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Adam Lambert Featured in PEOPLE Magazine about American Idol

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 29, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, April 29, 2012

via @mmadamimadamm


Anonymous said...

Has anyone read the article? What did it say?

Anonymous said...

i subscribe to people-not in there in may 7th issue. must be next weeks issue.

Anonymous said...

@6:03 - buy the magazine and read it for yourself! want someone to do your homework for you too?

Anonymous said...

yeah If anyone read it please tell me about it too. It doesn't have anything to do with doing my homework, just excited to know what it says. This site always spills the beans including me.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Just read the scan the page of People magazine on twitter. Half od the story was about AI and comments about Adam's stand-O performances. And another half of this review was about........fucking AMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

6:59 thanks!! oh well they used a great picture with a great headline.

Anonymous said...

This is the link for the scanned page from People magazine


Anonymous said...

That second paragraph should have read: "Though he faced some controversy after a paltry 1500 people objected very loudly and ABC over-reacted, his subsequent tour for his first album instantly sold out almost every venue in a summer that saw other tours fold because of the bad economy." The press dwells on the negative, because it's bad things and disasters that sell. The press also is probably not that aware of what he's done throughout the last two years. This controversy will dwindle and eventually be drowned and washed away by the deluge of all the wonderful press to come. So, let's look at the positive side ourselves–Idol's biggest winners and they placed his picture in the middle!

Anonymous said...

I just read an article that Daughtry is being sued by former band members for royalties on music they say they all worked on together. Just hang in there Daughtry we know what you are going thru, justice will prevail.

Anonymous said...

After all does anybody will blame me when I compare Freddie and Adam?
Queen lost contracts with US music Industry after their music video "I Want To Break Free". Because their were dressed as women. However, only Freddie's name was forbidden. and after all forgotten by more than 80% of americans. But everybody still remember the Queen. And this is awesome!
Adam's performance on AMA made him forbidden and after all forgotten by............80% of Americans. And American Music Industry canceled a lot of his performances and still ingores him as a genious musician.
However, millions of people around the world remember name of flamboyant Freddie Mercury. And millions of people around the world know the name of flamboyant Adam Lambert. And he will have "Fireworks" perfomances with Queen.
God, bless the "Queen"!!!

Anonymous said...

7:53 that is the way I am looking at it too. I would have been really hurt if Adam's picture wasn't where it was at on that article.

Anonymous said...

oh my look who we woke up.

Anonymous said...

The people magazine is at stores now it ia a little over 7$ nice Adam was in it but why wasn't he on the cover I quess something is better than nothing.

Anonymous said...

8:14 he has been on many covers lately so I ain't doing no complaining.

Anonymous said...

They're catching up with the "finalists".?? They use the term finalists very loosely.

Anonymous said...

The AMAs will always be the default topic about Adam for the popular press. It's easy and controversial. It's got to fade over time with his growing career, but it will always be there. Like it or not, it was a pivotal moment. I'll take the write-up as recognition for Adam and leave it at that. His track record is growing in a positive way.


Anonymous said...

Hey, put the mainman centered!
Adam overshadows the whole page.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is the only person on the planet who could stand to honor Freddie respectfully, with class
unleashing utterly breathtaking talent..and blow the new concert's out the water this year!
Brian and Rodger must see those vibes know the one's that surrounded Freddie AND the one's that surround ADAM too! I'm telling you ADAM is an unbelievable performer (as was FREDDIE)....I knew MJ and he too,
had the same aura that surrounded him...the aura and vibes of a superstar! It's not everyday you get to witness such musical magical wonderment!

Anonymous said...

@8:44PM This is exactly what I want to say when I compare Adam and Freddie. Few months ago I read a commnet about Freddie "Woman coudle become pregnant just staying in the same room with Freddie":)
I think Adam has the same problem with women who WANT to stay in the same room with him;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant @8:55PM


Anonymous said...

last day for Popcrush poll 4/30. Adam is ahead with 57%.It will mean more radio spins if he wins. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

@6:30 Thank you for your kind words. geesh. Just a little enthusiam on my part.

Have a lovely day.


Anonymous said...

Not trying to bring negativity here what so-ever glamberts, but my own mother (knows how crazy I am about adam and finally told me today that she thinks he lost 70% of his fans when he went the glitter, theatical route on his first album..She loved him on AI and then got lost on his FYI genre' and then the AMa's ect. Some of this is probably true, but all I say to her is listen to his new album Mom, watch his new performances all over the internet- It's a new adam (loved the old one, love the new one) but that is how a lot of people remember adam.(glitter,flamboyant ect. This new album is so very important to gain back fans he somehow lost (which to me they weren't real fans, but just keeping it honest in the casual way people see adam.He's needs lots and lots of radio play!!!

