the public eye...
Doesn't make any difference for me though, he's still my No.1 ... :D

Anonymous said...

I'm putting this question on a couple threads here. I go to the VH1 links to give BTIKM some hits, and it goes to a screen I don't understand. Adam is threre on the screen but I don't know what to click on to watch the video. The link is different than it was day or so ago. What am I not getting? Help.

Anonymous said...

the witchy moon was here as well in Maine. it was surrounded by misty clouds and reminded me of Halloween. it was beautiful to see.

Anonymous said...

Good to know that Adam is back home in warm and sunny California. It will give him a few days to rest up before he starts his promo tour here in the states. I have not heard BTIKM here in the NYC listening area. Maybe once he comes to NYC they will start playing it. He needs and deserves radio play since this is a terrific song. And the video is something special, so well done and thought out in its concept. There is so much "garbage" that passes for music today, that someone like Adam cannot be overlooked much longer. It is his time esp. with the release of TRESPASSING in March.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry anon @ 7:31. I think BTIKM will chart eventually, but you won't like my reasons for thinking so - I think it sounds like all of the generic stuff on the radio.
Why is it taking longer than other artists songs? Because it's Adam. He will have to work harder than others. That's why I'm wondering why in the world is he overseas when the big promoting needs to be done here????
Also 7:31, I am beginng to agree with you on this mainstream stuff. If this album isn't a blockbuster hit, maybe Adam should steer away from the mainstream pop market.
I have a feeling that Adam wrote many songs for the album himself, recorded them, let RCA listen to them, and RCA rejected them. I could be wrong, but I think that's what all the delays were about. That's total specualation, though.
One day, I would love to see Adam shuck all this mainstream stuff and do exactly what he loves to do whether it's a commercial success or not.

Anonymous said...

@anon 12.07 9th of Feb. Would love to have a total acoustic record of Adam songs. He would sell as Adele with his voice. He is the best male singer now.

Anonymous said...

"One day, I would love to see Adam shuck all this mainstream stuff and do exactly what he loves to do whether it's a commercial success or not."

I kinda think he loves to do "commercial". He seems to be "who he is" and do what he loves. He says he knows his fans better than he did two years ago. Maybe he's aware of the fact that he's gained a group of loyal (should I say hardcore?) fans who'll be there no matter... the sound of it... at the same time, acting as true proselytizing agents. That alone seems more than he had planned on.
The ..Berts are the ones who push it and want more...spins/downloads/awards although most of them know that good music is not necessary on top of the charts. They teach themselves to love the previously unlovable sounds and blame the slow learners.
The glam state of ambivalence! Since Ambivalence is my middle name, I love/hate the ..Berts' world.


Anonymous said...

This is Fashion Week in NYC. I wonder if Adam will make an appearance at any of the Fashion Shows. Of course, he may be too busy with his Promo Work. Would love to see him on Letterman.

Anonymous said...

JMO - Adam promotes in Europe and Asia because he is accepted there. When his songs become hits there, he starts to be recognized here. Remember Adam is a singer but he's also a business man. And folks, this is show business.

He is now being introduced here as "International Star." I think in the near future, if BTIKM is the success we all think it will be, Adam will shoot to super stardom here as well. JMO

Anonymous said...

Glb, this is 12:07.

Wow, an honest bert!
I wish more people realized that commercial success does not always equal great music.

To the other poster who wanted to hear an all acoustic of Adam. I would love that too. I love it when he just sings quietly and beautifully and doesn't get as gimmicky with the high register as he sometimes does. But that's just my taste. Most of his fans love that.

HK fan said...

@ anon 12.07
On a recent press release from RCA they put world wide sales of FYE at nearly 2m, (last we heard more than a year ago it was 1.3m).now I'm sure they have done some rounding up here, maybe its nearer 1.5, but we also know that 835,000 of those are in the states which means he has sold as much again out in the big wide world. Seems a good enough reason to be promoting outside the US. Maybe individually a lot of these music markets are small, but added together they make an impact on sales and recognition.

As to not doing what he likes, Adam has said many, many times he likes pop..

I love BTIKM, its my favourite single release of his. And my 10yo daughter things the same, she has specifically brought several of her friends to my car to listen to the song on the ipod and the other day, she said could she pick a song to play as shes had one going round in her head that she keeps singing. I said OK, thinking we were going to have One Direction again.., but no, BTIKM starts playing, she says its his best song so far (and she's heard them all!).

Anonymous said...

HK fan, I understand the need for overseas promotion, but right off the bat? Why not concentrate on US first? Do they think the single and album will do better outside the US overall this time around? Just curious. It doesn't really matter, all of that is not important to me as it is to some fans. If an artist puts out music that I like, I buy it. I don't care if anyone else does or not.
And I'm not saying BTIKM won't do well. It will. It sounds like everything else that does well. lol
It's just kind of boring to me.
To me, it's not my least favorite of his, but it's also not the best. But I'm glad your daughter likes it. It's a good sign for the song if young people are picking up on it.

Arta Arias said...

EVERYONE!!! Tnx so much for the responses. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself back in my post on "February 9, 2012 7:31 AM". I'm the commenter you all might know well as "Arta Arias".
Nice to read your thoughts and responses, intersting insights. At the end we all want Adam's success and his 'pure' music. Let's send '+'s... ;)