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Adam Lambert Says Its Hard Being A Gay Pop Star

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 26, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, April 26, 2012

Via First Coast News Video:


Anonymous said...

the hard thing about being a GAY popstar is that YOU get women wanting to sleep with you. and we all know where this one is going;))

Anonymous said...

You are tough my dear!!!!

All the hardship is paid off for being who you are and no apologies indeed!!!

F*** to all who denounce you for being honest and gifted!!!!!

You are the chosen one to explore your gift and no one can take that away from you!!!!!



Anonymous said...

boo hoo Adam Lambert. you get every sexuality wanting you. alot of hard work at the end of a productive day. why do popstars moan???? I would taking all the perks that goes with it.

Anonymous said...

if you are Gay popstar you don't have to worry about Straight groupies filling up the halls of your hotel suite at all hours of the night or getting inside your room for little you know what!!!! what?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert gets more straight women than most straight men do. how pathetic is that?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert gets more straight women than most straight men do. how pathetic is that?

Anonymous said...

I would ride him like the beast that he is! heckle

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam will ever regret being truthful about his sexualitiy. He will face hardships like everyone else, but he has said that being honest about this has been liberating, despite the backlash that comes with it.


Anonymous said...

I suppose those of us who follow this blogsite and all the latest about Adam certainly have expressed our opinions about the uphill battle that Adam has had to fight to gain a foothold in the music business. I certainly have commented a number of times about the negativity and outright dismissal of Adam as a viable force in music today.I become frustrated reading these comments so I can imagine how Adam must feel with the "GAY POP STAR" label attached to practically everything he does. For me, it has always been about his voice, the best vocal talent performing today. His sexual preference should have nothing to do with the music,but unfortunately it does and has kept Adam from the success and accolades he so deserves. Granted he does bring up the issue himself but he will not hide who he is and is very clear about the difficulties he has faced in his life and his career. There is so much "garbage" that we hear on the radio, on albums and don't even get me started on the sexual content seen in those videos. I will continue to support Adam in all that he does and hope that TRESPASSING will be the turning point in his career with so many positive reviews already being written for it.

Anonymous said...

He has been honest about being a happily gay man and hasn't held back about his attraction to women. I truly think he would have the best of both worlds as far as that one goes. I don't know why the gay/bi man don't embrace him like the straight male/straight female/lesbian/bisexual female does. I think it could be looked at as a competition thing. The gay singers really don't wanna embrace his talent because they see him as competition. That is really how I see it.

Anonymous said...

George Michael has embraced being a gay man who is also attracted to women. He wasn't always embraced by his own community and really didn't care. I think he stood out in that way. George Michael let his talent do alot for him and kinda let the sexuality thing sit on the backburner. I think George Michael likes the chase.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is talking about not being accepted. The reference of visitors in the song is the rebel or outcast. AL has been accepted in the industry but has also been shunned. We want you and we don't want you kinda thing. Top 40 sure hasn't got on board, but people who want a good LIVE show has got it all along.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is talking about not being accepted. The reference of visitors in the song is the rebel or outcast. AL has been accepted in the industry but has also been shunned. We want you and we don't want you kinda thing. Top 40 sure hasn't got on board, but people who want a good LIVE show has got it all along.

Jadam NZ said...

Hell I am getting sick of rehashing all the same old crap. But unfortunately it is still an issue isnt it.
Maybe one day all will give his music a chance, not worry about, sexuality, idol. blah, blah.
It is a challenging thing being an Adam Fan, but worth it. Going back to a thread further back I think it was all said then by Glitzy, Urethra DRG etc and said perfectly, so lets move on.
Should be some new stuff soon with the Kimmell performance, Thank Goodness.

Leilani Aloha said...

Totally agree with anon.3.30pm

Let's move on & support our Rock god Adam Lambert for his Amazing Vocals!!!
Looking forward to his new albums & Live on Jimmy K tonight!!!
Hooray for Adam to be on ABC!!!

Love lovce love Adam Lambert & will surport his music!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a James Durbin fan, but Adam Lambert is one hot sexy ass GAY man. I would do it in a friggin' heartbeat. who else is with me on this????????

Anonymous said...

2;58 well said- i agree totally also @ Jadam NZ totally agree with your outlook also. It is frustrating being an adam fan, but I look at it at this point as being exciting- getting our man to the top that he and us have been fighting for 3 long years now! I have never followed or cared about an artist in my life like I do adam. I'm in for the ride and know it will happen someday and when it does, what will us glamberts talk about then? lol- just predicting the future since we have all been so close to his rise to superstardom


Anonymous said...

