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EQ Video Interview with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 1, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, March 01, 2012

EQ caught up with Adam Lambert to talk about his new album "Trespassing".

EQ Video Interview with Adam Lambert from EQ Video on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Please release!

daydreamin said...

Just heard Adam and Sauli, Tommy and Kevin are in a in Denver as of 20 minutes ago!

daydreamin said...

Fica coffee house in Denver just bought Adam, Saulis,Tommy and Kevin's coffee "on the house"!

LvAdam said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the straight jacket line! Such a perfect metaphor. So excited to get to hear this album. Soonish, please??

Anonymous said...

I could just watch Adam talk all day!! I wish I was in Denver at that coffee house:)
MY niece is in Denver today I'll have to get her to track him down.

daydreamin said...

Isaac is/was at coffee too!

Anonymous said...

So many of the reviews and radio people who have heard Cuckoo just LOVE IT! I know we haven't heard it, but it sounds like it would be a good choice for the second song. Sounds real crazy and fun and crowd-pleasing and gang-busters. Adam seems to REALLY love it. Cuckoo will be a real hit in a live performance. This interview was really good. Love the "strait jacket" and "straight jacket" thing. Adam can be very intellectual. I love that about him. He's not afraid to let that show, either. He doesn't think that sounding dumb is cool. He's a cut above IMO. Now if we can just survive till Trespassing, we'll be in great shape.

tess4ADAM said...

What a lovely interview/video. Even though I couldn't really hear the questions ... ADAM's responses were so intelligent & articulate that I could get the gist of the questions. Background music .. although GREAT ... was just a little loud for my hearing. I LOVED how they included the snips from BTIKM & OOL. Makes WAITING for the album release even harder .. now I'm looking forward to ADAM's return to AI this season!! PLUS all the other GOODIES in store for us!! THANX!! for posting this!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Fan4fun said...

Yeahhhhh, sweet Adam, my lovely ex-Diamond Boy, now my Diamond MASTER!
What a delicious video to take with me for the next few days!
Thank you so much, Sexotic Singing Bird! I ADORE YOU!

@@@@@@@ Dear Glamily in Paradise,

Do you remember me? If so, guess what? Again (and finally!) I'm back to «hellspital» for the second part of that diverticulitis surgery I had last August!
But I'm really happy because I'm losing the horrible colostomy (Icon still thinks that I got «a cat in my belly").
Please everybody, can I have your prayers again? You helped me soooo much last time! Besides, I'll have another surgery together, a total hysterectomy. But, hey! I'm not worried, I'm so confident this time... and not afraid. I'm sure I'll be ready to party TRESPASSING finally comming next «Maypril» with you all. Also... well, you know, I have my strong faith (but prayers and candles are always welcome...)

Icon stayed at home but not quite alone. «Aunt» Esther has a week off and will give him much more assistance.

Hey fellows, please forgive my absence here for so long. I've been almost daily watching sweet Adam's news and reading your comments but when I try to comment back the words just don't come... sorry! I've been suffering from emotional depression and ansiety waiting for this surgery (and dealing with a lot of problems9. bUT God willing, ten days from now I'll be back home and in two more months I'll be able to work again.

Anybody please can give me news about P.A.S. and HH and Eva and the other missing ones? WHERE are our people????

Icon has been grounded for 4 months, not allowed to comment here because he atacked me AGAIN AND VERY HARDLY... a long story to tell you... He gave me a message to you all but I have no time to type the whole thing now. But I will, as soon as possible, believe me.

Anonymous said...

I come here and lurk. I too have been in hospital. I have a heart with two total plugged arteries. Only one is working...alot of heart pain. I also have COPD, a breathing problem. Plus my back is a mess. Oh well I do come here but the trolls get my blood pressure up and that is something I have to watch. I do alot of scrolling. You are always in my prayers and Icon too. I don't have many "good" days, but I HAVE to know what is going on in the life of Adam. He is my main interest in life, I love him and want him to be happy, He has made so many of us fans happy. I am very proud of him.
I will pray for you, that everything goes well with this operation, as you are always in my heart and mind.

Anonymous said...

Another great interview. As usual Adam is articulate and so expressive. He is so excited about this new album and the people who worked with him on it. Whatever Adam's next single will be, I think it has to be radio friendly, something upbeat and energetic so the listening audience wants to hear it over and over and it sticks in your head. I love Outlaws of Love; it is haunting and beautiful, something to be performed for an intimate audience but not for radio release. Can't wait for TRESPASSING to be released, hopefully sooner rather than later this spring.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.....the medical ward :)

This is JAK....just lying here with heat packs on 5 grapefruit size bruises and ice pack on a large painful stubborn hematoma!!!

@ tess4ADAM....I also was thinking "turn off the music in background, can't hear Adam!"

@Fan4fun.......You don't have to ask for prayers, you've had them all along. Hearing from you has cheered me up immensely. I'll be so happy for you to have your surgeries behind you. Stay strong and do give us a peep occasionally just so we won't worry. Tell Icon if he doesn't behave I'll write a not so nice poem about him!!!!

