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Adam Lambert Live at Jimmy Kimmel Show (Complete) in 3D (available in 720p HD)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

don't forget to vote at the popcrush poll everyday for NCOE. It's for radio play. He was way ahead but losing ground to The Wanted. Git goin.

Anonymous said...

This in in 3D/HD so looks like if things continue this way, got to upgrade...All I can grasp is the show was spectacular and the stage setting very glamorous. Adam your new concert will blow sky high and you are the skylark! :)

Anonymous said...

Fan video of Naked Love:

Adam should do a medley of his Trespassing tracks for his American Idol appearance, whenever that is!? I love everything I MEAN EVERYTHING I have heard thus far and I can't wait for this album.

Anonymous said...

TV HD of Naked Loved posted by The Hollywood Reporter:

Anonymous said...

All the Trespassing songs are very upbeat and of a very high standard and current; indeed a supreme piece of fine art and at its core is Adam's vocals! Now Adam uses his vocals like a very skilled craftsman or like a GrandPrix racer, switching gears and swerving in and out and up and down. And his wails...goodness; he has perfected them! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a very important poll:

Rules: The song with the most votes will get aired on the PopCrush Top 20 syndicated radio show, which airs on over 20 radio stations across the United States.

Anonymous said...

I liked Better Than I Know Myself. I think it was good single material, very radio friendly and has potential to become a classic. I also like Broken English. I can relate to that. Cuckoo reminds me of Strut and Trespassing song of Fever. Probably because the AMA thing comes to my mind. Strut and Fever were my least favorite, and Soaked. Didn't hate them, but thought they were a bit outdated, not classic or current. Naked Love is yet quite neutral. I will completely ignore it though, if it becomes the next Adommy anthem. I'd really like to know what the gays think about the Adommy and stage gay. Is it a turn off?

Anonymous said...

What . . Adommy . . what show were you watching . . . been there done that . . get over it move on .

Anonymous said...

Anon @2:10am . . . Gay . . AMA . . Adommy . . . we are way pass these now . . Go troll Perez Hilton's Site.

Anonymous said...

Damn! This clip is in 3D. Bet it looks fantastic for all those who have 3D. Need to content myself with YouTube clips so I aint complaining.

Naked Love is absolutely ABFAB. Sooooo glad Adam performed it - it's such a sexy song and so great to get the audience involved singing it. Should be excellent for his next tour.

Loved all of Adam's FYE songs.


Anonymous said...

2:45, we are over it? I still don't get why Perez Hilton is so hated in this fandom. I trust Perez. I've got the impression Tommy wants to live in the Adommy bubble.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:55 AM

YES, we are OVER it. In fact, I was never in it. Adommy is so uncool.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I know. I think that it's not possible to like Jake Shears and Perez Hilton at the same time. I just happen to prefer Perez.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I know. I think that it's not possible to like Jake Shears and Perez Hilton at the same time. I just happen to prefer Perez.

Anonymous said...

Troll 3:10am
If you want to discuss Jack Shears & Perez Hilton, kindly do so elsewhere.

To state the OBVIOUS, this is ADAM's blog!

Anonymous said...

My fave is Trepassing and NCOE is very very good too.His gig on JK was the best, loved it. Now just have to wait for AI and May 15th.

Anonymous said...

Love the new band and singers. Great energy.

Anonymous said...

3:35, I'm not here that often. I'm a long term casual Adam's fan with perspective. Adam has made out with Jake too and Jake looks like Adam's type. However, I think both Tommy and Jake are wannabes. Perez is flamboyant and maybe arrogant, but I still find him quite honest.

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

This video is in 3D BUT you can TURN OFF the 3D simply by clicking on the red 3D icon.

Here is the complete address of the You Tube video which included the instructions of how to turn off the 3D:


You do this by first clicking on the arrow in the center to start the vid, then go to to bottom of the frame and you'll see the red 3D icon. When you click on the red 3D, it brings up a group of possibilities including "turn off 3D". Click on that option to make the vid revert to non 3D and click on the 720p icon..At that point you can watch it without 3D glasses.