@3:55 well welcome to adam lambert site, yes we all know here how sexy he is- maybe you'll have love for both artists! There is no one sexier on this planet but adam , jD is a totally different artist, nothing wrong with him either!

Anonymous said...

Adam has always shown love and support for all peoples, gay or straight. He praises other artists' music publicly. He supports Trevor Project and other gay support issues. Give him the credit he is due for his music, his love and kindness and, where it applies, stop being jealous and hateful (to Johnny Weir also). I pray to God that Adam does not let the negativity affect him and that he stay as loving and caring as he is.

Anonymous said...

Adam is feeling the pinch. I wonder if Adam will be fully embraced by the Americans if he is not gay? Hmmm, my guess is "he is possibly the no. 1 male artist in the US now.

Anonymous said...

Brownie, I totally agree with you..I love Adam, and even love that he is gay..cause I find it sexy and exciting, and I am a straight woman..and I guess I'm a little weird for his sexuality turning me on..but oh well..anyway, manny times I wish that he was straight, simply because I know in my heart that he would be at the top of all charts..he has the looks, talent, personality, etc..which we all know and love and appreciate..if only one could wave a magic wand and persuade all people to live in harmony and acceptance of one another...

glitzylady said...

This is my response to this article: My response is still "Awaiting Moderation" so who knows if it will actually appear:

Generally positive with good points, but I had a couple of concerns.....and questions..

So here it is (my response):

"Hmmm…when I first saw this article on twitter..I was intrigued by the title..and being a long-term and “out and VERY proud” Adam Lambert fan since I first laid eyes (and ears..) on him, I was excited to see a positive take on Adam and the GLBT community. Because, yes, I’ve seen the mixed bag of opinions re Adam from the community and have always been a little (or a lot) confused by the well, “confusion” and the hesitation of some to claim Adam as one of their own. (I have many friends within the gay community so I hesitate to use the world “they” when speaking of the GLBT community, but since I’m straight, I cannot rightfully include myself, so hence the “they”.) I read many of the articles about Adam, including the GLBT oriented mags and columns, but quite honestly I avoid the comments sections, because the comments are not always positive and so perhaps reflect what you are saying here. I suppose the gay community is a smaller, but yet in certain ways, representative of the larger hetero community when it comes to Adam and as a result, the sometimes true, but just as often false, impressions of who he is and what he represents, music wise, and persona wise..but with the added concern of “how does it reflect on us?” by the more conservative in the community. He’s been pushed and pulled in all directions, has been accused of being “too gay”, and “not gay enough” and “not representing the community”..etc..etc… He’s had a couple of what we might call “controversial” incidents, since his time on Idol, that have garnered lots of media attention, because as we know, controversy sells. Is that the main concern for some, of giving the community a “bad” name?? Just to be clear, by the way, I’m a straight female with a family full of Adam Lambert fans of all ages who really and truly love this guy, and could not give a s**t whether he is gay or straight, and at the same time, embrace his “gayness” along with his universal “human-ness”: he is in fact one of the better representatives of human being, in my opinion, (yes, I’ve met him..) which is really what counts to me.. It is a part of who he is. It gives him that extra dimension that perhaps would not be there if he were not gay.. He is quite fine just the way he is, and I don’t think he should change a thing.. It also seems to give him the courage and determination to go outside that “box” of strict American “maleness” and just entertain the hell out of us. He is the sum total of all of his life experience. And I hope people everywhere can learn to appreciate that.. One last comment and the one that gave me pause about this article: I am not sure I get the comparisons of Adam and Johnny Weir, who I also admire for his honesty and his ability to be himself. This statement in particular was concerning to me: “When we look at Lambert or a Johnny Weir, we are confronted with an image that makes us uncomfortable.” Adam, while he is fashion-minded, and sometimes rather androgynous in appearance, is not a screaming queen (although I think they’re just fine too!), and in fact EXUDES “male-ness”, perhaps the best parts of male-ness. He is tall, dark and handsome, and feminine, he isn’t. Not in my book! My husband even comments on the fact that he is QUITE handsome and has never thought he was anything but masculine, make up and all..He is kind, generous, polite, and honest. Not to mention, millions of women around the world would agree that the last thing Adam Lambert is, is “un-masculine”, myself being one of them.

End of Part 1 continued below:

glitzylady said...

