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Q-music snowcase clip featuring Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 3, 2012

Posted at : Friday, February 03, 2012


Anonymous said...

So, what? Do we have to be happy about this clip?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam!!! On your truthful, spectacular potrayal of BTIKM. You certainly have revealed to us WorldBerts, your deep internal conflicts and turmoil; to a point I almost froze. Literally my hands and feet became cold; maybe all the heat gushed to the brain and heart. LOL. Anyway, it was a superb performance showcasing your theatre mastery and your super-soaring vocals. The segment showing a hand of the dark self reaching out to console you, moved me a great deal. It shows you have come to terms and made peace with your good as well as your dark side. You are a fantastic actor Adam; Hollywood will take note, it's a matter of when not if. Your last gaze into the camera is a killer...the face that launches millions of sales; definitely along with your powerful, immaculate, well-trained voice. :)

Anonymous said...

9:50 no you can leave immediately if not sooner.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh...9:50PM, u 2 much on the dark side huh:(
Lighten up a little, TGIF!:):):)
Be happy!

Anonymous said...

The knight chess piece distinctively displayed, caught my attention. I know the game of chess, maybe that's why. There are black knights and white knights on the chessboard which has 8 squares horizontally and 8 vertically; and the knight is the only piece that can jump over the other chess pieces, powerful in that way. Each player starts with 2 knights, one placed on a white square and the other a black square. So it's an emphasis on the light/dark sides Adam is potraying. Come to think of it, a lot of thought has been meticulously put into the making of the video; even minute details. By the way, Adam, I once called you a valiant knight of the night, on this site! :)

Anonymous said...

In all the seriousness, Adam being the funny guy too, didn't forget to throw in some weirdness. The way he stuck out his tongue, drizzling liquor from a bottle held high, tauntingly, is sooo funny, almost childlike. :)

Anonymous said...


Good thoughts! Adam is making us think a lot with that video, isn't he!? I agree with the chess black and white knight, it's a nice way to put it, a fair buttle between the dark and the light.There are a lot of little details that we will keep finding out each time we watch the video.He is a really good influence, he "make" us eat healthy food, he makes us think, he makes us laugh...he makes us...or he could DO us....


Anonymous said...


I love all of your insights to the BTIKM video. Keep them coming.

I keep watching it over and over to see new things each time, and to confirm other details that others have noticed.


Anonymous said...

There's Adam in the fur again - UGH!
Come on Adam, have a heart, don't wear fur.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. There are a lot of details in the video; that's why we keep watching it over and over again. And of course the main detail is our handsome good/devious Adam. Now I'm wondering about the saber-tooth skull. Haven't got down to unravelling it yet. Any thoughts about that? :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You're so right; Adam keeps our mind and body healthy and also... especially for you! I wonder if Adam plays now SG, don't digress...LOL. :)

Anonymous said...


You're sooo bad!! How could you think I'm gonna not disgress!!! and I agree that is much better to play chees on Adam chest, right!??;))


Anonymous said...

Hey, I might have just stumbled on why the saber-teeth are displayed. They remind Adam of vampire! Adam loves to be a vampire. Now I recall a picture of Adam performing with fangs! So it represents the dark side. Now the skull of another animal, most likely buffalo, is also shown close-by, this represents the good side. Whoa! Thank you JB and SG for that spark of brainwave! :)

Anonymous said...

BTIKM video is on the POPrepublic website. It could do with more views ....

I'm crazy about this video!! :-D

Anonymous said...

You see, even with a fore-warning, I can't stop you! Okay about the agreement, it's an absolute yes! But how to concentrate??? Chess requires a great amount of deep thinking. LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

Someday, graduate students will do their masters' and doctoral theses on this video! LOL!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:06 a.m.

Humans have been wearing animal skins from the beginning of time, were there PETA members then?

Did Neanderthals prefer to freeze and did they refuse to eat an antelope steak and say (or grunt or sign) "No thanks, I'm waiting for my seed catalog, I'm going to plant cabbage and kale."

The killing of any animal is horrible to contemplate, however I plan to eat the ham I can smell baking in the oven.

Anonymous said...

VH1 posted BTIKM on its website. Please watch it and give it bunch of hits. I want to watch it on my T.V. soon. VH1 Top 20 Countdown:

Anonymous said...

Click on this link to watch BTIKM on VH1 website:

Adam's BTIKM Music Video on VH1

Anonymous said...

What I love love love the most about BTIKM music video is that it has two Adam. Awesome! Love you Adam!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:07 am - In the beginning of time there wasn't the abundance of man made materials that there are now. We don't have to kill animals anymore to keep warm. We are supposedly more civilized now. Why make innocent animals suffer so horrendously for vanity? It's awful! Why would a good looking person want to make themself look so ugly by wearing fur. People look hideous in it. And vain and cold-hearted too. Be kind, don't wear fur or leather. Adam sings of peace and love, and yet he wears animal skins from which they suffer so much. I don't understand that.

Anonymous said...

Neither VH1 link works for me. It goes to the site, but the video won't go smoothly. Just gets stuck. The audio works, but not the video. I'll keep looking for a link. Thanks to you who posted!

Anonymous said...

How do you know it's real fur?

Anonymous said...

You actually brought up a new point about the black knight fighting the white knight, in a fair battle. I didn't look at it that way, as in the opponents' knights fighting. You do surprise me at times! But at other times you are pretty distracting! LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

Two vids from UK, Feb2

Always Adorable Adam!


Anonymous said...

Love when he reaches through the broken wall to save himself.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I spotted the chessboard; he makes a move on the chessboard and pushes it away. Poor fellow, playing chess solitaire. LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

You guys have such fertile brains, I enjoy your nitpicks on the video as fodder for this feeble one's brain. Almost as much as I enjoy Adam's beauty. Adam does invigorate the mind, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:56 am - Unfortunately, it may very well be real because of an interview from a while back, where he said that he thinks fur looks great and something about he didn't kill "the thing" so he can't see why he can't wear it. So it seems he's ok with wearing it. Sad!

Anonymous said...

@DRG Do you live in Canada or outside of U.S.? Possibly VH1 posted video is for U.S. viewers access only!

Anonymous said...

A person who uses words like "fertile brains" doesn't conjure up a "feeble brain" to me at all! :)

Anonymous said...

@ 8:53 a.m.

So I'm assuming you wouldn't vote for anyone who sanctions the NRA or killing animals for a pleasant weekend outing. No hunters, I'm for that!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:36 pm - Right!

Anonymous said...

@6:36 I don't like eggplant. Adam, pleeeeease don't eat eggplant. Get a life!!!!!