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Adam Lambert and boyfriend Sauli Koskinen leaving Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 27, 2012

Adam Lambert and his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen leaving Jimmy Kimmel Live! on April 26th, 2012 in Hollywood, Ca, United States.


Anonymous said...

that would be me and my girlfriend watching waiting lol

Anonymous said...

The Fabulous One and Partner adorbs
Love them both!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I read that he had another engagement and had to leave right time for autographs :(

Lookin Good!

Anonymous said...

Love that both boys have HAIR

Anonymous said...

Did that person yelling . .stay all day into the it a fan or the paps..

Anonymous said...

Is that Adam's dad the guy with the gray beard?

Anonymous said...

I think that man was Eber.

Anonymous said...

If he looks like Eber. Anybody else think so? The guy in the gray beard. Some one said that Adams parents were there and close friends.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Neal his brother is also there. Don't you thing so? Looks like him. Love to be in that car.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks so tiny and cold...want to hug him!! I love that his boyfriend, Eber, Leila, Neil and his gf, Scarlet, Lee, Carmit and other friends came to support him. He really is surrounded by a lot of people that love and care for him unconditionally <3

Wonder where he was running off to...hope the fans were not too disappointed by lack of autographs. Oh and did I say he sounded AMAZING!!!! He is the best ever :))

Anonymous said...

Shirley Halperin reported that Adam signed autographs after the show so this must have been even later than that, after he changed clothes. maybe he had to go meet with Roger Taylor and Brian May to plan all their summer sets.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Eber, I have a minor crush on him. Love his sense of humor! NS

Anonymous said...

oh yes 1:43, Eber's intellect and sense of humor is way hot! Nice to now he passed on those sexy genes huh?!!

Anonymous said...

Is that his father in front?

Anonymous said...

This is deff Eber. By the way, he looks very sexy:)
Out of subject. About Queen & Adam performance in Poland.Do you know that capacity of Wroclaw Municipal Staduim in Poland is 42,771 people?!!!!!
Queen & Adam will kill Poland's fans!

Anonymous said...

Eber is awesome! Incredible sense of humor, and ADAM is indeed his clone.

Anonymous said...

Eber was a hoot when we met him.
Love the guy!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks like his Mum and she's a gorgeous-looking lady. <3

glitzylady said...

Adam has Eber's very nice wide shoulders....and his height. I spent about an hour directly behind Eber (and Leila too) at the Music Box show, for Alisan Porter's I had a LOT of time to study and appreciate those shoulders. In fact I had to peer around them once in awhile..and I almost spilled a drink down his back..not good..) I think Adam inherited the best features of both parents, to be honest. Thank you Eber and Leila!!! Two very attractive people..well, three actually...

Anonymous said...

Folks, great idea for those who want to gift Trespassing album. Texas LGBT youth have an amazon wish list requesting 500 Trespassing (Deluxe album) and 500 Trespassing (original). So far they got 222 pre-order of both albums. Go to the link below and pre-order as many as you can:

Share this message with other fans. Thanks!

funbunn40 said...

@2:27PM, Great idea, going to order one of each. Good cause and helps Adam's sales too!...@Glitzy, agree with your assessment!Early pics of Eber and Leila look like such a happy family. Too bad they needed to go their separate ways. Both very fine people and loving, supportive parents. Neil seems to have much in common with his Dad, both with intellectual, political leanings and the ability and desire to write. Adam seeming to have more in common with Leila, both having a creative,more visual side. It would be so interesting to see them trace their ancestry on both sides. The tv show, Who Do You Think You Are is really interesting. I bet there's a viking on Eber's side!

funbunn40 said...

@2:27PM, Great idea, going to order one of each. Good cause and helps Adam's sales too!...@Glitzy, agree with your assessment!Early pics of Eber and Leila look like such a happy family. Too bad they needed to go their separate ways. Both very fine people and loving, supportive parents. Neil seems to have much in common with his Dad, both with intellectual, political leanings and the ability and desire to write. Adam seeming to have more in common with Leila, both having a creative,more visual side. It would be so interesting to see them trace their ancestry on both sides. The tv show, Who Do You Think You Are is really interesting. I bet there's a viking on Eber's side!

funbunn40 said...

@2:27PM, Great idea, going to order one of each. Good cause and helps Adam's sales too!...@Glitzy, agree with your assessment!Early pics of Eber and Leila look like such a happy family. Too bad they needed to go their separate ways. Both very fine people and loving, supportive parents. Neil seems to have much in common with his Dad, both with intellectual, political leanings and the ability and desire to write. Adam seeming to have more in common with Leila, both having a creative,more visual side. It would be so interesting to see them trace their ancestry on both sides. The tv show, Who Do You Think You Are is really interesting. I bet there's a viking on Eber's side!

Anonymous said...

@2:27PM, Great idea, going to order one of each. Good cause and helps Adam's sales too!...@Glitzy, agree with your assessment!Early pics of Eber and Leila look like such a happy family. Too bad they needed to go their separate ways. Both very fine people and loving, supportive parents. Neil seems to have much in common with his Dad, both with intellectual, political leanings and the ability and desire to write. Adam seeming to have more in common with Leila, both having a creative,more visual side. It would be so interesting to see them trace their ancestry on both sides. The tv show, Who Do You Think You Are is really interesting. I bet there's a viking on Eber's side!

funbunn40 said...

Oops, forgot my tag above@8:58PM

funbunn40 said...

@2:27PM, Great idea, going to order one of each. Good cause and helps Adam's sales too!...@Glitzy, agree with your assessment!Early pics of Eber and Leila look like such a happy family. Too bad they needed to go their separate ways. Both very fine people and loving, supportive parents. Neil seems to have much in common with his Dad, both with intellectual, political leanings and the ability and desire to write. Adam seeming to have more in common with Leila, both having a creative,more visual side. It would be so interesting to see them trace their ancestry on both sides. The tv show, Who Do You Think You Are is really interesting. I bet there's a viking on Eber's side!

Anonymous said...

@2:27PM, Great idea, going to order one of each. Good cause and helps Adam's sales too!...@Glitzy, agree with your assessment!Early pics of Eber and Leila look like such a happy family. Too bad they needed to go their separate ways. Both very fine people and loving, supportive parents. Neil seems to have much in common with his Dad, both with intellectual, political leanings and the ability and desire to write. Adam seeming to have more in common with Leila, both having a creative,more visual side. It would be so interesting to see them trace their ancestry on both sides. The tv show, Who Do You Think You Are is really interesting. I bet there's a viking on Eber's side!