Part 2 (continued from 4:35 PM)

Adam is going a slightly different direction with his image for his new album TRESPASSING: maybe that will help those in the community that have been uncomfortable with Adam’s perceived post-Idol Glam Nation Tour “image”, to learn to appreciate and embrace Adam, and don’t take the time to see him for who he really is. He is also brave enough to include a song that speaks directly to the GLBT community, and hopefully the world, or at least America, with “Outlaws of Love”, his heartbreaking song about Marriage Equality and the lack thereof in most states in the US, and the frustration it causes as a result. (I’m from WA..hoping our current law is upheld and Marriage Equality is a reality here..Baby steps..) And his very personal baring-his-soul song “Underneath” which speaks to this very subject of those who do not really know the “real” Adam Lambert. I do feel in the long run he will be a VERY positive and very beloved member of the larger GLBT community, just as he has become in the hearts of his many fans, who come from all walks of life, orientations, and parts of the world. If they will only listen. Last of all, Adam’s apology to the GLBTcommunity on twitter last night broke my heart just a little bit. He of all people knows what he said to be true. This article confirms it. Thank you for speaking up."

glitzylady said...

I should have mentioned the title to the article I responded to above:

"Does Adam Lambert Make Us ‘Embarrassed to be Gay’? He Shouldn’t"

Anonymous said...

Adam stirred feelings in me that no straight man, ever, has. I've used those feelings with the straight man in my life... but they originated, so to speak, with Adam. My straight guy partner is one fucking lucky dude, and thanks Adam daily, or just about daily ;)

Anonymous said...

glitzy, what do you mean apology on twitter? i'll have to go check that out. wth?

Anonymous said...

okay, i see the apology. It doesn't break MY heart so much (althought I understand your POV) because damn that man is so evolved, taking a minute to say his opinion isn't necessarily fact, being thoughtful and evolved enough to post that tweet was exceptional imho actually. Damn he's got it going on

Anonymous said...

I know you may not want this opinion, but here it is. I was obsessed with Adam while he was on AI and the year or so after. My obsession has waned over time though, and the reason for me is the lack of enthusiasm for his new music. I simply don't like it. It's not bad, but it's not catchy or different or innovative or whatever. It's as if he's aiming to be like everyone else.
The songs on Trespassing are so-so to me. If another singer was singing them, I would never have given them a second listen.
Adam has a great voice, but he doesn't sound genuine in executing the emotion of the song sometimes.
Of the snippets I've heard, only a couple sound hit worthy, and they are not the ones he's released so far. And I actually only like one. I was going to buy the whole cd, but after hearing the snippets, I will just get the one song when it becomes available.
In my opinion, the songs on FYE are much better songs.

glitzylady said...

Late last night, Adam posted this on his twitter acct..

Its assumed that it is in response to his quote in the Instinct Magazine article: specifically the last sentence:

"The outspoken entertainer, one of very few openly gay recording artists signed to a major American label, didn’t shy away from discussing what he sees as the elusive gay demographic early on and without prompting when he sat down to chat with Instinct.

“As a community, we’re a little bit resistant to a gay male pop star ourselves,” Lambert says. He’s confident. His delivery indicates he’s spent time thinking about the topic. “It’s very easy for people to look at my origin, which is American Idol, and automatically assume that I’m a commercial sellout or a puppet or a flash in the pan. I don’t think I’m any of those things.”

A laugh, marinated in tension, inspires him to get a little more personal.

“There’s something weird there. We’re very eager to celebrate a strong female.

But to celebrate a fellow gay man—it gets catty sometimes.”

Adam's tweet:

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
I'm still learning.Sometimes I state my opinions as fact and make generalizations.I apologize to the LGBT community.Great music is the key.

I don't think he has anything to apologize for...because it does get "catty" and worse....


glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:48 PM
I agree completely..I just think its too bad he felt he needed to. He is indeed highly evolved.. and is always thinking of others feelings. I just wish everyone was that him.

Anonymous said...

Hi again glitzy. 4:58 here again. I just popped over to that article and posted this:

Excellent points. I blogged the other day that wonderful men, in the entertainment industry anyway, like Neil Patrick Harris are great, but about as “red state” friendly as you can get. Lambert is left of center, not particularly traditional, yet still possesses this boy next door quality that I find a beautiful asset of representation to a certain facet of the LGBT community. As Lambert has said himself at the Glaad Awards he performed at, diversity WITHIN the community is a major issue to be considered. My gosh, if the LGBT community itself can’t embrace the more left of center citizens among them, they must feel very alone, makes me sad. I say above Lambert is hardly traditional, yet he is beautifully traditional in his kindness, intellect, decency, every-day-joe-ness, etc. He is the boy next door, just a different kind of boy next door, but no less wholesome at the core. I do not understand how he is not a stunning representative of one part of a larger community… not to mention how he seems to conduct himself off the stage on a daily basis, to me, is a lovely representation of the community of HUMAN BEINGS!