Anonymous said...

Everybody who hasn't voted for Adam on popcrush,PLEASE Do now.It will not let me vote anymore except one time( on the first day but NO MORE after that.If anybody knows how to vote more w/o having 2 pc's,then tell me.Thanks.I do believe BB will win,tho..cause the others are also limited w/their voting.(Don't take it for granted that Adam will win,tho)

Anonymous said...

Now I know we can get this mag at our local store finally. we need adam on the cover, (next time) but this is a start and I'm so glad he was amongnst this group because they all are truly the elite money makers of idol handsdown exception of where is clay akins? (unless thee is me to that page? I love clay too, BTW es[especially on celebrity apprentice right now (hope he wins) OT I know lol

Anonymous said...

9:56 that's ok I love Clay too.

Anonymous said...

9:47 she finally told you he lost about 70% of his fans? Why did she hold something like this back from you? lol

Anonymous said...

@9:47PM Adam was born flamboyant. This is the reason we loved him on AI and will love him forever.

Arthas said...

oh oh... it's happening. He has hit 55.9% for the first time and he was on 56% just 30 minutes ago. He's slipping down, more every hour. Please act ASAP.

Anonymous said...

re: Popcrush - I first voted days ago, but now every time I try to vote, it says 'thank you, your vote has already been counted'. What's up with that? I'm guessing it only allows one vote EVER?? Not cool -

Arthas said...

@ Anon 10:52 >

I don't know, it seems a bit odd as I'm able to refresh the page and vote again.
Maybe you can delete ur coockies and history and try again... Have you tried that?

glitzylady said...

I have to say I am not particularly thrilled with the inclusion of the AMA incident in this article ***sigh***..the rest was fine, and was complimentary for the most part. But as they say, "it is what it is..".. I DO approve and LOVE Adam's picture being included with the 5 very successful Idols whose pictures grace the article "The Idol Rich"..He may be "controversial" at times, and the media LOVES controversy, but he IS also one of the most successful and well known of the "Idol finalists" so there's something to be said for that. As we recall, he tied Daughtry for 5th highest earning Idol in in spite of the negative, the positives have been pretty great too. I'm very excited for him and proud of him too. And this next year should be amazing for him: New album, eventual new tour...and the gigs with Queen..Well his way to being "Adam Lambert, Worldwide Superstar".

Arthas said...

@ Glitzylady >

I know it's too soon to tell, since we don't have the album sales yet. But do you think it will be possible that this time Adam will perform in bigger venues or even stadiums?

What is mainly the factor that they'll decide based on it to whether get him bigger venues or not? Is it only the sales? Or do they hold a survey or something beforehand to estimate the demand?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the People mag scan. For a mention of the AMAs, that wasn't so bad. I think it was a very pro-Adam blurb. And not bad company he is keeping if his success is being compared to Kelly and Carrie.

For Popcrush, I've deleted cookies, ran a cleaner and restarted my computer. Still get the you already voted message. Grrr. Let us know if someone figures out the trick around this.

glitzylady said...

@Jax 12:21 AM, hard to tell. I suspect the decision as to what size venues Adam will play next time around will certainly have some basis on his album sales, but as you say..too early to tell at this point!! I think it will also depend to a certain extent on his radio play, and name recognition. It will also depend, no doubt, on what else he does between now and then, the level of "buzz" he generates, and the number of new fans his new music brings in, as well as media interest in him, and the hopefully positive reviews he receives the rest of the year.

I personally (and selfishly) REALLY am hoping to see at least a couple of Adam/Queen shows in the US this year. And although we haven't heard yet as to whether Queen will be performing at the Olympics (the rumors are out there...Roger and Brian have dropped hints..but nothing yet), but if Adam was invited to THAT gig..well, that would definitely be a GIANT plus for him, the literally billions of viewers that the opening and closing ceremonies generate.... I think that, coupled with the fact that he should be getting some positive publicity from his European shows with them, will create renewed AND new-fan interest in him within the US, and of course other parts of the world. Adam has said he wants bigger venues this time around (of course!), and while I and most of us who went to his Glam Nation concerts, LOVED the smaller, more intimate venues, I am hoping for Adam's sake that he will be indeed playing larger venues for his own tour, whenever that will start..assuming realistically not until next year. I suspect maybe a few one-off type headlining concerts (in early 2010, ala Fantasy Springs, the 2 Vancouver BC shows, etc..) , perhaps next fall, like he did last time around (yes please!) to test the waters so to speak. But then again, maybe not necessary this time around. So all things considered at this point, yes bigger shows..but not yet sure about Arena-size shows. Maybe yes, maybe no..Of course "arena" is a relative term..can mean 5,000 to 50,00 or more. He did a few large venues last time around as you might recall. One of them was a local one for me, in Washington State: about 8,500. And some larger.

