Adam Lambert's Interview with NME's Dan Martin
Filed Under (interview ) by Admin on Friday, February 24, 2012
Posted at : Friday, February 24, 2012

So you are the new singer in Queen!
“Finally the cat’s out of the bag!"
You’ve played with them before, but how does it feel to be doing a full set?
“It’s a bigger undertaking for sure. I’m going tio learn a lot more music, rehearse with the band a little longer, but I’m excited! I’m excited to get in there and figure out what the setlist is. It’s gonna be a lot of work but it’s gonna be fucking great. I’m so excited!”
You’re standing in for possibly the greatest frontman ever…
“Yeah but you know, the way I look at it is I’m not trying too imitate him or outdo him or compete in any way, that’s not even in my mind at all, I think its really an honour to be asked to sing the music that the and the ban wrote and get up there and put on a good show. If people are too busy trying to compare they’re not going to enjoy the music.”
Thanks glitzylady!
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Adam at his very best. No matter what interviewers ask him, they can never trip him up. He's too quick and always knows the right thing to say.
This is an awesome article. Adam is always articulate and honest. Cannot wait for this concert. Hoping they give us a DVD of the set. Should fly out the door.
Dayum looking at that picture of Freddie brings back memories of how charismatic he was and what an honor for Adam to be singing with Queen.
Interesting facts. Freddie and Adam have 4 octaves voice. Both of the flamboyant like nobody else in this world. Both of them gays.
You know what I'm talking about.LOL
Adam does not only have a beautiful Voice, good looks but a very very intelligient & compassionate being!!!
That's why we all Looveeeeeeeeeeeee
him for he is real & down to earth, not greedy & evil no Negativity from our humble Rock Star Adam Lambert !!!
Kudos to his parents! U can tell Adam's full of love & he gets it from his family & now extended to his fans " us " the INTERNATIONL ROCK STAR!!!
@ 3:11 PM,
I think it's not rude to say that they both had Freddie) have (Adam) big glambulge:)
@ Leilani,
Love your name...
Let's not be too naive about this.
There's going to be some hardcore metal fans there. This isn't exactly the same audience as the one at the EMA's. I don't want Adam to get booed. I'm not as big a fan of Adam's as some of you guys that post here, but I don't want to see him hurt by any negative fan reactions. That crowd can be mean.
I think Adam will win the crowd over with his voice and charisma. He is not saying he is the next Freddie at all but honoring his music and memory. At the Russia Maxidrom Festival he won over some hardcore metal lovers. I am thrilled for Adam and of course a bit worried because I feel very protective of him and love him. He will shine!
Booing Adam would be so disrespectful to Brian and Roger and even to Freddie's memory. Brian and Roger asked Adam because they feel he is the best choice! Don't think any booers would even be heard over the applause and excitement!
I think Adam will do fine. I can say I never really listened to Queen until I watched Adam perform at the EMA's. I went and bought there greatest hits, my favorite is Who wants to live forever. I would love to hear Adam do that song.
@ 3:11 and 4:36pm
I think it's rude to talk about both mens genitals. Let's talk about yours instead. Want to volunteer any information? Anything spectacular?
By the way can you sing and entertain?
What did he mean, that he would be wearing a helmet. Was he joking
Adam thinks on his feet...always has. He can answer any question thoughtfully and intelligently. He's always polite and respectful. His intentions are pure in honoring Freddie. I completely trust Brian and Roger's faith in Adam that he is the best of the best for this festival performance. I think Adam will blow 'em all away with his charisma and voice! Let's all enjoy this epic moment with our RockGod Adam.
JAK here...........Yes, he was joking about the helmut!
But speaking of wardrobe, since he's giving it some thought, I've been thinking too. We def don't want him copying Freddie's style of singing, or Freddie's "moves"......but
there is one thing Freddie did that was smart. At really big performances he often wore all white ( the better to see you, my dear), now I know you don't dress up and sparkle at these type of concerts, unless you want bottles thrown at you, and since Adam likes to recycle....I didn't see near enough of the white shirt and ..... white jeans ..... he wore in the "If I Had You" video.
I wouldn't mind seeing them again (and again). Minus the silver platform boots and spikes, of course.
Just a thought!
@ JAK, you are a genius! All white would be just perfect!
JAK, ohhh good idea about those white IIHY pants.
I bet that when Adam told Sauli, that it was confirmed, that Sauli did cartwheels all thru the house.I don't think Adam can do a cartwheel, but Sauli sure can, LOL
YEs. let's enjoy this epic moment is right. They will lOve Adam.
OT Only 33 day left till end of Charity Water campaign. Total amount of donations is slightly over $51,000
@JAK mmmm the white jeans from IIHY video, my favorite!Good idea.
Adam will blow the Festival clear out the water. NEVER underestimate
him for one second! NEVER!
