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9 Second Video of Adam Lambert at Jimmy Kimmel Live

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 26, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, April 26, 2012

And a video of the glamberts!


Anonymous said...

This video is sooo cute and Adam looks really popstar, with a whole crew of people listening to every word our young handsome director has to say. And why is he always taller than everybody else! I recognise the two backup singers who accompanied Adam at the beautiful Trespassing show! Poor fellow fan, shouting sooo passionately Adam....Adam....LOL! I wish I was there to help you out; I have a pretty loud voice too...LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

Ustream recording. Says it's 20 minutes long. Just started watching it myself.

Anonymous said...

Don't wanna be rude but I wish these two backup singers lose some weight.
Adam looks gorgeous. Change my Direct TV package just few weeks ago. Found today that don't have ABC channel anymore:( Can't wait till tomorrow to watch JK show on internet

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Adam looks AWESOME!Seems like he lost some weight!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Was going to post the same link to whole performance:

Anonymous said...

Wow! So exciting, such a long happy queue of glamberts; even saw an older glambert pushing a stroller. :)

daydreamin said...

Hot (etc) pics of Adam tonight (watch your eyes!)

daydreamin said...

Looks like the whole clan is there. I heard Ebert, Leila, Neil, Sauli, Carmit and Scarlett were all there. Here is a pic of Adam and Scarlett:!/leecherry/status/195731792173596673/photo/1

daydreamin said...

Carmit and Scarlett:

Anonymous said...

Too late 9:12: you were way rude. Omg

Anonymous said...

Just watched Adam on JK and he effing killed NCOE. Band and singers excellent.

Anonymous said...

ADAM WAS AMAZING.......and he looked pretty damn good too!!!

Anonymous said...

He never disappoints vocally. Mad crazy handsome!

Anonymous said...

9:12 there's one in every crowd and your it.

Anonymous said...

I was there! 3rd row of people, center stage. Wow! Adam looked amazing and he killed the set. He was having so much fun. His eyes just sparkled. Stood with other Glamberts for 8 hours waiting for the show. What a great group of the people, us glamberts. Listening to the sound check took away some of the pain in my feet. ha. The new band was amazing. And the two backup singers (@9:12pm) are beautiful and a perfect addition. Adam introduced them by the nickname he gave them...vajayjay. :) He had the crowd singing along. about stunning. Save your pennies to the tour. This will be one NOT to be missed. Eight hour wait. It was worth every minute. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and did I forget to say his vocals were even better than the snippets we have heard. What a voice!

daydreamin said...

Anon 10:25 THANKS for the recap! How lucky you were to be so close! Did you take any video or pics you wanna post for us?

Anonymous said...

Naked Love in set?

daydreamin said...

Adam having fun with the crowd:

Anonymous said...

@10:25- I was hoping one of you would report back to us fast lol- thanks. So happy for you, he was beyond amazing on JK, can just imagine him live omg

Gotta go watch again- saving this one on my t.v for a year I think!


Anonymous said...

@10:37pm Yes, Naked Love was in the set. There is a really interesting part in the middle of that song that you don't get with the snippets. And another one, I don't remember which one, he sings like the sound of east indian music. Hard to explain, but beautiful. He also sang Tresspassing, NCOE, Broken English, Cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! almost upfront, centre of stage; yea I can feel the energy in your report. 8-hour queue is really no joke. The sound must be terrific...could guess a little from the soundcheck. The nickname Adam mentioned is really cute. :)

Anonymous said...

hey I have that Trespassing t shirt too. It looks nice on others I'll be wearing mine when I see him at the Kirby Center next month.

Anonymous said...