The reason I know this is because it was introduced in a previous thread (Adam Lambert performing NCOE at Jimmy Kimmel Live...). by someone named "DJ Jason LA". I'm not sure if admins brought it up from there or found it elsewhere. I posted it on twitter after I saw it here.

Anyway, you don't need a computer that reads 3D or have 3D glasses to see the vid if you just turn off the 3D. : )) I like this video because you can watch the entire performance from start to finish, including the chat parts. And Jimmy Kimmel is talking in parts too, as well as Adam. You can also enlarge to full screen by clicking on that as well. Give it a try.

Anonymous said...

I know they have video and pictures about there Christmas accident but i love Him!

Anonymous said...

Broken English:i really love it,I REALLY
want to hear it from hi`s next album!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady said...

Really beautiful picture of Adam and his friend Danielle Stori, who was celebrating her birthday last night: Posted by "saharmilani"

Caption on picture:

“@adamlambert Most beautiful people inside and out. Happy Birthday, sweet @DanielleStori. We love you.”

glitzylady said...

Picture of Adam and Sauli last night: Posted by @LiesAngeles with this accompanying short article:

“Exclusive”………………………….Adam Lambert & Sauli Koskinen
April 28, 2012
Look who we bumped into tonight? I could not end the night any better than this tonight as I ran into Adam who looked as if he had been reborn into healthiness. His skin glowed, he appeared in great shape, nails done, in a great mood, and ready to be photographed for his fans. Adam spoke with myself and a video guy about his future and the amazing projects he has in the works. All I can say is “Hold On” everyone because I think that Adam is about to take the world by the reigns and change the way we hear and know music.

I look forward to bringing you all more photos and news from him again as soon as I see him."

glitzylady said...

Article that discusses Adam's vocal range and prowess:

From Diva


Vocal Profile: Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert

Vocal Type: Tenor
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves and a semitone B2-B5
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Strengths: Adam Lambert has expert control over his instrument, producing notes that are well supported, and achieved via great technique. He is capable of singing complex melisma and is able to hold notes for periods of time without wavering in pitch or tone, seemingly effortlessly. He is an expert at mixing his voice so that the breaks between the registers aren't identifiable, and the effect of this is that it makes the voice sound almost limitless.

The lower range is dark and weighty, with a breathy quality to it in its lowest extremes. However it begins to solidify, and gain a more confident tone, quickly as it rises.

The midrange is solid, of medium weight and rounded. It can be used with a raspier, edgier texture- verses of Whataya Want From Me- or can be made sweeter, warmer and softer-A Loaded Smile- depending on what is called for. It leads fluently into the belting range.

The belting range is Adam Lambert's strongest suit. The voice possesses an elastic quality that allows it to stretch high up into the fifth octave and though the tone is light- when compared to the lower range- it's resonant, clear, bright and truly impressive. The upper fifth octave notes can be reached by mixing with the head voice, to create a strong, fuller tone or they can be sung in a rocky, piercing falsetto-Music Again 0.49- that is markedly contrasting to the breathy, sweet falsetto many males utilise.These notes can be further polished by the addition of his quick vibrato.

Adam Lambert also has a robust and piercing head voice, that, like the rest of his range, displays excellent dynamics and control.

Vocal Weaknesses: Adam Lambert's lower range lacks the resonance and ease of the rest of his range.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Adam live in May!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, thank you Lies Angeles.. :D

Anonymous said...

Adam should be on SNL pronto. Management, take note and make it happen. ADAM ON SNL! MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Glitzylady, thanks for the tip of turning off that 3D thing. I was searching everywhere in my house to find a 3D glasses to watch this video. Enjoyed this video a lot!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, he's one of the best LIVE performers around. He really shines on a stage! The CD's cannot capture that essence imo.

This was the best I've heard the Trespassing songs to date so, he is just warming up! The small radio performances were great for acoustic but he pops when he gets on a full stage, band, back up singers,etc. Even if all the songs aren't great..he sells them when he sings LIVE.

I wish the fans would keep their arms down. They block the people who are filming so the rest of us...who were not there could see the show. People can still have a good time without waving their arms around.

Anonymous said...

