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Adam Lambert Quotes From FAULT Magazine

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 2, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 02, 2012

"I’m not always as strong and confident as I may seem," Adam says. "I work hard to project pride and poise when faced with judgement and heartache. That is how I cope. I feel a bit of pressure to set a certain example that suggests that I deserve my place in this industry. I'm hard on myself and critical."

And how does his upcoming album, "Tresspassing," play into this dichotomy?

"There are songs on [the CD] that deal with that anxiety," he says. "Until I met my current boyfriend (Sauli Koskinen), I was always falling for the wrong guys, which caused my self worth to suffer. This is just some of what the album explores.”

The album was originally scheduled for a March release, but has now been pushed back so Adam can "work on some new songs," as he Tweeted a couple weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

I think it is sad that a singer or singers are judged on their personal lives and what makes them happy in their personal time. I think singers don't owe it to anyone to discuss their private time. They sacrifice it for entertainment. It should be theirs and theirs only.

Anonymous said...

Magazines want that interview and they will pay big bucks for someone who will spill all the details.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, a singer's music is a reflection of who they really are. That's certainly the case with Adam. His songs really mean something and are not just vacuous. It's good of him to share so much of himself, because it makes the music that much more meaningful.

magiclady said...

Such a beautiful soul and those eyes!
This is an amazing picture!

Anonymous said...

I agree that a performer/celeb should be able to keep his/her personal life as private as possible. However, in this age of paparazzi, twitter, texts and cell phones, it would seem that nothing is private any more. And Adam does seem to choose to reveal a lot to the public and his fans through these interviews(written or spoken). For him to talk about his personal issues and feelings gives the listener a better insight into Adam as an individual and also into the meaning of the songs from TRESPASSING. Can't wait to listen to the light and the dark side of the album.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous posts but come on ladies, look at this picture. The cute little pooch seems to be saying to the photographer "Can you please leave us alone?"

Anonymous said...

I think BB should get a dog like that- so cute!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam was once asked about getting a dog and he commented that it would be unfair to the animal since he is not home that often esp. with promos and then a tour. Who would take care of it? So I think that is a wise decision on his part.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like a cat kind of guy.