LOVED Adam on Jimmy Kimmel..He killed NCOE!!also loved his outfit;esp the tight leather pants!!Is there gonna be a professional extra song?That's what I thought Jimmy meant-maybe later in the day??I saw some of the ustream,but the quality was so bad..I did listen to 4-5 songs,tho.I REALLY liked the way Jimmy showed BB's album cover twice..that was great!!gotta go to bed.It's 2:18am here now.It was worth staying up for,tho.glad I DVRed it.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my

The nickname for back up singers is NOT CUTE, it's rude slang for vagina! Not funny Adam, disrespectful.

@ 9:12 PM

You wish the singers would lose some weight! Gee, I wonder why they never thought of that. If only wishing would work I'm sure everyone would wish away some pounds. Rude and disrespectful as well.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daydreamin said...

NCOE much better video:

daydreamin said...


daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexandra said...

Where I can see all the songs?

Anonymous said...

@11:36PM ... Don't get your panties in a knot sweetie ... ADAM meant NO disrespect ... I'm sure the girls didn't take it that way ... I certainly didn't ... but then I'm not a PRUDE!! Chillax!!

@9:12PM ... Everyone doesn't have to be slender to be beautiful ... you get in trouble thinking that way ... that's BULLY talk .... TABOO!!!

daydreamin said...

Alexandra, there is not good quality video yet that I have found of all the videos, but they are all here:

Arthas said...

TNX @ Daydreamin for all your links and sharing! YOU ARE THE BEST >:D<

Arthas said...

Guys the performances are gradually being uploaded on this station. Great qauality...

Anonymous said...

I know what the nickname word means; I first heard it mentioned on the Oprah show and Dr Oz was talking to Oprah and the word came up. I said cute because knowing Adam who is such a respectful person, would probably have thought twice about using it on the two nice ladies. In any case, he is using it as a kind of group name, not directing it at any one of them. Probably they were brainstorming for a light-hearted group name and knowing Adam, will not settle for anything nonchalant. It also shows they are close friends. Adam would certainly have asked their permission first. Now I am really looking forward to the video about this nickname mention. Sometimes things get blown way out of proportion. :)

glitzylady said...

All of the Jimmy Kimmel Performances in one place:

Here are some fan made vids of the songs that aren't on the Kimmel website:

Broken English

Another Broken English


From Jimmy Kimmel website:


Never Close Our Eyes

Naked Love (Hollywood Reporter)

Anonymous said...

vajayjay and he used "fish" in an interview to discribe females . . to me it's rude . . sorry . . would he use these terms to describe his mother

loved the show

glitzylady said...

Just have to say, Adam was amazing and so happy tonight on Kimmel. I wasn't there (arrrrhh!) but I have friends who were, and they were front row..and almost front row ...and they're still in complete and utter awe. And even watching Adam on my big screen TV was just the best thing! I've missed Adam live and on stage sooo much and can hardly wait until he tours again...

I really wish these had been on Prime Time TV because I truly believe that Adam would prove once and for all that he is the best thing to ever hit the Idol stage..and he would have the opportunity to shut up the haters and the naysayers...and he would have increased his fanbase by the millions. So, looking forward to Adam on Idol soon..And I have to say I am wildly jealous of those who will be seeing Adam at the shows he'll be doing both in the US and with Queen this summer...

To the people who are making comments about the backup singers: Shame on you...They are beautiful and talented women who are helping Adam to have the best show he can make it..with live back-up.

Anonymous said...

You are entitled to your opinion, nothing wrong with that. The answer to your question is a definite no because Adam does not direct this kind of language at older women, so too, he won't use this to "describe" his Mom. He uses it mainly with younger, vivacious women who, mostly do not take offence. I'm sure you remember the incident when he told off a security person to get out of the way; and then turning to a female fan, he retorted: "Take my pictures, bitch!" She didn't get angry. Perhaps it's a kind of younger lingo thing.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my . . after I made comment I started to think about younger people (g-daughter for one)this is where I first heard "vajayjay" and I know club peeps have their slang
It's OK in certain settings .. but Adam has alot of older fans and sometimes kids in audience . . Damn I got to stop....I mean the words in hip hop and rap..It's just Adam is so sweet and these terms don't fit IMO . . but I will get over it . . . I still smile to myself when he uses the "F" word because it doesn't seem to fit him....