Note: I used my 3D glasses but you have to have a computer that's equipment with 3D as well.

My glasses didn't help at all and my computer does not have 3D capabilities so, they were useless.

Anonymous said...

Adam should perform at some universities to gain more young fans. UCLA has a huge building for LGBT. It is a liberal school and has huge auditoriums. UC Davis has a 7000 people auditorium. UC Berkeley. NYC. There are bunch of liberal universities in US that Adam can perform and have more young fans. I know this because that's how MUSE gained its fame in US. Gush management take note, again!

glitzylady said...

Adam and Sauli Paparazzi vid from last night..asking Adam about Queen..mostly silly questions...

Adam to Paps: "You guys gotta do your research.."

Anonymous said...

@7:25AM then we can just watch the video by clicking on that 3D red button to turn 3D off. It is a good video people. Turn off 3D and watch it.

glitzylady said...

Yes, see the detailed instructions I posted at 5:37 AM...Re turning off the 3D....

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Adam can sing the crap out of anything! THANK YOU!

glitzylady said...

Lots of pictures from last night of Adam and Sauli leaving the Cat and Fiddle restaurant in Hollywood.

***Double click on the pictures to enlarge them..they get realllllly big!

The Cat and Fiddle looks like a nice place!

Anonymous said...

Iam so glad you all love Sauli because Adam raelly loves him and i don`t see another way of this..hater`s that what
they do to us right?:)

Anonymous said...

Love Adam, and the Jake Shears item was a skit, not really life. Let's not talk about love for Perez, honesty, etc. Perez is mean and cruel; not sure where that falls along with being honest. ugh, can't believe I spent time commenting, but talking about Perez here is a real turn-off. he represents the worst in entertainment.

Anonymous said...

The pap video of Adam and Sauli leaving Cat & Fiddle was fun. Also you can see his BMW properly. :D

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the great links you guys.

glitzylady said...

New and ***Improved*** fan video "Broken English" from Jimmy Kimmel perfromance..

***I just really cannot get enough of this song..or this performance..just WOW!!!!!!! (ALL of the JK performances of songs were soo good!!)***

Anonymous said...

Hmm.....Is our bb wearing a hair piece and maybe a little bit of some false eyelashes? His hairline seems different. Just an observance when I enlarged those pics of him and Sauli leaving the Cat and Fiddle. (not that it matters - love him in anyway)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know this is catty, but does anyone else think Sauli has a huge forehead? And the way he wears his hair only accentuates it. But his eyes are pretty. He's just so dainty.:)

Anonymous said...

10:17, I looked, and I really can't tell any difference.
In fact, if I see any difference, it's that he looks much healthier than he did in the AI days.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break....Adam wearing a hairpiece and false eyelashes and Sauli's forehead is too large!!!!He was amazing on stage killling all those vocals and all you can comment about are his hair and Sauli's appearance. Adam probably has the best hair of any male in the music business and wears it so many different ways. And why even mention Sauli's features. Adam certainly likes/loves him the way he is. BTW out in a local mall(NJ) this morning and heard two songs from Adam playing as I walked through: Aftermath and BTIKM. It was great to hear them since I don't ever hear anything but WWFM on the station I listen to and it took them a while to play that. Can't wait to receive my copy of TRESPASSING in May and hoping it will bring Adam the success and fame he so deserves.

glitzylady said...

Here is a list of RADIO STATION ADDS AND LISTS for North America (US and Canada) of Never Close Our Eyes" from the past week via @barbls23 ..I was very happy to see a Seattle (Bellevue) station on the list so I'll be listening and requesting: ))))))

Here's the link to the "twitlonger": I'd post the actual list but its pretty long (also YAY!) so just open the link and see if your local station is listed..and then REQUEST....

Anonymous said...

to anyone that went to the JK show, did many people end up going? I know they added tickets but I was afraid people wouldn't check back and see them. It looked like many in line to me. Thanks.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:52 AM
I wasn't there but I've seen several media estimates that there were just under a thousand people there...

Anonymous said...