@ P.A.S......Hearing from both of you has been a treat, even tho reports are a bit gloomy. I identify with that....specially the back problems. I alternate between 2 rooms, when one bed is hurting upper back I carry my favorite pillow and go to bed that hurts lower back, just for variety!
I met my husband in the hall this a.m. and he said "Wow, I haven't seen you vertical in so long, I'd forgotten how tall you are!" I said something naughty in response!

I hope all medical problems will ease up as much as possible, I don't ask for miracles just breathing space between current situation before a new one jumps on us! My love to you all. <3 JAK

Anonymous said...

Yikes, my friends! I'm so sorry about the medical problems you are suffering from. You're in our thoughts and prayers. We need you here to be part of our family. Take care of yourselves and get well. We have lots of Adam-azing news to keep up on, and we need you with us!

Shiggles said...

FAN4FUN!!!! How glad I am to hear from you. I am so happy you are to have your colostomy bag removed. I wish you everything good in life and know your upcoming surgeries will go well. Then we can all go back to hearing from you and Icon (bad kitty) on a regular basis. Please keep your spirits high and remember you are in God's loving hands with the help of deeply felt prayers from us.

P.A.S !!! You too have been missed terribly. I (we) did not know you were having medical problems or you would have been surrounded by prayers. Sorry the trolls put so much stress on know they are ignorant and you should put their words in a black box never to see the light of day again. Please feel better soon and post when you can.

JAK !!! We all love it that you can find humor in your pain. You and your vertical husband have our heart felt prayers as well. Stay funny...sometimes we all have to laugh or we will cry.

EVERYONE !!! Please let your glamily know when your are in pain or closing in on a surgical procedure. We can help you. There is nothing so strong as the power of prayer. We're here for you and will surround you with angels. Please don't be alone.

Love and hugs to all......

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun and P.A.S.,

We always wait for your comments here guys, especially when u and JACK exchanging nice stories that we always love to read indeed.

Hope everything with u both are okay and back to normal indeed:)) Take care and we always pray for u guys.....:)


Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - thanks for info. on Adam and the boys! Anyone know what he's doing in Denver? @Fan4fun - very happy to hear from you again and I will keep you in my thoughts. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Now if only we would hear from Eva, Ronnie, Sanni, Elli and long lost Sister. We still think of all of you. If you are there, please say Hi!. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

I work in a hospital so I can understand all of you be strong & never doubt your faith & your strength God Bless All of you miracles do happen as a nurse I have witnessed a lot of them. Prayers will go your way & thank God for Adam he brought us all together.

daydreamin said...

Fan4fun and P.A.S. its nice to hear from you! I too hate to hear of your medical problems bringing you down. I hope the others lurk here occassionally and pop in for a visit! My prayers are with you guys!

Thanks Adamluv, you are always so sweet! Well, you have your answer now thanks to quick admin.

Anonymous said...

I watched this video clip twice because I too felt Adam's gorgeous music detracted from listening to the interview plus the questions weren't easily audible. However, it's a GREAT interview and I loved it that Adam looked directly at the camera some of the time.

funbunn40 said...

@Fan4fun,P.A.S & all that have we have been missing,we've had such good times on this site and I often have to take a break when the trolls try to push the senseless buttons and to put a damper on our happiness and good news for Adam. I will continue to keep my white candle going with loving prayers for your quick recovery, Fan4fun. You are always in my thoughts when I tune into 24/7 and I've been missing your diamond posts! I think we've lost alot of our special ones because of the nastiness of the trolls trying to ruin this site and I hope our friends will return. I'm anxious to hear about your life in the Azores and Icon, our glam cat when you have your strength back. P.A.S,You are in my thoughts and prayers also. COPD is so painful and exhausting to live with as well as your heart problems. I took care of my husband for 14 years after 3 strokes, a brain tumor,ca in both kidneys, none of which did him in. His MDs said that medicine wasn't keeping him going. It was something else much stronger. He didn't give up,even when he felt the most miserable. You just have to take one day at a time, sometimes 5 minutes at a time and think of what IS good in those moments. Adam is the best medicine to lift you up, as you already know along with faith and determination. I've also seen so many miracles. Several in my own family as well as many when working in the hospital. There are so many on this site that care and empathize. JAK, I also think of you and your health roadblocks. I'm 71 and also no longer a spring chicken, but try to find something to laugh about each day when life gives me a painful swift kick. We have alot of Adam candy to give us that extra push and he needs us! :) Love y'all!

funbunn40 said...

Great video and wouldn't you all love to be in that Denver coffee shop? I'm going cuckoo waiting for cuckoo! This album is taking forever, but I know it's for good reason and will be worth it,just hope to see it in my lifetime! lol

HK fan said...

@fan4fun and P.A.S.
So good to see your names back on here posting, but so sorry to hear of your continuing health problems.
We are all thinking of you both, and all the others with help issues, like our beloved JAK and sending good wishes and positive thoughts your way.

and @shiggles, good to see you back again.

Anonymous said...

@fan4fun So good to hear from you!! You have many glamberts that care about you and your health! Icon, your famous kitty, make a mark on me so I named my new kitty (well 8 months old Icon 2) @P.A.S so good to hear from you also, I had no idea you weren't feeling well either. Thoughts and prayers to both of you- please keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