Anonymous said...

I think it's okay for you to keep to your own opinion; it's a good opinion! In fact, I can tell you this...I've never used the F word in all my life, not even once, written or verbal and not even the word, idiot. :)

Anonymous said...

WHOAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Adam sang Naked LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! My fave Trespassing song. The part in the middle (not on the snippet) is unexpected but interesting. :DDDD

Anonymous said...

Now that I know what it means, I don't think I'd like it if someone called me "vajayjay". In fact, I'd never heard of it before some Glamberts mentioned it elsewhere. Obviously, I'm not familiar with all the latest lingo - better delve into the Urban Dictionary lol.

glitzylady said...

Just to be comment above about the back-up singers had to do with the weight comments, nothing else. That's what the "shame on you" was for..

The other comments here re the V word... I would suggest we calm down.....I would MUCH prefer to talk about how AMAZING Adam was during this concert..and not about a word here or there....I've been on Twitter for the past few hours and NO ONE is freaking out over it (and I follow A LOT of people).....I can think of a whole lot worse things... and words. Really.. And that's MY opinion. For what its worth! : ))

Anonymous said...

OMG, the Vajayjay term is and pretty much has ALWAYS been used in a lighthearted way. O M G. Adam is NOT 75 years old people!!!!! That is NO disrespect to any citizen of his fandom (I am 38 myself so hardly a young thing), but shheeeeessssh people. NOT HELPING!!!! And that's just my little old opinion.

Lambert looked so attractive, hot!

Vocals to die for, but no surprise there.

Yes Glitzylady, wish this was in primetime too, for sure, but "we're making baby steps..." ;)

Jadam NZ said...

Well its off to bed for me waited up till 12.40am Saturday morning for these videos and they were so worth it, mindblowingly good.
I dont think I can sleep now.
Adam you get better everytime I hear you.

Anonymous said...

Haven't read through all comments and links, so pardon me if I'm duplicating links, but up above is a good one for Trespassing on JKL from Matt Carter's site, great quality.

Enjoy fans

Anonymous said...

Just watched the three vids of Adam performing on Kimmel last night. He looked terrific in those leather pants, platform shoes, t-shirt and jacket. And Adam seemed so happy; he was Awesome. NCOE just has to be a hit for him. He belongs on a stage performing before an audience; that's where he truly shines. I thought the backup singers and the new keyboard/band director were great along with Tommy and the other band members. His tour for TRESPASSING will be amaaaazing if these three songs are any indication of the calibre of the show. Yes, he is the best vocal talent in music today and Adam's stage presence is unbelievable. Wow! This was a great way to start this day.

Anonymous said...

I think it's okay for anyone who is concerned about Adam, to clear their minds, be it just about a word or how magnificent his performance is. We shouldn't have to always talk about just his performances. Adam reiterates: ...Do what is best for you, not necessary to always be about me... And that in a nutshell is what makes Adam so likable to millions; open-mindedness rather than a boxing-in outlook.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my April 27, 2012 6:24 AM

I like that! Well said. I agree. Adam's a little like Oprah, lol, he wants us out there living OUR best lives! Seriously tho, he's said that. I'm no fan of Oprah actually (she's rad, I'm just not a fan) but when BB says it... it just makes so much good sense

Anonymous said...

I am giggling at myself because I literally get MAD when the camera cuts away from Adam... or goes w/ a long shot or whatever!! I literally make a little sound of exasperation out loud :)! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! By the way BB stands for different endearments for different people. What does BB stand for, for you? :)

glitzylady said...

Adam and Queen in Poland: Official Press Release from Queen Website:

27th April 2012
Press Release: Queen + Adam Lambert Announce Poland Show

Legends Queen joined by Adam Lambert to perform in Poland

Concert date: July 7, Wroclaw, Poland

Queen and Adam Lambert have announced a further European concert together as part of dates they will play this summer.