Anonymous said...

@anony April 26, 2012 5:02 PM:

I belive Adam would respect your opinion wholeheartedly, because you seem to be making it, forming it, based on your visceral reactions to his latest music. I don't know Adam, but I'd guess that he'd say: cool.

Thank you for posting that comment without any non-musical snipes or the like, I find it refreshing and it's much appreciated.

I myself love what I've heard of Trespassing. Meatloaf, MJ & Prince were always some of my favorites and Adam's music really srikes a chord with me, I'm really loving it.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:58 PM
Beautifully put! Bravo....

Hope my comments show up there sometime...Beginning to wonder if they ever will!!

Anonymous said...

Mosie said...Thank you Anom 5.13pm. I agree totally!!!!

Anonymous said...

5:02, I appreciate your honesty, but I have the exact opposite reaction to Trespassing, I think the songs I've heard are ALL original sounding and incredibly well performed with exciting arrangements and musicality. I can't imagine what you listen to that is so much better. But to each his own. Try as I might, I can't find a vocalist better than Adam. And I DO listen. As for the songs, his songs are great. If an Adam song was sung by any other pop star, it would probably be a hit, but Adam is still looking for acceptance, not so much as a SINGER, but as a PERSON. It's him as a PERSON that is not being accepted, not him as a singer. People will say how good a singer he is but then they have that "don't like the gay thing, don't like the make-up thing, don't like the whatever thing" they want to use as an excuse not to support him. His songs are as exciting as anyone's out there. In fact is that a lot of HITS out there are same-old, same-old, but they're hits anyway. Hope you stick around and remain a supportive fan. Adam needs more us, not fewer.


Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Adam Lambert's voice, looks, personality and talent on AI. I didn't even he gay or not? That didn't matter, and it still doesn't. He deserves to be recognized for his talent. His songs are a hundred times better than anything on the radio. It is ridiculous that he is labeled gay pop this day and age...get with it America. Geez. And, Adam is right. Gay men should embrace him for being so open and for being ultra talented. He should have millions of followers, but they are catty; they are jealous of him. Frankly, Adam is one of the most masculine, Alpha Males ever, and he is sexy and hot as can be. Everyone should recognize this vocally gifted man.

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Adam Lambert's voice, looks, personality and talent on AI. I didn't even he gay or not? That didn't matter, and it still doesn't. He deserves to be recognized for his talent. His songs are a hundred times better than anything on the radio. It is ridiculous that he is labeled gay pop this day and age...get with it America. Geez. And, Adam is right. The gay community doesn't seem to embrace male pop stars like they do female ones. What gives? Gay men should embrace him for being so open and for being ultra talented. He should have millions of followers, but they are catty; they are jealous of him. Frankly, Adam is one of the most masculine, Alpha Males ever, and he is sexy and hot as can be. Everyone should recognize this vocally gifted man.

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Adam Lambert's voice, looks, personality and talent on AI. I didn't even he gay or not? That didn't matter, and it still doesn't. He deserves to be recognized for his talent. His songs are a hundred times better than anything on the radio. It is ridiculous that he is labeled gay pop this day and age...get with it America. Geez. And, Adam is right. The gay community doesn't seem to embrace male pop stars like they do female ones. What gives? Gay men should embrace him for being so open and for being ultra talented. He should have millions of followers, but they are catty; they are jealous of him. Frankly, Adam is one of the most masculine, Alpha Males ever, and he is sexy and hot as can be. Everyone should recognize this vocally gifted man.

Anonymous said...

@5:02: to each his own, absolutely. But OMG, you don't find Shady fresh and yummy? Really, I mean...really?

yep, to each his own. I am so diggin' those snippets I'm almost in China!


Anonymous said...

I wish AL would jizzle my lizzle.

Anonymous said...

OT - Was anyone able to live stream the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight?

Anonymous said...

@ 5:02 PM,

In other words my dear you r just gonna wait for the third album indeed!:)))

We can't blame u for your decision.....

We just gonna shake our hips in the concerts then and leave u alone....

Maybe we will hear from you again for the 3rd album hmmmmmmmm???


Anonymous said...

Set list for JK concert.
Never Close Our Eyes
Naked Love
Broken English


Anonymous said...