I just read this thread from top to bottom. OMG ! Adam has a hairpiece, Sauli has a large forehead (more room for brains I imagine). Are there still people who think Adommy wasn't fiction from the first stage smooch? Jake Shears has a partner, just as Adam does. And Jake is not a wannabe. He is the snap in Scissor Sisters!
And as far as Adam's vocal technique, is it okay if I don;t give a sh*t about his complex melisma, elastic quality and quick vibrato, I just like to hear him sing!

And I don't even know what to say about the comments praising Pond Scum Perez...his honesty! Get me a drink, a strong one!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:23 AM
I was totally with you until you said you didn't care to hear about his vocal skills as praised by the Divas article..The rest I definitely agree with you: PH: ick, hairpiece ??? (hell no..) ..but I'm ALWAYS happy to hear praise for Adam, to counteract the BS I hear sometimes about his voice by those who wish to diss him. and the best thing in the world is ALWAYS listening to Adam sing!! Anyway...Sheesh...... ; )))

Arthas said...

'Never Close Our Eyes' by @adamlambert is #1 on Unistar Top 20!

Arthas said...

OMG ! Before that BTIKM was up there...

BTIKM is now -2 on 3
NCOE is now +12 on 1

Anonymous said...


I was there! They estimated about 1000 people which was perfect for the amount of standing room available. I can only tell you we were squashed together, shoulder to shoulder like a can of sardines! Yes, there were Plenty of people there and more and more kept coming in closer to the showtime. Those of us who came hours early(like 5-8) got the closest to the stage. It was very well organized in terms of letting people in only a few at a time.

There was a "Marine type Sargent" person there allowing us to take 4 steps forward all together at the same time. So this mass of humanity all pushed forward closer to the stage. He threatened if anyone pushed too much they would be thrown out, so yeah, the crowd was quite orderly but when Adam came on...WOW! The screaming was thunderous! I was one of them! Consequently, I had no voice left for the next 2 days LOL! It was worth every second believe me. Adam felt our love and he smiled and grinned all the time. You could see what a good time he was having. It was the most wonderful experience. Wish I could do it all over again....sigh.
Adams vocals and dance moves for Broken English just about killed me. The most gorgeous song yet.


Anonymous said...


You were one of the luckiest and happiest fan that night indeed!!!!

I was sitting here screaming with happy tears when I saw him in front of my T.V. plus computer after!!!!:)))))

May 15 is the nicest day to come indeed!!!

The Bomb!!! Yay!!


Anonymous said...

re: Popcrush voting - I thought it was said that the voting was unlimited. But, after voting several times,I happened to notice that it said "thank you, we have already received your vote". So, it looks like voting IS limited. I'll go back and check from time to time ..

Anonymous said...

@10:27 so if Sauli has a large forehead what is he supposed to do about it?? If he has blue eyes what is he supposed to do to change that??

And no you were not being catty, just an idiot and a bitch. And FYI I don't think his forehead is too large. Adam looked amazing as well!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh myyyyyyyyyy...I dont even think I need to comment. LOL

glitzylady said...

Nope.....LOL!!!! Some days are like that......

The Dark Side said...

LOL now rumors will start that Adam is going bald! What fun Adam provides us, besides the best music to come along in years. Thanks for the video. Liked how he introduced his new band set up.

SG said...

I envy you sooo much!!the best way possible!;) How you could survive to Broken English moves!??That was really dangerous could cause you& others,high blood pressure, sudden fever and dehydration in a few seconds, also as you told, lost of voice, but I'm sure you feel great now, right!?? I'm glad you had such a great time!!

Anonymous said...

An idiot and a bitch? You're so sweet. I was just making an observation. I wasn't judging his character. This is a fan site of a pop star...or is it a blog about your family members? Don't be so obsessed. Get over it. I actually think Sauli's cute. A lot of comments made here are silly and unecessary. Some of you want to stick your noses up in Adam's personal business so much it's ridiculous. So don't gripe at me, it's hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Going to see Adam. . . May 26 at Six Flags in Agawam, Mass,
I'm thinking yellow glow sticks (to match Trespassing Cover)what do you think and break them open to want song??? Need to get things together for his tour later in the year.....HELP

Anonymous said...