OT: Glamberts just don't go on blabbermouth website- horrible comments about our adam. I couldn't help myself and joined just so I could comment. Now I'm all upset, don't know why I do this to myself, but I have to sometimes! Personally, I think this is great for adam (with Queen) but now I'm almost getting a fraid for him, with what I'm reading. Some people are beyond pissed- I hope there is very good security there!
There will be many pop bands this year, like Evanescence and Within Temptation. The whole line-up is more pop/rock than metal, so Queen w Adam will fit in just fine.
I think the hardcore metal fans stay away this year.
Whoever Dan Martin is that wrote this article seriously needs to learn how to proof many mistakes.
Haven't you herd grammar is passe'. Sorri hate tu see it go!
I wish they would have advertised it as Queen with GUEST Adam Lambert. Perhaps that would have taken some edge off of this extremely stupid debate about him 'replacing' Freddie.Groan..
This entire drama is getting tiresome. It's just a festival not world war 3!
Don't people have lives and real things to complain about? Or is dumping on Adam become an official pastime.
Complainers need to get a life!
I posted at length on the first topic thread today, but just in brief: There wouldn't be all these haters if Adam wasn't so damn good. He's preceived as a threat to an icon because he is just as talented as that icon. The bullies can't stand it. Adam will prove himself proudly. This will be a memorable gig!
Rather OT:
I found this "debate" on Adam’s EMA 2011 performance:
I don’t want to stir you up, that’s just for us to be aware of different (like Queen fans’) points of view, to see what he’s up against every time he sings with Queen (and, of course, for me to wave my lonely... axon :-)). Personally, I find the arguments of ‘Queen experts’ hilarious. They talk about E-flats, phrasing and vibratos, about the (im)proper technique and wrong notes, and how Adam’s voice is not suited for Queen’s songs. (I was in heaven when he sang with Queen, but I’m sure I don’t have a "decent" or "objective” ear; maybe I even lack “some sort of hearing”.) They dissed his performance in a rather deferential and technical way and I was (rather) fascinated. (You must know the dressed-up meanness is one of my guilty pleasures :-)) Btw, I don’t think Adam is the usual rock singer and, indeed, he didn’t sing the way Freddie or another rock singer might have sing. He was... different... 'rocky horror', as Simon might say. HaHaHa. We say he “killed” Queen’s songs... “the objective music fans” say he “killed” Queen’s songs... We may all be right... from our different standpoints. However, I remember that Queen is what it is today because of the public not because of “the musical experts”. The latter ones didn’t know, at first, how to box that Queen band. I can only wish the ‘experts’ and ‘fans’ to have many more similar occasions to ‘dis’ Adam. I’ll be thrilled to hear the "off-key" angel again, no matter how (heavenly) misfitted to the rock spaces is.
As I see it, the Sonisphere will be quite a 'challenge' for all those involved (including the fans of... whoever/whatever). I’ve read they will perform in the same setting that Queen played with Freddie for their final concert in August 1986, “one of their biggest and most historic concerts”. Imagine that! I hope Adam is going to forget about haute couture this time and bring a pret-a-porter helmet. No, I know. A metal-winged helmet! accommodate everybody. There'll be like... Behold Mercurybert, the messenger of the cross(musical)genre!
Btw, you can see (again, over and over) the 2011 EMA performance on Sonisphere's official site:
Yeah, I could bet my heart on Freddie's approval. He sang opera for Gods sake! If Queen had stuck with the rock 'standard', they wouldn't have ever written the Bohemian Rhapsody!
Look how Queen's site look like!
Hahaha. I might need some anti-excitement pills before going to sleep!
Have you not read what Adam has said... he is NOT replacing is a tribute to Freddie.
I do think Adam will do Freddie justice. Bryan May seems to be happy about it and so should we... Just hope it come's out on DVD
I just can't make myself go to a Queen site. I'd have a heart attack. Thanks to you all for your comments about these sites. You keep me informed without me winding up in a hospital.
Just wondering...Have the haters scrutinized other Queen "guest" frontmen as closely as they've scrutinized Adam? Have they picked apart the voice of every other singer who has dared to sing a song or two with Queen? Do they even care about anything except criticizing Adam's voice? Have they done this to other Queen guest singers? What makes Adam so special? I think we know.
Adam's main focus now should be on finishing the production on TRESPASSING and he should not have to deal with any of the negative comments about his appearance with QUEEN. He was asked by Brian and Roger to perform with them and it is an honor for Adam. He will give a brilliant performance for one show and that will be it. Adam is an articulate, intelligent, honest and personable individual and these qualities show in all the interviews he does. And he does have the best voice in the music business today(along with Adele). Can't wait for the release of his sophomore album.
Thank you HK fan:):):)
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