I am all for gettin down at Adam's concerts!!! I am gonna melt with that breathing part in shady(Oops TMI). So ready for Trespassing to come out!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought the Queen tribute band was pretty good tonight on AI. If they come to the Cleveland area I'll go see them. I kept waiting for Adam to pop up in the audience but he was probably taping JK, I can't keep the time zones straight. It was good to see Stefano too, he did a good job.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would stop trying to make the gay community like him. Either they do or not. He doesn't need to turn off his fan base by always going to gay this gay that &
gay music. You don't hear this about a straight male singer "He went to a straight bar last night" Why does Adam have to be labeled like this? Come on people.

Anonymous said...

7:27 he never turns me off by going to gay this or gay that. I am always happy to hear that because I know Adam is among mostly friends and he is comfortable. I only pray there are no trolls there. lol

daydreamin said...

Short vid of Adam at JK:

daydreamin said...

The stage:

daydreamin said...

The livestream ie show is just about to start.

Anonymous said...

why do I always have anxiety before Adam performs? I guess I feel like he is one of my nephews.

Anonymous said...

7:27 I think the vast majority of Adam's fans are not turned off when he goes to gay clubs or hangs out with gay friends. I know I'm not bothered by it. Too bad it bothers you.

Counting the minutes till Kimmel tonight!


daydreamin said...


daydreamin said...

Katie Perry on Idol tonight. Wasn't the LAST time she was on idol was when she wore that famous jacket with Adam's initial "A" on the back?!!

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry performed E.T on Idol

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry performed Part Of Me tonight. very nice production she is a good performer.

daydreamin said...

GREAT pic of Adam tonight (tight leather pants alert!!!!)

daydreamin said...

Important tweet:

Secret Squirrel ‏ @Squirrely007 Reply Retweeted Favorite · Open
Just saw the Kimmel commercial with Adam strutting across the stage.
Retweeted by TrueGlambert3

daydreamin said...

Hot (and other) pics alert!

Anonymous said...

What I'd like to know is why gay men/women say they're out and 'proud'? I'm straight and I don't say I'm straight and 'proud'. I've never said in my entire life (which is a very long time lol) that I'm straight - no one has ever questioned my sexuality - and it would never ever occur to me to say I'm 'straight and proud'. Perhaps someone can enlighten me on this subject AND I am a HUGE fan of Adam. His sexuality is a non-issue to me.

Anonymous said...

I read in times gone by that straight women used to camp outside Clay Aiken's house (his mother's house I think it was) waiting for him to appear which made him feel trapped. If there's a fan of Clay Aiken's on this blog, they might be able to enlighten us re this.

Anonymous said...

OOOO, Adam to sing Naked Love on Jimmy Kimmel's show. I hope this is true. I absolutely love Naked Love.

Anonymous said...

Adam has every right to speak about being gay. For those people making comments that he should keep that part of him quiet, more or less, for his fans is outrageous. I admire him for being who he is and not conforming to what some people in our society think he should act and be. All I know is that he is a beautiful human being that brings joy to me through his music and entertaining. His talent goes beyond anything I have seen in my 48 years. And might I add, he is simply the most attractive man that I have ever laid my eyes on.


Anonymous said...

@Anony April 27, 2012 3:37 AM:

This is going to come out disrespectful, so I aplogize up front for that, but really dude? Really? Are you kidding?

I don't have the time to answer you fully, but before I run out the door, let me just say: BECAUSE YOU'VE NEVER HAD TO

mimi said...

I love everything that "glitzylady" has to say about Adam--she is always so positive and "just hits the nail on the head". It breaks my heart that Adam has such an uphill battle in this thing called "music industry". I believe, as most of Adams' fans do, that talent like his comes along once in a lifetime. If he was not gay, he would have already become a mega star. Such prejudice and jealousy exists unfortunately . Maybe that is why people like George Michael did not shout it out that they were gay--until he became well known and was accepted. So sad--I will always be a fan of Adams'--so much talent and tall and good looking too! I pray that people that are not current fans will give a listen to his new album and realize that it is supposed to be about the music!

Anonymous said...

@ 3:37

You have probably never been part of a group that endured bigotry and prejudice, therefore you can't understand the need to be proud of yourself and seek the acceptance of others. In this country many of us have known or our ancestors have known prejudice. It's only been about 5 or 6 generations ago that my ancestors arriving from Ireland were subject to great discrimination and had a hard climb to acceptance. Whether it's ethnic, racial, or sexual orientation, it's painful to not be accepted. You need to be proud to survive.