Its fun to speculate..but will be even more fun to start planning for some Adam Lambert tour concerts again.. 2010 was an amazing year for Adam and for us fans ( was lucky enough to go to more than a few myself..).. Its been WAY too long since we've been able to see Adam at a local venue or at venues we traveled to: a veritable Adam Lambert concert wasteland for 2011 and into 2012...arrghh!! So glad things are starting to heat up again. : )))

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

JAK here.......Yes, the AMAs are going to hang around for awhile longer, but cheer's not as if he beat up a woman and threw furniture through a plate glass window that showered down on a New York street and could have potentially harmed many people. Now that kind of violent action could certainly lead to jail and put a real crimp in a career!.........and be mentioned in every story about him, to his detriment.

Oh wait, maybe not!

Sorry, it's early and I guess I woke up sarcastic!

Anonymous said...

JAK sunnier nature says YAY! Adam is in people magazine!

Anonymous said...

JAK sunnier nature says YAY! ...Adam is in PEOPLE magazine!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is good - wonderful placement on the page and with the Queen T-shirt no less.

Who's on the cover? (And 6:30, you were way too harsh to 6:03 - and, no, I am not 6:03.)

Arthas said...

@ Glitzylady >

You're always very thorough and analytical towards different subjects and I love that.

Yes, the "buzz" factor is what I was thinking of and I too think Queen performances will help him in a very big way. And I like your "Selfishness" too! I really think not only it will be so awesome if they had US dates too, but I also was thinking how great would it be if they would perform 1-2 of Adam's song at the end or somewhere in between, or even mash-ups! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's an assumption.

Let's not forget that Queen mentioned: “Something different. He’s extraordinary. *** So we’ll be exploring new ways to do things. We don’t like to just reproduce what we did before; we like to move on and try new ways of doing stuff ***. So it will be exciting!” So it won't be too unreal if we expect some surprises.

I agree with you about the Olympics, it would be magical, fantastic and very good for Adam. BUT if they're both - Adam and Queen - consistently implying that Adam singing with Queen is just a tribute to Freddie and the concerts are just about Queen, then the Olympics should, IMO, be a showcase for both of them. As he is not their frontman but a successful solo artist himself who is COLLABORATING WITH HIS IDOLS. I don't know if they would let Adam do that; But who knows if they even do something there at all, so we'll wait and see...

Anyway thanks for answering my question, I really appreciate your insights and I got the facts that I was looking for from your thorough response. ;)

P.S You're really lucky for seeing him live and that Fantasy Springs concert is my favorite! He was being his flamboyant self to the very last bit and it was where the whole acoustic WLL got started and I think it was the best one he did!

Arthas said...

@ JAK >

I really like what ur "sunnier nature" says. :D

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed all the psots this morning! Just one question:

When will Adam be on Idol? The 17th? It's the only date left. Will be even do it at all? Will he do a pre-taped thing like Katy Perry did? I want to see him on Idol. It would be the only episode I've watched all season. I think he needs to do it for the exposure, even if his schedule is very tight. JMO.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think Adam has great talent and he is intelligent and he will keep on recreating himself and so I'm not worried about transitory short term situations but see him in the long term as an enduring performer. He'll be fine. But we worry. I love this new album, trespassing is great.

Anonymous said...

Just read on Adamtopia that the filming of the NCOE video is scheduled for TODAY! Hope it's a doozy!


Anonymous said...

Just read that Adam will be on IDOL on May 17th to perform NCOE. I hope it is live and that Ryan talks to him briefly about the release of the new album and then his concerts with Queen. It should be an exciting evening for everyone. At least the finalists will have someone amazing to look up to and not some of the horrible acts that have been on previously. And it also shows that you do not have to win IDOL to be a success in the music business. Adam has certainly proved that

Anonymous said...

This is not a regular issue of People magazine. It is one of their Special Editions. Costs $11.99. Barnes & Noble.

glitzylady said...

Yes, that Fantasy Springs Whole Lotta Love was unexpected and stunning, and my all time favorite version. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth right in front of me!! And to think he came up with the whole thing in his car while driving the 2 hours from LA to Indio...His talent is quite endless and this version of WLL really proves it.