The latest date added is July 7 when Queen, joined by Lambert, will perform as the headliner of a new festival, Rock in Wroclaw, Poland, appearing at the city’s Municipal Stadium as one of only a handful of concerts Queen and Lambert will perform in Europe this summer.

Following on from their concert at Moscow Sports Arena on July 3, this Poland performance will be among the very first shows Queen and Lambert play together.

They then go on to play London’s HMV Apollo Hammersmith July 11 & 12. The Hammersmith dates sold out instantly they went on sale and there is expectation Queen and Lambert could well add a further London date, although there is yet to be any officially announcement.

Tickets for the Polish show are on sale from Monday next week, April 30. Prices and purchase points are yet to be announced although enquiries are being directed to and

The Rock in Wroclaw festival is organised by Musicart and Dynamicom agencies.

The Wroclaw concert will take place at the city’s new Municipal Stadium, which had its inaugural opening in September 2011 with George Michael and his “Symphonica – The Orchestral Tour”.

glitzylady said...

For those who have not seen all or some of Adam's Jimmy Kimmel performances, and don't want to search the whole thread for all 5, I just want to point out that I posted them all in one place, at 2:25 AM above. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my: BabyBoy

though Lamby is ALL GROWN UP ADULT now isn't he?!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

BabyBoy...Soooo sweet! Lamby also soooo sweet! LOL! Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

I love all the performances, Adam's voice was awesome. The new MD added so much modern sound to electrify the whole live set, backup singers blended well with his voice. Most important, Adam brought back sexiness in live concert. Broken English was insane, the bridge wailing like he's making love. Who can sing with so many style in just 5 songs.
Life is short and I definitely enjoy every minutes of him!

Anonymous said...

My take on "vajayjay." In any circle of people, certain language is acceptable or not. Obviously, this term for the back-up girls is ok with them. If it wasn't, Adam wouldn't say it. Who knows, they may have used it themselves jokingly. It't a term I have heard before. Sure, it's somewhat vulgar, but if it's ok withe the girls, it's ok with me. Adam has always had a sexual edginess to him and he has used slang sexual terms before. He may be introducing them this way for a long time, so might as well get used to it.

As for the music, OMFG! Adam is at his vocal prime and strength. I've been playing the vids over and over.



We CANNOT let up on this. Now is the time. If you've done it a lot already, well, do it some more. If the numbers start to drop, it will not be good. Let's keep the momentum going!


Anonymous said...

this is a viral video of adam singing naked love last night!

Anonymous said...

Looking and sounding wonderful. He brings it everytime. I enjoyed the performance after sitting up until 1:00 am. Trespassing should be the ticket to worldwide domination. A one of a kind voice.

Anonymous said...

I think this whole conversation re the "vajayjay" may be another of those instances Adam referred to as fans arguing over things that don't exist. I have strong suspicions that this is not a "nickname" Adam gave them. I think it is the name they chose for themselves. The first time I heard this term was several years ago on Grey's Anatomy (ABC, by the way). Dr. Bailey (Chandra Wilson) was having a baby and she chided George O'Malley, who was holding her shoulders, not to look at her vajayjay. I think it was this scene that sparked the Oprah, etc. dialog. Chandra Wilson is a somewhat heavy-set black woman, as is the brilliant Shonda Rhymes, the creator of the show. Chandra is a hugely inspirational actress, a multi-nominee for the Emmy, a multi-winner of the Image Award, the SAG Award, etc. Shonda Rhymes is probably one of the top 5 executive TV producers in Hollywood. I can definitely see these singers naming themselves that in deference to these totally awesome women.

Anonymous said...

yes yes, hit this link:

and continue #'s/hits on viral vid of NL

Anonymous said...

@SS April 27, 2012 8:17 AM

You go!! right on

Anonymous said...

