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Video: Adam Lambert plays his new song "Better than I know myself" in studio on The Bert Show

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 8, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, March 08, 2012


Anonymous said...

He is purely awesome! Enjoy each and every BTIKM promo he has done.
As he changes them up a bit, adds more flavor, love him.

Anonymous said...

Adam is sooooooooo dreamy! His voice is so clear and perfect. The high notes are pure and absolutely incredible! He is perfection! The voice, the hair, the face! He is the total package of Rock God. How can he look so good! I have to say Adam dressed in black is very sexy. It brings out his features - eyes, mouth, nose, etc. When God created Adam, it was a very good day indeed!

Anonymous said...

Yes yes Kevin, that's just the correct balance; this was exactly what I was trying to point out in some earlier ones where Adam's vibrato was drowned out. Whoa this is super to the max!! But don't get me wrong, when it's necessary for heavy instrumentation, that is absolutely okay too; but for acoustic this is just perfect! Adam and Kevin, yea!! :)

Anonymous said...

Tommy tweeted "Hello, Atlanta" so I thought maybe the band was going to be with Adam today. But, I guess not.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is in Atlanta with Adam, performing right now.

Anonymous said...

@6:39 The whole band is doing a show tonight in Atlanta. Someone tweeted he will be singing Cuckoo IDK but hopefully someone is taking videos! I think it's for Jezebel magazine and a alot of young people are there saying he is singing his heart out. Show em how it's done Adam!!!

Adamluv said...

Thanks for the info. re: Atlanta. @nancdruuu2 - "soooooo dreamy" - dont remember ever hearing this said before about Adam but so right on!!!!!!! Sounds like a term from the 50's! .... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is my absolute favorite version of BTIKM. His vocals are so crystal clear and shows his gorgeous face. Love it!