Adam gave all of us insanely impressive vocal performances during the Kimmel mini-concert. He looked spectacular in those leather pants, jacket and boots and really seemed very happy and upbeat. Love the new band members and the backup singers. They all work well with Adam. I suppose this was a trial for Adam testing some of the new songs from TRESPASSING in preparation for his next concert tour. I love the songs I have heard so far and can't wait for the album's release in May. With the other appearances he has scheduled in the next month to promote the album and then rehearsals for the Queen concerts in England and Europe, will he be making an appearance on IDOL? I have not read anything definite yet. Show those remaining five what real talent is with Adam performing.

Anonymous said...

Folks, great idea for those who want to gift Trespassing album. Texas LGBT youth have an amazon wish list requesting 500 Trespassing (Deluxe album) and 500 Trespassing (original). So far they got 222 pre-order of both albums. Go to the link below and pre-order as many as you can:

Share this message with other fans. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Lots of people are so hyper today. I actually hope he IS using hair extensions and not dyeing his hair every few days. Remember his natural color is ginger. Would be a smart thing to do especially when he is touring. And I've been a fan since the very beginning so don't even go there. Actually a very obsessed fan.....ask my grown children who have hinted to have me committed to where I don't know (jokingly I hope).

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I just hope all of us whose families have threatened to have us committed...go to the same facility! What fun we'd have!

@ CT......every time the cameras showed the audience I thought "that might be CT...or any of our Glamily"! What a treat to see him perform the new songs!

Anonymous said...

2;26 That is a wonderful idea and I will be doing some gifting tonight. I never gifted before so if anyone accidently recieves a gift please turn it in to the Texas Lgbt youth. They will so be loving this album. I'm excited.

Shiggles said...

JAK - All my family love Adam, but they keep telling ME that I need to be in a rubber room where I can bounce off the walls and not break anything. I'm sure they're talking about the room decor and not my bones. I'm also thinking they're all jealous of the dancing moves I make. lmao

Shiggles said...

I love everything I've heard so far from Trespassing, but Underneath has me spellbound and in tears just as I Can't Let You Go from FYE did. I only hope it is not outrageously difficult to sing. My left arm is waiting to be given just to hear Adam sing it live.

Anonymous said...


HaHa! I couldn't even find myself when I tried looking back at the video...I was wearing a cap (another fan was wearing the same cap, about 4 people over to the right of me. All I know is I could NOT TAKE MY EYES OFF ADAM except one time....when I looked over at my new Glambert friend I met in line....her eyes were brimming with tears of joy and awe while staring up at Adam singing Broken English. Both of us were mesmerized by his magnificent artistry. There really are not words for it. I'll NEVER forget that evening or that performance.


Anonymous said...

When I am watching him preforming Broken English I literally can't catch my breath!


Anonymous said...

I loved Naked Love that is my favorite. I like them all but that one is so sexy and sweet. Thanks to who ever provided this film. What a treat!

daydreamin said...

It looks like Jason Derulo has been added to perform at the AI finale. The previous week (May 17th) is still open. Come on Adam!

JAK-I will definitely be in that rubber room having lots of fun with my Glamily! Adam will have to come too because he is admittedly cuckoo!

CT, I am so excited that you were able to go to this performance!! You are so lucky to have heard 5 songs! I have to say, I haven't been able to get Naked Love out of my head all day today!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo those adam-picture photos .... eyelashes COULD be false.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for posting the instructions to remove the 3D from the complete Jimmy Kimmel Show clip .... you are an absolute ANGEL!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I think his eyelashes - top & bottom - are false in those photos but Adam looks FABULOSOOOOOOOO no matter what!!

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily. I have very short stubby eyelashes, but I also have a mascara which lengthens them to a point I have gorgeous "Bambi" eyes whenever I want!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Its just mascara people...

Anonymous said...

why so manic over someones eyelashes?

Anonymous said...

I know who Jason Derulo is, but I don't know any of his songs. I know he's very popular. God, I hope Adam is on the 17th! We should be finding out for sure soon!


glitzylady said...

This is totally off topic..but this is Jason Derulo's latest single MV.. "Breathing"... I like it... Watch here if you're curious to know about his music.