I'm still on such a high from being at the Kimmel show last night! That was one of the most awesome performances I've ever seen Adam perform! I was about 8th row center and so sorry I couldn't come here right after the show to post comments but got home around 1am exhausted but elated!

I met some wonderful Glamberts while waiting in line....what a joy to enjoy the wonderment of Adam friends sharing in the love for Adam,it's an amazing feeling.

My voice is gone from all the screaming ( well you just can't help yourself) because Adam is completely electrifying. He looked sooo leather pants and a new black leather jacket,boots. He's so tall and slim.

Besides his vocals which we're the best I've ever heard him sound, his uber sexxxxxy moves were jaw dropping. If this is what we have to look forward to when he does his tour, well then, do whatever you can to go 'cause I promise you will not be disappointed!

just lost the last part of this post. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

This is CT for the above post. Don't know what happened to the rest of it.

You've already heard which songs he sang and probably seen all the clips by now and all I can say is he killed every one of them. The whole band is fantastic and the back up singers add a richness to the sound for sure. The band is a very cohesive group now. BTW. I love Tommy's new hair color! Okay gotta go back now and watch the clips and relive the moments again LOL!


Anonymous said...

This is CT for the above post. Don't know what happened to the rest of it.

You've already heard which songs he sang and probably seen all the clips by now and all I can say is he killed every one of them. The whole band is fantastic and the back up singers add a richness to the sound for sure. The band is a very cohesive group now. BTW. I love Tommy's new hair color! Okay gotta go back now and watch the clips and relive the moments again LOL!


Anonymous said...

Thanks CT. There's a new thread up now, if you think of anything else, please, by all means, post comments there, or back here... want all the deets you can remember, lol!

Anonymous said...

I just love watching him perform, he loves doing it, and I love watching it. WOW, what a gift to us! Thank you Adam!


Anonymous said...

Adam is perfection on stage an killed it once again. I've watched all the songs multiple times.

I TOTALLY agree that the V word is probably used by the back-up singer themselves. It's an expression that's out there. I've heard it before, too, on Grey's Anatomy and other places. I'll bet those two women use it themselves. Adam would never call them that if they did want him to.



Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is fantastic singer and performer...

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I was in a panic last night as midnight approached. We had guests and though I had set two tv's to record earlier in the day......I wanted to watch the performance ! Fortunately they departed before the witching hour, husband scurried to bed and I was ALONE to enjoy the leather clad object of OUR affection....sigh....
after watching again and again I hit my pillows with a happy smile about 2:30 a.m. and drfted away.
April 27th has been a good day!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Fucks Sake!! Vuh Jay Jays is a totally fabulous choice of name for the back up singers. Jeez. THIS FANDOM CONSTANTLY MAKING ISSUES WHERE THERE ARE NONE!!! Oy Vey!

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:32 I like you. You can come to my tea party. :D

Anonymous said...

Someone asked what BB stood for. As far as I know, it has three meanings - Baby Boy, Beautiful Baby, or Beautiful Boy. All, of course, meaning Adam. As for the VJJ reference to the backup singers - I much prefer the LamDivas. But, I realize I live in a different world than Adam and his talented friends, and in their world it is entirely acceptable. Therefore, being a true Glambert, I will adapt.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the BB interpretations and LamDivas sounds pretty good. :)

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard, the divas use the term VJJ themselves. As for BB, I just think of it as "Baby." But the other meanings are just fine, too.

Anonymous said...

Yea I thought so too that the very nice backup singers, I like them, came up with the name themselves; because we know Adam; he'll be the last person who'd try to push anything on anybody. :)

Anonymous said...

I just saw some of the Jimmy Kimmel videos and Adam is simply spectacular! The stage is sooo beautiful! And first time, I hear the beautiful voices of the two lovely backup singers. Their voices harmonise so well with Adam's. Hey I love Broken English, a little operatic mixed with pop...whoa! :)